THE TURKEY BOWL Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Patrick Hodges, a former small-town high school quarterback—now a high-powered Chicago businessman engaged to a politician’s daughter—hasn’t returned to his tiny Midwestern town in years. But his old friends have lured him back for Thanksgiving to force him to finish the legendary Turkey Bowl—a football game that was snowed out 15 years ago. Patrick must risk his future to lead his ragtag team against their bitter crosstown rivals, ultimately realizing how much he misses the simpler life and the girl that got away.
Director: Greg Coolidge
Writers: Greg Coolidge, Kirk Ward
Stars: Brett Cullen, Matt Jones, Alan Ritchson
In Select Theaters, on Digital, & On Demand 11/15
Director: Greg Coolidge
Writers: Greg Coolidge, Kirk Ward
Stars: Brett Cullen, Matt Jones, Alan Ritchson
In Select Theaters, on Digital, & On Demand 11/15
Short film