• 2 months ago
"Climate: The Movie" highlights a different perspective on the climate change debate and is supported by scientists who have signed the Clintel's World Climate Declaration. This group of researchers seeks to present an alternative narrative in the face of the dominant discourse. Climate The Movie is a must-see film for anyone concerned with the future of science and humanity. Features distinguished scientists (Nobel physicist, Princeton astrophysicist, among others) showing how climate "science" has been corrupted by politics, money, and the lust for power. Presents extensive data and reasoning showing that CO2 has been purposely demonized as the alleged key to climate control, knowing that this implies control of the vast majority human energy resources (fossil fuels). This completely ignores the obvious source of historical climate change - solar radiation and its variation with cloud cover, orbital parameters, and the sun's magnetic and thermal changes. Well-presented, in a calm and non-apocalyptic manner that stands in distinct contrast to most climate alarmism. Wonderful piece of work. Climate The Movie does as it says, presents the Cold Truth. It gives a good overview of how climate change came to dominate current political discourse. It features a raft of prominent scientists, physicists, climatologists and Patrick Moore (the founder of Greenpeace) all who dared to dispute the prevailing consensus that the science is settled. The documentary meticulously details the 4 other more reliable measurements of temperature change (rural surface stations, ocean gauges, satellite readings and atmospheric balloons) to show that all the IPCC reports and models are mostly based on sites that have been engulfed over time by urbanization and hence subject to distortions in the record by the urban heat island effect. The 4 methods confirm only a slight temperature rise and this is reported alongside the long term historical records going back centuries and then tree ring and ice core testing going back millennia to show that we've been warmer before when there was no industrial output to blame.

Finally many current media myths and obsessions were debunked including no increase in hurricanes and storms, hotter daily temps in the 1930's than recently and significantly fewer modern forest fires than the '20' and '30s.

The way prominent scientists, environmentalists, politicians and the media exaggerate and distort the truth to manipulate the masses into accepting all of the constraints on lifestyle and escalating costs of enforcing net zero is dramatically laid out. This documentary is an important contribution to the debate of climate science that is in reality far from settled. Sensational video showing what the state of the Earth's climate really is. Scientists, Nobel laureates, climate researchers, astrophysicists describe what is really happening, and what is our real threat.

#climatechange #environment #history
00:00:00People are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing.
00:00:09We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales
00:00:16of eternal economic growth.
00:00:19How dare you?
00:00:26This is the story of how an eccentric environmental scare grew into a powerful global industry.
00:00:33It's a wonderful business opportunity, okay?
00:00:36You want climate, we'll give you climate.
00:00:39There's a huge amount of money involved and this is a huge big money scam.
00:00:44There are not just now billions, but there are trillions of dollars at stake.
00:00:50It's a story of self-interest and big government funding.
00:00:54People like me, our careers depend on funding of climate research.
00:01:00This is what I've been doing just about my whole career.
00:01:02This is what the other climate researchers are doing with their whole career.
00:01:06They don't want this to end.
00:01:07If CO2 isn't having the huge negative impacts that we claimed it was having originally,
00:01:13how are we going to stay in business?
00:01:15A lot of people's livelihoods depend on it.
00:01:18They're not going to give that up.
00:01:20This is a story of the corruption of science.
00:01:23There's no such thing as a climate emergency happening on this planet now.
00:01:27There's no evidence of one.
00:01:30The climate alarm is nonsense, you know?
00:01:32It's a hoax.
00:01:33I've never liked hoax.
00:01:34I think scam is a better word, but I'm willing to live with hoax.
00:01:39It's a story about the bullying and intimidation of anyone who dares to challenge the climate alarm.
00:01:45To speak up against or about climate change in any sort of skeptical way was essentially
00:01:50career suicide.
00:01:52Activists are even calling for any skepticism to be criminalized.
00:01:59It's the story of an assault on individual freedom.
00:02:03It's a wonderful way to increase government power.
00:02:06If there's an existential threat out there that's worldwide, well, you need a powerful
00:02:12worldwide government, you know, to cope with it.
00:02:15We see all these kind of authoritarian measures being adopted in the name of saving the planet.
00:02:23You've suddenly got the population under control all over the world.
00:02:33We called it industrial progress.
00:02:37Since the Industrial Revolution, the development of free market capitalist mass production
00:02:42has made ever more goods ever more affordable to ever larger numbers of people.
00:02:46Mass production marched hand in hand with mass consumption.
00:02:51In the modern age, ordinary people enjoy a level of prosperity never before achieved
00:02:56in human history.
00:02:57But all the while, we are told we were destroying the planet.
00:03:06Computers have calculated what is in store for us as we produce and consume ever more.
00:03:11The weather will get worse.
00:03:13The planet will boil.
00:03:15We greedy humans must accept limits on our lifestyle.
00:03:19Consume less.
00:03:20Travel less.
00:03:21Those who deny the climate crisis are not just wrong, they're dangerous, spreading the
00:03:26poison of doubt among a gullible population.
00:03:30These deniers should be shunned and shamed and censored.
00:03:34For these climate deniers are flat earthers.
00:03:37They are anti-science.
00:03:44Teaching at New York University is one of these climate deniers.
00:03:47Professor Stephen Kunin is one of America's leading physicists.
00:03:51He was a science advisor to President Obama and both vice president and provost of Caltech,
00:03:57one of the most prestigious scientific institutes in the world.
00:04:05I teach climate science to my students at NYU.
00:04:10And I always tell them, check the data or the papers yourself.
00:04:15And they all come out of that course with their eyes wide open.
00:04:21Professor Kunin's best-selling book, Unsettled, argues that mainstream scientific studies,
00:04:26accepted by official agencies, do not support the notion that there is any kind of climate
00:04:31crisis at all.
00:04:34Because I've been called a denier.
00:04:37And my response is, tell me what I'm denying, because I'm quoting from you directly from
00:04:43the official UN scientific reports.
00:04:48Dick Linzen also dismisses the claims of climate alarmists.
00:04:52He's one of the world's leading meteorologists, was professor of meteorology at both Harvard
00:04:57University and MIT, and has served on the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
00:05:02or IPCC.
00:05:06Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, if you go to their section on Working
00:05:13One, Group One, which is the science, they don't support any of these claims.
00:05:19And I assure you, having served on it, it's biased.
00:05:24But you couldn't get any real scientist to agree some of the nonsense that's being promoted.
00:05:30Bill Happa is also a denier, and is another of America's leading physicists.
00:05:35He has been science advisor to three presidents, and professor of physics at both Columbia
00:05:39and Princeton University.
00:05:41There's this mischievous idea that's promoted that scientific truth is determined by consensus.
00:05:49In real science, you know, there are always arguments.
00:05:52No science is ever settled.
00:05:53You know, it just is absurd when people say the science of climate is settled.
00:05:58There's no such thing as settled science, especially climate.
00:06:02Dr. John Clauser is one of the most respected scientists in the world.
00:06:07In 2022, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics.
00:06:11The science that's being done is appallingly bad, in my opinion.
00:06:15There are a large number of scientists who are in violent disagreement.
00:06:18They refer to themselves as skeptics.
00:06:21Since I am no longer worried about losing funding or a job, whatever, I call myself
00:06:27a climate change denier.
00:06:30These very eminent and respected scientists, and others like them, are not flat earthers.
00:06:36They do not deny science.
00:06:38So what's the evidence that has caused them to dismiss the climate alarm as nonsense?
00:06:50We are told that current temperatures are unprecedented and dangerously high.
00:06:55It's possible to check if this is true, because we have evidence of Earth's climate history
00:07:00dating back hundreds, thousands, even millions of years.
00:07:06The desert of Judea by the Dead Sea.
00:07:09Professor Nir Shavi from the Racker Institute of Physics has come here looking for clues.
00:07:15Thousands of years ago, this place was underwater, and etched into the rocks are lines which,
00:07:20if you know how to read them, tell the story of Earth's climate history.
00:07:25So here's the climate.
00:07:27We're at the lake bed of what used to be Lake Lisan.
00:07:32It's a lake that existed until the end of the last Ice Age.
00:07:37Back then, the lake level was maybe 100 meters above where we're located.
00:07:42When we want to reconstruct climates of the past, we have to look for evidence, for clues.
00:07:49And when the lake existed, it had deposits, and by looking at these layers here, we can
00:07:55actually reconstruct how the climate has changed.
00:08:01Warmer water means more life, the accumulation of more shells and bones from sea creatures,
00:08:07and other changes that are reflected in the ancient layers of the lake bed.
