Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190617 抖音每日热门视频

  • 5年前
Seeing with such eyesight, will you let your child get it later?(这么有眼力见,以后是不是让你带孩子得了) - 小胖多

This is probably the translation of the "horse riding" I learned in the English class. #英语#高考(这,大概是我在英语课学到的“骑马”的翻译吧 #英语 #高考) - 白毛毛

Understand your majesty! @陈德修(了解ㄧ下!@陈德修) - 汪东城

"The City of the Sky" pure vocal version adaptation @振音小助手 #阿卡贝拉人人#bbox(《天空之城》纯人声版改编@抖音小助手 #阿卡贝拉纯人声 #bbox) - 秦一豪

in case(如果) - Angelababy

Seriously discussing the new play style #孙俪, the next second actually wants to do it yourself "off" @摇音小助手(认真讨论新戏造型的#孙俪 ,下一秒竟然要自己动手“脱”@抖音小助手) - 孙俪工作室

Teasing my mother-in-law, watching her reaction, #家有好婆婆(逗一下婆婆 看她啥反应#家有好婆婆) - 酥酥和大东

() - 当妈不容易

The most beautiful voice on the court is cheering. #call the main team call @路人王篮球(球场上最动听的声音就是欢呼声了吧#为主队打call @路人王篮球) - 伊贰叁

People say that letting nature go, it’s not at all, but it’s really no choice.(人都说顺其自然 其实一点都不是 而是实在别无选择的选择) - 小橘妈

Hey ~~~(哎哟喂~~~) - 尹正

David: You will wait for me for another two years! @摇音小助手(戴维:你再等我两年的!@抖音小助手) - 疯狂动物城

In fact, I just want to know if my aunt is "stunning" to you? #原创国风计划# What is the beauty of the peak? @摇音小助手(其实,我就是想知道姑妈“惊艳”到你了吗?#原创国风计划 #美到巅峰是什么样 @抖音小助手) - 姑妈有范儿

Arranged by the devil music, Candy sister knows #哈斯奇(被魔性音乐安排了,Candy妹儿了解一下#哈士奇) - 板栗

In order to make a dumpling soft, it can't be hard. If you can eat it, you can do it. @摇音小助手@抖音星探家(为了一个饺子软的不行来硬的.能吃着就行哈@抖音小助手 @抖音星探家) - 博哥威武

Peace and joy, no dispute(平安喜乐,不许纷争) - 小金库☼

I hope all my fathers can be superman of my family, and I wish you a happy Father's Day!(愿所有爸爸都能做家人的超人,祝大家父亲节快乐!) - 张晋max

Father's Day takes the grandfather to the park, the female ticket is pulled to make the material, must see the last! I want to laugh and die.(父亲节带爷爷逛公园,女票被拉去做素材,一定要看到最后!我要笑死了) - Simon


