Approved | 1h 15min | Documentary, Biography, Drama | 13 September 1940 (USA)
Original Title: Mein Kampf - My Crimes
Mixture of re-enactments and documentary footage relates the story of the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis in Germany and the danger they pose to Europe and the rest of the world.
Director: Norman Lee
Writer: Alec Dyer
Stars: Adolf Hitler, Robert Beatty, Derek Blomfield
Original Title: Mein Kampf - My Crimes
Mixture of re-enactments and documentary footage relates the story of the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis in Germany and the danger they pose to Europe and the rest of the world.
Director: Norman Lee
Writer: Alec Dyer
Stars: Adolf Hitler, Robert Beatty, Derek Blomfield
Short filmTranscript
01:30The blooming war's over.
01:38It's over. A war to end war.
01:41The world celebrates peace. Peace for all time.
01:45But there is still a shadow.
01:47The unhealing world neglects the first signs.
01:50But little by little the shadow grows.
01:52One man, one man alone, has dared to forge anew the dreadful forces of destruction and unleashing.
02:00How has this thing come to pass?
02:10Adolf Hitler was born 51 years ago in Austria.
02:13Near the German frontier.
02:15He is still very young when his father died.
02:18In early life he is sickly.
02:20By the time he goes to school he is sturdy enough.
02:22Just like any other schoolboy.
02:24Who could imagine that young Adolf at seven would have developed into this 25 years later?
02:30At the age of 19, without waiting to get his diploma, he leaves school and takes the entrance examination for the Academy of Painting at Vienna.
02:36He failed.
02:39He returns home to find his mother seriously ill.
02:43Death soon takes her.
02:45Adolf Hitler is left alone, friendless and without means.
02:48At the age of 20 he finds himself among the pitiful army of the unemployed.
02:53He tries his hand at art again.
02:55He paints watercolors which friends try to sell for him in the cafes of Vienna.
02:59Not successfully.
03:15So he takes copies of old masters.
03:18And forges names to them.
03:20Yet for all this he earns only enough to keep himself from starvation.
03:24And to find a bed at night in the doss houses of Vienna.
03:28He is 25 years old, this Austrian.
03:30When Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany decrees the war of 1914.
03:34The Kaiser promises, I shall lead you to an era of wonders.
03:45Wonders indeed.
03:47Germany invents new war horrors.
03:49The first use of poison gas.
03:51Frightfulness they called it then.
03:56Flammenwerfer, by the Germans.
04:02Germany invents air raids.
04:04A nightmare legacy for all mankind.
04:18The Lusitania.
04:191,200 men, women and children drowned.
04:26Sinking without trace.
04:28Another German invention.
04:32Hitler had dreamed of military glory.
04:34But again he must resign himself to obscurity.
04:37Along with Germany?
04:38His country is defeated.
04:40Is ruined.
04:41And he himself after four bitter years of warfare has gained nothing but a corporal strike.
04:47One other thing.
04:49We see for the first time the moustache.
04:51Which was later to become...
04:54And later still?
04:56Hitler is 30 years old and a failure.
04:59So he must have remained.
05:01But the ex-Kaiser's era of wonders has turned out to be an age of grinding poverty and chaos.
05:06And it is this situation that gives Adolf Hitler his chance at loss.
05:12To avoid their just payments, appropriate punishment for their crime against humanity in 1914,
05:17the Germans resort to inflation.
05:19Money melts like snow.
05:20In 1920, the dollar is worth about 10 marks.
05:22In 1921, 100 marks.
05:24In 1922, 1,000 marks.
05:26In the spring of 1923, 100,000 marks.
05:28And in the same year, millions and millions of marks.
05:31Until we reach the astronomical figure of 4 billion marks to the dollar.
05:35Inflation cheats the Allies.
05:37But it also brings ruin to Germany.
05:39The moral fiber of the whole nation is set.
05:42Evil soil.
05:44But fertile soil.
05:46For the coming sowing of the seeds of Nazism.
05:49Hitler has by now become a secret agent.
05:52In other words, a spy.
05:54In the service of the Reichswehr.
05:56Hitler has been entrusted with the task of watching the activities of a new political party.
06:00The German Workers' Party in Munich.
06:02And while still in the pay of the army,
06:04he first joins and then takes the leadership of the very organization he was paid to spy upon.
06:09He changes the title to the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
06:13Which is speedily contracted to that word of dire meaning.
