• 5 years ago
While talking to an other dancer at the festival in the Berlin Central Station, I notice an invalid man in a wheelchair putting his feet up on the counter behind my head.

A bit later, I see the same guy dancing tango.

Although it doesn't look like a miracle just happened,
I enjoy seeing this man being able to enjoy dancing, despite his handicap.
But when I am enjoying a warm connection in dancing myself,
my warm connection is rudely being interrupted by the same man, leading his partner into fast turns while keeping his arms wide and his eyes shut.
He doesn't seem to notice or care, ripping apart my embrace and suddenly I notice the atmosphere has changed.
Several couples seem to be practising fancy moves, carelessly bumping into others.
The woman I dance with wants to quit dancing and I notice people avoiding each other.
A young lady, right in front of me, explains she's looking at someone behind me, when I start waving at her.
I tell her I am simply trying to greet her for the 3rd time in different places, but that she seems to avoid me.
She seems to feel uncomfortable with the atmosphere, just like me, so when I eventually ask her if she feels better now, some miraculous dances follow.

Sharing the free pleasures of life without depending on money.