00:08:12The lines act as a kind of thermometer, and this is just one way geologists can reconstruct
00:08:17past climate.
00:08:18In other places, we can go to stalagmite caves and see the annual rings that you have in
00:08:24the stalagmites, or we can drill a course from the bottom of the ocean and then look
00:08:30at layers there, or many other places.
00:08:33But here, I think this is one of the nicest places because you can actually see, you can
00:08:37actually see how the climate has changed.
00:08:43And when we look back in time, what do we find?
00:08:51For 200 million years, dinosaurs roamed the earth, an earth marked by fertile, dense forests
00:08:59teeming with life.
00:09:01And at no time during those 200 million years were temperatures as cold as they are today.
00:09:08If you go back, let's say, 200 million years, it was maybe 13 degrees warmer than it is
00:09:16So, on the geological perspective, this is not at all unprecedented.
00:09:22For the last 500 million years, temperatures have varied greatly.
00:09:27But for almost all that time, the earth was much, much warmer than today.
00:09:33Compared to the last half billion years, the earth right now is exceptionally cold.
00:09:38In fact, there are very few times when it's been this cold.
00:09:42We're relatively cold, maybe not quite the coldest it's been in 500 million years, but
00:09:49pretty close to it.
00:09:50We are in a remarkably cool period if we look over the last 550 million years.
00:09:56In fact, only one other time period in that last 550 million years was the temperature
00:10:01as cool as it is now.
00:10:03The mammals who now inhabit the earth began to evolve around 60 million years ago, when
00:10:08the world was much warmer than today.
00:10:11We just look at the last 65 million years.
00:10:14So this is after the dinosaurs go extinct, mammals really start to take over, and our
00:10:19evolutionary ancestors start to live on the land.
00:10:22Any time period within the last 65 million years was warmer than it is essentially today.
00:10:28The earth's mammals, humans included, appear to thrive when it's warm, warmer than it is
00:10:35There's no doubt that warm is better than cold in geological history.
00:10:39We are a tropical species.
00:10:41A human being in the shade, naked, dies at 20C from hypothermia.
00:10:48We evolved on the equator in Africa, and the only reason we were able to get out of there
00:10:53eventually was fire, shelter, and clothing.
00:10:59Over the last 50 million years, temperatures steadily declined, plunging the earth into
00:11:04what geologists call the late Cenozoic Ice Age.
00:11:08We are still in that ice age.
00:11:11The reason there's all that ice on the poles is because we're in an ice age.
00:11:15Everybody knows that who knows anything about the history of the earth.
00:11:19This is an ice age.
00:11:20We're at the tail end of a 50 million year cooling period, and they're saying it's too hot.
00:11:26If we zoom in on the past few million years, we see temperatures sinking, and as they do,
00:11:32fluctuating between extremely cold periods and slightly milder periods.
00:11:37The extremely cold periods are called glacial maxima, when the planet is mostly covered
00:11:42in ice, and the slightly less cold are called glacial minima, when there's just ice at the
00:11:49For the past 10,000 years, fortunately, we've been in a slightly less cold glacial minimum,
00:11:54known as the Holocene.
00:11:59With milder weather, humans began to emerge from their caves, and several thousand years
00:12:03ago, we see the rise of the first great civilizations, in a blissful period which, according to many
00:12:09studies, was considerably warmer than today.
00:12:12This is known as the Holocene Climate Optimum.
00:12:16It was called an optimum because people thought that warmer was better.
00:12:20Since then, temperatures have declined and begun to fluctuate.
00:12:24In Roman times, there was a blissfully warm period, followed by a brutal cold period in
00:12:30the Dark Ages.
00:12:32Then came the Balmy Medieval Warm Period, according to many studies, as warm or warmer
00:12:37than today, followed by an especially cold period known as the Little Ice Age, possibly
00:12:43the coldest in the last 10,000 years.
00:12:46And here it is, the Roman Warm Period, the Cold Dark Age, the Medieval Warm Period, and
00:12:52then the very cold Little Ice Age, from which, for the past 300 years or so, we've been recovering.
00:13:00The longest instrumental record of temperature in the world comes from central England, and
00:13:05this is what it shows.
00:13:06Since the worst of the Little Ice Age, from 1650, the temperature has risen, gently, by
00:13:11little more than one degree Celsius.
00:13:15The central England record of temperature is a world treasure, you know, it's the longest
00:13:21continuous record that we have, and it's certainly not a very alarming record.
00:13:26It began in the depths of the Little Ice Age, and so you can see the slight warming that
00:13:32followed the Little Ice Age, and there's certainly nothing very alarming that's happening today
00:13:37at the very end of the record.
00:13:40Most of the warming that we're observing today is the recovery from the Little Ice Age, whatever
00:13:45calls that.
00:13:46Well, you know, we're talking over the entire industrial period of about one degree centigrade.
00:13:55To put this one degree in perspective, let's look at New York's Central Park.
00:14:00Records show that there has been no overall change in temperature here since 1940.
00:14:05But from one year to the next, the average temperature can vary by three degrees Celsius,
00:14:10without many New Yorkers even noticing.
00:14:12In fact, between the warmest year in the 1960s and the coolest in 2000, there's a difference
00:14:18of five degrees Celsius.
00:14:20The average temperature on this day, in this year, might be five degrees different from
00:14:27the average temperature a year ago, or two years.
00:14:30You know, when I hear people pontificating about one and a half degrees leading to the
00:14:36end of civilization, I think, what have they been smoking?
00:14:39You know, are you crazy?
00:14:43According to thermometer readings since 1880, there's been a very mild increase in temperature.
00:14:48Only by stretching the y-axis on this graph is the increase noticeable.
00:14:53This is the rising line used by official agencies as proof of global warming.
00:14:58But is it accurate?
00:15:03Professor Ross McKittrick is an expert in statistical analysis at Guelph University.
00:15:08He noticed something odd about modern thermometer records.
00:15:12Thermometers, even in the same region, give out very different readings,
00:15:16depending on where they're located.
00:15:19I was interested in the question of, how do you explain the spatial pattern of warming?
00:15:22So some places warm a lot, some places don't warm much.
00:15:25And it turns out it's highly correlated with the spatial pattern of economic activity.
00:15:31Where there are more people and there is more human activity, there's more heat.
00:15:35This is known as the urban heat island effect.
00:15:39Urban heat island effect is essentially London, right?
00:15:42You pick London.
00:15:44Buildings with a lot of activities tend to be of a few degrees.
00:15:48I mean, we're talking now Celsius, right?
00:15:49Even four or five degrees Celsius warmer than outskirts.
00:15:52This is a phenomenon of urbanization.
00:15:55The obvious effect is actually concrete retaining heat.
00:16:00This can be illustrated with the satellite heat map of Paris.
00:16:04The center of Paris can be as much as five degrees Celsius warmer
00:16:08than the surrounding countryside.
00:16:12Paris, London, Beijing, Shanghai, you name it, New Delhi,
00:16:18all of them absolutely demonstrated the defects.
00:16:22So how has this affected the official temperature record?
00:16:25In the early part of the 20th century,
00:16:27it was normal to erect weather thermometers just outside towns.
00:16:31Close enough to check every day, but away from the heat of urban life.
00:16:36But over the 20th century, those towns have expanded.
00:16:39Suburbs have spread.
00:16:40There are more roads, more cars.
00:16:43Thermometers, which were once outside towns,
00:16:45are now surrounded by shopping malls, offices, factories, and houses.
00:16:51These towns and all the locations where thermometers are located,
00:16:55on average, they've all grown in population, let's say, since 1880.
00:16:59You've got buildings growing up around the thermometers.
00:17:03You've got parking lots.
00:17:05So you've got all of these non-climate influences,
00:17:08which are affecting the temperatures,
00:17:09which raises questions about the quality of thermometer data
00:17:13for monitoring global warming.
00:17:15To correct for this corruption of the data,
00:17:18an obvious solution is to use only records from rural weather stations,
00:17:23which have been less affected by urban development.
00:17:26This has now been done by a team led by Dr Willie Soon.
00:17:29We combine all the best rural stations,
00:17:33anything that we can correct for, we correct for.
00:17:35And we show, if you just don't use this data set and use only rural,
00:17:40you get a very different kind of picture.
00:17:43According to rural temperature records,
00:17:46temperatures rose from the 1880s, but peaked in the 1940s.
00:17:50Then there was a marked cooling until the 1970s.
00:17:53After that, temperatures recover,
00:17:55but are still today barely higher than they were in the 1940s.
