• 5 years ago
30min | Adventure, Western, TV Series | Episode aired 22 October 1955

The worst drought in 20 years has struck the valley where the Norths have their ranch. While Champion searches for a waterhole for his herd of wild horses, a unscrupulous foreman tries to force and elderly woman to sell her ranch for a pittance.

Director: Ford Beebe

Writer: Paul Gangelin

Stars: Champion, Barry Curtis, Jim Bannon
00:00Champion the Wonder Horse, Champion the Wonder Horse.
00:11Like a streak of lightning flashing across the sky.
00:14Like a swiftest arrow whizzing from a bow.
00:17Like a mighty cannon ball he seems to fly.
00:21You'll hear about him everywhere you go.
00:25The time will come when everyone will know the name of
00:28Champion the Wonder Horse.
00:45A long dry spell on the western range.
00:48A drought means disaster to ranchers.
00:51Danger of death to all animals.
00:55Especially the wild animals.
00:58When drought devastates his valley,
01:00Champion, king and protector of his wild horse herd,
01:04searches desperately for new sources of water that they may live.
01:26Sure hitting that wild bunch hard.
01:29They got hardly any spunk left.
01:32How much spunk would you have if he was close to dying at first?
01:36Funny world, ain't it?
01:38Here's his dry spell.
01:41Worse than 20 years.
01:43Killing all the range critters from jack rabbits up.
01:47Ruining the ranches.
01:49But us?
01:52Gonna make us rich.
01:54Suits me that way.
01:56Hey, Molson.
01:58There's that wild mare I've been wanting.
02:02We can get her.
02:03The big stallion ain't around.
02:05I guess we got time.
02:07As long as we don't run into trouble with him.
02:26Here comes the stallion, Ledoux.
02:28Let her go.
02:33Use your gun on him.
02:36Back away, will ya?
02:44Come on.
02:47Come on.
02:50Come on.
02:53Come on.
02:56Come on.
02:59Come on.
03:02That was great.
03:04I even lose my rope.
03:06Yeah, if I'd shot, we could have the whole country nosing around.
03:08Uh-oh. Here comes Baggett.
03:10Come on.
03:25This isn't where you're supposed to be.
03:27Sorry, boss. We'll get on it right away.
03:29Well, step on it. I'll be back from town in no time.
03:34Come on.
03:57It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, isn't it, Uncle Sandy?
04:01Yeah, it's worse.
04:03Let's see what he's up to.
04:17Hey, that sounds like Champ.
04:19It is. And he's excited about something.
04:33Let's go.
04:45Well, what happened, Champ?
04:47Are you all right?
04:49Did Rebel find you?
04:51He must have.
04:53Hey, Ricky, look.
05:04So that's what it was.
05:06Somebody tried to steal one of your herds and wanted me to know.
05:21I sure wish we could catch the hombre that did that.
05:24Well, it isn't exactly a crime to rope wild horses, Ricky.
05:27You did a swell job, Rebel.
05:30Tell Rebel thank you for bringing us, Champ.
05:42I guess I'll ride Champ.
05:45Tony will go home by himself.
05:57What's got into him?
06:03You mean you won't let me ride you?
06:05That's what it looks like.
06:15Uncle Sandy, that's the first time he wouldn't let me ride him.
06:19You think he's mad at me?
06:21Oh, I wouldn't say that, Ricky.
06:23Seems like he's got something on his mind.
06:26But he's never done it before.
06:28Something must be wrong.
06:30Well, it might be on account of the drought.
06:33You know, he's bound to be worried about his herd not getting enough water to live on.
06:37That must be it.
06:39And he just didn't feel like going for a ride.
06:42Come on, Uncle Sandy. We'd better find that lost river.
06:54He ain't in sight.
06:57Better than he thought he'd be.
06:59Bound him.
07:00She's probably scared he'll let him go faster than a walk.
07:03Well, if she ain't scared now, she sure will be.
07:07That coyote howl of yours in good shape?
07:24Hey, here they come now.
07:36My goodness. What's that, Mr. Baggett?
07:39Coyotes. They're getting mighty dangerous because of this drought.
07:43Would they attack us?
07:46Tried to pull down the stagecoach horses just a couple of days ago.
07:51Coyotes never howl in the daytime.
07:55Well, maybe this one doesn't know the rules, Ricky.
07:57Or else he's crazy with the heat.
07:59He's way over there.
08:01Let's see if we can find him.
08:03I never found one yet when I wanted to.
08:05We might as well try.
08:10This dry spell has got him desperate.
08:12Like everything else in the world.
08:14We'd better hurry.
08:17This dry spell has got him desperate.
08:19Like everything else, including the people.
08:22If you ask me, you couldn't have picked a worse time to come out west and try ranching.
08:25But I didn't pick a time, Mr. Baggett.
08:27It happened my brother died and left me the ranch when I had no choice.
08:32Well, if you ask me, Miss Hillyard, you could do a lot better by selling the ranch.
08:35You could find a buyer.
08:37I've just got to make a go of it.
08:42Guess them coyotes ain't gonna bother us anymore.
08:45Hope the outlaws don't either.
