Passed | 1h 10min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 24 June 1938 (USA)
Outlaw miners have been stealing ore from Ann Dennis' mine. Hoppy spends much of his time running around in the mine shafts tracking down the crooks.
Director: Lesley Selander
Writers: Clarence E. Mulford, Arnold Belgard
Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Russell Hayden
Outlaw miners have been stealing ore from Ann Dennis' mine. Hoppy spends much of his time running around in the mine shafts tracking down the crooks.
Director: Lesley Selander
Writers: Clarence E. Mulford, Arnold Belgard
Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Russell Hayden
00:01:22All right, boys, get the herd moving.
00:01:37Well, I hate to see you go, Hoppy,
00:01:40but I guess your mind is made up.
00:01:42I know, Buck, I've been talking about going to New York for a long time.
00:01:47I figured after I got these cattle loaded, there wouldn't be much doing.
00:01:49It'd be a good time for them to make the trip.
00:01:51Gee, Hoppy, I don't see why I can't go.
00:01:54You're staying right here with Windy.
00:01:56I kind of figure a new boss might do you some good.
00:02:00Oh, but Hoppy, if I go...
00:02:00Oh, there you go.
00:02:02Ain't you learned yet when Hoppy says something, he means it?
00:02:05Ha ha ha ha.
00:02:13Let's go to New York.
00:02:19Couldn't let you go without saying goodbye, Hoppy.
00:02:21Well, if it might have nice of you to come over.
00:02:23Have a good time.
00:02:25I will.
00:02:26Hurry back, because we're sure going to miss you.
00:02:32Goodbye, boys.
00:02:34So long, Buck.
00:02:34So long, Hoppy.
00:02:35Bye, Hoppy.
00:02:36Bye, Hoppy.
00:02:45I sure hate to see Hoppy go without us, Windy.
00:02:47You don't hear me cheering, then, do you?
00:02:49Come on, let's head back to the ranch.
00:02:50Not me.
00:02:51I'm going into town.
00:02:52I've got a little forgetting to do.
00:02:53You hear what Hoppy said.
00:02:55I'm the boss.
00:02:56You better steer clear of town.
00:02:57Besides, you heard what Buck said.
00:02:59He don't want his men getting in no fights.
00:03:02Well, maybe a little excitement wouldn't go bad right now.
00:03:06Maybe it wouldn't.
00:03:07Right now.
00:03:20Oh, hello, Gerygea.
00:03:37Did you look over those last samples of ore
00:03:39that Slate brought in?
00:03:40Just finished.
00:03:41It runs over 600 miles to the town.
00:03:43I had an idea, Miss Highgrave.
00:03:46I had an idea it was high grade.
00:03:49This seems to be my lucky day, I'm getting all the breaks.
00:03:52What do you mean?
00:03:53Cassidy pulled out this morning, heading for new range, for good.
00:03:58I'll bet ten to one to freeze out mine as a new owner in sight of a month.
00:04:03You figure out everything, don't you Perkins?
00:04:06Tell Slade I'm expecting him to see that an accident happens to Dennis.
00:04:10And the sooner the better.
00:04:17How'd it happen?
00:04:19Got careless.
00:04:21I told him to be careful while he's working around that dead end.
00:04:24A piece of timber fell on him.
00:04:26That's the third man that's died down here in a week.
00:04:30I'm beginning to think the place is jinxed.
00:04:32Me too.
00:04:33And if it weren't that folks might think I was yeller, I'd quit right now.
00:04:37And I'd tell all the boys they'd better do the same thing.
00:04:39Can't say that I blame you much.
00:04:42Lead with your left, Lucky!
00:04:44You ain't going to win no fight to lead with your right!
00:04:47Lead with your left, Lucky!
00:04:49You ain't going to win no fight to lead with your right!
00:05:02Yes, sir?
00:05:03I've got a letter for you.
00:05:04Read it.
00:05:05Read it!
00:05:06Read it!
00:05:07Read it!
00:05:08Read it!
00:05:09Read it!
00:05:10Read it!
00:05:11Read it!
00:05:12Read it!
