Produce Grown Right in Stores is the Newest Food Trend You Need to Try

  • 5 years ago
Produce Grown Right inStores is the Newest FoodTrend You Need to Try For most of us who live in cities and suburbs,there’s a big gap between where our foodcomes from and where we actually purchased it. But a new trend is starting to shrinkthat gap to literally nothing by placingthe farm right in your supermarket. This is beneficial because the produce ishigher quality and the process reducestransportation costs and emissions. Additionally, instead of using soil, they usehydroponic systems to dip the bare roots of theplant into a constantly moving stream of water. In-store farms uses 95% less water and 75%less fertilizer than growing the same amountof plants on a conventional piece of land. Theoretically, you can grow almost anythingin a hydroponic system, but certain cropslike leafy greens are better suited to them. Given all the advantages—both to the stores and to us, the shoppers and eaters—it’s only a matter oftime before this innovative trend is everywhere.
