Scale Weight Concentration Curl Squat Balance

  • 4 years ago
Well Praise the Lord!! I wasn't sure what to expect. Knowing l needed something to stretch out the feet and work the ankle joints, l decided to do Scale Weight Concentration Curls while balancing on a Globe Dumbbell in a Squat. The feet and ankles felt FABULOUS afterwards. If you look closely, you can see l am actively twisting away from the weight which means I am curling parallel to the dumbbell which made balance relatively easier rather than adding to the back and forth l was already dealing with. The twisting of the torso was helped by the free hand pushing on the thigh as l curled. Because of this action, l got a deep Hip Flexor stretch that I am still enjoying hours AFTERWARDS. Soooooo, l got some Curls in, along with grip AND wrist work, mobility and balance as l stretched out my feet doing ONE EXERCISE. Man, this is so much fun!! Scale Weight was a 50lber and dumbbell was Ravishing Rick Rude @ 125lb. Folks, if you ain't taking care of yerself AND having fun, it's time to reevaluate!! Good Luck & God Bless!!