00:18:00What we see is that basically you have a warming from the 1900s,
00:18:041850s or so, to 1930s and 40s, and started to warm and then cool
00:18:09in a substantial way to the 70s, about 76 or so.
00:18:13Instead of a long-term systematic warming trend,
00:18:16it has a variability, multi-decadal, like every 50, 60 years or so,
00:18:21kind of a variation.
00:18:24It's not just rural thermometers that show little warming.
00:18:28Merchant ships and other naval vessels
00:18:30have been measuring the temperature of the sea since the 19th century.
00:18:35In red, we see the land temperature record since the 1860s,
00:18:39which has been inflated by urban thermometers.
00:18:42But in blue is the ocean temperature record.
00:18:45From around 1900, the two begin to diverge.
00:18:48Ocean records show far less warming in the 20th century,
00:18:52and the pattern more closely resembles the rural temperature record.
00:18:58Sea is not supposed to be, quote-unquote,
00:18:59contaminated by urban heat island effect.
00:19:01Am I right? Yes.
00:19:02So when we compare the two records within the range of uncertainty,
00:19:06this behaviour actually fits.
00:19:08Scientists have also studied temperature change by looking at tree rings,
00:19:12which, again, shows very little warming.
00:19:14There's a gentle rise till the mid-20th century,
00:19:16a cooling to the 1970s, followed by a mild recovery.
00:19:20Once again, it shows temperatures today
00:19:23are barely different to those of the 1930s and 40s,
00:19:26and the pattern closely resembles rural temperatures.
00:19:33Satellites, too, seem to be telling a different story.
00:19:38Our ability to measure global temperature accurately
00:19:40took a leap forward when satellites began to orbit the Earth.
00:19:45One of the scientists who pioneered the use of satellites
00:19:48to measure temperature is Dr Roy Spencer,
00:19:50who, in the 1980s, was senior scientist for climate
00:19:54at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Centre.
00:19:58We were discussing over lunch,
00:19:59isn't there some way we can use satellites to monitor global temperatures?
00:20:03Because, as you know, the temperature network
00:20:08of thermometers is pretty skimpy around the world,
00:20:11so it's kind of hard to get a global temperature.
00:20:14Dr Spencer's development of weather satellites was revolutionary.
00:20:18He and his colleague, Professor John Christie,
00:20:20have been awarded NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement.
00:20:25Our satellite data begins in January of 1979,
00:20:28that's when we have complete global coverage,
00:20:31and we have it right up to the present.
00:20:33There was one critical question about temperature
00:20:35that satellites were singularly well-equipped to answer.
00:20:39Has there been a spurious warming
00:20:42that has crept into the global temperature record over land
00:20:45that's just a result of an increase in population?
00:20:49And that's something that we've been analysing and working a lot on lately,
00:20:53and we're finding that, especially in urban areas, it's large.
00:20:58Since 1880, most of the warming, it looks like it's been in the air.
00:21:02It looks like it's due to the urban heat island effect.
00:21:06We're lucky to have a few independent scientists
00:21:09like John Christie and Roy Spencer
00:21:12with their satellite measurements of temperature.
00:21:15You know, before they started releasing this,
00:21:20ground-based temperature records were going wild.
00:21:22They were going up, you know, like crazy with no bounds,
00:21:27but now they have to contend with the fact that there's this independent
00:21:31and probably better way of measuring the whole globe's temperature,
00:21:36which is not alarming at all.
00:21:40Evidence from multiple sources now agree
00:21:42that the official global temperature record,
00:21:45as used by world governments and reported in the world's media,
00:21:48is showing far too much warming over the last 120 years,
00:21:52artificially inflated by urbanisation.
00:21:55You look at the weather balloon record, the satellite record,
00:21:58the rural record, the ocean record doesn't warm nearly as much as land.
00:22:02All of these indications show that the big warming pulse in the record
00:22:07is the northern hemisphere land record,
00:22:10and that's also where most of this data contamination is happening.
00:22:15But of the mild warming that has taken place in the last 300 to 400 years,
00:22:19can any of it be attributed to human emissions of CO2?
00:22:28Professor Henrik Svensmark is visiting the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
00:22:33and taking a stroll in the Evolution Garden,
00:22:36dedicated to preserving the oldest surviving plant species on Earth.
00:22:41These plants aren't just pleasing on the eye.
00:22:43They can also tell us about levels of CO2 in the atmosphere
00:22:46in Earth's geological past.
00:22:50What we have here is a ginkgo tree,
00:22:53and it's actually a living fossil in the sense that it's a living fossil.
00:22:57In the sense that this type of tree first appeared about 270 million years ago.
00:23:04On the underside of the leaf, there are what we call stomata,
00:23:08the cells where they can uptake CO2.
00:23:11So they're actually measuring how much CO2 is in the air,
00:23:15and then they adjust the number of this stomata to how much CO2 there is.
00:23:21And by looking at fossils and measuring how many there are at a different time,
00:23:26it says something about what was the level of CO2 back in time.
00:23:32So when we look back in time, what do we find?
00:23:35Over almost all of the last 500 million years,
00:23:38the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has been far, far higher than it is now.
00:23:43Even with modern industry's contribution to CO2 levels,
00:23:46by geological standards, the level of atmospheric CO2 today
00:23:50is close to being as low as it has ever been.
00:23:53At present, we have about 400 parts per million.
00:23:5750 million years ago, it might have been 2,000 parts per million.
00:24:01So a much, much higher concentration of CO2.
00:24:07I think current estimates of global CO2 is 423 or so parts per million today.
00:24:13If we look through the Phanerozoic, the last 550 million years,
00:24:18we would see a CO2 on the order of 7,000 parts per million.
00:24:23CO2 is plant food, and the result of much higher levels of atmospheric CO2
00:24:27in the past was a much, much greener world.
00:24:30Periods of elevated CO2 tend to be time periods of a huge biodiversity on the planet.
00:24:38In fact, we're in a CO2 famine if we look over the last 550 million years.
00:24:42At the depths of the most recent glacial maximum,
00:24:45the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere sank so low,
00:24:49all life on Earth came close to extinction.
00:24:52They say CO2 is higher than it's been for 100,000 years,
00:24:55but what they don't tell you in that period they're talking about
00:24:58is that CO2 sank so low that all life on Earth nearly died.
00:25:0220,000 years ago, CO2 is at the lowest level it has ever been in the history of the Earth,
00:25:08If it had gone down another 30 parts per million, we'd all be dead.
00:25:14There is a low point of CO2 where photosynthesis becomes so inefficient
00:25:18that plant life would die.
00:25:21Then everything else starts to perish after that.
00:25:24During the last glacial maximum, there's good evidence
00:25:28that in many parts of the world there was plant starvation.
00:25:32So we should be very grateful that CO2 levels are beginning to go back up.
00:25:37We're still far from the historical norms,
00:25:40which would be several thousand parts per million.
00:25:42There's not enough fossil fuel to get there,
00:25:45but at least we're making a start.
00:25:49But has the small recent increase in CO2 affected the temperature?
00:25:54The climate has changed.
00:25:56The temperature has gone down.
00:25:57The small recent increase in CO2 affected the temperature.
00:26:02We would now show you a picture of CO2, but we can't because it's invisible.
00:26:07CO2 makes up a tiny fraction of the gases in the atmosphere,
00:26:10just 0.04 of a percent.
00:26:14It is just one of 25 different greenhouse gases,
00:26:17which, taken as a whole, form only one part of Earth's complex climate system.
00:26:22So what evidence is there that this trace gas
00:26:24is having any noticeable impact on the climate?
00:26:28If it were true that higher levels of CO2 caused higher temperatures,
00:26:32we should be able to see that in Earth's climate history.
00:26:37Here, scientists are drilling into ancient ice cores.
00:26:40These cores tell us both about past temperatures and CO2 levels.
00:26:45Scientists have indeed found a link between temperature and CO2.
00:26:49The trouble is, it's the wrong way around.
00:26:52So it's true over the last few million years of the ice age that we're in now
00:26:57that CO2 and temperature are correlated,
00:27:00but if CO2 is the driver, it has to change first,
00:27:04and the temperature has to change second.
00:27:06In fact, when you start to look at the data very specifically,
00:27:09you see the exact reverse.
00:27:10Temperature starts to rise first,
00:27:12and then on the order of a century to a few centuries later,
00:27:16we start to see a rise in CO2.
00:27:18It's long been known that the temperature actually moves first.
00:27:23So temperature goes up, CO2 goes up after that.
00:27:27Temperature goes down, CO2 goes down.
