• 6 years ago
Title Theme by +TEK (Skeleton Boomerang)
Never Return Alive by Yuzo Koshiro (Streets Of Rage 2)
Bonus Stage 2 - Ready... Go! by Tomoko Sasaki (Ristar)
Big Boss BGM by Koji Kondo (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island)
Rave Rush by Doug Brandon (San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing)

Thanks To...
Sean Only, Jack Bandicoot and The Pop Punk Kid for the fabulous intro
deadmanmrb for filming triplemania side-ways rather than horizontal
Richard Land for the cigar
XylotThemes for the Impact Wrestling clip (that he sent me 2 months ago and I forgot to use)
twmnewsuk for the Insurance ending
wresedit for the roman simpsons ending
__Ben_Nicol_ for the TRAMPOLINE ending
ericispbic for Billy K.O. ending
Kaufmancab51 for the Looney Tunes/Shane O Mac ending
charles chase for the NJPW overdub ending
steve williams for the WOL ring-up ending


Well I was expecting the annual Triplemania gift from the gods but it turned out to be a really fun show with only minimal botch, which is great news for lucha libre but bad news for Botchamania. I mean they had a match with Vampiro, Konnan, Pagano and one-armed La Parka and it wasn't bad! What a turn-around.

Used a fan cam shot of Chik Tormenta missing the ladder because the twitch live version looked like she fucking died which goes against the (mostly) light-hearted feel to this show. She'd tweet out she was just shook up because luchadores are made of teflon or I wouldn't have used it.

Yeah so there's a film with Ronda Rousey, Paige, D-Von Dudley and others where they fight tables and it's real.

Had Onita FMW ready for a while but was waiting for a show to underperform so thanks AAA. Onita was allowed to use FMW undercard wrestlers until their bitter break-up in late 1998 so he was forced to use whoever was around to fill up a card no-one cared about because 99% of people were there for the Onita main event. More to come!

"Why didn't you wait for Summerslam" because these things need to be regularly uploaded (every two weeks folks) or people forget I exist. With NXT the day before, the next video won't be far behind anyway.

With the usual Vimeo channel getting possibly scrubbed by WWE, it's been a life-questioning week in Botchamania HQ but it'll either get fixed or it won't. In the mean time, there's other sites that will be used as alternatives so joining Dailymotion will be bitchute, verystream and errrr xvideos. I thank you for your patience but every time someone asks me "what happened to the channel?" I get the urge to snap my phone in half. I know you mean well but why do you think? Aye mate, I decided to take it down myself because the Toejam & Earl song ruined the nuance I was going for.