• 4 years ago
During the summer of 2017, I took a summer trip from Winnipeg, Canada to RedLake falls with my Fiancé for a nice weekend of camping and tubing down the river.The day started perfect, sun was shining, cold beers were stocked high & we were ready for a days tubing down the river. It wasn’t until we were half way down the river & I decided to get a selfie with my Fiancé, not realising that it was not there! I was quickly checking the tube all over to see if it was there, unfortunately, it was not!I tried to dive down to the river bed to hopefully stumble on it, but by the time I had surfaced the river had already taken me downstream & I just accepted defeat, that it was gone!!Once the weekend was over, we headed back to Winnipeg, Canada & just thought that the GoPro would never be found and that it would be on the river bed forever more. We had all of our travelling & engagement photos from Paris, London, Banff & a couple more from Winnipeg on the camera, it was heartbreaking!12 months had gone by, the -30 winters & heavy snowfall had also been through and Celia’s Facebook was going crazy with messages. I asked her what was happening & she just could not stop smiling...Someone had found our lost GOPRO!!A couple from Grand Forks, USA, had decided that they were going to tubing and whilst on route down they had seen a handle sticking out of the shallows, it was the selfie stick. Once they realised it was a camera they decided to open it & check it’s condition. It was fine, the water proof casing had kept all water out during the frozen winter months. They took out the memory card, checked all the photos & realised that there were some priceless memories & that they wanted to try and find the owners. So they randomly picked a photo (which happened to have a famous Winnipeg background) posted it on Facebook & just waited.It took 24hrs & over 25k shares for people to recognise the photo & then recognised Celia (my fiancé). The GOPRO was found!We got in touch with the couple & decided to drive back to USA to meet them. The passed me over the camera however I decided that they deserve to keep the GOPRO camera & I just took the memory card with all of our photos.The power of social media is a great thing!!


