• 4 years ago
At the Bolivia Cal Orcko Parque, workers found the largest concentration of dinosaur footprints in the world on a giant 3,900 ft. long by 260 ft. high wall. These 68 million year old impressions derive from the Late Cretaceous Period when the place that we now call Cal Orcko, 5 km west of Sucre, Bolivia, was the shore of a huge lake. A menagerie of prehistoric animals came here to drink, eat, run, romp and fight, and while doing so, they left their tracks behind. These impressions solidified in the clay shorelines during dry periods, only to be covered up by more sediment that would gather more prints. Hence, layer upon layer of dinosaur footprints are now visible in the crumbling cliffside at this incredible paleontological site in South America.About 5055 footprints are strewn across the dinosaur wall, with 462 different tracks that were made by 15 different types of dinosaurs . “Most impressive of these is the world-record setting 347-meter trail left by a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex known as ‘Johnny Walker'”. (Sucre Life, “Sucre’s Dinosaur Park and Footprints” 2017).


