• 6 years ago
Raphael the Raven by Yuka Tsujiyoko, Taishi Senda (Paper Mario)
File Select by Norio Hanzawa (Wario World)
Rocky Road by Josh Mancell, Mutato Muzika, Mark Mothersbaugh (Crash Team Racing)
Dungeon 2D Cave by Ryo Nagamatsu (The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 2019)

Thanks To...
Black Taurus for the fabulous intro
DameDonn for the Dash footage
thefookingman for the Becky footage from Squared Circle
Maxamilian Demian for the NWA Aaron Rex video
the broken prince for the child brutality ending
Remingsteele for the WHY HHH WHY ending
charles dammit for the Family Guy ending
the spy javert for the Red Dwarf ending
hardminute for the bizarre remix ending
steve williams for CAPTAIN FUC-KIN NOO JAPAN ending
stanthedrybear for the No Limit Soldiers ending
MetalGearMisfit for the Shockmaster very-end bit


I'm very sorry to break the usual Friday afternoon slot and my excuse is "fuck xmas." I'm currently typing this after two solid recording days and after downing enough caffeine to raise the titanic but I'm glad this one out before 2019 ended.
As some people asked "will you be doing 2019 Most Botched Matches comp as you didn't do one for 2018 for some reason" and the answer is yes. But after I have a rest and a big wank first.

I'm not sure Black Taurus was 100% sure what he was recording but at least he was quick and to the point.
I tried to highlight the terribleness of the situation rather than laughing at Sane getting injured at TLC because fucking up will always be amazing but injuries less so. Hopefully that translates in the video.