• 6 months ago
An off-duty midwife was forced to deliver an unexpected item while shopping in Aldi - when a pregnant mum went into labour in the supermarket's car park.

Sarah Hamilton darted into action when Jane Martin, 33, pulled into the car park after her waters broke on the school run.

She'd popped into the store for yoghurt but noticed a commotion as Jane's husband Aidan, 37, was receiving instructions on how to deliver the baby over the phone.

After a 90 minute labour, Sarah successfully delivered Audra - who weighed 9lb 2oz - and was healthy, other than needing to be warmed up.

Jane, a postwoman, said: "Audra was fine, we were never separated. She got warmed up with me.

“I think it was more stressful for Aiden to get me there. I was going through the motions.

“I’m thinking about myself, he’s having to think about the road, making sure I’m okay."

Jane was miles away from Furness General Hospital in Barrow, Cumbria, where she was due to give birth to her third child, when her water broke.

Aidan, a key cobbler, began driving them down the A590 but by the time they reached Lindale Jane, knew she was not going to make it to the hospital.

They had to pull into the Aldi car park, where luckily Sarah was shopping. She saw the couple and rushed over to help.

Jane said: “The midwife was asking where we had got to, so I’m shouting in between contractions, ‘grange roundabout.’

“When my waters broke we were going through Ulverston - that was panic stations.

"Her head pushed my waters out - I knew we didn’t have very long."

Jane says she wasn't scared or nervous throughout her labour - but she was relieved everything was okay afterwards.

"I wasn't scared at all, weirdly," she added. "Luckily it was my third natural labour, so I knew roughly what to expect and I know my own body.

"I was just going through the motions.

"Afterwards I felt relieved it was a quick labour and everything was okay - my first labour was 16 hours and ended with forceps, which I wasn't keen to do again.

"Although having to give birth in an Aldi car park was definitely not what I was expecting!"

The next day, Sarah asked to fill in for Jane and Audra’s midwife permanently, as she had ‘already been there’.

Jane said: “I think it made her day. She was buzzing afterwards.”