00:27:29Ice ages start when carbon dioxide is at its maximum,
00:27:34and ice ages end when carbon dioxide is at its minimum,
00:27:38which is the exact opposite of what would occur
00:27:41if carbon dioxide was controlling the temperature.
00:27:43The question of whether CO2 drives the climate is easily resolved.
00:27:47You can look back in time over hundreds of millions of years,
00:27:50CO2 levels have changed radically many times.
00:27:53Did this cause temperature change?
00:27:54No, absolutely not.
00:27:56CO2 has never driven temperature changes in the past, never.
00:28:01Nor is it clear in recent times that CO2 is having any effect on temperature.
00:28:06Here we see industrial output of CO2 since 1750.
00:28:10From the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century,
00:28:12there was only a slight increase.
00:28:14It's not until the 1940s that industrial production of CO2 begins to take off.
00:28:19But this doesn't match the temperature record.
00:28:22According to rural thermometers, most of the warming in the past 200 years
00:28:26occurred before the 1940s and have barely changed since then.
00:28:32One of the embarrassments that IPCC doesn't like to talk about
00:28:36was that the 1930s, when human influences were much smaller, were particularly warm.
00:28:42That's the puzzle, that the first early part where we have such a sharp warming,
00:28:47from the 1900s to 1930s and 1940s, CO2 could never cause that temperature rise.
00:28:54But the 1930s and early 40s were so hot, it's puzzling.
00:28:58More puzzling still is what happened next.
00:29:02By the end of World War II, CO2 was really going up,
00:29:06and yet the temperature was going down.
00:29:09From 40 to 70, while the CO2 continued to rise, this thing started to cool.
00:29:14What happened?
00:29:15Journalists were writing about the coming ice age.
00:29:19It was on the cover of Time magazine.
00:29:221970s, the new ice age was the big story.
00:29:25And how about since the 1970s?
00:29:28According to computer climate models, over the past half century,
00:29:32rising CO2 should have led to this increase in temperature.
00:29:36But according to multiple satellite and balloon measurements,
00:29:39what actually happened was this.
00:29:43Well, what we found from the satellite data is that the global atmosphere
00:29:48is not warming up as fast as the climate models say it should be.
00:29:54There's a couple dozen climate models now that have been worked on for decades.
00:30:00You know, billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars
00:30:02have been invested in these climate modeling efforts.
00:30:05And we find that, generally speaking, virtually all of the climate models
00:30:09produce too much warming over this period, since 1979 up to the present.
00:30:14Now, even if we say the surface thermometers are correct,
00:30:19they still don't produce as much warming as most of the climate models
00:30:24say there should have been, let's say, in the last 50 years.
00:30:27The models, individually and even collectively,
00:30:31when you average over all of them in so-called ensembles,
00:30:34they don't get it right.
00:30:36You can already see that the main support of the climate alarm movement,
00:30:42which are these enormous computer models, they're clearly wrong.
00:30:45They don't agree with what we observe.
00:30:49They're all running much too hot.
00:30:51They don't get the geographical distribution of temperatures anywhere close.
00:30:57They don't get El Nino, La Nina cycles.
00:31:00They're just nonsense.
00:31:03All climate models are based on the assumption that CO2 drives temperature change.
00:31:08But actual observations and historical evidence clearly suggest that it doesn't.
00:31:13Yes, I assert that there is no connection whatsoever between CO2 and climate change.
00:31:20That's all a crock of crap, in my opinion.
00:31:23There is no truth to the idea that the Earth is warmer now than it has been in the past.
00:31:29It's a lie.
00:31:31There is no truth that CO2 is higher than it should be.
00:31:34That is a lie.
00:31:36Earth's climate has changed many times over the course of its long history
00:31:41and will continue to change without any help from us.
00:31:44Climate always changes, you know.
00:31:46Who denies climate change?
00:31:48It's always changing.
00:31:50But if CO2 doesn't drive climate change, what does?
00:32:01In Earth's atmosphere, there are powerful forces at work,
00:32:05and perhaps the most powerful of all are clouds.
00:32:09CO2 is quite unimportant in controlling the Earth's climate.
00:32:14What is important is clouds.
00:32:16Clouds don't absorb any energy at all.
00:32:19They simply reflect all of the sunlight back out into space.
00:32:24Big, bright, white clouds.
00:32:25If you look at the Earth, you see lots and lots of them, and they vary dramatically.
00:32:31From one day to the next.
00:32:33That is hundreds of times more powerful than the trivial effects of CO2.
00:32:42But what controls the number and density of clouds on Earth?
00:32:47Professor Henrik Svensmark from the Danish National Space Institute
00:32:50is in Jerusalem with the astrophysicist Nir Shaviv.
00:32:55Together, they've been exploring cloud variation and its effect on climate.
00:32:59And strangely, they've found a link between clouds
00:33:02and exploding supernovae far off in our galaxy.
00:33:06When we have big stars, they don't live very long.
00:33:11Relatively, only maybe a few million years, up to 40 million years.
00:33:16But they end their life in a huge explosion which we call the supernova.
00:33:20An exploding supernova sends out vast quantities of debris,
00:33:25tiny charged subatomic particles known as cosmic rays,
00:33:29travelling almost at the speed of light.
00:33:32And as they hit Earth, they develop into seeds
00:33:35which attract water vapour and form clouds.
00:33:41Professor Shaviv noticed that the amount of cloud cover on Earth
00:33:44is related to our journey around the universe.
00:33:47The amount of cloud cover on Earth is related to our journey around the Milky Way.
00:33:52As our solar system orbits the galaxy over millions of years,
00:33:56it passes through the galaxy's spiral arms, dense clusters of stars.
00:34:01As it does, we are exposed to more or less cloud-forming cosmic rays.
00:34:06And this corresponds to historic temperature changes on Earth.
00:34:11The really mind-boggling thing is that using geology,
00:34:16you can reconstruct the climates on Earth over the past billion years,
00:34:20and you can reconstruct our galactic journey, and both tell the same story.
00:34:26But what about temperature change on shorter timescales?
00:34:32The sun, our source of heat and light, a seething mass of gigantic magnetic storms,
00:34:38which vary in strength and number over time, and which affect Earth directly and indirectly.
00:34:45When it is very active, the sun sends giant gusts of solar wind through the solar system.
00:34:54The solar wind warms us indirectly by acting as a barrier,
00:34:58limiting the number of cloud-forming cosmic rays reaching Earth.
00:35:03So from the sun, we have the solar wind.
00:35:06It carries the sun's magnetic field out to a large distance,
00:35:10and it works like a shield against the cosmic rays.
00:35:14When the sun is more active, you have a stronger solar wind,
00:35:18you have less cosmic rays reaching the inner solar system and reaching the atmosphere,
00:35:23and the clouds, which are then formed, are less white.
00:35:26They reflect less of the sunlight, which means that it's going to be warmer here on Earth.
00:35:34Here is a proxy reconstruction of ocean temperatures over thousands of years.
00:35:38And here is one of solar activity over the same period.
00:35:42What is causing the ocean temperature to change is clearly variations in solar activity.
00:35:51Because IPCC is determined to go on a narrative that only CO2 can drive the climate system,
00:35:57they turn off the sun essentially, right?
00:35:59Because the sun is just a background thing for them, that it doesn't do anything.
00:36:04Astrophysicist Willie Soon decided to look again
00:36:07at the rural temperature record for the past 150 years.
00:36:12Then he looked at a record of changes in solar activity over the same period.
00:36:16To Dr. Soon, it was obvious that it was the sun, not CO2, that was driving temperature.
00:36:23As of 2023, IPCC says that the sun has absolutely zero chance to explain the changes of the
00:36:31climate system on broad scale, let's say global warming on Northern Hemisphere.
00:36:36We say no.
00:36:37We can easily demonstrate the sun can explain all of it.
00:36:41There's zero for the CO2, 100% for the sun.
00:36:44How's that?
00:36:46Why are these and other studies never reported in the mainstream media?
00:36:51And if climate change is natural, what are we to make of the alleged terrifying increase
00:36:55in extreme weather events, of the heat waves and hurricanes, of forest fires, droughts and the rest?
00:37:02My first instinct as a scientist and what I teach my students is, well, let's look at the data.
00:37:09And when you do that, you discover, as you can read in the IPCC reports themselves,
00:37:15that it's pretty hard to find trends in extreme events,
00:37:19much less attribute them to human influences.
00:37:23You've now had decades of putting the idea of climate change
00:37:27in people's heads that any time the weather's bad, it's climate change and greenhouse gases.
