• 6 years ago
Approved | 1h 3min | Western, Action, Drama | 2 November 1934 (USA)

Trouble starts when Bill Larkins and his two sons move in with his brother Joe. They start rustling cattle and then kill Rod's father with Joe's gun. The Sheriff and Rod think they did it and are after proof.

Director: Lewis D. Collins

Writer: Jack Natteford

Stars: Bob Steele, Lucile Browne, William Farnum
00:19Help! Hey! Help!
00:24Help! Oh, help!
00:28Help! Help!
00:37Help! Help!
00:40Help! Oh, help!
00:43Rod! Oh, Rod! Help!
01:18Hurry, Felix!
01:48Here, Rod. You were wonderful.
01:57That was nothing. I could have bulldogged two of them.
02:02You were great, Rod.
02:06You're safe now. Let me help you down.
02:19My, you're strong. For a boy, I mean.
02:23Boy? I'm as strong as any man in Alamo County.
02:27Oh, Rod, you haven't grown up yet.
02:30Who hasn't?
02:32Didn't I just bulldog that steer?
02:35Can I throw a rope and ride bronc?
02:38What else can a man do?
02:40Nothing, I guess.
02:42You're just perfect, Rod.
02:45Rod! Rod! He's coming back!
02:59Bulldogged two of them!
03:01You bulldogged that big steer!
03:16Help me up, Rod.
03:18Get up yourself.
03:46You better take this.
03:48What's that?
03:49A little present from my mother.
03:56That's for your mother.
03:58Well, haven't you got one for me?
04:15Howdy, Mr. Arkin.
04:17Howdy, Mr. Arkin.
04:19How's the cattle business?
04:21Better, Maitland.
04:22Oh, fine.
04:24Oh, Margie, by the way,
04:26there's a barn dance down at Farley's Ranch this evening.
04:30I thought perhaps you'd like to go
04:32if you could find somebody to take you.
04:35Say, can I take her?
04:38That's an idea.
04:40What do you think, Margie?
04:41I think that's fine.
04:42Well, you'd better get ready, then.
04:43It's a long drive.
04:45Excuse me, Rod.
04:48Well, can I offer you a drink of liquor, Mr. Kemp?
04:53Oh, I'm done with this early.
04:55A little too early for this climate, Margie.
04:57Oh, of course.
04:58You know this country much better than I do.
05:01Sit down.
05:03Oh, by the way, Mr. Kemp,
05:05I wonder if I could trouble you for a little advice.
05:09You know that bottomland of mine down near the creek?
05:12Well, I'm turning it into a hay meadow.
05:14Uh, what kind of grass would you use?
05:18Redtop or bluestem?
05:20That barn's a little too wet for redtop.
05:23But if you put it in bluestem, I don't think you can go wrong.
05:26Oh, so I figured.
05:27But out here, before I do anything,
05:29I always like to ask a man who knows.
05:32And I feel that I can bank on your advice.
05:35You know, you Kemps are the very best neighbors
05:38I ever had anywhere.
05:42Moved around quite a bit, haven't you?
05:49Always hoped to settle down.
05:52But things go wrong after a spell.
05:55So I have to pick up and move on.
05:58Well, don't worry.
05:59You'll make a go of it this time.
06:01You have friends here.
06:04Well, if it were just myself, I wouldn't mind.
06:07You see?
06:09Hello, buddy.
06:10Hello, Dad.
06:12What you doing, Rod?
06:14Just talking to your dad, bud.
06:16Got your old ballo knife?
06:21Let's play mumbo-cake.
06:26I can't fool around with those kid games anymore, bud.
06:29Thinkin' I have a knife?
06:31Give that back to him.
06:33Well, he said he didn't want it anymore.
06:36You can have it.
06:40Gee, Margie, you look pretty.
06:41Oh, well.
06:43Rigged already.
06:45Now, you take good care of my daughter, Mr. Kemps.
06:48You can depend on me, Mr. Harkin.
06:51Say, we'd better hurry.
06:53I have to stop by my place and change my clothes.
06:56Now, you be sure and have a good time, Margie.
