Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190612 抖音每日热门视频

  • 5年前
#塑料情侣#Daily When a boyfriend is unreasonable, @巨人勋(#塑料情侣 #日常 当男朋友无理取闹的时候@巨人勋) - 鹿神啊

Beautiful Xiangxi Township# Record China #湘西芙蓉古镇(美丽的湘西小镇#记录中国 #湘西芙蓉古镇) - 天涯【记录中国】

Hey, you are not calm at all. What are you running? @黑魔仙(瞅瞅你,一点都不淡定。跑什么玩意呢@黑魔仙) - 旭洋啊

The master has never believed that I have been in China for five years. . Why are you hahahaha?(师傅一直不相信我来中国5年了。。为什么呀哈哈哈哈) - 潇潇Gaby

No one can resist the most dazzling national wind #吃鸡(没有人能抵挡住最炫民族风 #吃鸡) - 不齐舞团

#vlog我的每日 Chinese language is profound and profound but can not be used to bully people @巫煜坡A-Woo(#vlog我的日常 中国语言博大精深但是不能用来这么欺负人@巫煜坡A-Woo) - 晴虹Camille

Every night, noisy to open air conditioning, electricity can not afford to pay, it is time to sell art # I like to give you(天天晚上吵吵要开空调,电费都交不起了,是时候要卖艺了#我喜欢的都给你) - 会说话的大Michael

Keeping a dog for a thousand days(养狗千日 用狗一时) - 西与.

The art teacher asked me if I had to take a class. I heard that the math teacher had already taken the triangle board. This time, I must catch up with him before I lose. I am sorry for my new running shoes...(美术老师手疼问我要不要课,听说数学老师已经拿着三角板过去了,这次一定要赶在他前,再输就对不起我新买的跑鞋...) - 唱游

The first handicraft from the old father, does not accept criticism #vlog my daily routine(来自老父亲的第一件手工艺品,不接受批评#vlog我的日常) - 尿尿是只猫

About the point of finding an object...(关于找对象的那点事……) - 汇缘影音

After charging full, this...Boom!(充電滿格之後这样…Boom!) - 蔡依林