00:05:13Read it!
00:05:14Read it!
00:05:15Razor, call off your miners.
00:05:18What's the matter, Peters?
00:05:19My men playing a little too rough for your cowboys?
00:05:22Your men can't take care of themselves.
00:05:24Why don't you keep them out of town?
00:05:25That's exactly what I'm going to do.
00:05:39I've asked you men not to come into town.
00:05:42Now I'm ordering you to stay out.
00:05:45From now on, any man that wants to keep on working for me...
00:05:48...has got to stay out of this town.
00:05:51Now get back to the ranch.
00:06:02If Hoppy was along, I bet you we'd lick Frazier and his gang.
00:06:05I don't know why he had to go traipsing off anyhow.
00:06:07I bet he had a darn good reason.
00:06:09If you'd done like I told you and hadn't led with your right... wouldn't have got that black eye.
00:06:13Yeah, well, what'd you lead with?
00:06:26Here's where we hit that pastry, didn't it, Slade?
00:06:29Yes, Mr. Dennis.
00:06:30It held up and improved...
00:06:32...until we started operating the new tunnel...
00:06:34...and fell off completely.
00:06:36That happens sometimes.
00:06:38You think you've got a vein of good ore and it pinches out.
00:06:42Well, I suppose there's nothing left to do but suspend work...
00:06:45...before I locate that vein again.
00:06:47I hate to do it, but tell the men.
00:06:49Yes, Mr. Dennis.
00:07:57It's the boss.
00:08:05He's dead.
00:08:09All right, let's get him out of here.
00:08:12Somebody's got to tell his wife.
00:08:20I didn't want to bring the matter up at a time like this, Mr. Dennis...
00:08:23...but I knew the circumstances.
00:08:25I knew your husband was running short of cash.
00:08:27I appreciate your tact...
00:08:29...but I've no intention of selling the mine.
00:08:31To be frank with you...
00:08:32...I don't see how you could possibly develop the freeze-out mine...
00:08:35...without it costing you a lot more than it's worth.
00:08:37However, I think I could handle both of them...
00:08:39...without much added expense or trouble.
00:08:41Thanks, Mr. Fraser, but I'm not interested in selling.
00:08:46That mine was Denny's dream.
00:08:49I only thought that you would want to carry out your husband's plans...
00:08:52...and make your home in the East.
00:08:54I'll move East when I'm satisfied the freeze-out is on a paying basis again.
00:08:59Well, I wish you luck.
00:09:00I hope you succeed.
00:09:02I will, Mr. Fraser.
00:09:05Goodbye, Mrs. Dennis.
00:09:12I hear they had another accident in the freeze-out mine today.
00:09:16Looks like that'd be a good place to stay out of.
00:09:20I feel kind of sorry for Mrs. Dennis...
00:09:22...trying to run it all alone.
00:09:25You hear that, son?
00:09:27Actually, I think it's a good idea...
00:09:29You hear that, son?
00:09:31Accidents will happen.
00:09:34I'm just wondering if they all was accidents.
00:09:40Where are you going?
00:09:42I got an idea Miss Ann needs my help.
00:09:45You know what the boss said?
00:09:46If he catches you in town, it's going to cost you your job.
00:09:49Listen, Lucky.
00:09:50If it was Hoppy...
00:09:52...and somebody needed him...
00:09:54...he wouldn't wait to find out what it was going to cost.
00:10:00Wait a minute.
00:10:01I'm going with you.
00:10:08That's very kind of both of you.
00:10:10But what help can you be?
00:10:11You men know nothing about mining.
00:10:13Why, Miss Ann, I forgot more about mining...
00:10:15...than most men around here will ever know.
00:10:17I'll get you miners if I have to round them up with a six-gun.
00:10:20It's more than that, Wendy.
00:10:21I'm not satisfied with the findings of the inquest.
00:10:24I'm sure Dennis' death wasn't accidental.
00:10:27If you leave it to me, I'll find out.
00:10:28Oh, you couldn't find out what day it was...
00:10:30...if you had a handful of calendars.
