• 5 years ago
25min | Western | Episode aired 1956

Pretty Connie Ward comes to town but the reasons why are a mystery. But when two villainous men harass Letty about her whereabouts the Judge and Taggart look into why. A missing cache of stolen money may tie things together.

Director: Derwin Abrahams

Writer: Milton Raison

Stars: Edgar Buchanan, Jack Buetel, Jackie Loughery

00:00Take me home, take me home to the land of the peggles Near that stream, let me dream, near
00:19the sky This old heart keeps on beatin', repeatin'
00:27on echoes Of the brave and the bold, ridin' high
00:49I'm on my way to El Paso, and I'd like to rest up a while.
01:06Well, there's a boarding house over there. It's, uh, not the best in the world.
01:13I'm so tired, anything will do. I'm Connie Ward.
01:16I'm Letty Dean. Have you had a long trip?
01:19Too long. I'm going to live with my aunt in El Paso.
01:22I'm a dressmaker, and they seem to think I'll do quite well there.
01:25A dressmaker? Oh, I wish I had some fashionable clothes.
01:28I'm not much good at making things. I couldn't live without nice clothes.
01:32That certainly is a stylish suit you're wearing. Well, thank you.
01:35I have some new patterns you should see. The latest things from the East.
01:38Really? I don't suppose I could talk you into staying
01:41long enough to make me a dress. I wouldn't mind.
01:44It might be fun. Oh, that would be wonderful.
01:46I have a dress for him. Come on, I'll show it to you.
01:48All right.
01:56Well, this is it, Connie.
01:59Think this will be all right for those new patterns?
02:02Well, it's a little full-bodied, but I think I'll be able to take care of it.
02:13Pardon me.
02:19Friends of yours?
02:21I don't know. I'll take a look, though.
02:49I never saw them before in my life.
02:51The trip must have been a little too much for me.
02:54I feel a little faint.
02:56Would you mind if I get myself a drink of water?
02:59Why, of course, Connie. Right this way.
03:19Do you feel a little better now, Connie?
03:21Oh, yes.
03:25I think those two men just came into the store.
03:28Please go and wait on them. I'll be all right.
03:31All right, but if you need me, just call.
03:35May I help you?
03:37I hope so. We're looking for a young woman named Connie Ward.
03:40Connie Ward?
03:42What do you want with her?
03:44We're going to ring a pretty little neck for her. That's what we want with her.
03:48Where is she?
03:50Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name.
03:52In there, Daniels.
03:54Just a minute.
03:56Take it easy, sister. All he wants is a look.
04:18Nobody in there.
04:20But you know where she is, don't you, sister?
04:22I don't know what you mean.
04:24Come on, you gave yourself away.
04:26You know Connie's around.
04:28Where is she?
04:30Suppose you'd find her yourself.
04:32Suppose you'd tell me where she is.
04:34Oh, I'm sorry.
04:36I'm sorry.
04:38I'm sorry.
04:40I'm sorry.
04:42I'm sorry.
04:44I'm sorry.
04:47Tell me where she is.
04:49Now don't try that again.
04:51Better watch her, Miller.
04:53I'd call that good advice, mister.
04:55Come on, Daniels. We'll find her.
04:57She's around here someplace.
05:05What a place. Pretty girls ready to blow your head off.
05:07Come on, let's have a look around.
05:17Let's go.
05:39Come on.
05:41Let's go.
05:43Come on.
05:46Close it.
05:48Well, so you found me.
05:50You didn't have a chance of getting away from us.
05:52I did all right for a while.
05:54Where's the money?
05:56I lost it.
05:58So you lost it.
06:00Take it easy, Miller. You don't have to get so rough.
06:02When are you going to find out about this woman, Daniels?
06:04She's bad news for everyone.
06:06Are you going to come up with that money or do I tear the joint apart?
06:08I don't own the place. Do whatever you want with it.
06:18Pretty fancy looking buggy.
06:20Must be some eastern folks in town.
