• 6 years ago
A pregnant woman had her hair dyed pink or blue while blindfolded for a double gender reveal surprise. Theresa Coleson, from Falls Church, Virginia, has been obsessed with coloring her hair crazy colors since high school and reckons she’s dyed it every color of the rainbow over the years. Some of her jobs wouldn’t allow her to color her hair, but since working at Mission Catnip Marketing she’s had the freedom to have fun with her hair again, so set about coming up with a creative way to reveal her baby’s gender. Upon discovering she was pregnant in February, Theresa and hair-stylist friend Tammy brewed up the idea before Theresa took it to her OBGYN and researched it to ensure no hazards. After getting the all-clear, her OBGYN called Tammy directly with the gender results, and on April 20 Theresa went to Alya Salon to have her hair dyed ahead of her gender reveal party. Tammy used a blindfold so not to give anything away, and then put a top hat on Theresa so she could travel to meet up with husband Michael Coleson at the party. The couple gave friends and family colored confetti to throw, and as Theresa lifted the hat to reveal the gender to them, she found out herself from the confetti.