06:58Good night, Dad.
07:00Good night.
07:05Well, bud old boy, guess it won't be long
07:08before you be takin' some gal to a bond dance, eh?
07:11Heh, heh.
07:45Why don't you dance with the other girls?
08:15They're awfully pretty.
08:18They are the prettiest, Margie.
08:20Heh, you're just saying that.
08:22Of course, you're a nice boy.
08:25I'm not.
08:28I'm going to marry you one of these days.
08:30When you grow up.
08:33I am growin' up.
08:34You're not.
08:35Oh, I am too.
08:36You're not.
08:38But I like you just the same.
08:42Better than anybody?
08:44Well, maybe.
08:46When you grow up, I'll tell ya.
08:52Why, you are grown up.
08:55I told you so.
08:58Let's dance.
09:14Let's dance.
09:44No mustard?
10:12No mustard?
10:23Hey, Post.
10:24Get the nifty piece of gingham over there.
10:35But she's got a fella you better look out.
10:45Where's your manners?
11:04Excuse me, Marge.
11:05I'll have to take him out and tie him up again.
11:07Come on, Parker.
11:15What's the big idea?
11:16You talkin' to me?
11:17Yes, you.
11:18Keep your mouth shut, kid.
11:21Let's clean him up.
11:50Let's clean him up, fellas.
11:52Come on.
11:53Come on.
11:54Hold on tight.
11:55Come on.
12:25Don't be sore at me, Margie.
12:27I didn't mean to break up the dance.
12:30But after what he did to partner, I just couldn't help it.
12:33I'm not sore at you, Rod.
12:36Good night.
12:37Good night.
12:45Well, you're back early, Margie.
12:47We had a grand time.
12:50Uh, Dad.
12:52Uh, Rod wants me to marry him when he grows up.
12:57Uh, do you want to?
13:03Well, I don't know of any reason why you shouldn't.
13:07Good night, Dad.
13:09Good night, Margie.
13:18Well, we've come as far as that fella said.
13:32This must be the place.
13:34Don't look like much.
13:36You know, one cost is nothing to stay with Uncle Joe a while,
13:39will it, Pop?
13:41I never seen him so poor I couldn't make a piece of money
13:44out of him.
13:45Well, well, brother.
14:13Well, ain't you going to welcome us?
14:15Can't you see he's tickled to death to see us?
14:18Oh, I, uh, I've been sort of expecting you sooner or later.
14:23Oh, I just couldn't stay away any longer.
14:26It's been 10 years since you even wrote to me.
14:29Not a very brotherly way to act, was it?
14:31Oh, it's not like you was, my brother.
14:33Same thing.
14:34I'm your half-brother, innit?
14:35Remember the advice you used to give me about settling down?
14:39Well, I'm taking that advice.
14:42This good grazing ground, uh, a little further west,
14:46uh, ain't even been touched yet.
14:50Well, sir, this suits me fine right here.
14:56But I, I haven't got the room.
15:00Well, you wouldn't turn your brother out, would you, Joe?
15:04You're forgetting I've got two children.
15:06So what?
15:08We'll crowd in somehow.
15:10See, we ain't used to no Tony accommodations.
15:14We ain't ever done no stretching jails.
15:17Eh, boys?
15:18Don't, don't.
15:19Oh, I see.
15:21Never told the young'uns, eh?
15:23Make yourself at home, boys.
15:36Does your old woman still make that good apple pie, Uncle Joe?
15:41My wife died last year.
15:45Oh, that's too bad.
15:47But that sickly kind of woman ain't much good out here.
15:55It's a rotten sofa.
15:58Oh, Margie.
16:05This is your Uncle Bill.
16:08And your cousins, Hope and Slim.
16:16That isn't a nifty little piece of ginger.
16:18They'll, they'll be staying on with us for a little while.
16:22And, uh, so perhaps you, you better put Bud into my room.
16:27And she can have the sofa.
16:31All right, Dad.
16:37That's the kind of a woman a man needs here.
16:39You boys put the horses away.
16:48Saw some mighty fine steers coming down the trail.
16:52They happen to be yours?
