• 6 years ago
Piranhas movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Based on the novel by Roberto Saviano (Gomorrah), PIRANHAS follows fifteen year-old Nicola (newcomer Francesco Di Napoli) who lives with his mother and younger brother in the Sanità neighborhood of Naples, a place that has been controlled by the Camorra mafia for centuries. Dreaming of a life lush with designer clothing and elite nightclub bottle service, Nicola and his naive group of friends begin selling drugs, an entryway into the violent, power-hungry world of crime that begins to threaten their innocence, relationships, and safety of their families.
Director Claudio Giovannesi
Writers Maurizio Braucci, Claudio Giovannesi, Roberto Saviano
Actors Francesco Di Napoli, Ar Tem, Alfredo Turitto, Viviana Aprea
Genre Drama, Thriller, Foreign
Run Time 1 hour 52 minutes