• 5 years ago
Approved | 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, TV Series | Episode aired 5 May 1959

Alice Deering is a shy teenage girl who is trying to fit into a new community, make new friends and coexist with her abusive aunt and insensitive father, who insists she's a pyromaniac despite her pleas of innocence. Things are certain to get hot sooner than later.

Director: John Newland

Writers: Merwin Gerard , Lawrence B. Marcus, Catherine Turney

Stars: Olive Deering, Luana Anders, Edward Platt

00:00The amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record.
00:07You may believe it or not, but the real people who lived this story, they believe it.
00:14They know.
00:16They took that one step beyond.
00:32Last year, American fire insurance companies paid out a good many thousands of dollars
00:37for damages resulting from fires that they found, well, difficult to explain.
00:46Fires for which there seemed just no earthly reason.
00:50No earthly reason.
00:52There was such a fire in 1921.
01:23It's almost out.
01:30What's the matter?
01:35All right, let's go.
01:36Move, move.
01:38All of you.
01:41All right, go on.
01:42Some boys came in after high school, like they always do.
01:46They were buying sarsaparilla and stuff.
01:50Then, uh, Patty Leland came in with a new kid.
01:53Never saw her before.
01:55She hung back when she seen the boys, but Patty made her come in.
01:58Then the boys started teasing the new girl.
02:02Laughing about something.
02:04And she got real upset.
02:06Almost cried.
02:08I was gonna tell them to stop teasing the girl.
02:10But before I could, I had other things on my mind.
02:13A flame shot up from the floor right by a barrel of excelsior.
02:18Some kid threw a match into it.
02:20No, sir.
02:21It didn't start in the excelsior.
02:23And nobody threw a match.
02:25A fire doesn't start from nothing.
02:27Well, this one did.
02:29Hey, you.
02:30Tim Plunkett.
02:31Come here.
02:33Come here.
02:35Tell Chief Keating what happened.
02:37Just like you said.
02:39I went...
02:41Just like one of them Roman candlers or something.
02:44Setting a fire is no laughing matter.
02:48I wasn't any place near that barrel.
02:50The only ones near that barrel were Patty and Alice.
02:54Come to think of it, that's right.
02:56But Patty wouldn't do such a thing.
02:58Why, I've known her since...
03:00What's the name of the new girl?
03:02Alice Denny.
03:03Where does she live?
03:05On the corner.
03:07Across the street from Burgers Woods.
03:09Who else was in the store?
03:11Pete Hubbard.
03:13Billy Wolf.
03:15But they're all right.
03:17It doesn't make any difference how long you've known them.
03:21What's so funny?
03:25I'm gonna let you go.
03:27But that doesn't say I won't check up on you.
03:29Now beat it.
03:36Why don't you leave her alone?
03:47What's the matter, Alice?
03:51Come on, tell me.
03:55Hey, you saw I didn't do anything, didn't you?
03:57You saw it wasn't my fault.
03:59Your fault about what?
04:01The fire.
04:04Well, of course it wasn't your fault.
04:06Who said it was?
04:11Oh, just look at you.
04:15Oh, just let them try and blame you.
04:20You don't have to be nice to me.
04:24Why are you so touchy about things?
04:26Like today in class, for instance.
04:29You shouldn't let Tim Pluckett make you mad.
04:34I wish he didn't sit behind me.
04:37I can feel his eyes on me all the time, just staring at me.
04:40And when I have to get up to be called,
04:43I can't think straight.
04:45Well, everybody forgets sometimes
04:47when they have to stand up and recite.
04:52He's the one that started laughing, you know.
04:54He made everybody else start laughing.
04:56They laughed and laughed and...
05:00You shouldn't have run out of the room.
05:03He's always teasing me.
05:05Right from the very first day.
05:08And the kids always laugh at me.
05:10They only laugh because they feel sorry for him.
05:16Because he's going on 18 and still with us freshmen.
