【ENG SUB】《画心师》The Soul Stitcher EP1 岑欢落难入陆府,巧识玉空寻魂魄 | Caravan中文剧场

  • 4年前
The painter Cen Huan came to Cangcheng because of all the changes, and was rescued by Ning Weiyu and Sima Kongkong from the Chinese medicine shop. The three came to Lu Zhai and met Miss Lu Xiaoman and the Daoist Jiu Si. Finally, the five embarked on a journey of transforming one's obsession with others. After going through a series of stories showing the love, love, and friendship in the world, they finally realized that living in the world and obeying their original intentions are the right way, and the evil demon will be defeated by justice.
01:54Love of human is about comfort,
01:55happiness, satisfaction and peace
01:57It is fresh Qi
01:59Hate of human is about anger, resentment, regret and detestation
02:02It is turbid Qi
02:04Too much love makes hate
02:06Releasing hate makes comfort
02:07These two Qi can’t live together
02:09Fresh Qi makes Dream Eater
02:13Turbid Qi makes Dream Beast
02:16They are both fed by dreams
02:19But with opposite lifestyles
02:20They’ve been fighting with each other for long
02:24Ever since the internecine battle of Penglai
02:25300 years ago
02:28Two monsters have been absorbing Qi
02:31in this disordered world
02:34Now they are ready to come out again
04:54Huan’er Leave now
04:59Follow up
06:03No need
06:07No need to push her too hard
06:08Or we’ll be hurt, too
06:10We’re not sure
06:11she’s really holding the Bottle of Fresh Qi yet
06:15But how can we let her go like this
06:17She is too weak to leave Cang City now
06:21Keep watching on her
06:23I’m sure she’ll go picking up the Bottle of Fresh Qi
07:08Hang on
07:11Be careful of the house
07:27Three cents, please
07:29Come in please
07:36Golden aster, coptis and three fresh lumbricus every day
07:40Boil them and eat
07:42Kong, fill the prescription
07:53I quit
07:57Come here
08:00Doctor, I’ve been feeling cold in arms and legs
08:02and feeling sore on back
08:03I’m even sweating at night
08:04Help me please
08:06Have you been eating any restoratives
08:07Sure, like ginseng and ganoderma
08:12Go pick your medicine
08:25Money before medicine please
08:33Isn’t it here
08:38There it is
08:45Cut it into pieces, three times a day, one piece per time
08:48Are you joking around with me
08:50You are too much indulged
08:52in sensual pleasure and restoratives
08:55This white ginseng is perfect for your excessive production of body fluid
08:59It’s true that this radish is only ten cents
09:01But the rest two ounces of silver
09:04and 990cents are medical fees
09:05Other doctors can make you eat more medicines
09:06but you won’t get better
09:09You don't want it anymore
09:18Doctor Kong
09:19Her Second Madam wants to see you
09:22Sir, Her Third Madam has gone crazy again
10:19Have the Madam been like this all these days
10:21Yes my Lord, her third madam
10:25haven’t eaten anything in these days
10:30I don’t know what to do now
10:31I’ve invited all the famous doctors for her
10:33But she is only getting worse
10:37Doctor Ning said that
10:40she has hysteria because of the stagnation of Qi
10:43It requires long-time recovery.
