Moon calls on N. Korea to make practical measures to denuclearize

  • 5 years ago
문 대통령 “북한, 완전한 비핵화 의지 보여야,.. 대화 통해 체제보장”

President Moon Jae-in addressed the Swedish parliament.
During the session he pointed out North Korea’s practical steps for denuclearization are needed to speed up the denuclearization process.
He also pressed that only through dialogue,… the regime can maintain its security assurance.
Shin Se-min has our top story.
President Moon Jae-in says North Korea should demonstrate its willingness to completely denuclearize through practical measures.
"North Korea must substantially show to the international community its commitment to completely dismantling its nuclear weapons and to establishing a peace regime.”
His remarks came during his address to the Swedish parliament of Riksdag, a key part of his itinerary during his state visit to the country.
At the same time,… he said the North should keep dialogue with the outside world,… whether they may be bilateral or multilateral so it can earn the trust of the international community.
Moon also said inside the trust-based dialogue lies what North Korea really wants,… security assurance.
“It is dialogue, not military forces, that secures peace between the two Koreas. If North Korea takes the path of dialogue, no one would threaten the political system or safety of North Korea.”
The president added that when the North does in fact chooses the path of dialogue,… the international community will immediately respond and that the South, too, will work to secure the safety of the regime.
President Moon at the same time directed a message to the people of South Korea,… saying those who distrust dialogue are the ones slowing the peace process,… and called for people-to-people exchanges.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Stockholm.