00:37:33So I think people at this point can't help themselves.
00:37:36If you have a heat wave, immediately everybody's thinking, oh, what have we done to the weather?
00:37:41If somebody says in the news, this is the warmest day since 1980 or something,
00:37:48well, you can look up the temperature records and see for yourself whether it was in fact
00:37:53warmer in the 1930s, as it often is.
00:37:56U.S. temperature records are the best in the world.
00:38:00And here is the official U.S. government record of heat waves in the U.S. over the past century.
00:38:06It shows very clearly that the 1930s were far more prone to heat waves than we are today.
00:38:13Not only were there more heat waves in the 1930s,
00:38:16the heat waves then were much hotter than those of today.
00:38:19Likewise, official figures show that the number of hot days in the U.S. has markedly declined.
00:38:28The United States was much hotter in the 1930s.
00:38:32North Dakota reached 121 degrees.
00:38:36South Dakota was 120 degrees.
00:38:38Wisconsin was 114 degrees.
00:38:40These sort of temperatures are just completely out of whack.
00:38:45A common mistake is to suppose that higher average temperature will mean more hot weather.
00:38:50But this isn't true.
00:38:52Here again is the Central England temperature record,
00:38:55the longest instrumental temperature record in the world.
00:38:58Summer temperatures over the past 300 to 400 years,
00:39:01since the end of the Little Ice Age, have barely changed at all.
00:39:05It is winter temperatures.
00:39:07And the average temperature in the United States is 14 degrees.
00:39:11That's certainly being observed all over the world.
00:39:13If you look at temperature records, high temperatures are almost unchanged.
00:39:18But cold temperatures at night or during the winter are going up a little bit.
00:39:24Not very much, but you can measure it.
00:39:27When the average goes up, it's really more due to the fact that the temperature is going up.
00:39:33And that's what we're seeing.
00:39:35But you can measure it.
00:39:36When the average goes up, it's really more due to the coldest temperatures getting warmer.
00:39:44So the temperatures getting milder rather than getting hotter.
00:39:51What about the increasing number of wildfires we're often told about?
00:39:55If you look at the actual number of forest fires from satellite observations,
00:39:59the actual number is going down.
00:40:02Here is an estimate of global wildfires since 1900.
00:40:05It shows a clear decline.
00:40:08And here is a record of areas affected by wildfires in the US.
00:40:12It shows that wildfires were far, far worse in the 1930s.
00:40:16From 1930s and 1920s, when you have data,
00:40:20it was huge, five to ten times bigger than the current level.
00:40:25How about hurricanes?
00:40:26The US has by far the best record of hurricane activity in the world.
00:40:30Over the past 120 years, there is no overall change.
00:40:34In fact, the trend is slightly down.
00:40:39When you look at the data for hurricanes, technically tropical cyclones,
00:40:43you see that there is no long-term trend.
00:40:47How about the rest of the world?
00:40:49Here is a chart of global hurricane activity over the past 40 years.
00:40:53Hurricanes have been around forever, you know.
00:40:55We've got good proxy records of hurricanes,
00:40:58and there's been no change in their frequency.
00:41:01Even the IPCC admits that.
00:41:04How about melting ice caps and drought?
00:41:07Here's a satellite record of temperature in Antarctica since the late 1970s.
00:41:12It shows no increase whatsoever.
00:41:15And here is a record of global drought since 1950.
00:41:20And here is a record of global drought since 1950.
00:41:23There is no observable increase at all.
00:41:27Polar bears are meant to be going extinct,
00:41:30but studies suggest their numbers are growing.
00:41:33The Great Barrier Reef, too, has recently reached record levels.
00:41:38There's no such thing as a climate emergency happening on this planet now.
00:41:43There's no evidence of one.
00:41:45Yeah, the extreme weather event story is just absurd.
00:41:48There's no basis to it at all.
00:41:50It's just based on propaganda.
00:41:53The actual data shows the opposite.
00:41:55I've shown you the official data, the official science.
00:41:59Tell me what I'm denying.
00:42:02The climate alarm is nonsense, you know.
00:42:04It's a hoax.
00:42:07I've never liked hoax.
00:42:08I think scam is a better word, but I'm willing to live with hoax.
00:42:12But why are we told, again and again, that man-made climate chaos
00:42:16is an undisputed scientific fact, beyond question, beyond doubt?
00:42:23To answer this, we must examine the so-called consensus on climate change.
00:42:29Thank you very much.
00:42:31Until the 1980s, global warming was little more than an eccentric scare story
00:42:35put about by radical environmentalists.
00:42:38But then the cause was picked up by an ambitious young senator, Al Gore,
00:42:42who would soon become vice president.
00:42:44A billion dollars a year of public money was made available for research into climate change.
00:42:49This quickly rose to two billion.
00:42:51Up to that level.
00:42:53Academic researchers in various disciplines began to apply for this climate funding.
00:43:00If you want to qualify for money that's labeled climate,
00:43:04well, you take whatever you're doing, and you add a little bit of climate speak to it,
00:43:10and away you go.
00:43:12You're dealing with the sexual habits of cockroaches,
00:43:17you'll add, and the impact of climate.
00:43:20So all I have to do is add a little wrinkle to my grant application to explain how,
00:43:26well, I'm worried that climate change will mean the death of all the maple trees.
00:43:30And so, right away, you qualify for climate funding.
00:43:33You qualify for funding.
00:43:35Academics of every kind lined up for climate funding.
00:43:39Climate became an exciting new area of interest for sociologists,
00:43:43biologists, professors of English literature, lecturers in gender studies, and many more.
00:43:50And it also served to create a community.
00:43:54I mean, you know, you've become a climate scientist now,
00:43:58even though you know nothing about the physics of climate.
00:44:02Thousands of papers were published on climate change and prostitution,
00:44:06climate change and beer, climate change and the Black Death,
00:44:09climate change and disability, climate change and video games, and everything else imaginable.
00:44:13There's an almost comical list of studies out there.
00:44:16Just do a Google search on climate change and, and everything comes up.
00:44:23Few of these papers ever questioned whether climate change was actually true.
00:44:28After you've done the research and you write the paper up,
00:44:32sometimes you find there's no effect at all from climate.
00:44:35But you still have to say in your papers,
00:44:37oh yes, climate change is real and we just need to study this some more.
00:44:42Since so few of these so-called climate studies challenged the idea of climate change,
00:44:47it was declared that there was a scientific consensus.
00:44:50Climate change must be true.
00:44:52Climate also became a new focus for government-funded research bodies.
00:44:57Scientific research in the United States tends to be dominantly funded by government grants.
00:45:04And so whatever government grants are offered sort of determine much of the science being done.
00:45:12It was during the Cold War that many government research bodies were set up.
00:45:16But the end of the Cold War and pressure on government spending
00:45:19has left many of them struggling to justify their continued funding.
00:45:25United States Congress only funds problems, okay, research into problems.
00:45:31Whether it's money that goes to NASA or NOAA or National Science Foundation
00:45:35or Department of Energy or any other alphabet soup, you know, organization.
00:45:39It's always been a problem to support the research that's being done.
00:45:44It's always been a problem to support your research or your existence or raison d'etre.
00:45:51And so climate was a godsend.
00:45:53If Congress is willing to pay you to find evidence of global warming,
00:45:58by golly, as a scientist, we're going to go find evidence of it.
00:46:02Because that's what we're being paid to do.
00:46:04And guess what?
00:46:05If you don't find evidence or say the evidence suggests it's not a problem, your funding ends.
00:46:11This totally corrupts the way we look at the science.
00:46:16When the famous gangster asked, why do you rob banks?
00:46:20And he said, well, because that's where the money is.
00:46:25The climate alarm brought funds.
00:46:27And the bigger the supposed threat, the more funds seemed to flow.
00:46:31The publicly funded science establishment
00:46:33now had a direct financial interest in playing up the alarm.
00:46:38So there's a huge incentive to over-exaggerate or to speak in hyperbole,
00:46:43even if the data doesn't support exactly what you're saying, because that's what brings the funds.
00:46:50I was in that boat.
00:46:51I was someone that was defending climate change as a grad student
00:46:55quite a bit, because the truth is, I didn't give it too much thought.
00:46:58But I thought, well, it's getting a ton of attention.
00:47:02It brings a ton of money into the earth sciences.
00:47:04Even if I don't buy all the hyperbole, what's the problem?
00:47:10By the late 1990s, what had started as an environmental scare story was gaining momentum.
00:47:22Western governments and their senior civil servants
00:47:24were more than willing to address the climate problem.
