• 6年前
I am talking about the big truth... @摇音小助手#暖男先生(我说的都是大实话……@抖音小助手 #暖男先生) - 暖男先生

The little master woke up, no one wants to sleep.(小主醒了,谁也别想睡了) - 小金库☼

#原创国风计划 Devil from heaven(#原创国风计划 来自天堂的魔鬼) - 小四四

I wish you all a good dream! My beauty, take it away! #魔之的魔鬼(祝大家有个好梦!我的美照,拿走不谢!#来自天堂的魔鬼) - 李大嗓

A video tells you the importance of applying a mask(一个视频告诉你 敷面膜的重要性) - 是你的王老师呀

How did you shoot it? (你们到底是怎么拍的呀 ) - 罗志祥

May my friends smile every day!(愿我的朋友每天笑口常开!) - 演员张海燕《封神演义》姜子牙老婆

He said that the weather is too hot, shaving the board for the summer. #柴柴柴柴柴柴 #vlog每日#萌宠#柴@摇音小助手(粑粑说天气太热了,剃个板寸过夏天。#柴犬柴犬柴犬 #vlog日常 #萌宠 #柴 @抖音小助手) - 小飞柴七宝

After listening to this song, you are not stunned. ##音音小助手 Shake a shake, troubles and walk away~#Love illusion(听过这首歌的你是不暴漏年龄了#抖音小助手 抖一抖,烦恼走一走~#爱情错觉) - 阿悠悠

Cats and mice you want Episode 60(你们要的猫和老鼠 第60集) - 猫王•俊宇

I want to see you again #Germany Shepherd(我多想再见你#德国牧羊犬) - 铲

Maybe this is the best farewell...(也许这是最好的告别... ) - 爱情佳梦

What she said makes sense, I am speechless... @摇音小助手#暖男先生(她说的有道理,我竟无言以对...@抖音小助手 #暖男先生) - 暖男先生

Recently, the super fire "#桃花笑", a whole song choreographed, do you want to see it? Full version #舞蹈戳>>>(最近超火的《 #桃花笑》,一整首歌曲编舞,你想看吗?完整版#舞蹈戳>>>) - 单色舞蹈

Nowadays, I am forced to sing from an old man! The big brother on my top can't stand it anymore! #桃花笑(如今这年头逼的我,来自一个老年人的唱跳!我顶上的大哥都看不下去了!#桃花笑) - 衡小只

I may have a fool #猫与猫与猫与猫#猫#傻(我可能养了个傻子#猫与猫与猫与猫 #猫 #傻) - ฅ milk tea

Anyway, I just want to eat more.(反正就是想再吃點) - 蒋欣

Where is the cat ~ #我是一个猫(哪吒猫咪~#我是一只猫) - 陈蕾蕾呀

Have the same feeling to raise a hand...(有同感的举个手……) - 郭冬临
