• 6 years ago
On December 8, 2019, Pope Francis elevated Cardinal Tagle to lead the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, one of the top posts in the Roman Curia. The position is so important that its leader is also called the Papa Rosso or the Red Pope. It is the second most important position in the Vatican, next to the papacy.

As the Red Pope, Tagle will be the Roman Curia’s Prefect of Propaganda, which is an understatement considering the amount of power and resources that Tagle will command as its chief. “The department known as Propaganda Fide is something of an empire,” writes Christopher Lamb in The Tablet. As the Red Pope, Tagle will have the power to appoint bishops, and will be responsible for most of the Church’s work in Asia, Africa, and Oceania.

Read more: https://www.esquiremag.ph/long-reads/cardinal-tagle-red-pope-a00293-20191212-lfrm