00:10:32I wish Hoppy was here.
00:10:34I'd bet him he'd straighten this thing out in gig time.
00:10:39It wouldn't take long to get a letter to him.
00:10:41I couldn't expect Hoppy to do favors for me.
00:10:44If you think you can, Miss Ann... don't know him like I thought you did.
00:10:48I can't ask him to come back, Wendy.
00:10:53He's sure in a mess, all right.
00:10:55Just because she's too proud to call on the one man who can help her.
00:10:58Well, we can do the calling for her.
00:11:00I'm going to write Hoppy a letter as soon as we get back to the ranch.
00:11:03Can you write?
00:11:05You don't think I went to school a whole year for nothing, do you?
00:11:08Can anybody read you writing?
00:11:10Anybody but you, you windbag.
00:11:12Say, on second thought, I don't think I should write Hoppy that letter.
00:11:15Afraid even he can't read it, huh?
00:11:17Ain't that?
00:11:18Probably wouldn't reach him in time before he left the shipping post.
00:11:20Well, one of us has got to go after him.
00:11:22Yeah, well, it might as well be me.
00:11:24See you later, Wendy.
00:11:28Young whippersnapper.
00:11:52Let's go.
00:12:18You're lucky.
00:12:19Sure glad I caught you.
00:12:20What's the matter?
00:12:23Dennis is been killed.
00:12:28Looks like murder.
00:12:32I'd better go back.
00:12:35I knew you'd see things that way.
00:12:37Never mind flagging it down. I can't go.
00:12:50Lucky you.
00:12:52Bring my bag and I'll see you.
00:13:12Get back inside, Slade. I don't want Cassidy to see you with me.
00:13:16Wonder what he's doing back in town.
00:13:18I'm not sure.
00:13:19But I'm willing to bet two to one he's not here to help us.
00:13:22I don't like the looks of it.
00:13:24Well, it's too late to back out now. We're in too deep.
00:13:26But I've got an idea that I can figure just as fast as Mr. Cassidy.
00:13:31We let him make his move.
00:13:33He'll be back in no time.
00:13:35I'm not sure.
00:13:36But I'm willing to bet two to one he's not here to help us.
00:13:38I don't like the looks of it.
00:13:40Well, it's too late to back out now. We're in too deep.
00:13:43We let him make his move.
00:13:46Let him think he's got things his own way.
00:13:48Then, when the right time comes.
00:13:50I'll take care of Mr. Cassidy if I have to.
00:13:54Now go on and tell me the rest of the story.
00:13:56You know I'll do anything I can to help you.
00:13:59I haven't any right to ask you to get mixed up in my troubles.
00:14:02You've got every right in the world, Anne.
00:14:04You know how I felt about Denny.
00:14:06Now, come on. Tell me.
00:14:09Come on tell me. Well things are going along fine it looked as if the pastry could
00:14:15develop into something really worthwhile it did we were going east to live.
00:14:21He went down the mine to see why the oil was dropping off. A timber fell on him so
00:14:26they said but I don't believe it. Somebody's trying to get that property.
00:14:36a man right next to you why yes the devil may care of mine. Who owns that present.
00:14:43You know anything about him no except that he's always been rather nice as far as I
00:14:47know. Did. Did he ever try to buy the mine since then I mean since the accident
00:14:55yes he said it wasn't worth anything but a few hundred dollars would help me. Hoppy
00:15:00you don't think I don't know what the thing. The first thing we've got to do is
00:15:04find out what happened to that pastry. If that's still there that'll tell us a lot
00:15:09you're not going to try working that mine yourself the only way we can find out
00:15:13anything but more men are liable to die down there maybe you. Nobody goes to his
00:15:19time comes besides folks have always said I don't kill easy. I'm going to see
00:15:25about the. Mind if I ride with you I don't know any better company wait
00:15:31a minute and I'll take.
00:15:46Lucky's contraptions crossed between swimming in the creek and fetching
00:15:50a pail of water. What you need is
00:15:54a clean. Did you ever heard that cleanliness is next to godliness.