05:19Girls don't even like to date him
05:21because he's so clumsy and stupid.
05:23Maybe that's why he teases you.
05:25He wants you to notice him.
05:27It's getting late.
05:29My pa doesn't like me out after dark.
05:31Well, you can cut across by the shack.
05:33It'll save time.
05:37Oh, come on. I'll go with you.
06:05Is that old place what scares you?
06:07It's been vacant for years.
06:09Come on. I'll show you.
06:13What's wrong?
06:21You have any brothers or sisters?
06:25Just you and your mom and dad, huh?
06:27Oh, my ma died.
06:29My aunt keeps house for us.
06:35It's nice of you to walk me home.
06:37I wanted to.
06:41I want to be friends with you.
06:43Best friends.
06:55Hello, pa.
06:57Alice, you're late.
06:59I'm sorry, pa.
07:01Go up and get ready for supper.
07:03Pa, I've got a friend.
07:06A best friend.
07:08Good. Who is it?
07:10Her name's Patti Leland.
07:12Well, it might interest you to know
07:14that I'm working for Mr. Leland.
07:16Started today.
07:18You did?
07:20Putting new shingles on their barn roof.
07:22If he likes my work, he may keep me on.
07:24He owns a lot of property.
07:26I'm glad.
07:28Go on upstairs.
07:32You remember
07:34how proud your ma was of you.
07:36You won't spoil things
07:38this time, will you?
07:40Will you?
07:42No, I won't, pa.
07:44I won't.
07:48Supper's ready.
07:50It's been ready.
07:56Going to eat with your coat on?
08:12Hope it isn't spoiled.
08:16How's school, dear?
08:18Fine, Aunt Mildred.
08:20Well, now, this looks mighty good.
08:22I'll get it.
08:28There was quite a fire at Purdy's this afternoon.
08:32Everybody downtown was talking about it.
08:34They say it just
08:36flared up for no logical reason.
08:38I wasn't there.
08:40Didn't say you were, dear.
08:42It's human nature, though,
08:44for kids to watch a fire.
08:48I can see why you wouldn't want to, though.
08:50Considering all that's gone before.
08:52Don't talk like that.
08:54You wouldn't dare talk like that
08:56if pa was here.
08:58Now, I don't think you ought to use that threatening tone.
09:01Not after what I've done for you.
09:03I haven't told you, pa,
09:05what happened in the woods with that boy.
09:07I told you nothing happened.
09:09He was hiding in that shack.
09:11He came chasing after me.
09:13I came home all dirty because I fell down.
09:17I don't know.
09:19I think I better tell you, pa.
09:21Why do you have to make everything seem so awful?
09:23Why do you have to make me sound so rotten?
09:25I told you not to use that tone.
09:31I'll tell you, pa.
09:33Please don't tell my pa.
09:35You'll say all the wrong things
09:37and you'll make me seem so bad.
09:39I don't know why I should go on
09:41being nice to you
09:43when you're planning to give me trouble with your pa.
09:45I won't.
09:47I promise I won't.
09:51when you came in that front door,
09:53you knew you'd done it again.
09:57That was the fire chief.
09:59He told me all the kids were in Purdy's store when the fire started.
10:01Well, I didn't tell him anything
10:03about what had happened before,
10:05so you're in the clear once more.
10:07Alice, I give you my...
10:09I didn't do it, pa. I swear I didn't do it.
10:11Stop lying. You threw that match.
10:13I didn't even have a match.
10:15Then how did you start it?
10:17I don't know how it started.
10:19It's like always.
10:21Just before it happens, everything goes dark.
10:23I don't know!
10:25You do know. You start them.
10:27I've had to move to three different towns
10:29in the past four years on account of you.
10:31Your Aunt Mildred and I have tried to stand by you.
10:33And all you've given us
10:35is headache and disgrace.
10:37I've had enough.
10:39Now, Willie. Willie, why don't you sit down?