00:47:28Green taxes were levied, green regulation expanded,
00:47:32and this, in turn, generated more climate-related jobs and activity.
00:47:37Take the banking sector, for instance.
00:47:39Say to a banker, we want you to file reports with the regulatory commission
00:47:44on how climate change is going to affect your bank.
00:47:47Well, the banker doesn't know anything about this subject,
00:47:49so then they have to commission studies from academics.
00:47:53And, of course, the academics are happy to come and tell them,
00:47:56well, it's going to be terrible for your bank.
00:47:58It's going to cause all kinds of problems,
00:48:00and you need to give us money to research this.
00:48:03Green subsidies and regulation meant there was now money to be made in climate.
00:48:07Renewables firms sprouted.
00:48:09Consultancy firms offered advice on what they called sustainability and climate compliance.
00:48:15It's a wonderful business opportunity, OK?
00:48:18You want climate, we'll give you climate.
00:48:21The renewables industry alone now turns over a trillion dollars a year,
00:48:25and that's expected to double in the next few years.
00:48:30What used to be a cottage industry has now
00:48:34blossomed to become a major part of the world economy.
00:48:38The growth of this climate industry has seen an explosion of highly paid green jobs.
00:48:43Chief sustainability officers, carbon offset advisors,
00:48:47ESG consultants, climate compliance lawyers, and countless others.
00:48:53Students started to come into our departments as earth science departments
00:48:57with a focus on climate.
00:48:59That never happened before.
00:49:01But they started to look at their career prospects,
00:49:05and they were smart, and they were looking at who's hiring.
00:49:08And the fact of the matter was is that everything in the hiring pool
00:49:11had climate somewhere attached to the name.
00:49:14I started a few years ago seeing programs like a master's degree in climate finance.
00:49:20And I just went, what on earth is climate?
00:49:24I don't understand what a master's degree in finance is.
00:49:26Well, now you need a university that's going to teach this program.
00:49:29You need professors of climate finance.
00:49:32Every single school or university or business will have a climate officer
00:49:38or climate officers and a climate program.
00:49:41And you look at any of these institutions or businesses,
00:49:46you will find they all are signed up to it.
00:49:48And anyone who hasn't signed up will come under pressure.
00:49:51At the last gathering of the publicly funded UN's IPCC,
00:49:5570,000 delegates flew in from around the world.
00:49:59Government bureaucrats, green NGOs, carbon sequestration consultants,
00:50:03environmental journalists, heads of renewables companies.
00:50:07But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
00:50:09Many hundreds of thousands of jobs worldwide now depend on the climate crisis.
00:50:14You start building this enormous population whose job is to manage the crisis
00:50:21and also explicitly to make sure that people are alarmed about the crisis,
00:50:30because this whole industry depends on the existence of the crisis.
00:50:35But therein lies the one great threat to this multi-trillion dollar industry.
00:50:39All the jobs, all of the funding, are totally dependent on there being a climate crisis.
00:50:46If CO2 isn't having the huge negative impacts that we claimed it was having originally,
00:50:51how are we going to stay in business?
00:50:54How do we justify our existence if climate change isn't this existential threat
00:50:58that we claimed it was over the last four decades or so?
00:51:01People like me, our careers depend on funding.
00:51:06People like me, our careers depend on funding of climate research.
00:51:12This is what I've been doing just about my whole career.
00:51:14This is what the other climate researchers are doing with their whole career.
00:51:18They don't want this to end.
00:51:20If NASA said global warming's not a problem, where does their funding disappear, right?
00:51:27So they can't say that.
00:51:28I mean, you've got the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.
00:51:33If they said the climate isn't changing, they'd have no reason to exist.
00:51:38The IPCC has a self-preservation instinct to show that climate change is an existential threat,
00:51:44otherwise there's no reason for them to be collecting the money and doing the work in the first place.
00:51:49There are not just now billions, but there are trillions of dollars at stake.
00:51:55There's a huge amount of money involved.
00:51:57This is a huge, big money scam.
00:52:00A lot of people's livelihoods depend on it.
00:52:03They're not going to give that up.
00:52:04If suddenly the notion becomes apparent that this is not such a problem,
00:52:12you're going to see that as an existential threat.
00:52:15Scientists who studied the natural causes of climate change began to be viewed with suspicion,
00:52:21as two Harvard astrophysicists discovered.
00:52:24How much does the sun change, and how does it change, and why does it change?
00:52:30And then we didn't even want to get into the temperature record and the climate thing.
00:52:34Immediately they would come after us, because when we started to estimate that the sun changed
00:52:40significantly in terms of climatic sense, immediately the attack is there,
00:52:45because it's not following the narrative,
00:52:46because they need the CO2 to be the only one, the only dominant player.
00:52:51When you try to say, well, we're just looking for the background of natural variability,
00:52:57the response would be, we can't have natural changes as an effect.
00:53:02It has to be human caused.
00:53:05And some of that was directly stated, but most of it was indirect.
00:53:11Your funding for this kind of project will be dropped.
00:53:14This kind of project doesn't go anywhere.
00:53:17By that time, anything that contradicted the narrative of global warming as a serious
00:53:26problem was not going to get funded.
00:53:31Editors of academic journals came under pressure not to accept papers
00:53:35which were deemed to be skeptical of the climate crisis.
00:53:39We will not publish anything that questions this.
00:53:44I mean, it's not something surreptitious.
00:53:47Scientists who dared to point out in public that there was no climate chaos
00:53:51began to be sidelined and shunned.
00:53:54If a scientifically qualified person stands up and says,
00:53:58we don't see an upward trend in the data on Pacific typhoons,
00:54:04well, suddenly they lose standing to address the topic of Pacific typhoons,
00:54:07not because what they said is wrong, but because it's off message.
00:54:11They can marginalize any kind of criticism of the narrative by saying,
00:54:17you're not qualified to talk about this because you don't support the narrative.
00:54:22That is then, and then having marginalized everyone who doesn't support the narrative,
00:54:26they can turn around and say, well, everybody who counts supports the narrative,
00:54:29so we must be right.
00:54:31Environmental journalists ignored skeptics and instead offered headlines to anyone
00:54:36prepared to make the most outrageous claims and predictions about a climate apocalypse.
00:54:43It's gotten to where it has nothing to do with the science anymore.
00:54:46It doesn't matter if your alarmist prediction doesn't come true.
00:54:50You're still going to retain your status as an expert,
00:54:54and the media is still going to come and ask you for your opinion,
00:54:57even though you were crazy wrong about your predictions.
00:55:05But the consensus on climate is not only enforced by those in the climate industry.
00:55:10To explain the broader appeal of the climate alarm,
00:55:13we must look at the politics behind climate.
00:55:21From the start, the climate scare was political.
00:55:25It came from the environmental movement,
00:55:27the sworn enemy of free market industrial capitalism.
00:55:33Finally, we've got them.
00:55:36We can claim that it is the free markets who are destroying the planet,
00:55:40and we need big government to save us.
00:55:44The climate problem, it is said, still exists.
00:55:48The climate problem, it is said, stems from the irresponsible actions
00:55:52of greedy, feckless individuals who have too many babies,
00:55:56and drive too much, and consume too many products.
00:55:59And of the capitalist corporations who pander to their whims.
00:56:03The solution is for government to have greater power to regulate private companies,
00:56:07but also to guide and reshape the lives and habits of individuals.
00:56:12The policy agenda has sprawled into micromanaging everybody's lives
00:56:18on the most minute detail.
00:56:19What kind of stove you can use, what kind of heater you can have,
00:56:23how much you can set the thermostat at, where you can drive, what kind of car.
00:56:26You can't, according to the planners,
00:56:29we're not going to have internal combustion engines an hour from now.
00:56:33All of these things require the government to get involved, right?
00:56:35Because the government has to sort of force changes upon the public.
00:56:39If it was up to the public, we wouldn't be buying electric vehicles,
00:56:43because, you know, they're impractical.
00:56:46Support for the climate alarm is now virtually synonymous
00:56:49with disdain for free market capitalism and a yearning for bigger government.
00:56:54It's liberals versus conservatives in the United States.
00:56:57And generally speaking, liberals are worried that we're destroying the planet.
00:57:02And they're also, of course, for big government.
00:57:04And then conservatives are at the other end of the spectrum,
00:57:08where a lot of them don't believe that we're destroying the planet,
00:57:11and they don't want government involved in their personal lives.
00:57:16Paying lip service to the climate alarm has become almost universal
00:57:19among those who depend on government for their livelihoods.
