• 6 years ago
SHANGHAI — Costco opened its very first physical store in China last week to quite a bit of pandemonium.
According to Liberty Times, so many shoppers tried to squeeze in on day one it was forced to close early, with some people waiting up to three hours just to get into the parking lot.
Liberty Times reported one blogger posted pictures onto Chinese social media showing some parts of the store in pretty bad shape thanks to kind, considerate shoppers.
Several boxes of food were found to have been opened and eaten—and then just put back or left in other parts of the store, such as sushi trays with half the sushi gone or boxes with nibbled on or missing muffins.

Other photos show customers carelessly leaving items that need refrigeration randomly around the stores like frozen chicken, sushi and milk.
Who hasn't been to Costco when you suddenly need to hit the head? Thank god that's what the bathroom is for.
Unfortunately for one mother, she felt that the closest garbage can would suffice for her daughter instead.
Costco may have entered China, but now it looks like China has also entered Costco.