16:54No, they belong to the camps.
16:56I'm running just a few heads down on the bottom.
16:58Oh, you'll never get rich that way.
17:01We'll have to build up a big herd for you.
17:06I never went in for that sort of thing.
17:08You're entitled to all the cattle you can get your brand on.
17:11Now, there ain't nothing to get head up about.
17:13Your room's ready.
17:16Then I'll go to bed.
17:25Margie's a fine girl in Alamo County.
17:28What do you think, Father?
17:31Congratulations, son.
17:33Thanks, Dad.
17:35Thank you, too, Mother.
17:37Well, about time we all turned in.
17:42Well, good night.
17:44Good night, son.
17:45Mother, I'm just going to leave these ladies here till tomorrow.
17:54Well, look who's waking up to kiss me goodnight.
18:03I'll let her alone.
18:10Let me go, will you?
18:12Take your hand off of me.
18:14Get out.
18:19Get out.
18:22You hear me?
18:23Get out of here.
18:25Get out of here.
18:28Get out of here, or I'll shoot.
18:34In here, both of you.
18:39You killed him.
18:41Nah, he'll be all right.
18:44I just want to teach him a lesson.
19:12Hey, Dad?
19:14Are you going to need me for a couple of hours?
19:16No, why, son?
19:20I'd like to ride over and tell Margie that it's all right with you and Mother.
19:25All right, go ahead, Ron.
19:39You better stay here, partner.
19:53Why, Mother, that's nothing to cry about, his getting engaged.
19:59But he was only a boy yesterday, and today he's a man.
20:03I know.
20:04They have a habit of growing up.
20:06But you're going to get a daughter.
20:11Look, Mother.
20:18Yep, he's a grown-up man now.
20:35Pick up that wood.
20:50Well, look who's coming.
20:58Rod's coming.
20:59He's way outside.
21:01I'm afraid there'll be trouble.
21:03Rod had a fight with Holt and Slim at the dance last night.
21:06I'm afraid he left us.
21:07Oh, Bud, now take that into the kitchen.
21:09I want to talk to Margie.
21:14We've got to keep Rod out of this.
21:17I'm afraid they'll shoot him.
21:18Well, you must tell him to go away and keep away while they're here.
21:23Yes, but there's only one way to do that, and I can't hurt Rod.
21:30I can't.
21:31But you've got to.
21:33I can't.
21:36Well, all right.
21:38I'll talk to him.
21:56Hello, Thornton.
21:58Hello, Margie.
22:01I see the wind blew a couple of tumbleweeds on your porch.
22:06Relatives of mine.
22:12Well, I won't hold that against you.
22:15You speak your mind pretty free, Mr. Kemp.
22:20Oh, I'm sorry.
22:21I didn't mean anything.
22:22Maybe you're getting to feel too much at home in this house.
22:26Now that I have kin folks stopping on here with me,
22:28why, perhaps you'd better find some other place to do your loafing.
22:34Well, yesterday you said that, Margie, and I...
22:36Did you think I was in earnest?
22:38I've been lobbying at you all along.
22:40You have no idea how funny you look when you stick out that chest and try to act like a man.
22:46But when puppies get underfoot, they have to be kicked out.
22:51Eh, Margie?
22:55Is that so, Margie?
22:59Goodbye, Rod.
23:05I won't go until you explain.
23:08You heard your orders.
23:19Get off!
23:20Get off!
23:22Drop that!
23:31Get out of here!
23:43Come on, get going!
24:13What's the matter, son?
24:41Is it Margie?
24:46Don't let that worry you.
24:47Your mother turned me down, too.
24:51Did she?
24:53A couple of times.
24:54But a man don't let that stop him.
25:02You're not saying that just to make me feel better, are you?
25:08In fact, I've been aiming to put you on regular wages.
25:10If you want to work for me.
25:13When do I start?
25:16Well, you might as well start right now.
25:19The boys have been telling me they've been missing some cattle down on the bottom.
25:23Let's find out where they strayed to.
25:26Can I go?
25:28Come on.
25:38I wouldn't pack a gun yet, Rod.