06:19In 1923, the wretchedness and discontent of the people are at their worst.
06:23It is on November the 9th,
06:25that Hitler and his associates,
06:27including the famous General Ludendorff,
06:29decide that the moment has come for them to make a bid for power.
06:32They are so sure of success,
06:34that they draw up in advance the proclamation
06:36that their provisional government will make to the people
06:38after their coup d'etat.
06:40But the coup d'etat fails.
06:42The Nazi ranks waver and break.
06:44On the eve of the reign,
06:46Hitler has sworn to do or die.
06:48I have bullets in my revolver for my comrades.
06:51And one for myself.
06:53If we fail, he declares.
06:56It was just a promise.
06:58The first of so many.
07:02He failed.
07:19But he did not kill himself.
07:22He ran away.
07:34But he is caught and put on trial.
07:36The sentence is five years imprisonment in the fortress of Landsberg.
07:40But his treatment is by no means severe.
07:43And he uses this enforced leisure to write his now famous Mein Kampf.
07:47Germany's book of doom.
07:50Inside the prison walls, the situation continues to cause alarm.
07:53It is feared the communist propaganda will ultimately triumph.
07:56Those who had supported Hitler before,
07:58captains of industry, financiers, generals,
08:00unite to obtain his freedom.
08:02It isn't Hitler they are concerned about.
08:04They want to create a diversion against the menace of the red wave.
08:09He is released from prison to find that his backers
08:11are readier than ever to give him help.
08:16And so begins that era of power propaganda
08:19that eventually makes Hitler not the leader of a party,
08:22but imposes him upon a whole people.
08:24Leaflets, pamphlets, books.
08:28An avalanche of words.
08:29And promises.
08:31The Germans love the uniforms.
08:33So Hitler gives out uniforms.
08:35Uniforms for everybody.
08:36Uniforms for boys.
08:37Uniforms for girls.
08:38For journalists, for motorists, workmen.
08:40Whole factories are made over to manufacturing Nazi uniforms.
08:44Newspapers are required to spread the doctrine.
08:46Nazi cigarettes are introduced with pictures of the leaders on the cards.
08:51And the factories where the cigarettes are made belong to the party.
08:55The sales of cigarettes, uniforms, arms, insignia, flags,
09:00bring in over 70 million marks a year.
09:03All profits for the party.
09:05The Nazi party.
09:08Like a quack selling a panacea at a fair,
09:11Hitler makes the Germans believe that the Nazi policy
09:14is a cure for all their ills.
09:16He promises everything to everybody.
09:20And all the time the big parades go on.
09:23Bigger and always bigger.
09:30So that the people in their wretchedness,
09:32hungry and unemployed,
09:33swarm in their thousands into the Nazi organization.
09:37The brown shirts become an army.
09:39The private army of a single man.
09:41A man who aspires to become dictator of Germany.
09:44Dictator of Europe itself.
09:46But many serious Germans still hold him suspect.
09:48The problem is solved in one stroke.
09:50The Reichstag.
09:51Germany's parliament building catches fire
09:53on the night of February the 27th, 1933.
09:57A few days before the so-called elections,
10:00which were to confirm or otherwise Hitler's accession to the chancellorship.
10:03The communists have proclaimed the conference.
10:06Hitler and his men declare it was meant to be a signal for a Bolshevist revolution.
10:10It was, of course, necessary to produce the actual perpetrators of the fire.
10:14So a young Dutch half-wit named Magnus van der Lubbe,
10:17found by the police in the burning ruins.
10:20Although there were no witnesses to his arrest except police.
10:23He's made the chief incendiary and put on trial.
10:26The others arrested are three Bulgarian communists.
10:29Dimitrov, Popov and Tanev.
10:32He surrenders when he hears he's accused of complicity.
10:35But trial is a mockery.
10:37A solemn legal farce.
10:39Van der Lubbe has the...
10:40One day, van der Lubbe shakes off his torture.
10:43How many more times have I got to say it?
10:45Yes, I set fire to the Reichstag. I've said it hundreds of times.
10:49This has been going on for eight months now, this torture.
10:52I have no strength left. I can't stand it.
10:55Yes, I set fire to the Reichstag. I did it myself.
11:00Now sentence me and leave me in peace.
11:04Van der Lubbe is condemned to be beheaded.
11:06The others, except Tordler, are set free.
11:08So Hitler is confirmed as chancellor.