06:22Yeah, you recognize the horses?
06:28Them two fell at the railroad station.
06:50Dang whip thing is broke again.
06:54I'll see if I can fix it.
07:04Here I am, Uncle Roy.
07:10A new girl just arrived in town and a couple of men followed her.
07:13It looks like there's going to be some trouble.
07:15Where is she?
07:17I think she went to the boarding house.
07:23Yes, Judge?
07:25There may be some trouble over at the boarding house.
07:27There's a girl over there and those two fellows are looking for her.
07:29Maybe I better go check on it.
07:33Jeff will take care of it.
07:35Did you drag that thing out?
07:37Yes, Uncle Roy.
07:39Somebody want to buy it?
07:42I've had it ten years and nobody wants it.
07:44Well, I want it.
07:46I have great plans for that dress for him.
07:48Hey, this new girl, did you talk to her?
07:50Yes, her name is Connie Ward.
07:52She's a dressmaker.
07:54She seems like a very nice girl.
07:58Who's that?
08:00Probably the landlady.
08:02She's going to love you.
08:04Might as well let her in.
08:07Looks like you're having a little trouble, miss.
08:09It's an argument between friends, mister.
08:11Not friendly enough.
08:13The old lady that runs this house has to work hard
08:15to keep these rooms in shape.
08:17I'm touched.
08:19Start picking it up.
08:21Put everything right back where it was.
08:23I'll hire her, Tom.
08:25Hey, maybe you'd like the job.
08:27See you later.
08:29How about the cleanup?
08:31Don't bother me.
08:36Clean up the room, huh?
08:38Sure, I'd be glad to.
08:40With you?
08:50All right, are you going to clean it up
08:52or do you want to continue this argument?
08:56I'll straighten it up.
09:06That was 20 cents, Mrs. Graham.
09:0825, 50, 75, one dollar.
09:10Thank you very much.
09:14Morning, ma'am.
09:20You know something, lady?
09:24Reminds me of an old sweetheart of mine.
09:28You know, she's a nice girl.
09:30She's a nice girl.
09:32She's a nice girl.
09:34Reminds me of an old sweetheart of mine.
09:36Oh, Uncle Roy.
09:38Sure does.
09:40A girl he used to know down in Sweetwater.
09:42Used to take her dancing all the time.
09:44Yes, sir.
09:46Just like seeing her all over again.
09:48I never knew you had a girlfriend in Sweetwater.
09:50Whatever happened to her?
09:52Well, I asked her to marry me,
09:54but she turned me down.
09:56Ma'am, may I have the honor of this dance with you?
09:58Well, I don't generally dance with strange men, sir,
10:03Would you like to play a waltz?
10:05I think that would be delightful.
10:07Thank you, ma'am.
10:09Oh, lady, would you have the orchestra play a waltz?
10:11I'd be happy to.
10:14Oh, this is the funniest thing I ever saw in my life.
10:16I only wish some of the people around here
10:18could see you now.
10:20I'll teach you a thing or two.
10:22Nobody around here can waltz like this.
10:26Are you all right?
10:28I'm fine.
10:30I'm fine.
10:32I'm fine.
10:34I'm fine.
10:36I'm fine.
10:38I'm fine.
10:40I'm fine.
10:43Are you all right, Uncle Roy?
10:45I guess I must be out of practice.
10:47No wonder she turned you down if you danced like that.
10:51Well, we had the better health to get in.
10:55What's this?
10:59It's money.
11:01Yeah, a lot of it.
11:03I'll bet it fell out of this dress, dummy.
11:05It's probably been in there all the time.
11:07Not this money.
11:09Too new and crisp.
11:12You say that new girl was a seamstress?
11:16Did she ever look at this dress, dummy?
11:18Yes, she did.
11:20Do you think it's her money?
11:22It may not be her money,
11:24but I'll bet she put it in there.
11:26Now, Uncle Roy, Connie Ward is a nice girl.
11:28If there's anything wrong,
11:30you can bet it's those two men.
