Approved | 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, TV Series | Episode aired 7 April 1959
A man visiting a small Mediterranean island is stunned when all of the island's residents recognize him and insist that he is an island resident who has returned after many years, even though he knows he has never been there before.
Director: John Newland
Writers: Merwin Gerard, Lawrence B. Marcus
Stars: John Newland, Patrick O'Neal, Lilyan Chauvin
A man visiting a small Mediterranean island is stunned when all of the island's residents recognize him and insist that he is an island resident who has returned after many years, even though he knows he has never been there before.
Director: John Newland
Writers: Merwin Gerard, Lawrence B. Marcus
Stars: John Newland, Patrick O'Neal, Lilyan Chauvin
Short filmTranscript
00:00Have you ever been certain your telephone would ring in the next ten seconds?
00:05Or have you ever walked down a strange street and had the feeling that you knew what lay beyond the unturned corner?
00:11Yes? Then you've had a brief encounter with the world of the unknown.
00:16You are ready for the actual human experience that follows.
00:30This is the tiny Mediterranean island of Calvary, Horma.
00:34Latitude 39 degrees north, longitude 3 degrees east.
00:39150 miles from the coast of Spain.
00:42Mitchell Campion's magic island.
00:45And who is Mitchell Campion?
00:48Well, everyone who knows him, that is, those who are really close to him,
00:52think of him as a perfectly normal, average American man.
00:56But do they know everything about him?
01:42Puevete. Puevete.
01:44Ya voy, ya voy, seƱor.
01:46Un momento, seƱor.
01:57Por favor, es posible para mi...
02:02We have no room, seƱor.
02:05Ah, seƱor Campion.
02:09Why, yes, for seƱor Campion, we will always have a room.
02:12We will find a room.
02:14Let me see. SeƱor Rodriguez, you will leave about two o'clock, I see.
02:18Say, how do you know my name?
02:20Of course I remember.
02:22Remember what?
02:23Why, you, seƱor.
02:24I beg your pardon?
02:25Well, it is only one month since you left.
02:28No, no, no, you confuse me with somebody else.
02:31Say, is it too early for lunch? I'm starving.
02:35No, the dining room is open, as always.
02:37I'll leave my bag here for now, all right?
02:39Si, good.
02:46Hey, how did you know my name?
02:48No entiendo.
02:50I do not understand, seƱor.
02:52Okay, never mind.
03:01Si, seƱor.
03:03SeƱor Campion.
03:07It is so good to see you again.
03:09Sit down, sit down.
03:11And for this time of day, your usual...
03:14How do you say?
03:17I remember, no?
03:19Well, look...
03:21Miss, I...
03:22Un momentito.
03:33You see, Carla remembers.
03:36And Juan already prepares the ham and the eggs.
03:40How do you call it?
03:43Country style.
03:45Just a minute.
03:46Si, seƱor.
03:47I appreciate all this special attention,
03:49but I'm afraid you made a mistake.
03:51Ah, the tomato juice.
03:53It is not as you like it.
03:54Well, yes, as a matter of fact, that's just the way I like it,
03:57but you don't understand.
03:59I don't know how you know my name
04:00or how you happen to know I like my ham and eggs or any of it,
04:03but I'm not whoever you think I am.
04:05You are not, seƱor Campion?
04:07Well, yes, I am.
04:09SeƱor Mitchell Campion from Ohio.
04:12Yes, but I've never been on this island before in my life.
04:17Don't you understand?
04:19Ah, si, claro.
04:21Of course, I understand.
04:23You have never been here before.
04:25No, no, no, really.
04:26I have really never been here before.
04:28I don't know how you know so much about me,
04:30but believe me, I have never been here.
04:32Of course, claro.
04:34I understand.
04:35You have never been here before.
04:37You've never been here before.
04:40Oh, this is ridiculous.
04:43Uh, uh, Mitchell.
04:45Si, seƱor.
04:46How long have you been working here?
04:48Working here? Two years, seƱor.
04:50And have you ever seen me before?
04:52No, seƱor. Nunca.
04:55That's a relief.
05:04Why doesn't seƱor Campion want to be recognized?
05:07Oh, who knows?
05:09Take that upstairs, huh?
06:05Uh, give me a beer.
06:08Oh, make it a cone hat.
06:16Miguel, you did come back.
06:19I knew you would. I told them you would.
06:21Look, look. There's been some sort of mistake.