10:48Why are you coming out
10:50It’s fine now
10:51I’m Cen Huan, thank you for saving me
10:55I have to be honest
10:56Her third madam hasn’t got hysteria
10:59She is unconscious because she lost her soul
11:02She can be cured as long as we get her soul back
11:06Nonsense. Stop spreading fallacies to deceive people
11:08Her sickness has been a long time
11:13You quack
11:16Our Hall of Jishi has been helping patients
11:17for over a decade now
11:19And I’ve never made any mistakes
11:20Why are you defaming us
11:23I can lose medical fees
11:24but please don’t question on my ability
11:26Doctor Ning, please don’t misunderstand
11:29This miss here is just trying to help
11:31Lord Lu, you’ve already asked us here
11:34What are you doing here then
11:35Stealing away business
11:36Leaving her third madam to you quacks
11:39is the real shame here
11:41If I haven’t been rescued
11:41by her second madam last night
11:43I wouldn’t say anything now
12:51What do you say
12:51The old sir has been dealing with this
12:53for life without any progress
12:56Do we still have to rely on him
12:59But Miss Cen seems quite good
13:02When we were with our master
13:03We practiced magic arts
13:05And we shouldn’t quit now just because our master left
13:07And I feel like I can almost make the one of moving five monsters
13:21With this art, I can impel five monster of gold, wood, water, fire and earth
13:26To making more wealth
13:30The world is clean Soldiers follow up Here comes captain’s order
13:33Dragons in mountains have directions
13:33Dragons in sea have gates to water
13:34Please Spring God Zhang Yuanbo
13:35Summer God Liu Yuanda
13:35Autumn God Zhao Gongming
13:37Winter God
13:39Winter God who
13:44Hurry hurry
13:56You ruined it
14:01I’ll do it
14:03What the hack is this book. I don’t trust it
14:04You do it
14:06The world is clean Soldiers follow up Here comes captain’s order
14:09Spring God Zhong Shigui
14:09Middle God Zhang Yuanbo
14:10Summer God Liu Yuanda
14:11Show up
14:15No, you should’ve lighten it up or it won’t work
14:17-I know. -Like what I did
14:20-I... -See
14:30Try it, try it
14:38Wood wood
14:52-Fire -Fire
14:57-Try earth -Earth
15:06Does it work
15:08Maybe i’m not strong enough
15:19What do you want us to do, your saint
15:22What do you want us to do, your, your what
15:25-Your saint -Your saint
15:35Can you fly
15:38Anything with higher class
15:43Go to Sun the Rich one in west part of the city
15:46And bring me his collection
15:56And you go to Lu’s house to see if the miss has left
16:01As you wish
16:31If the Bottle of Fresh Qi has gone lost, we’ll have nothing to contain the fresh Qi
16:35So it can’t be lost
16:41If I go outside to look for fresh Qi, I might not be cured
16:47There is so much turbid Qi in this house, if I transfer it into fresh Qi
16:53I might be cured, which is a good thing
17:15I still can’t get connected with master
17:30Who is it
17:36Ning Weiyu
17:49That fairy lady was taking shower
17:52And I was seen by her
17:53Taking shower
17:55How is her figure
17:56Kong, a gentleman shouldn’t be talking like this
18:00But you just said that she saw you
18:03I was changed into Saint Ning’s face
18:07She shouldn’t recognize me
18:11Come back
18:16What’s this
18:26Doctor Ning
18:27Please come to the house
18:34Miss Cen called us here
18:36Miss Cen said that she can’t do it alone and she needs your help
18:39I knew she couldn’t handle it
18:40See, it shows now
18:46Miss Cen, they’ve arrived
18:53Her third madam lost her soul and got invaded by evil spirits
18:56She is too delicate. I need your help to cure her
18:59Of course, it’s our job to help people
19:02What do you say is we get 70 percent of medical fees
19:07You can get it all as long as you coordinate well with me
19:11Play it cool? Like we care about that little money
19:14I know it’s not true that you don’t care about it at all
19:17And by the way
19:18You are not a person of integrity
19:19If it happens again, I’ll take your eyes out
19:22What are you talking about? Stop that venomous slender
19:25It was not me looking at you showering but
19:28Cut it up. She’s left
19:30She didn’t say anything about shower, you just exposed yourself
19:43Your third madam, it’s time to sleep
19:45Why don’t you sing tomorrow
19:48Look, what it is
19:53I can’t see anything
19:54No, it’s my child
19:56Go stop him from leaving
20:22Ma’am, why are you still up
20:53I told you so. Her third madam’s three souls are not complete
20:56So she can easily get attacked
20:58Now she must be attacked by some spirits
21:01Her third madam is too weak to be treated like this over and over again
21:04It’s up to you what to do with her
21:06If you decide to not save her, I’ll leave tomorrow
21:09Miss Cen
21:36Ma’am, I have to be honest
21:39He, he is not a good person
21:42You’ll get hurt because of him one day
21:49What a loyal servant girl
22:03There it is
22:06I finally found you
22:10I found you
