Mike Bloomberg Snags First Win in American Samoa

  • 4 years ago
Mike Bloomberg Snags
First Win in American Samoa On Super Tuesday, presidential
candidate Mike Bloomberg
officially won the first contest
of his presidential campaign. With 49.9 percent of the
votes, Bloomberg was awarded
five of the six delegates belonging
to American Samoa. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, who was born
in American Samoa, was awarded one delegate,
having collected 29.3 percent of the votes. Falling short of the 15 percent threshold needed to claim any
delegates were Bernie Sanders with 10.5 percent, Joe Biden
with 8.8 percent and Elizabeth Warren with 1.4 percent. Despite entering Super Tuesday at the
bottom of the Democratic pack, Bloomberg
has repeatedly reassured his supporters
that he does not intend to drop out. He further emphasized his intent to push forward
at a Tuesday night rally in Florida, saying he remained
the best candidate to defeat Trump. Michael Bloomberg,
via PBS NewsHour