11:11He announces his policy.
11:13To the workmen, more wages.
11:15The employers, no strikes.
11:17To the small shopkeepers, legislation against the big stores.
11:21To mothers and children, protection against child labor.
11:24Promises. Promises that would have placed the whole nation in chains of slavery.
11:30The parade maddened public acclaimed him.
11:33Ovation succeeds ovation.
11:35But his megalomania is still not satisfied.
11:38One obstacle yet remains in the way of his ambition.
11:41Hindenburg is president of the republic.
11:43And it must not be forgotten that Germany is a republic.
11:47The old marshal is a legendary figure of the Great War.
11:50A national hero. A national idol still.
11:53And behind him is the German army.
11:55Yet untouched by the taint of Nazis.
11:58But Hindenburg is old. Very old.
12:01And Hitler knows he cannot live much longer.
12:04So he decides to become president, too.
12:06And thus sole ruler of Germany.
12:09Then to remilitarize the nation on a scale never before known to mankind.
12:14First, however, he must deal with trouble in his own ranks.
12:17He hears of Plotkin.
12:19Hindenburg names General von Schleicher as his successor.
12:22Hindenburg has no love for Plotkin.
12:24He despises him as a gas man.
12:26General von Schleicher and Captain Ernst Röhm,
12:29swashbuckler and pervert,
12:31join together in a strange alliance to overthrow Hitler.
12:35Hitler acts, as always, instantly and without mercy.
12:38General Göring is given the task of cleaning up Berlin.
12:41And his first target is the man who stands between his teeth
12:45and the final fulfillment of his ambition.
12:49General von Schleicher?
13:19You've seen nothing. You've heard nothing.
13:22If not...
13:32Victims are hounded out and shot down in scores.
13:57Some are told that their arrest was a mistake.
14:00They are freed.
14:16Shot while attempting to escape.
14:19Was the official excuse.
14:23Heil Hitler!
14:33Hitler sends me that.
14:37Yes. He hasn't forgotten you were once his friend.
14:40That's very nice of him.
14:43He wants to save you the fate usually reserved for traitors.
14:46He doesn't like to think of stormtroopers walking around
14:49boasting of having shot the great Captain Röhm.
14:52You mean he wants me to commit suicide?
14:54No, I won't take it.
14:56I won't make it easy for him by committing suicide.
14:59I won't make it easy for him by committing suicide.
15:02You can tell him he'll have to murder me too.
15:05He'll have to finish the job himself to make it thoroughly worthy of him.
15:08I don't want his mercy.
15:10I want a dozen bullets in my guts like my friends.
15:14I'd advise you to think it over.
15:30Hitler is no master of the situation.
15:32And within only a few weeks,
15:34Hindenburg has the good grace not to exhaust his rival's patience.
15:38He takes leave of life on the 2nd of August.
15:41Prolonged obsequies are ordained,
15:43culminating in the funeral of Terrenberg.
15:46The German papers that announced the President's death
15:49at the same time as Hitler's death
15:51have been published in the New York Times.
15:54It's a terrible news.
15:56The papers that announced the President's death
15:58at the same time published the text of a law adopted the day before.
16:02While Hindenburg was still living.
16:04Decreeing Hitler President and Chancellor.
16:07The same day, German troops are compelled to take a strange new oath.
16:12An oath of fidelity to Hitler personally.
16:15I swear by God this sacred oath
16:18that I will render unconditional obedience
16:21to the leader of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler,
16:24the commander-in-chief of the armed forces,
16:27and that I will, as a valiant soldier,
16:29at all times be ready to stake my life for this oath.
16:33And while the German people mourn the passing of the great Marshal,
16:37the Austrian upstart secured himself finally
16:40in position as head of the German state.
16:43All that remains is the election.
16:45To confirm his succession, the people must decide.
16:49Foregone conclusion under the mass attack
16:51of Goebbels' hysterical propaganda.
16:53Hitler is duly confirmed.
16:56Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!
16:59More acclamations, more ovations.
17:02But the public expects more than this.
17:04They want the fulfillment of all those pledges.
17:07Hitler cannot deliver.
17:09But he can, and does,
17:11dope his dupes with growing doses of anti-Semitism.
17:16He puts into effect his theory of racism,
17:19according to which only the 100% Aryan
17:22is worthy of living and propagating his kind in Germany.
17:25How different from the ideal are the leaders themselves?
