Mailtime: The American Stonehenge And The Myth of Overpopulation

  • 4 years ago
I was disheartened and disappointed in myself when I had to learn about the American Stonehenge via Dante's blog the other day. As an aliens, mysteries, conspiracy guy, I dunno how I could miss a mysterious monument/altar/alien landing pad right in our own backyard here in America. But after reading his blog (if you havent yet, you should) we broke it down on Mailtime. Discussing who the man funding it - R.C. Christian - was, what its purpose is, and breaking down the idea of population control and whether or not its even a problem. Looking at the numbers and the trends, the earth may never actually hit 9 billion people. In order to continue to grow at its current rate, each woman must have, on average 2.1 children. And as developing countries stabilize and become First World countries, usually birth rates slow down. So its as as simple as this - families are having less children than they used to, and that by the middle of this century things will plateau and then begin to decline.