00:57:23This includes those in the publicly funded education, arts and science establishments.
00:57:28Tony Heller recalls his time at Los Alamos labs.
00:57:32The entire county of Los Alamos was kept going by government money.
00:57:38We had the highest incomes in the state.
00:57:41So, naturally, people who lived in Los Alamos supported big government,
00:57:45because that was where their livelihood came from.
00:57:48That was where their good schools came from.
00:57:51Everything good in Los Alamos came from the government.
00:57:54So, of course, they were all believers in big government.
00:57:57Among the largely publicly funded Western intelligentsia,
00:58:00support for more government spending and regulation is almost a defining moral badge.
00:58:07In these circles, to question the climate alarm is socially unacceptable.
00:58:11To be a climate sceptic is taboo.
00:58:16Somebody that goes against it, it really does get met with a lot of anger and vitriol.
00:58:23You know, you're called a denier, a science denier and a heretic.
00:58:27Your colleagues won't engage with you anymore, you don't get invited to conferences,
00:58:34your students may desert you.
00:58:38This is all really terrible.
00:58:41Professors Henrik Svensmark and Nir Shaviv describe what happened when they published
00:58:45their results on the climatic effects of solar activity.
00:58:48It was like all hell had broken loose because of this work.
00:58:53I had no idea that things would escalate as they did, and it completely changed my life.
00:59:00Once we said that, people didn't like hearing it, and we became persona non grata.
00:59:09I mean, I have so many instances of people doing really nasty things.
00:59:16When I applied for a job, a group of scientists write to the university,
00:59:22say they shouldn't hire me.
00:59:25And that's a typical story, unfortunately.
00:59:31If you don't agree with a standard polemic, you become an outcast, you're shunned.
00:59:38As if you have leprosy.
00:59:40For Professor Sally Balliunas, the personal attacks became too much.
00:59:46I retired early.
00:59:52And my family said I should have retired even sooner, years sooner.
00:59:58So they noticed the toll.
01:00:00I took a toll on them, and my family said,
01:00:04years sooner.
01:00:05So they noticed the toll.
01:00:07I took a toll on them, and me.
01:00:13Dr. Matthew Wielicki was an assistant professor of geology at the University of Alabama,
01:00:18when he decided to speak out about the climate scare.
01:00:21As a result of the backlash, he has decided to leave teaching.
01:00:25To speak up about climate change in any sort of skeptical way was essentially career suicide,
01:00:31There was no possible way that I would publish in quite a few of the mainstream journals that
01:00:38I was required to publish in.
01:00:39I essentially isolated myself from many of the funding institutions.
01:00:44This is one of the reasons you can build a consensus in a community, is because anybody
01:00:49who is skeptical of that consensus essentially gets kicked out of the community.
01:00:54Speaking out in scientific ways that go contrary to the consensus, I would say is a career
01:01:04killer for people at the early stage of their careers.
01:01:08If I were 30 years old in a university trying to make a career, I would certainly keep my
01:01:14mouth shut.
01:01:15And in fact, I went to some effort to keep my mouth shut when I was younger.
01:01:20I knew climate was nonsense then, but I was a little bit careful.
01:01:25If a young person is questioning this, they can't put that in a proposal.
01:01:31The proposal will be denied.
01:01:34And they can't effectively publish because the gatekeeper will keep them out.
01:01:39And so it would end their career.
01:01:43You have to go along with the global warming story.
01:01:47If you don't, you're going to get cut off.
01:01:49You're going to lose funding.
01:01:50You're going to get your career ruined.
01:01:52You're going to be trashed by the community.
01:01:54You'll be despised by your co-workers.
01:01:59The so-called consensus on climate has itself become a weapon, a form of bullying,
01:02:04intimidation and censorship used against those who refuse to conform.
01:02:09It's a tool that people use to bludgeon their opponents and the skeptics and to attack their
01:02:17According to its critics, far from being scientific, the militant, intolerant climate
01:02:21consensus represents a devastating assault on free scientific inquiry.
01:02:27I see my job as a scientist as just laying out the facts and letting people decide what
01:02:33they want to do.
01:02:34When you can't talk about the facts, things become corrupt.
01:02:41If you shut the door on ideas, if you say you're not allowed to test it, you're not
01:02:47allowed to have that idea, you've left the realm of science.
01:02:53I don't think climate researchers will ever back down from their claim that increasing
01:03:01CO2 is the control knob on today's climate system.
01:03:05I don't think they will ever back down from that, no matter what the evidence is.
01:03:09It's clear it's now a cult completely divorced from science.
01:03:18But the apparently unstoppable climate scare does not just represent an attack on science.
01:03:24It is starting to shape for us a new kind of society.
01:03:28Environmentalists like to pose as anti-establishment, but their demands are well-received and piously
01:03:34echoed by King Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the BBC, the UN, the EU, by
01:03:40heads of government, the World Bank and World Economic Forum.
01:03:45In fact, by the entire state-funded ruling establishment.
01:03:49Global warming is a global pandemic.
01:03:52Global warming is like the perfect problem that government can get involved in to grow
01:03:59the influence of government.
01:04:02It's a wonderful way to increase government power.
01:04:06And if there's an existential threat out there that's worldwide, well, you need a
01:04:12powerful worldwide government, you know, to cope with it.
01:04:15If you're a climate activist, you're actually a climate activist.
01:04:19If you're a climate activist, you're actually facilitating a huge validation of the government
01:04:28running our lives.
01:04:29Many environmentalists, most environmentalists, all environmentalists who consider themselves
01:04:33to be radical progressive alternatives are in fact simply reinforcing the mantras and
01:04:39the mainstream arguments of the entire establishment.
01:04:41The demands on the government mean that the government suddenly gains the authority to
01:04:46interfere into every nook and cranny of our lives and how we live.
01:04:50Everything has a climate narrative attached to it.
01:04:53How much you consume, where you spend your money, how much you travel, who you interact
01:04:58with, what types of food you eat, whether you eat meat.
01:05:01Everything has some sort of aspect that can be controlled with a climate lens.
01:05:08Suppose 20 years ago somebody had hatched the idea that I would really like to ban cheap
01:05:17I'd really like to control everybody's appliance purchases.
01:05:20I'd really like to tell everybody where they can go.
01:05:23And basically, I'd like to have dictatorial control over everything.
01:05:27Well, it's not going to fly.
01:05:28I know everybody would think you're a nut and would ignore you.
01:05:31But fast forward 20 years, that's what's happening.
01:05:34The publicly funded establishment in the West is so large and powerful, it is able to impose
01:05:40and enforce the official consensus on climate through its control of schools, universities,
01:05:46government, and much of the media.
01:05:51State broadcasters like the BBC exclude climate sceptics.
01:05:55Broadcasting regulatory bodies forbid private stations from disseminating sceptical views,
01:06:01threatening them with having their broadcasting licences revoked.
01:06:06What normally happens in an emergency is that all normal forms of openness and democracy
01:06:12have to be suppressed, because how else to deal with an emergency?
01:06:17So we are facing a situation not unlike lockdown, where basically all normal forms of behaviour,
01:06:25normal forms of social communication and normal forms of democracy are essentially ruled out.
01:06:37Activists are even calling for any scepticism to be criminalised.
01:06:44In certain jobs and professions, it is now dangerous to express dissent on climate.
01:06:49It's no surprise that people who are more sceptical will think twice before voicing
01:06:57their concerns, because they might risk their careers, they might risk their business,
01:07:02they might risk being sacked.
01:07:04If you're a professional of any kind in science or law or medicine,
01:07:08if you belong to a professional association or you are in a university,
01:07:14you can be fired for saying what you believe.
01:07:17The consequence is a censorious, authoritarian regime that has to control every move,
01:07:26every word, everything you want to do,
01:07:29because everything you do is a potential risk to the survival of mankind.
01:07:35Climate protesters condemn capitalism, but at their anti-capitalist rallies,
01:07:47it's hard to spot anyone who looks like a worker, like a docker or crane driver or steel worker
01:07:53or a beautician or a trucker.
01:07:56The workers, it appears, are totally absent from these rallies, and for very good reason.
01:08:01Today's climate alarmists complain not that capitalism isn't producing enough,
01:08:06but that it's producing too much.
01:08:10The modern capitalist system has led to prosperity.
01:08:14More and more people have more and more things.
01:08:17The modern anti-capitalism of the present time
01:08:20is a critique of capitalism that it gives us too much.