10:41Mildred, you've protected her long enough.
10:43Alice, you're old enough
10:45to know the difference between right and wrong.
10:47Will you listen to me?
10:51If you cause me to lose one more job,
10:53if you cause me any trouble at all,
10:56you're going to get yourself out of it.
10:58Do you understand me, Alice?
11:03I didn't do it, Pa.
11:05Do you understand me?
11:07I didn't do it, Pa.
11:09Alice, you've got to stop saying that.
11:11I didn't do it!
11:13I didn't do it!
11:15Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
11:17When all the neighbors are here,
11:19isn't it shameful enough?
11:23I'm almost glad your mother isn't here to see this.
11:25I'm almost glad your mother isn't here to see this.
11:43Justine's costume's here somewhere.
11:47Oh, boy!
11:51Here's the sash.
11:54Gypsies always wear beads.
11:56I've had my class to a Halloween party
11:58ever since I can remember.
12:00I just love Halloween, don't you?
12:02Yeah, I love Halloween, too,
12:04but I've never been to a party.
12:06You haven't? Wow, I sure am glad Tim Pluckett's moved away
12:08so I don't have to invite him.
12:10So am I.
12:12He's a big oaf, that's what he is,
12:14scaring you the way he did in the woods that time.
12:16I'm not even scared of the woods anymore
12:18now that he's gone.
12:32It's so naked!
12:38Well, don't you look nice!
12:40Thank you, Mrs. Leland.
12:42She thinks people will say it's too naked.
12:44Nonsense! Evil to him who evil thinketh.
12:48Oh, this costume does bring back memories.
12:50All four of my married daughters
12:52wore it at some time or another.
12:54Here, you two, you better take it back to the attic.
12:56The party begins at eight sharp
12:58and you've got to eat your dinner yet.
13:00Alice can't eat with us.
13:02Why not?
13:04My Aunt Mildred wouldn't want me to.
13:06Oh, well.
13:08Here, wait a minute.
13:12No self-respecting gypsy
13:14will ever wear braids.
13:16Come on, thank you.
13:18Now, I'm the dresser.
13:20Here now.
13:22Oh, what lovely thick hair you've got.
13:24It's a shame to keep it braided.
13:26But my Aunt Mildred likes it braided.
13:28Well, do you think
13:30that just once she'd mind
13:32if maybe we put it up like this
13:34with a ribbon?
13:38down with a ribbon.
13:40Oh, that'll look nice.
13:42Shall we try it?
13:44All right.
13:46All right, let's take the braids out.
13:52going up there
13:54spending the night.
13:58It's a shame
14:00that you're like
14:02like Miss Know-it-all.
14:04Miss Leland
14:06had such pretty hair.
14:12I guess
14:14if anybody in the world knew
14:16what I know about that braid
14:19I wouldn't think she was so wonderful.
14:31I thought Pa'd be back.
14:33You know he had to go to Porterville
14:35to do some business to your friend Mr. Leland.
14:39I have to go now.
14:41I have to be here by eight.
14:43Let me see your costume.
14:45Come on, little girl.
14:49Take off your coat.
14:57You ought to be ashamed.
14:59What are you pausing here?
15:01Mrs. Leland
15:03said both her daughters have worn this.
15:05Oh? Well, I wouldn't accept
15:07such a cast-off rag.
15:09But then I don't go chasing people just because
15:11they're rich.
15:13Oh, that's not the reason Paddy's my friend
15:15and you know it.
15:17I have to go now.
15:19Oh, no, you don't. Not in that.
15:21But it's a costume party
15:23and I don't have anything else.
15:25Well, then you won't be able to go.
15:27You go on upstairs and get out of that and get into something decent.
15:29Your father'd never forgive me
15:31if I let you go out in that thing.
15:35My father?
15:37Not my father. It's you.
15:39You don't want me
15:41to go over to Paddy's because I have a happy time
15:43and nothing bad happens.