25:42Well, the other men do.
25:43And I'm liable to need it.
25:45Guns got more men into trouble than it ever got out of trouble.
25:49The way to prove that you're a regular man is by your work.
25:58All right, Dad.
25:59That's the boy.
26:08Come on, Parker.
26:09Come on.
28:16Cheese means good, Dad.
28:20Can Mark and me take him over to the tent?
28:27Oh, Dad.
28:29Rod always brings fresh meat over when they kill a steer.
28:48Who's there?
28:49Sheriff of Alamo County.
29:00Well, come right in, Sheriff.
29:03Howdy, Sheriff.
29:04Howdy, Joe.
29:05I'm Bill Arkins.
29:06Them's my boys.
29:10What can we do for you?
29:11Well, what you can do for most anybody at dinner time.
29:14Pull right up. There's plenty for both of you.
29:17I'm not hungry.
29:18Suit yourself, son.
29:48Good meat.
29:50Little fresh, though.
29:51Kill of the day.
29:54Some of your own raising, I suppose.
29:56Anybody say different?
29:59You don't have to get so touchy.
30:01Ain't nobody accusing you of rustling.
30:03But, of course, if you want to act suspicious, you're bound to be suspected.
30:06We ain't worrying none, Sheriff.
30:18More meat?
30:19No, thanks.
30:20Reckon I got all I need.
30:23Well, good night, Sheriff.
30:25Drop in any time.
30:28Maybe I will.
30:29Say, by the way, there's something else you can do for me.
30:32I broke the firing pin out of my carbine.
30:34And around here it says you got a .30-30 rifle.
30:37Oh, that's my brother's gun.
30:41Mind if I borrow it?
30:44Why, why, no.
30:45Of course not.
30:48Get your uncle's rifle from his room.
30:58Thanks for the loan.
31:00Is it in good working order?
31:01Oh, yes.
31:02Have you used it lately?
31:10Well, I say it's been fired today.
31:15Well, I'll take it.
31:16I'll take it.
31:17I'll take it.
31:18I'll take it.
31:19I'll take it.
31:20I'll take it.
31:21I'll take it.
31:22I'll take it.
31:23I'll take it.
31:24I'll take it.
31:25I'll take it.
31:27Maybe one of your boys had the gun out hunting.
31:29It was with me all day.
31:31I'll swear to it.
31:33Who took this gun out of your daddy's room?
31:35Honestly, sir, it wasn't me.
31:39It wasn't her either, because she scared him.
31:42Maybe your daddy had it.
31:44Dad was home all day.
31:46None of your keen folks had the gun?
31:48Not that I know of.
31:52I didn't think you would fight in my daughter's...
31:54Hey, son.
31:55I'm the one that's talking.
31:57Rod's a little excited.
31:58His father had an accident today.
32:00Somebody shot him.
32:02Say something, miss?
32:08Well, much obliged for the gun.
32:11I'll bring it back soon.
32:12I'd like to do some more talking.
32:14But Rod here's in a hurry to get back to his father.
32:21Is your father badly hurt?
32:24I'm afraid he's dying.
32:28If that's any satisfaction to any of you.
32:48Did you...
32:49Shut up.
32:50Now don't you go hunting trouble with us.
32:52Supposedly Sheriff traces that bullet back to your gun.
32:56You'll be needing our word to keep you out of jail again.
33:10The wagon's ready.
33:11Did you get plenty of blankets?
33:12A baby never had her salt for cradle, ma'am.
33:14I'll help.
33:16You go and get your things on.
33:17And pack your bag.
33:18We'll take care of your husband.
33:22Take him away, boys.
33:29How is he?
33:30He might pull through.
33:31Did you get the bullet out?
33:33We must take him to the hospital, officer.
33:37Well, there goes my evidence.
33:38And you can't do anything?
33:39Not till I can prove the bullet come from this gun.
33:42Why, I can't even hold him for rustling
33:43till I got more to go by than fresh meat.
33:45And you can't do nothing to protect my boy?
33:48Looks like we'll just have to get him roping up to hang themselves.
33:53You're ready, mother.