22:39Tactical deployment of troops
22:48(Names of stars) Tianshu Tianxuan
22:51(Names of stars) Tianji Tianquan
22:52(Names of stars) Yuheng Tianyang
22:55(Name of star) Yaoguang
23:01Her Miss has come home
23:26Your miss, it’s really you
23:29You are finally home
23:30His lord missed you so much
23:34She is the daughter of Lu
23:50It was broken, my tactical deployment of troops
24:00But I still can’t figure it out
24:02Why do we have to take showers before finding soul
24:07According to the book
24:09Human is turbid, Qi is yang and soul is yin and fresh
24:15These two are opposite
24:16That’s why Miss Cen asked us to take showers
24:19Hold it for me
24:23Don’t move
24:25You don’t move, let me do the rubbing
24:27Every time you take a shower, there must be water all over the floor
24:30Massage please
24:35Are you trying to kill me
24:38Hurry up
24:40This thing on your butt looks like an ugly pen
24:43Why don’t you move it away
24:45You are a brilliant doctor anyways
24:47It’s just appreance
24:48It’ll be gone anyway, you don’t have to care about it
24:51Hurry up we are waiting for you
24:58Your second elder
25:04You master has gone
25:13Huan’er, this huge disaster of our Pavilion of Soul Stitch
25:18Has everything to do with that evil monster Dream Eater
25:22Why? I thought Dream Eater is always ours to protect
25:26As soul stitchers, we aim to clean obsessiveness in people’s mind
25:32But the soul builders trigger out people’s greed for their own lust
25:40That’s why we can’t stand with each other
25:44We always thought that Dream Eater was on our side
25:50But it was not true
25:52Dream Easter is the one to blame for our falling
26:00So Huan’er, remember to kill it as long as you see it
26:07Without hesitation
26:18By the way, Huan’er
26:21The Bottle of Fresh Qi that your master left to you
26:26Have you put it at a safe place
26:29-Yes -Where is it
26:35My master told me to keep it a secret
26:39Why, Huan’er, don’t you trust me
26:45It’s not like that, it’s just that I have promised my master
26:48To tell no one about it
26:51Well done, Huan’er, it’s a right thing to do so
26:55Remember to keep it well
26:58And finish your mission as soon as possible
27:41My lord
27:42The soul stitcher is right in Lu’s House
27:46But I can’t get in. What should I do
27:49The tactical deployment of troops has been gone for a long time
27:52I haven’t seen anyone do it for long
27:54I don’t blame you
27:56Even I need some time to get in
28:01The soul stitcher is right in Lu’s House but we both can’t get in
28:07What should we do now
28:08The little girl will break it to cure herself
28:12You can go in by then
28:17But, my lord
28:18We don’t know where she put the Bottle of Fresh Qi
28:22Don’t frighten her too early, you don’t mind about that
28:25I have plans
28:27What if she figures our plan out and keeping resting
28:30I’ll know if the owner of deployment leaves
28:34-Stop worrying -As you wish
28:38-Time is up. Take the turbid Qi back for me -As you wish
28:52Here comes the order
28:55Line up guardian warriors
28:57The soul thousand miles away
28:59Go fetch it back
29:07It's should be near, her third madam's soul
29:23Or the paper doll won’t be on fire
29:27Who is it
29:30Follow up
29:31Miss Cen, slow down
29:53Look over there, Qin
29:55-So beautiful -Look at the blossom
29:59I didn’t to see this kind of view in such a little house like this
30:04Yes. It’s just
30:06That you were born in a rich family
30:08Your family must’ve spoiled you
30:09Life with me must to too hard for you
30:12I don’t mind it. As long as you treat me well
30:31Wait up you two
30:48Why are we back in Hall of Jishi
30:55Weren’t we chasing someone?
30:57-Why are we here now -Weiyu
30:59Take my clothes for me
31:02Is it appropriate
31:04It’s too far, come help me
31:06I’m coming then
31:09Over here
31:12Yes, go back a little bit
31:27Where are you? Stop kidding with me
31:31You are back
31:33Why don’t you come in
31:34Are you hungry
31:36How do you know about my name
31:38Who are you
31:43Of course I know. I gave that name to you.
31:47Come in and eat before the meal gets cold
31:50Can I take it on credit
31:51Take it on credit in your own home
31:54What’s wrong with you
32:02Come in, hurry up, come
32:09Didn’t I tell you to come back as soon as you finish practicing
32:13Did you forget about the time again
32:17Master, you are still alive
32:19Of course I’m alive, do you want me dead now
32:24What’s wrong with you
32:26Are you crazy from practicing
32:30Master, I missed you so much
32:33Why? We didn’t see each other for just a little while
32:36You silly kid
32:37Master, I had a dream of all of you being dead
32:43Leaving me alone
32:46I won’t ever leave you,Huan’er
32:49I’ll be with you forever as long as you stay here
32:56Together forever
33:14Miss Cen
33:16I’m sorry
33:17What’s wrong with you, Weiyu
33:19Do I look ugly
33:21Not at all
33:22You look very pretty
33:24I’m so sorry Miss Cen
33:30That’s not good