17:33Hitler, thinking far ahead,
17:35sets out to capture the youth of Germany.
17:37But Hitler, who has made racism the foundation of national socialism,
17:41cannot be sure that he himself is a true Aryan.
17:44His father was the natural son of a young woman named Schickelgruber,
17:48and he nearly came to bear that name himself.
17:51Could he have become the master of Germany if that had been the case?
17:54Instead of Heil Hitler, imagine the naughty salute
17:58accompanied by the ridiculous chant,
18:00Heil Schickelgruber!
18:03But as it happened, an old man, Johann Georg Hitler,
18:07at the age of 84, acknowledged as his son Adolf Hitler's father,
18:12the illegitimate Alois Schickelgruber,
18:14at that time 39 years old.
18:18Was Johann Georg Hitler really the man to whom Maria Anna Schickelgruber,
18:23the farm girl, had surrendered 40 years previously?
18:27Famous men, if they are Jews, are forced to flee their country.
18:31Three Nobel Prize winners, Einstein, James Frank, Freud,
18:36all have to go.
18:38And should the fever show signs of abating,
18:41it can readily be whipped up again.
18:43Chops are branded and then broken into.
18:46Wrecked. Plunder.
18:48Any attempted resistance is a signal for a beating.
18:51A collective fine is imposed on all the Jews in Germany,
18:54a total sum running to millions of marks.
19:07Those who resist go to the dreaded Dachau concentration camp,
19:11where 100 die in the first five weeks.
19:14But in any case, the money is collected.
19:23The wealth thus confiscated is used to help meet the cost
19:27of Germany's colossal rearmament.
19:39Not all the money is used in this way.
19:42Some goes to line the pockets of Nazi leaders.
20:13This hermit of Berchtesgaden wears strange sidelight
20:18on his complex character.
20:21Guarded by his boy stormtrooper,
20:27he stands alone against this impressive background,
20:32face to face with a gigantic idol he has made of himself.
20:36If Hitler knows nothing of the sentiment caused
20:39If Hitler knows nothing of the sentiment common to mankind,
20:43it is because a single passion all absorbing dominates him.
20:47He wants to be not only the greatest,
20:50the most powerful, but the only master.
20:54Even above God, whom he does not recognize,
20:58unless the clergy submits to his will.
21:04We do not want any other god but Germany itself.
21:08Hitler cries. Goebbels echoes.
21:12God manifested himself not in Jesus Christ,
21:16but in Adolf Hitler.
21:19Christ is a false prophet.
21:22He was a Jew, and Judaism is the source of all woes.
21:26All kinds of books are broadcast expounding the Nazi theory.
21:30Bolshevism, the fruit of Christianity.
21:33All of the gods.
21:36The Pope wants war.
21:39Catholic priests and Protestant clergymen,
21:42including the martyred Niemöller,
21:44are attacked or imprisoned
21:46when they resist the imposition of the Nazi theory upon their religion.
21:50Greater than the cross in Germany is the hooked cross.
21:54Hitler's power, symbolized by this cross,
21:57must be imposed everywhere, on everyone.
22:01And it even descends, this cult of Hitler,
22:04from a certain grandeur to the completely ridiculous.
22:08Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!
22:14Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!
22:17And so the people hail, and they fly the flags.
22:21Obedience and discipline.
22:31The establishment of a real and better peace.
22:34So help us God.
22:36Hail your leader and liberator.
22:38Sieg Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil Hitler!
22:43But for all the well-orchestrated evasions,
22:46Hitler knows that he's not silenced all consciences.
22:51There are still those who would like to reach behind this living wall
22:55of machine-made enthusiasm.
22:58The only news that they get in their newspapers is Nazi news.
23:03And it is forbidden to listen in to foreign radio.
23:07The Nazis try to create a Germany of just one opinion.
23:11And that opinion is the Nazi opinion.
23:16The Nazis try to create a Germany of just one opinion.
23:20One point of view.
23:22The human mind in quarantine.
23:25Punishment for listening in to foreign countries is severe.
23:29In the final resort, the penalty is death.
23:33German newspapers themselves have announced sentences for this crime
23:37of penal servitude ranging from three and a half to five years.
23:42A crime of wanting to hear the truth.
23:53But the people do listen.
23:55And ingenious tricks are resorted to.
23:58Still parades. More parades.
24:01With Hitler now apparently assuming the role of a Nazi neuro.
24:29He maintains his torrent of oratory.