33:56Aw, don't worry.
33:57I'll take care of everything.
33:59Why, I'm not worried about the ranch, son.
34:01It's you.
34:03I'll tell them you'll be right out.
34:05Oh, I'm so afraid they'll make trouble.
34:08And you'll get hurt.
34:11I promise I won't start anything.
34:14Now, you must hurry, honey.
34:17All right, son.
34:23I told you there was money in rustling.
34:26Now we're going to make a real clean up.
34:29That old wagon of yours is going back to work.
34:32What are you aiming to do?
34:35I thought you wasn't interested in the cattle business.
34:42Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
34:45I'm going to make a real clean up.
34:48I'm going to make a real clean up.
34:51Hook up them new broncs, boys.
34:54We're going to town for supplies.
35:21Come on, Marty.
35:22We've got enough.
35:51What's the matter, Margie?
35:53Oh, I jumped off the haystack and scared her.
35:58Wagon's ready.
35:59Let's go.
36:01Who's going to stay with the young'uns?
36:07Yes, I'll stay.
36:09No, we'll need you in town.
36:12You can help us out.
36:14I'll stay.
36:16I'll stay.
36:17I'll stay.
36:18You'll stay in town.
36:20You can handle the money and buy supplies without causing a lot of talk.
36:26How would you like to stay with the young'uns?
36:32It's all right, Dad.
36:33I'll fix some lunch for you to eat on the way to town.
36:36Come help me, Bud.
36:48Come on, boys, let's get the horses.
37:15Come on, boys, let's get the horses.
37:45They're coming!
38:15They're coming!
38:45They're coming!
39:15They're coming!
39:44They're coming!
40:01Rod! Rod!
40:20Get out of the way here.
40:23He'll be all right.
40:25Pick up them horses, Slim.
40:27And you're riding back with me.
40:29I'm coming for this young sprout.
40:30We're to save both you and the wagon.
40:32I reckon he owes us nothing.
40:34And I'm taking him back to pay it.
40:35What do you mean?
40:38Maybe he's got a wagon we can borrow.
40:40And he might lend us those supplies
40:42we was going to town for.
40:45Come on, get going, you.
40:46Come on, shake it up.
40:47Get out of here.
41:15What happened to you?
41:34Oh, I just got a bump.
41:39I've had no fight with them.
41:42I'm lending them our wagon and some supplies.
41:44Don't you know the sheriff figures
41:46him and them that shot your dad?
41:48That hasn't been proven.
41:50We're not scared of them, are we, boys?
41:53I reckon we're trouble.
41:55Then start it.
41:58If there's any shooting around here,
42:00that boy might get hurt.
42:02Accidental like.
42:05Yeah, bluff wins.
42:06Ain't no bluff.
42:07But as long as you're backing down,
42:09you might just as well go all the way
42:11and high tail it out of here.
42:13You mean leave the ranch?
42:16I figure your boss here would be a lot safer
42:19without a lot of gunmen around.
42:20So get going.
42:25Order my orders, boys.
42:28If you'll stop in town, my mother will pay you off.
42:31Well, I never thought I'd back down
42:32to any yellow-bellied coward who'd
42:34hit at me through a boy.
42:35We'll see you on your way.
42:38Get out of here.
42:50Goodbye, Rod.
42:54I have to talk to you.
42:56There isn't anything to say.
42:59Why did you take their sides against me?
43:03I can't tell you.
43:05Come on, Margie.
43:07Thanks, kid.
43:09For everything.
43:32Hit it.
43:33Hit it.
43:34Hit it.
43:54Hey, Rod!
43:56Gee, I was scared they'd see me.
44:01Why can't we be friends anymore?
44:10Ask Margie.
44:12But she wants to be friends with you.
44:16She told me to get out and stay away from her.
44:20Oh, uh, that was on your account, Rod.
44:23She talked it over with Dad, and they
44:25thought you'd get hurt if he kept coming around.
44:28And they knew Walt and Slim are mad at you.
44:33Is that why she...
44:35I heard it all.
44:37She's not mad at you, Rod.
44:39Then she still likes me.
