• 5 years ago
You may think that if you roll out of bed, get in your car and drive to work, where you sit at your desk all day, that you don’t need sunscreen. Or, maybe you’re indulging in a lazy Sunday, binge-watching your favorite show, and you have no intention of brushing your hair, much less putting on sunscreen. But, is it really the case that you don’t need sunscreen indoors? Or is that a common misconception? Setting aside the obvious health benefits of getting moving, getting outside and getting exercise, you may, indeed, be harming your skin and upping your rates of skin cancer, if you don’t wear sunscreen — even indoors. That’s because, while glass effectively blocks most ultraviolet (UV) rays, it does not block all of them in equal measure. To better understand this, it’s also important to know the difference between two types of UV rays: UVA and UVB.

यह सभी को पता है कि सनस्क्रीन सूरज की हानिकारक पराबैंगनी किरणों से हमारी त्वचा की रक्षा करती है इसलिए घर से बाहर कदम रखने से पहले इसे स्किन पर लगाना चाहिए. हालांकि विशेषज्ञों का यह भी कहना है कि घर के अंदर रहने के दौरान भी चेहरे पर सनस्क्रीन लगाना बहुत जरूरी है. जानें आखिर घर के अंदर सनस्क्रीन लगाने के पीछे क्या है असली वजह और किस वक्त लगाना चाहिए सनस्क्रीन ।