24:53An orgy of ringing declarations.
24:57The German people have no thought of invading any country.
25:01The German government, like the German people,
25:04are filled with the unconditional wish to make the greatest possible contribution
25:10to the preservation of peace in this world.
25:13Hamburg, August 1934.
25:16Ten months later, Germany announced conscription.
25:20We want to be a peace-loving element among the nation.
25:24We cannot repeat that often enough.
25:27The first and best principle in our government's program
25:30is that we shall not lie.
25:32When have the German people ever broken their word?
25:36This is the man who solemnly promised to respect the Versailles Treaty
25:40and the Locarno Pact.
25:42On March the 7th, 1936,
25:45German troops occupied the demilitarized zone of the Rhineland
25:49in violation of those treaties.
25:52May 1935.
25:54Germany neither intends nor wishes
25:57to interfere in the international affairs of Austria,
26:00to annex Austria, or to conclude an Anschluss.
26:04Five months later, the Germans instigate riots in Vienna,
26:08and on July the 25th,
26:10they decide upon the murder of Chancellor Dollfuss,
26:13who opposes the Anschluss.
26:15The Nazis masquerade in the uniforms of the regular Austrian army,
26:19seize the broadcasting station,
26:21and announce falsely that the Dollfuss ministry has resigned
26:25and that Winterlin, a pro-Hitler Austrian minister,
26:28has taken his place.
26:30Meantime, other Nazis have invaded the Chancellor,
26:34shot down Dollfuss.
26:36He is carried into an office and placed on a sateen,
26:40and for nearly four hours he lies bleeding to death,
26:44deprived of any help whatsoever.
26:47There ensues one of the strangest,
26:49most poignant dramas of the days before the war.
27:08Father, is that you saying?
27:10Are you all right?
27:12Yes, so are the others.
27:16Well, I... I am going to die,
27:19and I just want you to look after my wife and children.
27:22Of course I will.
27:24You promise?
27:26I swear it.
27:28For the time being, our good friend Mussolini will look after them.
27:32We can trust him.
27:35Chancellor, I allowed Major Fay to come here
27:38so that you could speak to him on serious matters.
27:41The first and most important thing for you to do
27:43is to order the army to make no move against us.
27:47Send for a priest.
27:49Chancellor, you shall have a priest on conditions.
27:55Give immediate orders that Rintelin shall be placed at the head of the government
27:59and that the army shall take no action against us.
28:04I only wanted peace.
28:08No blood must be shed on my account.
28:12But Schusnick is the man to form a new government.
28:15I tell you, the man we insist upon having is Rintelin!
28:20The one man for Austria is Schusnick.
28:26Dolphus dies without yield.
28:29The Nazi attempt fails.
28:31Austria remains Austria.
28:33For the time being,
28:35an immense throng attends the state funeral of the little chancellor
28:39and Cardinal Inezer, Archbishop of Vienna, declares...
28:43He endured the death throes of our Lord,
28:46surrounded by enemies.
29:05Austria's respite is only temporary.
29:08In March 1938, Hitler sends for Chancellor Schusnick
29:11and compels him to invite the Germans to take over Austria.
29:14German troops march into Vienna.
29:16The crime is consummated.
29:21Schusnick meets a fate almost worse than that of Dolphus.
29:25He is thrown into prison
29:27to face no one knows what torments.
29:39The Cardinal Inezer sees his palace invaded and sacked
29:43by a fanatical mob of Hitler youth.
30:00Let's try this door.
30:02Look at this lock. Let's go on the other side.
30:08Right, right.
30:28Hello, police.
30:30Hello, police.
30:33Hurry up. Up you go. Break the window.
30:35Yes, smash it open. Break open the window.
30:38Please, send help quickly.
30:42Go on, break it. Use your guts.
30:45Go on, break it down.
30:49Break it in. Come on.
30:51Stop, stop. I beg of you.
30:53Do not make sacrilege.
30:55Remember, this is the house of the prince of the church.
30:57You old humbug, you can't stop us. Get out of the way.
31:05Come on.
31:15Here you are. There's another one coming down.
31:17No, please. You are precious treasures of the church.
31:20Get out of the way.
31:21If he won't let it go, send him down with it.
31:24Yes, send him down.
31:35Get out of the way.
31:47Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
31:54The pace of events intensifies.
31:56After the Austrian, the Sudetenland crisis.
32:01War seems inevitable.
