• 6 years ago
Former Publicist
Claims Michael Jackson
Had a Secret Will Michael Jackson's former business manager,
Raymone Bain, revealed to the media on
Aug. 23 that Jackson made a will in 2006. Bain claims that she witnessed
Jackson sign the will along with a notary,
but that it vanished after his death. Raymone Bain,
via The Independent If found, the 2006 will would legally supersede
the current will, which is dated back to 2002. The Jackson Estate has since released
a statement dismissing Bain's claims. Michael Jackson Estate,
to The Independent Jackson's 2002 will saw his entire estate left to
two co-executors, a decision that his relatives
have disputed since his death in 2009. It also named his mother, Katherine,
the legal guardian of his three children;
Prince, Paris and Blanket.