44:41Why, she's thinking of you all the time.
44:44She's always looking at that picture of you in her locket.
44:48But she's so worried about you, she can't sleep at night.
44:54Say, Bud.
44:57You tell her that I'm not mad at her either.
44:59Will you?
45:00Sure I will.
45:01Soon to get home.
45:23Hit it.
45:25Margie, I thought you got away.
45:27I was going after you.
45:28It's hopeless.
45:29Where's Bud?
45:30That's what I'd like to find out.
45:33I warned you to keep your young'uns in order.
45:36Now we're going to have a showdown.
45:39Rather than have any more trouble with you and your brats,
45:43I'm going to forget that I'm your brother.
45:46And I'm going to remember that I'm a good citizen.
45:52So if you think so much of your father,
45:55you'll be a good girl and do what you're told.
45:59All right.
46:01Go ahead and do your chores.
46:10That was a good piece of business with young Camp.
46:12We ain't begun to make money off him.
46:14I don't know.
46:15I'm worried about the old man.
46:17Nobody's got anything on us.
46:19It means trouble if they get the bullet out of him.
46:22It comes from our gun.
46:24We've got to get him out of there.
46:27Let's go.
46:28Let's go.
46:29Let's go.
46:30Let's go.
46:31Let's go.
46:32Let's go.
46:33Let's go.
46:34Let's go.
46:35Let's go.
46:36Let's go.
46:37Let's go.
46:38It comes from our gun.
46:40Trouble for Uncle Joe.
46:42It's his rifle.
46:50But suppose the kid seen you with the gun.
46:52What of it?
46:54You shouldn't have done it, Holt.
46:56Camp caught you blotting out his brand.
46:58What else could I do but shoot him?
47:02You hear what we was talking about?
47:06What are we going to do with her?
47:10There's one way we can keep her mouth shut.
47:13What do you mean?
47:15A wife can't testify against her husband.
47:26Go home, partner.
47:29Go home.
47:56Buzz, what are you doing up at this hour of the night?
48:00I went over to Rod.
48:02Was he all right?
48:05And he said to tell you he wanted to be friends.
48:08Oh, Buzz.
48:09Did he really?
48:11Do you think he really meant it?
48:13I know he did.
48:15And he said to tell you he loved you.
48:19Oh, Buzz.
48:20Well, that ain't nothing to cry about.
48:23I'm not crying about that.
48:26I'm crying because it's too late.
48:32Buzz, do you suppose Rod would come over here and take me away?
48:37Could you go back right away and tell him?
48:39I'll go back right now.
48:44Who's that?
48:52Who's that?
49:22Who's that?
49:47Rod, let me in.
49:49Open up, Rod.
49:52Come here, Rod.
49:59What's the matter?
50:03I scared they'd catch me.
50:05What happened, Bud?
50:07Well, I was telling Margie what you said.
50:10And Hulk woke up and I ran.
50:13You told Margie?
50:16And she cried.
50:18But she cries a lot, anyway.
50:20Most every night.
50:22I don't know.
50:23I don't know.
50:24I don't know.
50:25I don't know.
50:26I don't know.
50:27I don't know.
50:28I don't know.
50:29I don't know.
50:30She cries, anyway.
50:31Most every night.
50:34Did she say anything?
50:37She wants you to come and take her away.
50:44I can't have any more trouble with your folks, Bud.
51:14Ain't you got any shoes?
51:28Marcia's ready.
51:41All right.
51:42Let's go to town.
51:43Come on, Margie.
51:52I'm sorry, Margie.
52:16Hey, ride!
52:29Aw, why didn't he wait?
52:33Why, Bud.
52:35Well, why did you get all these copies?
52:37Why. Why did you get all these copies out of their
53:02All right keep your eyes.
53:06What you have now in Oregon I know what you know all my hands recovered and
53:11a positive and I had to buy them people to your where are they right now they have
53:16a cow. I'm
53:21almost like you'll never be able to have that bang.
53:42The. I'll have
53:44a mark.
55:24What's the matter.
55:30You take my heart and go on to town.
56:19All right boys bring him in.