32:06But the pact of Munich establishes a new agreement.
32:09Hitler guarantees formally and solemnly...
32:12Czechoslovakia's new frontiers.
32:28Czechoslovakia, faithful to her undertaking...
32:31Czechoslovakia, faithful to her undertaking...
32:34relinquishes the Sudetenland territory to the troops of the Reich.
32:37The world breathes with relief.
32:56And on the 26th of September, 1938...
32:59Hitler says of the Sudetenland...
33:01This territorial claim is the last I have to make in Europe.
33:05I have assured Mr. Chamberlain, and I repeat now...
33:09that when the Sudetenland problem is settled...
33:12Germany will not raise any more territorial questions in Europe.
33:16Here are the words from the Fuhrer's very mouth.
33:30Within six months, the promise is broken.
33:34Czechoslovakia ceases to exist.
33:38And German troops enter Prague.
33:50In the same month, the ogre of Berlin...
33:52swallows the mere morsel of Memel, the Lithuanian port.
33:57Great Britain decides upon conscription...
33:59and Hitler is solemnly warned that any further act of aggression...
34:03means war.
34:20The sands are running out.
34:22The sands are running out.
34:24And August 1939 brings the most cynical stroke of all.
34:28Four years before, Hitler had declared...
34:31Between Germany and Russia, there is a gulf that can never be bridged.
34:40But von Ribbentrop arrives in Moscow...
34:43to sign a non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin.
34:46The astonishment aroused throughout the world...
34:49is soon tinged with irony.
34:51So paradoxical is this new friendship between the two dictators.
34:59Current cartoons hit off the situation.
35:02I've changed my emblem a little just to please you.
35:05There's nothing new under the sun.
35:08Hitler and Stalin disguised as Frederick II and Catherine the Great.
35:12Germany is no less astonished than the rest of the world.
35:15Especially the older people...
35:17who are unable to understand such a fantastic somersault.
35:20But Hitler has always concentrated on youth.
35:23The young people are his.
35:25Caught up in their earliest years in the great Nazi machine.
35:28They think as Hitler wishes them to think.
35:30They will do only what Hitler wishes them to do.
35:33Their fanatical belief in their leader transcends all other consideration.
35:37Even family ties.
35:55Where are you going?
35:57Upstairs to my room.
35:59No. Stay here.
36:01There are things I must talk to you about.
36:03Oh, Mother, must we? Can't we leave it till later?
36:06No, later. I may find excuses for you.
36:08Later I may even have begun to love you again.
36:11I want to speak to you now while I feel only contempt for you.
36:14While I see in you nothing but a despicable little spy.
36:21I got used to distrusting servants.
36:24Strangers. Even friends.
36:28One's own child.
36:31No, that didn't seem possible.
36:36How could you bring yourself to do it?
36:38You must have hated your father. Why?
36:40I didn't hate him. I love him.
36:43Love him?
36:45Yes. And I'm suffering as much as you are.
36:47Probably more.
36:49After all, I was the one who had to denounce him.
36:53Oh, they forced you then.
36:56They suspected your father and questioned you.
36:59Threatened you, perhaps.
37:01Do you really think that I'd yield to threats?
37:07Well, it would have been an excuse.
37:11I don't need excuses.
37:15I don't understand.
37:19When Amy Yanker informed on her mother, she didn't understand either.
37:22And when Franz Weber denounced his elder brother, his parents cursed him.
37:27Who are these people you're talking about?
37:29My comrades of the Hitler Youth.
37:31And yet, after denouncing her mother whom she adored, Amy Yanker hanged herself.
37:37And Franz Weber tried to commit suicide.
37:40You see, they'd simply done their duty, knowing they'd pay for it with their lives.
37:46Is that what you call it?
37:48To spy on your own family?
37:51To betray those who love you?
37:54Is that what you call duty?
37:59So you're proud of what you did.
38:02You sneaked off to your leader and repeated your father's words.
38:08Of your own free will?
38:10Of course.
38:12You're mad.
38:15You're all of you mad.
38:17You don't understand anything that doesn't conform with your comfortable bourgeois ideas.
38:21All the time you use the words family and love.
38:24Well, you know what I think?
38:26If Germany is weak and poor and foreign countries don't respect her, it's your fault.
38:29Yours and other mothers like you.
38:31You can't make a nation strong by bringing up her children in the bourgeois atmosphere of a home.