11:32Yeah, maybe.
11:34I wonder what's keeping Jeff so long.
11:36This Connie wasn't a pretty girl, was she?
11:38Yes, she was.
11:40Now, you put this in the safe
11:42and don't give it to anyone unless I tell you to.
11:44All right.
11:52That satisfy you?
11:54You did real fine.
11:56Do you want to bring charges against these men, miss?
11:58Please, no. I'd like to forget the whole thing.
12:00Why were they bothering you?
12:02You'd better ask them. I have the faintest idea.
12:04Why don't you forget about it?
12:06It was an argument between friends.
12:09Well, all right.
12:11But next time you start your friendly argument,
12:13don't do it where you're going to break up all the furniture.
12:31What happened?
12:33Plenty. Those two men were giving that girl a lot of trouble.
12:35She claims they're all friends, says it's all right.
12:38Everything look all right to you?
12:40No, it didn't. Look very peculiar.
12:42You think I ought to bring them in?
12:44No. We'll wait.
12:46I got reason to believe that they'll come to us.
12:50You're wasting your time, Miller.
12:52I tell you, I don't have the money.
12:54So you got it hidden somewhere. What good is that going to do you?
12:56What do you mean?
12:58Look, Connie, it was my brains that engineered this deal.
13:00It got the money. You are nothing but a decoy.
13:02I'm not arguing with you.
13:04All I'm saying is I don't have the money, that's all.
13:07You're lying, but you're not going to get away with it.
13:09We're going to hang around here till you break.
13:11And if you try to leave town with that money, I'll...
13:13I'll kill you.
13:25Well, I guess you saw the girl.
13:27Sure did.
13:29You take care of that money?
13:31Yes, Uncle.
13:33Money? What money?
13:36It's in that old dress form.
13:38Somebody just put it in there.
13:40We figure it was those two fellas chasing that girl as she did it.
13:42No wonder she wouldn't sign a complaint against them.
13:44They wouldn't sign one against her either.
13:46It all adds up to one thing.
13:48The three of them are in together on something crooked.
13:52I feel badly about that money, Uncle Roy.
13:54I think we ought to tell Connie we found it.
13:56Lady's got the idea this girl can do no wrong
13:58just because she can make a pretty dress.
14:00That's not so, Uncle Roy.
14:02I just feel that Connie's on the level, that's all.
14:04Well, I'll tell you the way it looks to me.
14:06The three of them are in on some confidence game back east.
14:08Your friends double-crossed your pals
14:10and got away with the money.
14:12Sure, that's why they came after her.
14:14But now we've got the money.
14:16And they can't get it without asking for it.
14:20This is going to be a very interesting development.
14:34What are we going to do?
14:36Stick around a while?
14:42Why don't I talk to Connie?
14:44You already talked to her.
14:46You did the talking.
14:48And when you get mad, nothing happens.
14:50Maybe I can do better.
14:52What makes you think you're so good?
14:54Well, what are we going to do?
14:56Sit here and wait for her to make a move?
14:58She can stick it out in this place for a year.
15:00We've got to find out where that money's at.
15:03She's going to have to wait a while.
15:05That's all right.
15:07I'll see her later.
15:15Now, this is just the kind of a style
15:17you should wear, Liddy.
15:19It's all the rage in the east.
15:21It's lovely, Connie.
15:23It has such a pretty shoulder line.
15:25That's quite a line, too.
15:27You'd be real comfortable on a long ride, honey.
15:32They don't know a beautiful thing
15:34when they see it.
15:36That's real pretty, Liddy.
15:38You're going to look cuter
15:40than a blue-billed duck in that outfit.
15:42A blue-billed duck?
15:44You mind your own business.
15:46All right, all right. I take it back.
15:48You always been a dressmaker, miss?
15:50Well, quite a while.
15:52I still have a lot of sewing to do on this.
15:54Do you mind if I take it to my room?
15:56No, Connie. Go right ahead.
15:58The dress for him, too?
