• 6 years ago
9 Simple DIY Woodwork Projects
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Wood is all around us — heck, you probably have a bunch just sitting around the house or cluttering up your yard. Put it to good use with these nifty DIY projects that will make you the envy of the entire neighborhood.

1. Storage Bench

When it's time to get some new furniture, most of us head out to the local furniture store. These days, there aren't many people who would go to the trouble of making their own home furnishings. But what if it really wasn't that much trouble at all? As you'll see, creating a stylish piece of furniture to spice up your home decor is actually a lot easier than you'd think. Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/6WIa-gtTFN8

2. Bird Feeder

What can you do with an empty glass bottle and a piece of wood? The answer may be surprising, but it's devilishly clever — you build a bird feeder, of course! It's really easy to make and your feathered friends will certainly appreciate the effort. And surely there's nothing more relaxing than watching the chickadees, cardinals, and robins pecking away at that tasty feed? Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/OkhiBuz8zgQ

3. Concrete Stool

Making your own stool or side table doesn't take much — all you need is a bucket, three dowel rods, and some concrete. Does that sound a bit too easy? The longest part of this project is waiting for the concrete to dry, but as you can see, it's worth it. It's a simple process and you can try out all sorts of different styles and heights to create a unique piece of furniture for your home! Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/_O06ntcCSe4

4. – 7. Branch Decorations

When a stiff breeze picks up and starts to shake the trees all over the place, it's time to get inside! But before you retreat to the warmth of your home, you should pick up a few fallen branches and twigs first — there's a whole host of ideas you can try for adding a rustic touch to your living room! By following several simple steps, you can add some rustic seasonal charm to your living room in no time at all. Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/FSgRgmdIHaM

8. Pallet Sofa

DIY furniture made from wooden pallets is the latest craze, and will remain so long after the next summer has come and gone. And it's no wonder, because the charming wooden constructions are cheap to build and very flexible. In this case, the upcycling of pallets results in a comfortable, homemade couch which is perfect for both outdoors in the garden and inside in your home. Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/Rb9IkJpdE9w

9. Fork Coat Rack

Knives, forks, scissors — these are all things you want to keep out the reach of small children. But with a bit of effort you can turn sharp things that children shouldn't touch into a unique piece of homemade furniture — well, when it comes to the forks anyway. See for yourself how to craft some cutlery into a coat rack. Get the full instructions here: https://www.cleverly.me/fork-coat-rack

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Are you already itching to get started? If you can't get enough of these arts and crafts-type projects, be sure to check out these 7 creative DIY furniture ideas for one-of-a-kind pieces: https://youtu.be/k5ZFRA7XeT0