06:24I don't mean to offend you. I can't imagine what's causing all this confusion.
06:28But I know you honestly think you know me.
06:30But believe me, I have never seen you before in my life.
06:33Miguel, what is it?
06:35What is what?
06:37No, no. My name is not Miguel.
06:40It isn't?
06:42Well, I beg your pardon, Mr. Campion.
06:46Now, tell me, why did you come back?
06:49Now, what is this? What is this? Some sort of joke or what?
06:52A joke? Some of us here did not find it very funny.
06:55Who? What are you talking about?
06:57I, for instance. I did not find it very funny.
07:00What didn't you find very funny?
07:03Now, look. I arrived here this way. I've never been here before in my life.
07:07Well, what do you want?
07:11Miguel, are you all right?
07:13Well, you must forgive me.
07:15Gino, you know how he is.
07:17After all these fronts, that's good brother. You must understand.
07:20I understand. I understand all right. Everybody on this island is insane.
07:23Miguel! Wait!
07:33You said I was here before. Last month.
07:35Well, apparently everybody on this idiotic island agrees with you.
07:39Yeah, but I wasn't. I can prove it.
07:41Now, take a look in your register and show me my name any day before today.
07:45Well, it's the thing I ever heard of.
07:47Even if there was somebody who looked like me.
12:03I know you. I do.
12:13Is it true, Miguel?
12:15You really do not remember?
12:18I don't know.
12:21Alexis told me I could not believe it.
12:27Have you been ill? Is that it?
12:32Or is it that you prefer not to remember?
12:42Why did you leave?
12:44Why did you not say something?
12:47I don't know what I'm supposed to...
12:49Why did you come back?
12:51Come back?
12:53Do you want me to tell you that it was all a mistake?
12:56That it was not you? That it could not have been?
12:59Do you want me to release you?
13:02Oh, right.
13:03I do.
13:05You have no responsibility here. You can go.
13:07You can forget it all.
13:09Forget what? No, please, forget what?
13:11Oh, Miguel, please.
13:16Try to be patient with me. I'm...
13:19I'm all mixed up. All I... I know is...
13:21Ever since I set foot on this island, people have acted like they know me.
13:26I thought at first they were mistaking me for somebody else.
13:30But the moment I saw you...
13:35The moment I saw you, it was like...
13:39Like a door beginning to open on a room that I know somehow.
13:59No, Francesca.
14:02Francesca, please.
14:08Corazon, please.
14:10Corazon, no.
14:24SĆ, Corazon.
14:33Oh, Miguel.
14:38Querido Miguel.
14:43There must be a way you can find out about it, no?
14:57I do not understand, seƱor. Your name is not here.
15:00Well, it's got to be. You said I was here, didn't you?
15:02It's the law. Every guest has to sign the register, isn't it?
15:05Well, where is it? I want to see it.
15:06Your name is not there, seƱor.
15:08Do you not insist you're not here?
15:11That you were never here before today?
15:16Why isn't it here? Why?
15:20I don't know, seƱor. I don't understand.
15:23You still say I was here, don't you? Don't you?
15:25Of course you were here.
15:26I was.
15:28I was.
15:31There must be proof somewhere.
15:35Monsieur, we are closing.
15:36Check your passenger list. I know my name must be on it.
15:39Mitchell Campion.
15:40Monsieur, we have no passenger list.
15:42We only sell tickets. One way or round trip.
15:45That is all.
15:47Well, maybe whoever sold me the ticket or somebody on the ship might remember me.
15:52Do you have a passport?
15:55If you were here last month from a foreign country, it will be stamped by authorities.
16:01What is it, Monsieur Campion? What do you want?
16:04What? I...
16:05Your passport was issued in New York City on the 14th of June, ten days ago.
16:10You could go nowhere before that.
16:25Your name?
16:30Please, Miguel.
16:32Whatever game there is...
16:33No, no, no. Please, please. Listen to me. I'm not playing any game.
16:36Now, something is terribly wrong.
16:38I know I've never been on this island before in my life. I couldn't have been, but...
16:42But what?
16:48I've... I've seen her.
16:50I've... I've seen her.
16:53I know her.
16:56And a lot of other things. This... this place.
17:00And you.
17:03Miguel, are you saying the truth?
17:06You really do not remember?
17:08That's just it. I feel like I'm going out of my mind. I couldn't have been here. Not possibly.
