• 6 years ago
6 Creative Ideas For Kids' Rooms
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Children love drawing and making things with their parents, especially when they get to decorate their rooms with the fruits of their labor. These 6 kids' crafts will give your children the chance to let their creativity flow, all while giving you a chance to straighten things up a bit and even upcycle a few old products in the meantime!

1. – 3. Repurpose Old Kids' Toys

If your kids have a hard time keeping their rooms nice and tidy, these 3 fun crafts might be just the thing you're looking for, especially if they're starting to get a little too old for some of their favorite childhood toys. There are so many great ways to repurpose your little ones' old playthings, and here are some great DIY projects to get you started. Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/kFGjMNg_8eA

4. DIY Reversible Stuffed Animals

When it comes to buying toys, some kids can be really picky, especially when it comes to stuffed animals. If your little one can't decide whether they'd rather have an owl or a penguin, instead of buying both, you can follow these instructions for a bit of DIY at home, and you'll end up with two for the price of one. Get the full instructions here: https://www.cleverly.me/reversible-stuffed-animal

5. Fun & Easy Hand Drawings For Kids

It's time to let your creativity flow! Not everyone may be cut out to be a master artist, but that doesn't mean you can't still have fun with subject, and so much the better when you can do it in a fun and creative way! These fun DIY drawing activities are a hit with kids and your little ones will be so proud to decorate their walls with the end result! Get the full instructions here: https://www.cleverly.me/4-hand-drawings-for-kids

6. Drinking Straw Caterpillars

It's springtime again and the flowers and trees aren't the only things coming back to life. At this time of year it's not uncommon to see caterpillars munching on leaves and getting ready for their big transformation into beautiful butterflies. Your kids will love capturing the magic with their own caterpillars that they can even bring to life and display in their rooms! Get the full instructions here: https://youtu.be/8VRXC6BKkTs

While these 6 creative arts & crafts are geared towards children, they're definitely something the entire family can enjoy!