38:36By softening their spirit with sloppy sentiment.
38:39I wish I'd never loved you, never loved father.
38:43Helmut, don't.
38:45Don't, my little one.
38:47You don't know what you're saying.
38:49It's so terrible, all these things you're telling me.
38:52It's horrible.
38:54Love is within the reach of any mere animal.
38:57The only sentiment that truly ennobles man is the spirit of sacrifice.
39:01Our Führer has taught us that.
39:03That is why I despise your child and why I am proud of myself.
39:07I suppose that when I think of my father, I shall suffer sometimes.
39:11I haven't any remorse.
39:13I know that I have no duties to anything but Germany.
39:16And I only live to serve her.
39:27What a crime.
39:30What a crime.
39:38What a crime.
39:41And now the final and greatest crime of all.
39:44Poland invaded.
39:47Opened towns, bombed.
39:49Over 300,000 people were killed.
39:53Poland invaded.
39:56Opened towns, bombed.
39:58Over 350 ships mined, torpedoed or bombed to the depths.
40:04Half of them innocent neutrals.
40:11No people, however remote, are safe.
40:20Security vanishes from Europe.
40:22And still another crime.
40:24France too is laid in ruins and devoured by the war dogs of Europe.
40:29The End
40:47Why did Hess fly to the British Isles?
40:50Although it has not been officially admitted,
40:52the world now has reasons to believe that Hess came with a peace offer.
40:57Stop the war and join the Nazis in a joint war against the Soviet Union.
41:15Hitler faced another winter of war and starvation.
41:19Grab the Ukrainian wheat.
41:21Grab Baku's oil and other materials of war.
41:24Attack Russia was the order.
41:26Another pledge broken.
41:28Another Hitler crime.
41:43Eastward, westward, where to next?
41:47Will this man be the master of your destiny?
41:54America answers no.
42:24The End
42:55The End
43:08As a reporter who spent quite a bit of time in Hitler Germany,
43:12and who wrote a diary which had the good fortune to be read widely by a great many Americans,
43:18I've been asked by the Army Navy Screen Magazine
43:22to talk about the film you're going to see.
43:25Well, the film is concerned with the Nazi youth movement.
43:29That is, it's about what Hitler has been able to do
43:33with the young people of Germany during the 12 years he's been in power.
43:38It's also enemy film, captured on the Western Front only a very short time ago.
43:44Perhaps that's one of the remarkable things about these pictures.
43:48They're so terribly recent.
43:50This is not a film of five years ago, or even of two years ago.
43:55To be precise, this is training film photographed in the winter of 1944 and 45,
44:02when, by all ordinary standards, the Germans should be ready to quit.
44:11Germany cannot be defeated, their set faces say.
44:15Let the very old doubt.
44:17Let the seriously wounded and the mortally ill believe all is lost.
44:22But not they, the young people.
44:25They, the young, will not betray the sacred trust put in them by their Führer.
44:31They will still carry their banners high.
44:34And where, we ask, does this strength come from?
44:38Why are they so confident?
44:40Where does it begin?
44:42This way.
44:47And here, in this crib, or in a carriage where a baby lies,
44:52his mind like a fresh tablet, white and unruled.
44:57Anything can be written on that tablet, as the Nazis well know.
45:02So they begin their education for hate and death, war and conquest,
45:07by taking the child from his parents and turning him over to the Bund Deutscher Mädchen,
45:14a young girls' organization with over a million members,
45:18already dedicated to the principles of Nazism.
45:22We will not permit them to lapse into the old way of thinking
45:26Hitler has said of the children in these carriages.
45:29Instead, we will make them state children,
45:33and we will raise them according to plan.
45:38In Hitler Germany, when a child is able to walk, he's also able to march and to carry a flag.
45:45I saw many such demonstrations as these during my years in Berlin,
45:50and still they go on.
45:52Children who learn to say gun, grenade, and stuka,
45:56at an age when you and I were learning the meaning of words like cat, rat, and bat.
46:03And instead of playing with dolls, they're taught to make helmets.
46:08Who uses a helmet?
46:10A football player, yes, but also a tank man.
46:14Here again in this group of Jugend, as they're called,
46:18we get the meaning of total war.
46:21Here in these children, now a little older,
46:25and proudly exhibiting their swastikas,
46:28we see what the Nazis mean when they say that every member of the new generation
46:33must be brought under the spell of National Socialism.