17:13And yet...
17:16More and more, I'm sure I was.
17:18I think you're ill, Miguel.
17:21No, no, no. No, no. It has nothing to do with that. Now, look. Look.
17:25Look at my passport, Alexis.
17:27It's dated June the 14th.
17:30That's ten days ago. Ten days ago. I have never been out of the United States in my life.
17:35Now, can't you see? I couldn't have been.
17:42You say, Miguel, you remember things.
17:45Can you remember this?
17:58That snapshot was taken here over a month ago.
18:04Over a month ago.
18:07It's impossible.
18:16Over a month ago.
18:20Oh, God, Alexis.
18:22What is this?
18:24I don't know, Miguel.
18:27Oh, there has to be a logical answer. I mean, a man can't be in two places at the same time.
18:33No, that does not seem logical.
18:36And yet, here we are.
18:39Are you sure, Miguel? Are you absolutely sure they couldn't have been here and, let's say, forgotten?
18:47Forgotten how?
18:48Amnesia. Something. Anything.
18:51Perhaps there was another passport.
18:53But you were here.
18:55Yes, yes. I believe that. But I also know that I couldn't possibly have been.
18:59I was in a hospital in Paxton, Ohio during the time you say I was here.
19:03I was in a hospital almost a month.
19:05And I was unconscious most of that month.
19:11I was in a bad automobile accident. Believe me, I couldn't have walked two steps out of that bed even if I'd wanted to.
19:20Miguel, why have you come here now?
19:26Well, I was discharged from the hospital. The doctor ordered a long rest.
19:33But why this island? This is not the usual tourist place.
19:38Well, I don't know.
19:41I read about it a long time ago and I...
19:46I guess it stuck in my mind.
19:49And the first time you left the United States, you came right here.
19:56Well, I guess I always wanted to come here.
20:00What are you getting at?
20:01I'm not sure.
20:04If you really were in that hospital all that time...
20:10Miguel, I've lived longer than you.
20:14And I have thought more.
20:16Do you really think there are no larger answers to the small one we can supply?
20:23Larger answers?
20:26Oh, Miguel, I had thought you had gone again.
20:29I'm sorry, but I had to find out.
20:32Now you know, don't you?
20:37Oh, what a happy day that was.
20:41Miguel, there are answers for everything.
20:45Unfortunately, we know very few of them.
20:50Querido, do not be so troubled.
20:54Whatever that is confusing you...
20:56Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait, wait.
20:57Wait, I can prove this.
20:59I can prove it!
21:03Si, senor.
21:04Hey, what room am I in? I want my bag.
21:06Your bag, senor, is right here.
21:08Senor Rodriguez...
21:10All right, all right, never mind.
21:12It's my medical record.
21:14The doctor told me to take it with me when I left the States, just in case.
21:16Mitchell Campion admitted to Paxton Memorial Hospital on April 30th.
21:20Underwent surgery and post-operative care for head and chest injuries.
21:24Discharged May 28th.
21:26That's three weeks ago.
21:31Three weeks ago.
21:35Three weeks ago.
21:37Three weeks ago.
21:39Three weeks ago.
21:41Three weeks ago.
21:43Three weeks ago.
21:44Three weeks ago.
22:07I don't know what to think.
22:10I don't even know how to begin to think about it.
22:15I only know one thing.
22:19I have loved you before.
22:22I love you now.
22:30I always will.
22:34That is all that matters.
22:36I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:40I love you.
22:42I love you.
22:44That's all that matters to me.
22:58You did not read far enough.
23:03During corrective surgery, the patient developed cardiac arrest.
23:10Adrenaline was used without response.
23:15A chest incision was made.
23:18And cardiac massage ultimately revived the patient.
23:24But for a period in excess of four minutes,
23:30all respiratory and circulatory functions having entirely ceased,
23:40the patient was dead.
23:49Four minutes, four hours, four years.
23:53Who knows what time really is?
23:56We dream complete experiences in seconds, don't we?
24:00They say a drowning man relives his entire life in a moment.
24:03But what about Mitchell Campion?
24:05There have been many investigated cases of the miraculous transportation of persons or things
24:11over great distances in an instant.
24:15It's called teleportation.
24:18It has something to do with the still unsolved laws of time and space.
24:22All we know is that the facts of the story were carried by the news services
24:28to every newspaper in the country.
24:35Ā© BF-WATCH TV 2021