08:49Yeah, some of them jaspers been pulling raids lately.
08:56Well, here's where we stop being coyotes and start being outlaws.
09:16It's them.
09:17Hold on tight.
09:23Stay part of the ranch.
09:39Hold up.
09:40You stay here, Ricky.
09:45Hold it!
10:15It's no use, Rebel.
10:36Come on.
10:46It's Dave Hillyard's sister.
10:47Oh, well, get her inside.
10:48I'll take care of the team.
10:53Rebel, go find Ricky.
11:02I'm all right, Ricky.
11:03Now, really, I am.
11:06Now I know why they call it the Wild West.
11:08Gracious, what a reception.
11:10Well, it's not like this every day, Miss Hillyard.
11:12Most of the time, nothing happens.
11:14Except once in a while.
11:16Are you really gonna try and run the ranch yourself?
11:18Well, it may seem absurd, but I've got to, Mr. North.
11:21At least I've got to try.
11:27I've been telling her she ought to sell out if she can find a buyer.
11:30I'm afraid Baggett's right, Miss Hillyard.
11:32This isn't a very good ranch.
11:33Well, that's very kind of you both, but I just have to stay here.
11:37Uncle Sandy, tell Miss Hillyard about the drought.
11:40Well, Mr. Baggett's already explained, but isn't there a chance it might rain?
11:44No, not this time of year.
11:46The only chance is the Lost River.
11:48The Lost River.
11:49Well, it may sound far-fetched, but there's a legend about an underground river.
11:53Why, it's history.
11:54The Indians say that long ago, there was a big earthquake.
11:58And the ground opened up, and a river that used to be here got, well, sort of swallowed.
12:03It's not history, Ricky.
12:04It's a legend.
12:05Something that might have happened, but there's no way of proving it.
12:08Well, if that's true and someone found the river, I suppose it would make a big difference.
12:12It would make the difference between life and death for this whole valley.
12:15I don't put much stock in that yarn myself.
12:18Well, I know, but we have to keep on trying.
12:20Are you going to stay on as foreman, Baggett?
12:22Well, there ain't much left to be foreman of.
12:25The cattle was all sold off to pay Hillyard's bank loan.
12:27Oh, but you will stay, Mr. Baggett.
12:29I can afford to pay you for a while, that is.
12:32Well, at least I'll work my month out.
12:34That's a good idea.
12:36Well, if there's anything you need, Miss Hillyard, please don't hesitate to call on us.
12:39And just pray that we'll be lucky and find that river.
12:42I will, and thank you both.
12:46Come on, River.
13:07Who is it?
13:09Why, it's me, Miss Hillyard.
13:11Oh, Mr. Baggett, I don't see too well without my glasses.
13:18Just thought, if you want to sell the ranch, the seller I know might buy it.
13:22Pay you a fair price.
13:24But I'm afraid I don't want to sell, Mr. Baggett.
13:26Sure, but I'm afraid I don't want to sell, Miss Hillyard.
13:29I'm afraid I don't want to sell, Mr. Baggett.
13:32Pay you a fair price.
13:33But I'm afraid I don't want to sell, Mr. Baggett.
13:35Sure, but, well, you never can tell.
13:46You know, Molson, I'll bet that old girl is just about ready to hightail it back to Boston.
13:52We could have made sure if Stanley North hadn't busted in.
14:03How'd it go?
14:04She don't scare as easy as I expected.
14:06Wants to keep her ranch.
14:08She ain't got any idea about us finding the water, has she?
14:10How could she?
14:12Only the three of us know that that river's under the Hillyard place.
14:15Why won't she sell?
14:16Don't rightly know.
14:17Some reason of her own, but I aim to fix it so she will.
14:20You got to.
14:21If we own this ranch, we'll practically own every ranch in the valley.
14:23They all got to come to us for water.
14:25You don't say.
14:27You going to start doing the thinking and giving the orders?
14:31Well, I get anxious.
14:32Well, quit getting anxious.
14:34Like I say, she don't scare.
14:36But I found out she's as good as blind without her specs.
14:40And I found out a way to get her plum discouraged.
14:43Hey, what's that?
14:51Getting mighty close to that water.
14:54Too close.
14:55He ain't got a good smell of it yet, but if he does, it could mean trouble.
15:02It's practically on top of it.
15:04It's enough for him.
15:13You should have shot him between the eyes.
15:16And what would have happened when Rick and North came looking for him and found him dead?
15:19It's good enough to scare him off.
15:21When do we go to work on the old lady?
15:24First, I got to get rid of her specs.
15:31Let's go.
15:56Uncle Sandy!
16:01He's been hurt, Uncle Sandy!
16:06Well, it's not deep, Ricky, but...
16:08Ricky, that's a bullet wound.
16:10But... but who'd want to shoot him?
16:12Well, I don't know who or why, but I aim to find out.
16:15Get me the ointment, will you?
16:21Champ, this ain't going to bother you too much, but you used good sense coming to get doctored.
16:25You sure it's not bad, Uncle Sandy?
16:28Well, the bullet wound itself isn't too bad.
16:30The fact that anybody did it is.
