Japan notifies U.S. of its refusal to accede to South Korea's demand: Yomiuri Shimbun

  • 5 years ago
"日, 지소미아 연계 '韓수출규제' 철회 않기로"…美에 입장 전달

But will there be a breakthrough?
With the clock running out on GSOMIA,... it appears Japan isn't willing to make any concessions to salvage the agreement.
Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun reported on Sunday... that Tokyo had notified the U.S. of its final decision... not to lift its export curbs on South Korea in accordance to Seoul's demand.
According to the report, the Japanese government made the decision... after working-level diplomatic were held in Tokyo Friday between the two sides.
There, foreign ministry officials from Seoul and Tokyo engaged in marathon talks for more than two hours,... but were unable to narrow their differences..
South Korea has been demanding Japan to withdraw its export controls,... in exchange for reconsidering its decision on GSOMIA, which is due to expire next week