16:01I'll carry it for you.
16:09Wait a minute.
16:13I think we'd better go back in.
16:23I've changed my mind.
16:25I think I'll leave it here.
16:27Is something wrong?
16:30I'm having fun working with you folks around.
16:32I'll be back in a little while.
16:50I don't think there's anything wrong with that girl, Uncle Roy.
16:52She's too nice.
16:54And I don't think it's very fair for you to be so suspicious.
16:56Right now, Liddy,
16:58If they fleece somebody out of that money,
17:00it's up to me to find out about it.
17:02Well, I think you're wrong about Connie Ward.
17:04Very wrong.
17:20What do you want?
17:24I came to talk to you.
17:27What about?
17:29You're in a bad spot, Connie.
17:31Miller meant what he said about not letting you get away.
17:33Are you talking for him now or for yourself?
17:35Well, I don't blame you for not wanting to cut that money three ways.
17:37But two ways wouldn't be so bad.
17:39Would it, Connie?
17:41Meaning what?
17:43You can't expect to get away by yourself.
17:45But if you had me on your side...
17:49I'm not such bad company, am I, Connie?
17:51No, Daniel.
17:53You're not bad company at all.
17:57What about Miller?
17:59We'll get rid of him.
18:01Sounds like a fine idea.
18:03You'd better be careful.
18:05Miller's just the type who'd be listening outside that door.
18:09Yeah, Connie, I'm just the type.
18:11So you thought you'd get rid of me, did you?
18:13Daniels, I had you figured for a play like this.
18:17No, I'm kidding.
18:19Both of you.
18:22Leave it.
18:24You'd better get out of here.
18:26The back way.
18:52He dead?
18:54He's dead, Judge.
18:57Come on.
19:19The two of them are riding out of town.
19:21Come on, Jen.
19:26Come on.
19:57What are you stopping for?
19:59They're after us.
20:01I could see them below on the flats.
20:03That's good.
20:05Now I can double back and get the money.
20:07I'll meet you later back at Carson Bend.
20:09You sure you'll meet me?
20:11You'll have to trust me, Daniels.
20:13What else can you do?
20:27Come on.
20:47They split up.
20:49Yeah, the decoy to take us in the rocks.
20:51Yeah, maybe and maybe not.
20:53Come on.
20:57Come on.
21:15So you came back.
21:17I left something here.
21:21Where is the money that was in here?
21:23What money?
21:26You took it or you know who did.
21:28Now where is it?
21:30You're going to have to talk to my uncle about that, Connie.
21:32Probably in the safe, Connie.
21:36I decided to double back too.
21:38You idiot.
21:40To bring those two men in behind you.
21:42Just protecting my investment.
21:44I'm fond of you, Connie,
21:46but I don't want you ever to get the idea that I trust you.
21:48Let's get the money and get out of here.
21:50Open that safe.
21:52You're wasting your time, Connie.
21:54Suppose we burn this place down.
21:56How would you like that, sister?
21:58All right.
22:00I'll open the safe.
22:24There isn't any money in there.
22:26Then let's get out of here before it's too late.
23:54All right, you better let her up
23:56till Jeff put her in jail.
24:00All right, Jeff.
24:02Lock him up.
24:04Come on, miss.
24:08You were right about the confidence game, Uncle Roy.
24:10She came back for the money.
24:12Well, I'll just get the money out of the safe
24:14and we'll give it back to whoever it belongs to.
24:16It's not in the safe, Uncle Roy.
24:21I figured they might come back
24:23so I made sure they wouldn't get it.
24:25I kept it.
24:27That's my lady for you.
24:29Something I learned
24:31from my Uncle Roy.
24:45I can hear
24:47every steer
24:50I can hear the sound
24:52of the thundering herd
24:54It's so real
24:56I can feel
24:58the warmth
25:00of a friendly word
25:02So I know
25:04I must go
25:06to the land
25:08of the pagos
25:10There to stay
25:12There to stay
25:14Till I
