• 5 years ago
Week 7 of pregnancy: Baby is about the size of a blueberry!!!!

By 7 weeks you definitely have a different feeling!!!! During this week many women start to feel noticeable signs of pregnancy. The uterus has doubled, although your body hasn’t changed noticeably yet. The umbilical cord the link between the mother and the baby has been formed. It is the way to transport oxygen and nutrients to the embryo and take away waste products. You may also notice that your skin is looking better than ever and your hair is more lustrous than before. This is because of the extra estrogen you're producing right now.

Symptoms observed during week 7 of pregnancy:

1. Frequent urination
2. Fatigue
3. Excessive saliva
4. Food cravings
5. Heartburn
6. Gaining a few pounds
7. Cramping
8. Feeling thirsty

How big is the baby?
At 7 weeks pregnant, the baby is the size of a blueberry. Your embryo measures about 0.51 inches, having doubled in size last week.
Fetal development
Baby will have a more defined face, with a mouth, nostrils, ears, eyes, and brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute. The mouth, tongue, tooth buds will also develop this week.
This week your baby's arms and legs will start developing dividing into the hand, arm and shoulder segments, legs, knees and foot segments. They’ll still like paddles more than hands and feet. Fingers and toes will be webbed.
Your baby now has kidneys that are ready to function as soon as your baby will start producing urine. Your baby is also starting to make little jerky movements this week. You won’t be able to feel it right now but an ultrasound would help you to pick up the movements.

Things you should do in week 7 of pregnancy:

1. Schedule your prenatal visit:
You should schedule your first prenatal care appointment if you haven't done it already. During this visit, your doctor will review your health history, determine your approximate due date, identify pregnancy risks and gives you a physical exam. You’ll have your weight and blood pressure checked. Urine and blood tests will be taken.

2. A daily walk for 30 minutes or more is a moderate physical activity you can start with. Yoga is very beneficial but do it under expert supervision.
Note: Seek your doctors’ approval before you start any exercise during pregnancy.


1. Increase iron intake:
Due to the increased demand for blood supply, you can be at risk of anemia. Include iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, nuts in your diet.

2. Prenatal supplements:
Take them as prescribed by your doctor.

3. Eat small meals often.
4. Eat crackers or dry cereals 15 minutes before getting up in the morning.
5. Sniff lemons or ginger, drink lemonade or eat watermelon to relieve nausea.
6. Don't skip meals or lie down without eating.
7. Don't eat spicy food.
Risks involved during 7th week of pregnancy:

1. Ectopic pregnancy:
An ectopic pregnancy happens when the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterus.