15:46And you want it to happen.
15:48You do your very best to make it happen.
15:50Oh, you ungrateful bitch.
15:52Look at you.
15:54Look at your hair going down your back.
15:56You're half-naked. You're a Jezebel.
15:58That's what you are, a Jezebel.
16:00Let go of me.
16:02You're no good. You're no good.
16:04You're chasing after boys. You're just like your ma.
16:06That's what you are. You're just like your ma.
16:08Don't you dare talk about my ma.
16:10Those big eyes of hers, those tempting ways driving your pa
16:12half-mad to marry her.
16:14Filthy, filthy.
16:16You shut your mouth.
16:22Just like your ma.
16:26No good. No good.
16:28You come back here.
16:30You devil.
16:32You witch.
16:44Oh, God.
17:40I've been waiting for you.
17:42Timmy, don't.
18:40I don't know. I don't know what makes us set fires. We've tried so hard to stop.
18:52Where's Alice? They told me what happened. Where is she?
18:57She's probably hiding someplace until things calm down.
19:00Your sister's been telling me the facts about your daughter. And high time.
19:06Why did you tell me that she's been setting fires since she was 11?
19:09Mildred. I had to, Will. That poor boy with his hands and arms all burned from putting out the fire.
19:15If he hadn't, the shack would have burned clear to the ground. The woods would have all burned down.
19:19Mildred, what are we going to do? She's going to have to be put away, Mr. Danning.
19:25She says she goes blank. Maybe she doesn't know. What do you mean, goes blank?
19:31She says that just to make you feel sorry for her. She knows what she's doing.
19:34Will. Will, I feel just as bad as you do. But we've got to face it. She's dangerous. And she'll get worse.
21:38Miss Denning, will you stand at the foot of the couch, so she can see you when she wakes up?
21:52Say something to her.
21:58Wake up dear.
22:03Go away. Go away.
22:09Alice, sweetheart. It's Aunt Mildred.
22:12You said bad things about Ma. Go away.
22:17Poor child. She doesn't know what she's saying.
22:19You said it on purpose. To upset me.
22:23Because that's when it happens. And you want it to happen.
22:27Don't talk crazy.
22:28I won't live here anymore.
22:30It's your home.
22:31No, not since my Ma left. Not since you came.
22:35Shh. Shh, Alice. Alice, baby. Shh.
22:39No, don't touch me. Alice.
22:40Don't touch me.
22:42You made it happen again.
22:46You made it happen.
23:02It just started.
23:04By itself.
23:06The fire just started.
23:08Not by itself. Because of her.
23:10There's a devil in her. She's a witch.
23:12I've known it all along.
23:14I've known the fire started by themselves.
23:16From her.
23:17You knew?
23:19Why didn't you tell me the truth?
23:21From her. From the devil in her.
23:23The devil's not in Alice, Miss Denning.
23:25You're lying. She's a witch.
23:30I saw it. I saw it.
23:34We all did.
23:36What is it?
23:37I don't know.
23:40I don't know.
23:44Nobody really knows.
23:47But Alice was not an isolated case.
23:50There have been others.
23:52The ability to induce spontaneous combustion.
23:56The ability to induce spontaneous combustion.
24:00Maybe a survival of a power from ancient times.
24:04Then it would have been called a miracle of great value.
24:08For the worship of fire stems from man's earliest beginnings.
24:14Well, at least that's a theory.
24:16I can tell you some facts about Alice herself, however.
24:19Today she is happily married with grown children of her own.
24:23And her power.
24:25Something she certainly never wanted.
24:27Disappeared when she felt secure.
24:30When she knew she was loved.
24:33In a moment, a program note about next week.
24:40Of all the souvenirs of World War II,
24:43this wrench is perhaps the weirdest.
24:45In fact, it's the star of next week's journey into the world of the unknown.
24:49Supported by a submarine crew who waited for death at Forty Fathoms.
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