• 6 years ago
6 Great Table Decoration Ideas For Christmas
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Want to wow your guests this Christmas? Let's start by laying the table!

1. Place Cards

Tie three candy canes together so that they can be used as a stand for place cards.

2. Snowmen

Arrange the plates and cutlery into a snowman by using the larger plate as its belly and placing a smaller one above it to form the head. An unfolded napkin then serves as the scarf while a square-shaped black napkin with knife can be used as the hat.

The fork and spoon represent the arms while blueberries can be used as the eyes and buttons. A small piece of carrot functions as the nose.

3. Table Centerpiece

Place three figures and a small Christmas tree on a plate, sprinkle decorative snow around them, cover the figures with upturned wine glasses, and place tea lights on top of the glasses. That's all you need to magic up a wonderful dining table centerpiece.

4. Christmas Tree

Fold a large green napkin as shown in the video. Use a cinnamon stick to create a stump and a skewer to attach a star at the top. It's almost a shame that you'll be using this beautiful Christmas tree napkin to wipe your mouth!

5. Christmas Stocking

Cutlery is usually rolled up in a napkin and placed on the plate. But on the big day, you can use little Christmas stockings to do the same job instead.

6. Seating Plan

Here's a very simple one — you can write everyone's names onto a paper tablecloth and draw on the cutlery, too!
