• 6 years ago
Touching scenes as a baboon feeds her newborn and grooms a young male, while buffaloes gather around the carcass of a comrade killed by lions.

The Chacma baboons (papio ursinus) -- the largest non-human primates in Southern Africa -- were filmed in a huge Nyala Tree on the bank of the Mphongolo River in Kruger National Park in South Africa.

The African or Cape buffaloes (syncerus caffer) were also filmed in the park, off the H1-7 road, 6.5km north of Babalala Picnic Spot.

The beasts waited around the corpse of their comrade for about 15 minutes, sniffing at its body and appearing mournful.

The dead buffalo was killed by a pride of nine lions. Buffalo are also capable of killing lions.