46:37Today we know from the Nazis' loud boasts that there is no schoolboy,
46:42no apprentice working in the trade,
46:45rather a girl or a boy who is not a member of some Nazi youth organization.
46:50In fact, such membership is compulsory,
46:54such membership is compulsory,
46:56just as every young person is forced to dedicate himself to Hitler
47:01and the divine mission that Germany will one day rule the world.
47:07No, the young mind of the German child is no longer fresh and unruled.
47:13Hitler and the Nazis have mocked it indelibly.
47:17Black and deep with ideas we know belong to the dark ages.
47:22Racial superiority, religious intolerance,
47:26and no respect for the rights of any people other than Germans.
47:32On the German report card, the word behavior has been changed to obedience,
47:38and here we see a group of Hitler youth being rewarded for their obedience
47:43and for the things they've learned,
47:45for knowing 141 experiments in gas and their antidotes,
47:50for knowing how to shoot, not only a rifle, but a machine gun.
47:57At the same time, they're taken on strength through joy tours and shown German monuments,
48:04much time is spent on Frederick the Great,
48:07for he too once had the combined strength of Europe against him,
48:12but his enemies failed to remain united,
48:15and Frederick the Great emerged triumphant.
48:18And these German children are made to believe that the same thing will again happen in this war,
48:24that the English and the Americans hate each other,
48:27and that they have a common enemy in Russia.
48:31Every nation knows that its future resides in its youth,
48:36but no nation has known it better than Germany under Hitler,
48:40and none has worked harder to impress its young people with the ideas of sacrifice,
48:46and that's why, after five years of war,
48:50after Germany's cities have been bombed mercilessly and six million of her soldiers lie dead,
48:56the youth of Germany still wish to serve Hitler
49:00and eagerly accept jobs aboard submarines as helpers.
49:04Nothing would excite and please these young Nazis more
49:08than to venture into hostile waters on such a ship
49:13and sink important Allied shipping.
49:17This is General Guderian, a German hero to whom Hitler has given great power.
49:24We can understand the importance of young people in the minds of the Nazis
49:28when we realize that these personal appearances are part of a German general's daily routine.
49:36Guderian must not only match his military skill against men like General Eisenhower,
49:41and Marshal Zhukov, but he must be ready at all times to impress upon the youth of Germany
49:48that Hitler is counting as much upon them as he is upon his army.
49:55In the past, some have made the mistake of comparing various Nazi youth organizations
50:02with our own Boy Scouts in our YMCA.
50:06It's a bad comparison.
50:08This group of kids is not figuring out how to perform a good deed every day.
50:13They're not interested in helping a blind man cross the street
50:17or carrying an old woman's packages.
50:20This is war.
50:22These children know it, and they want more of it.
50:26Now we can begin to see why the German boy is so confident
50:30and why, when he learns the war is now being fought on sacred German soil,
50:36he is eager to volunteer for a labor battalion,
50:39eager to march off to dig the necessary tank traps and defense ditches.
50:59On the Western Front, we've captured boys like this.
51:04Because they are boys, we have not believed they were dangerous
51:08or a threat to our military operations.
51:11Only gradually, and at a cost to American lives,
51:16have we learned that they are fanatical Nazis ready to spy and sabotage.
51:22Some we have executed, and others we have sent to prison for life.
51:27Now they furrow all Germany with fortifications.
51:31And when the time comes, they're ready to stand behind them
51:35with the guns and machine guns they've learned to use so skillfully and efficiently.
51:41Here, in an unidentified German city,
51:45the Hitler youth of 18 is welcomed into the Wehrmacht,
51:49but the welcome is merely a formality,
51:52for there has been no real transformation from civilian life to Army life,
51:57as there has been in our own country, in England, and in Russia.
52:02These men have never known the pleasures of a home, of a family,
52:06of going to church on Sundays,
52:09and of having a sweetheart that one day they plan to marry.
52:13The entire life of these men has been in a Hitler uniform.
52:18Hitler's orders, stated clearly in Mein Kampf, have been obeyed.
52:23This is the German citizen of the next 25 years.
52:28This is the man who will still be a threat to any permanent peace
52:32when the guns have ceased firing.
52:35And it's because of them that the occupation of Germany
52:38is going to be one of our most difficult problems.
52:41These men are tough.
52:43We are going to have to be that much tougher
52:46if Americans don't want to be back in uniform in another 10 years,
52:50fighting Germany all over again.