Thousands protest against Johnson's move to shut down Parliament

  • 5 years ago
英 존슨, 의회 1달 간 정회... 곳곳에서 반대시위 벌어져

Some two-thousand people in London gathered outside number 10 Downing Street on Saturday,... to protest British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's move to suspend parliament for about a month.
Chanting, "Liar Johnson, shame on you," the protestors were one of many groups across the UK... holding rallies against the prorogation decision.
The move has been seen as an attempt to pressure the EU as well as opposition lawmakers,... with Johnson pushing for Britain's departure from the EU by the October 31st deadline -- without a deal if need be.
The suspension means Parliament won't be in session until October 14th,... leaving very little time for Johnson's opponents to take legislative action.