Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190621 抖音每日热门视频

  • 5年前
When you are young, you know that you are humbly and you don’t want to grab it. It’s really a minute of triplets.(打小就知道互相谦让,不争不抢 ,果然是相差一分钟的三胞胎) - 三胞胎佑佑妍妍和小辰

I had a beautiful dream at night. @邓伦(夜里做了个美丽的梦。@邓伦) - Silence

Money is not blown by the wind, everyone is not easy(钱都不是大风吹来的 大家都不容易) - 小东东呀

There is no such thing as "see you next semester" #Who is the best dormitory group #趣dou校园# Graduation happy(再也没有那句“下学期见了”#谁是最佳宿舍团 #趣dou校园 #毕业快乐) - 淡淡的脉搏

Bamboo shoots that you peel yourself must be eaten all! #奇妙的动物(自己剥的竹笋 一定要全部吃掉!#奇妙的动物) - 筱筱

#狂浪 Rainy days are suitable for bursting emotions! Get out of trouble!(#狂浪 下雨天就适合抒发情绪!把烦恼都吼出来!) - 巴哥Bart

What crazy things did you do before graduation? #毕业季#Love you three thousand times(毕业前,你做过什么疯狂的事?#毕业季 #爱你三千遍) - 七舅脑爷

I actually saw my ideal career at the high-speed rail station.(我竟然在高铁站看到了自己的理想职业) - 我是小璐

It is said that there is a deep physics kinetic energy and thermal energy conversion principle... #空调(据说这里隐藏着很深的物理学空气动能与热能的转换原理……#空调) - 下前下前拳

#vlog我的每日 Remember, how come you feel comfortable, whether you live or love ❤️(#vlog我的日常 要记住呀 怎么舒服就怎么来 无论生活还是爱情 ❤️) - 喵禾苗苗

I heard that boys like to make this gesture.(听说男孩子都喜欢做这个手势) - 淘气陈奶奶

Looked at the vibrato, not far away, came to Interlaken, it really is a fairyland on earth! #带塔去旅行#振音小助手(看了抖音,不远万里,来到因特拉肯,果然是人间仙境!#带ta去旅行 #抖音小助手) - XA

What if the dog "group breaks down"? Parents are not to criticize, but to dismantle them and let them see the cruel reality of dogs! @摇音星探家(狗狗“组团拆家”怎么办?家长要做不是批评,而是狠狠拆散它们,让它们看清狗生得残酷现实!@抖音星探家) - 柯铭

May you be greedy and not fat, may you do everything well, may your deep feelings not be disappointed, fueling #正能量#创业#励志@摇音小助手(愿你贪吃不胖,愿你万事顺遂,愿你的深情不被辜负,加油#正能量 #创业 #励志 @抖音小助手) - 阿坝小王子

Shock! The little brother of the sunglasses actually made a special product for the [rain girl without melon]! #我的美食日记#Poverty cuisine(震惊!墨镜小哥竟把【雨女无瓜】做成了一道上品美味! #我的美食日记 #贫穷料理 ) - 贫穷料理

I want to say that you don't eat well. Everyone doesn't believe it. @摇音小助手(要说你吃饭不磨蹭.大家都不信.@抖音小助手) - 博哥威武

#同世界同同妈 Never say a good thing in front of your mother!(#同一个世界同一个妈 在妈妈面前永远不要说一个东西好吃!) - 歪果萌


