Larry Elder Completely Debunks Social Justice and Black Lives Matter

  • 5 years ago
Larry Elder (conservative radio host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss Conservatives, Libertarians, Black Lives Matter, racism, Hollywood liberal bias, and more. Conservative author and talk-show host Larry Elder annihilated liberal talk show host David Rubin during in a conversation that covered racism and whether blacks are targeted by police more often than other races. During an interview on the YouTube program “The Rubin Report“ in January 2016, Elder said the breakdown of the family, particularly fatherless families, is the number one problem in black America rather than racism or bad police officers.

Elder argued there’s a liberal agenda in play and “the goal is to tell black people that we’re victims, that discrimination, racism remain major problems in America when, in fact, they don’t. And they want black people to vote for the Democratic Party.”

“The Democratic Party gets 95 percent of the black vote, and the reason they get it is blacks are convinced that the number one issue facing the country is social justice, racist white cops, discrimination, systemic racism, micro-aggression – whatever new word they come up with – and it’s a bunch of nonsense,” Elder said.

“The number one problem domestically facing this country is the breakdown of the family,” Elder said. “And President Obama said it, I didn’t. A kid raised without a dad is five times more likely to be poor and commit crimes; nine times more likely to drop out of school; and 20 times more likely to end up in jail.”

When Rubin attempted to argue there was systemic discrimination against blacks, Elder asked him several times to provide one specific example.

“Give me the most blatant racist example you can come up with right now,” Elder said to Rubin.

“I think you could probably find evidence that, in general, cops are more willing to shoot if the perpetrator is black than white,’ Rubin said.

“What’s your data, what’s your basis for saying that?” Elder shot back. “I’m talking about what the facts are. Nine hundred sixty-five people were shot by cops last year and killed. Four percent of them were white cops shooting unarmed blacks. In Chicago, in 2011, 21 people were shot and killed by cops. In 2015, there were seven.

“In Chicago, which is a third black, a third white, a third Hispanic, 70 percent of the homicides are black on black – about 40 per month, almost 50 per year – last year in Chicago and 75 percent of them are unsolved,” Elder said. “Where is Black Lives Matter on that?”

“Half the homicides in this country are committed by and against black people,” Elder told Rubin. “Last year there were 14,000 homicides – not talking about suicides, I’m talking about homicides — half of them were black [and] 96% of them were black on black of that 7,000. Where’s the Black Lives Matter on that?”

Music at end: The Delta (Mo Trappy Mix) by Dhruva Aliman


