• 5 years ago
This was the incredible moment a woman in Virginia was captured on a doorbell camera giving birth.

The clip, filmed on September 6, shows the moment Amy Robinson knocked on her neighbour’s door asking her to look after her kids so she can go to hospital as her waters had broken.

However, she didn’t have time to get to hospital as the baby was on it’s way there and then.

Andrew, the father told Newsflare: “My wife's due date was September 11, but as of her appointment on the sixth, we knew the baby was going to be arriving sometime in the next 24 hours.

"We thought we had several hours to go and my parents and sister were coming over to watch the kids and were already on their way. Then out of nowhere things got intense.

“We decided to head to the hospital (about 1 mile away) a couple minutes after 5pm and around 5:08 my wife knocked on the neighbours door to watch the kids for 15 minutes or so until my parents could get over. Right after talking to our neighbour, another big contraction came while I was gathering the hospital bag.

“I heard my wife scream from outside and ran out, to see her water break right there on the sidewalk with our neighbour helping her through contractions. With the previous two children, once the water broke, the baby arrived within minutes so I knew we had no time.

"A couple of minutes after calling 911 my wife knew she needed to push and that baby would arrive before EMS would arrive. Our neighbour went in to grab towels to keep the baby warm and by the time she came back outside around 5:17pm, baby boy Arthur Alexander had arrived right into my arms with my wife standing on the sidewalk and my 3-year-old son right next to me.

“The firemen and EMTs arrived and helped get my wife to lie down and finish delivery, cut the umbilical cord and load healthy baby and mom into the ambulance. After initial checks, the three of us made it off to the hospital while the firemen cleaned up.

"Everyone was fine and we now are adjusting to life with three little ones under four. It's quite exciting in our home any given moment!”