16:32You know, we've got more than the Lost River to look for when we go out tomorrow.
16:35You bet.
16:47I sure hope those eye exercises are going to help.
16:49Oh, I'm sure they will.
16:52Oh, by the way, Miss Hillyard, the man who wants to buy the ranch?
16:56He said he'd like to talk to you, even if you don't want to sell right now.
16:59Well, I'd be glad to talk to him, but I don't want to sell.
17:02I'll go fetch him.
17:03Oh, Mr. Baggett, before you go, would you hand me my glasses?
17:07Sure, ma'am. Where are they?
17:10I thought I left them right here on the table.
17:12No, ma'am, I don't see them on the table.
17:15Oh, I'm always misplacing things, but I could have been certain.
17:19Well, I'm sure they'll turn up somewhere.
17:21Oh, yes, of course. I'll find them.
17:24I'll go get the man and bring him here.
17:26All right.
17:30If something should happen to them...
17:42Hey, Morton!
17:44He's found it!
17:55You guys gone crazy?
17:56I saw him come back and found the water, like I thought he would.
17:59All right, then, Morton, you stay here.
18:01This time, shoot to kill.
18:03You come back to the ranch with me, Ledoux.
18:25Susan Hilliard, you stop being silly.
18:29The world hasn't come to an end.
18:33But it might almost as well.
18:41Is that you, Mr. Packett?
18:43No, it's me, Ricky.
18:47Somebody shot Champ, and we're looking for...
18:51That'll be all right.
18:53Something wrong, Miss Hilliard?
18:55Oh, Ricky, I'm a foolish old woman, and I'm going to sell the ranch.
18:59You are?
19:00What made you change your mind?
19:02Well, I lost my glasses.
19:04That seems like a ridiculous thing to say, but it brought me to my senses.
19:09You see, Ricky, I'm almost blind.
19:12You are?
19:13It's because of my work.
19:15The doctor said, because I was a dressmaker, I must live outdoors.
19:20And when I inherited the ranch, I thought it was a wonderful chance.
19:24But now, I'm going to sell.
19:26You mean, somebody wants to buy this ranch?
19:29Mr. Packett says he has a man.
19:33But if there's a chance of getting your sight back...
19:36Oh, it's hopeless.
19:38What with coyotes, and outlaws, and drought.
19:41And now, this.
19:43You better talk to Uncle Sandy.
19:46I'll find him.
19:56Let's go.
20:17That's North, kid. I wonder what he's up to.
20:19I don't know. We better move fast.
20:27You found your glasses, Miss Hilly?
20:29Oh, Mr. Baggett. No. No, I didn't.
20:32Well, they're turned up somewhere.
20:34This here's Joe LeDoux, come about buying the ranch.
20:37How do you do?
20:38Howdy, ma'am.
20:39Mr. Baggett, I've decided to sell the ranch.
20:42You have?
20:43Well, then, the only question is you and Mr. LeDoux will have to get together on surprise.
20:48Here, have a chair, LeDoux.
20:57Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!
21:01Uncle Sandy!
21:04Uncle Sandy!
21:16Uncle Sandy, you ought to go up and talk to Miss Hillyard.
21:19She's going to sell her ranch, but she's got trouble with her eyes, and she ought to keep it.
21:31There's somebody shooting at him again!
21:36They're shooting from up there. You go over and see if you can't help Champ.
22:08Champ, you've got to get out of here.
22:10They're shooting at you.
22:12Now, what's the matter with you? Is there something in there?
22:19You found it, Champ!
22:25Uncle Sandy!
22:27Uncle Sandy!
22:29Champ found water on Miss Hillyard's ranch!
22:32So that's what this is all about.
22:36Well, it's a little more than the place it's worth, but we might as well settle it now.
22:41All I need is your signature on this bill of sale here.
22:45But I can't see the sign anything without my glasses.
22:49Well, let me have another look for them. Must be around here somewhere.
23:01Here they are. Must have been on the desk all the time.
23:04Oh, thank goodness, the bad at least.
23:08Oh, what a relief.
23:12Oh, you might as well sign it. I've read it over and there are no catches in it.
23:23What's that?
23:29It's North. He's got Molson with him. He must have got wise.
23:32Well, stand him off. I'll get the sign.
23:34What's the...
23:48Whatever's going on in there, I can't shoot while she's in there.
23:52I know.
23:53Rebel, go on!
23:57Go get him!
24:08Get him!
24:38Get him!
24:48All right, on your feet, both of you.
24:55It's hard to believe. If I get paid all this money for the water rights, I'll be rich.
25:00Well, it's only a fair price.
25:02Well, if it hadn't been for you and Ricky...
25:04Oh, shucks. We didn't do it. It was Champ.
25:12Well, I guess you up a little too, Rebel.
25:20Champion the Wonder Horse!
25:23Champion the Wonder Horse!
25:30I can bring the lights and flash them across the sky.
25:33Like the swiftest arrow whittled from a bow.
25:36Like a mighty cannonball he seems to fly.
25:40You'll hear about him everywhere you go.
25:43The time will come when everyone will know the name of...
25:47Champion the Wonder Horse!
25:50Champion the Wonder Horse!
