• 6 years ago
전 세계 무용수들의 등용문으로 우뚝 선 '서울국제무용콩쿠르' 개막

An annual dance competition is set to get underway in Seoul... featuring contemporary dance, ballet and more.
And it'll feature some of the world's top talent.
Won Jung-hwan reports.
The Seoul International Dance Competition first began in 2004... and is regarded as a gateway for young and talented dancers.
The feast of dance competition, which is being held from Friday until the 27th,… will provide a platform for young dancers to compete in their own genres,... including ballet, contemporary dance, ethnic dance, and choreography.
The competition is neither the largest in the world,... nor the most prestigious,... but for over 15 years,… it has served as a stepping stone for many aspiring young dancers in Korea.
It has produced world class talent such as Kim Ki-min,... who became the first Asian ballerino to join Russia's Mariinsky ballet group,… and Lee Sang-eun,... a ballerina in Germany's Dresden ballet group.
And the executive director of the competition... hopes to expand its reputation further.
"We'll continue to invite foreign judges who lead and dance for the world's most renowned dance institutions so they can meet the best young dancers in Korea."
And she says that there is no better time than now to attract talented young dancers at the competition.
She also emphasized that the largest-ever number of dancers from abroad are taking part in this year's edition,... with some 30 percent of the total participants being foreigners.
"We have to follow the global trend, and that trend right now is K-Pop. I'm trying to include K-Pop dance in our competition so it can be open to everyone. We have a lot of room to showcase our young talent."
Starting from Friday,… some 350 participants will vie for the ultimate prize at Mapo Art Center.
Those who excel,... will be offered unique scholarship opportunities, including a chance to study abroad at renowned dance schools around the world,... in countries like France, the United Kingdom, and China.
Even if they don't make it to the podium,... most of the participants will be able to hone their dance skills during the 9-day event,... with one-point lessons being offered by world-class instructors and judges.
Through this unique mentorship opportunity,... the organizers hope the competition can really serve as a gateway for dancers to reach a higher plateau in their careers.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.