01:08:23They think that the problem with capitalism now is actually that it's giving out too many rewards
01:08:29en masse to ordinary workers, and what they want instead,
01:08:33and this is often very explicit actually,
01:08:35is a much more austere, simple kind of lifestyle in which the mass consumption,
01:08:40the consumption choices of the great bulk of the population are controlled or even prohibited.
01:08:47You have to consume less, you have to holiday less,
01:08:51you have to drive less, you have to eat less, and so on.
01:08:54It seems that what upsets many environmentalists is not the failure,
01:08:58but rather the success of capitalism
01:09:00in producing an abundance of affordable goods for the masses.
01:09:06Ordinary working people, for once,
01:09:10we've arrived at a point in history, in the Western world at least,
01:09:15where mass manufacture has allowed them cheap clothes, cheap food, cheap furniture.
01:09:20Cheap furniture.
01:09:21Therefore, you get a clash when affluent environmentalists
01:09:25express their disdain for mass consumption.
01:09:28People going on those big, huge cruise ships.
01:09:33It's like thousands of them.
01:09:34It's like, what are they doing?
01:09:35Oh my God, all those cruises, like ruining Venice, you know, ruining all our beautiful...
01:09:41We own them, don't we?
01:09:42They're not...
01:09:43What are they going there for?
01:09:44What you have here is a classic example of class hypocrisy
01:09:48and self-interest masquerading as public-spirited concern.
01:09:53You could take these kinds of green socialists much more seriously
01:09:56if they lived off-grid,
01:09:58they cut their own consumption down to the minimum,
01:10:00they never flew.
01:10:01Instead, you get constant talk about how human consumption is destroying the planet.
01:10:05But the people making all this talk show absolutely no signs of reducing their own.
01:10:12What environmentalists call degrowth
01:10:14is being achieved by the trashing of our conventional energy and transport systems
01:10:19and the forced introduction of expensive and unreliable alternatives.
01:10:24Already, this is having the desired effect on industrial manufacturing,
01:10:28which is straining under the burden of punitive green taxes and regulation
01:10:32and higher energy prices.
01:10:35The people behind the climate alarm couldn't give a damn about manufacturing.
01:10:39They have nothing to do with it.
01:10:40They don't know people who work in manufacturing,
01:10:42whose jobs and lives depend on it.
01:10:45They're not excited by industry or industrial progress.
01:10:47They explicitly want to shut it down.
01:10:56Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
01:10:59According to many leading environmentalists,
01:11:02the world's poorest people should not aspire to the lifestyle of people in the first world.
01:11:07The planet will not cope.
01:11:09Grace Nyakananda is one of the many Africans who do not have electricity or gas
01:11:14to cook with or heat their homes.
01:11:18The resulting indoor smoke from burning wood and dried dung
01:11:21is the deadliest form of pollution in the world,
01:11:24for millions the cause of lung disease, blindness and early death.
01:11:40It's not just cheap, reliable electricity that Africa needs.
01:11:43Agricultural productivity here is incredibly low.
01:11:46Increasing it takes fossil fuels to make fertilizer
01:11:50and drive tractors and other farm machinery.
01:11:53Jasper Mashogu is a farmer.
01:11:56Each and every African wants to develop,
01:11:59to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow.
01:12:06Each and every African wants to develop.
01:12:09And increasing, improving agriculture is one of the easiest ways to do that.
01:12:14Agriculture is tightly tied to fossil fuels.
01:12:19Fossil fuels that the Western nations are saying we should not have access to.
01:12:26Around a third of the food produced in Africa
01:12:28rots before it ever reaches the mouths of consumers.
01:12:32To prevent this terrible waste, Africa needs plastic packaging,
01:12:36refrigerated lorries and good roads.
01:12:39All are opposed by Western environmentalists.
01:12:42All come with industrial development.
01:12:44All rely on affordable fossil fuel energy.
01:12:48Diarrhoea from drinking dirty water still kills hundreds of thousands of African children.
01:12:54But clean water requires large industrial water purification plants
01:12:58and a modern water supply network.
01:13:01And this will come only with cheap energy.
01:13:04I think it's pretty obvious that the West has got what it has because of fossil fuels.
01:13:11When people say Africa doesn't need fossil fuels, I wonder.
01:13:15I don't think they want what's best for us.
01:13:17They don't want us to develop and that means we continue being starving.
01:13:22We continue being poor.
01:13:26Most people don't know what climate change is, they don't care.
01:13:30They want food on their table.
01:13:32They want to beat poverty.
01:13:33They want to beat hunger.
01:13:35They need money to better their lives.
01:13:37They want to flourish.
01:13:38That's just it.
01:13:41When they use the word sustainable development, they're talking about no development.
01:13:45The point is that to develop sustainably means not to use too much energy,
01:13:50not to use too much carbon, net zero.
01:13:53The idea that you mustn't use too many resources.
01:13:54The fact you mustn't produce enough consumer goods because consumption is bad.
01:13:59Ultimately, the idea of development is out the window.
01:14:04The Greens think the Africans should never use their resources the way the Europeans
01:14:11or the Americans or the Canadians or the Australians have used theirs.
01:14:16They are also in favour of punitive taxes, border taxes, on any African country
01:14:23that wants to export their goods to Europe if they do use their resources.
01:14:28That sums up the ethical ruthlessness and depravity of the Green agenda.
01:14:39But climate alarmists have a problem.
01:14:42Many countries in Africa and across Asia are simply ignoring
01:14:46the environmentalist demands of Western governments and international agencies.
01:14:50Communist China is estimated to be building an average of two new coal power plants a week.
01:14:56China now uses more coal than the rest of the world combined.
01:15:02Which is one of the reasons why this whole climate agenda is falling apart,
01:15:06because the rest of the world is not cutting emissions, is not moving to renewables.
01:15:12In the West too, for many people, climate alarmism is wearing thin.
01:15:20Ordinary people are not stupid.
01:15:22They have seen one ridiculous claim after another fail over and over.
01:15:26What this does is leave people with a profound and justified cynicism
01:15:31about what the scientific establishment says and about what the government says.
01:15:37To fix the climate crisis, we're told we must give up our cars.
01:15:43We must pay more for fuel, heating, clothes, food, fly less, limit where we go.
01:15:50This attack on mass travel, mass tourism,
01:15:53mass consumption holds little appeal to the masses.
01:15:59People have started to realise it's going to cost them a lot of money
01:16:02to simply live the lives that they weren't leading, that they want to lead.
01:16:06And as soon as that started to happen, I could see people in the United Kingdom
01:16:11who had previously been indifferent to environmentalism.
01:16:14Suddenly think, how dare they do that, right?
01:16:17How dare they try and take away what we consider to be not luxuries, but necessities.
01:16:23The whole policy of sustainability is about restraint.
01:16:26It's about restrictions, it's about doing less.
01:16:30And that obviously for most people is anathema to their everyday needs.
01:16:34The fact that there is actually an ideological movement of people
01:16:38who think that cheap mass production of whether it's houses or anything else is a problem.
01:16:46I mean, for God's sake, no wonder people become disdainful
01:16:51of the kind of middle class outlook of environmentalism.
01:16:54But that is literally what people say.
01:16:56How can we stop people buying cheap things in shops?
01:17:03When climate protesters climbed onto an underground train in London's East End,
01:17:08they were not cheered on by working commuters.
01:17:11They were held abuse, pelted, angrily dragged off the train
01:17:15and received rough treatment on the platform.
01:17:19If you were to go into a pub frequented mainly by what the Americans call blue-collar workers,
01:17:26you will find that being sceptical about climate change policy
01:17:30is not going to get you thrown out.
01:17:32Quite the contrary, somebody will probably buy you a drink.
01:17:35They can tell that behind all the talk about climate, emergency, climate crisis,
01:17:40what there actually is, is an animus and a hostility towards them,
01:17:45their lifestyle, their beliefs and a desire to change it by force if necessary.
01:17:55Punitive and restrictive policies carried out both in the name of climate change
01:17:59and Covid have sparked protests in Britain, Canada and other Western countries.
01:18:06Anti-establishment politicians and movements are gaining support.
01:18:12What they underestimated was the fury that this would meet
01:18:17with ordinary people who just say,
01:18:18you can't do this, so you suddenly get this new movement.
01:18:23Many working people are not merely sceptical,
01:18:26but positively angry about the climate alarm and all that flows from it.
01:18:31There is a suspicion or perhaps realisation that climate change is an invented scare,
01:18:37driven by self-interest and snobbery, cynically promoted by a parasitic,
01:18:42publicly funded establishment, hungry for ever more money and power.
01:18:48An assault on the freedom and prosperity of the rest of us.