00:16:02All that's every day. Anyway you're cleanly. Better than being neither.
00:16:11All close your trap you young whippersnapper. But the only thing I'm asking me is
00:16:17would you on the board back me up when I need you. I'm
00:16:21a cattle man I don't want nothing to do with miners or mining. Besides I'm
00:16:27aiming to steer clear of any trouble that don't concern me. You've got
00:16:32a right to feel that way. I've got no argument with you there but thanks for
00:16:37listening and I have. You ain't aiming to go through with this thing by yourself
00:16:42while you're happy. Dennis was
00:16:46a friend of mine. Well all right I'm just
00:16:52a dang soft hearted idiot for giving in to you. Darn your hide you always did
00:16:58a way of making me see things your way. You mean you'll help me out. I reckon it
00:17:04amounts to that. Thanks a lot. I suppose long as I'm going to back you
00:17:10up. Might just well feed you too. Come on in get yourself
00:17:14a bite to eat. I'll join you in a minute. I want to speak to Wendy.
00:17:21Oh hello Wendy. Howdy. I want to thank you for getting Mr. Cassidy. Don't want me
00:17:27miss hands we're lucky. Say if you want to thank him I'll fetch you to him he's just
00:17:33around the corner. Please do Wendy I want to see him. Lady I'd be tickled to death.
00:17:41Hey Jim. Seen Lucky around here anywhere? Yeah I saw him over there in a barrel. In a barrel?
00:17:48Yeah. I wonder why. Let's see. Yeah well a little water wouldn't hurt any of you
00:17:56fellas. Go away Wendy. There's a lady to see you Lucky. Go away Wendy. First time I ever
00:18:09seen him scared of a woman. Go away Wendy. What's the matter? I guess he must be stuck
00:18:15in the barrel. Maybe I ought to bust it open. Go away I'm taking a shower. I'll wait out
00:18:23in front. Please go away Wendy. Come on Lucky. Lady wants to see you. Yeah well I don't want
00:18:32to see her. Go away. All right. Hey! Do a good job now. That's a dirty trick.
00:19:03Cassidy's at the freeze out getting a bunch of miners together. What's he up to? Figuring on
00:19:06opening the mine. Get up there quick and keep an eye on him. If you have to go to work digging
00:19:10rock yourself. I got you. I ask you men to come up here to find out how many of you are willing
00:19:16to go back to work. Ain't none of us working for our health. Nobody's asking you to. I just bought
00:19:23into this mine and I'll guarantee that every man that goes in there gets paid for it. Looks like
00:19:28you're throwing good money after bad mister. Maybe so but I still got an idea there's pay dirt in
00:19:34that mine. Even if there is I ain't hankering to go down there no more. The place is jinxed I tell
00:19:39you. A man takes his life in his hands every time he goes into that mine. Men don't look like you
00:19:46scare easy. Maybe I'm wrong. Well if none of you got nerve enough to go in there with me it looks
00:19:53like I'll have to work the mine myself. Ain't nobody gonna back me down mister. If you're willing to go
00:19:59into that mine I am too as long as I get paid for it. Me too. I heard what you said Mr. Cassidy.
00:20:06As long as you're gonna work the mine I'm willing to string along with you if I have to swing a pick
00:20:10myself. I can be a big help to you. I was foreman here and I know the whole layout. And besides if
00:20:16there's anything I can do to help the little lady that owns the place I'd be glad to do it.
00:20:20Thanks Mr. uh... Slade. I'd be glad to have a foreman like you around Slade.
00:20:25Get the boys started. All right boys. All that want to work check in.
00:20:32Why would you want to keep the men working right in this part of the time?
00:20:35There's some light and looking rock around here. Thanks I'll do that. That's fine.
00:20:43All right you men keep busy just where you are.
00:20:45I sure know your work. Ought to, been mining all my life. You know I'm mighty lucky to have men
00:20:51like you around here. You and Slade. He seems to know the way of the mine.
00:20:58I'm sure he does. He's got a good eye.
00:21:02He's got a good eye.
00:21:03I'm sure he does. He's got a good eye.
00:21:05He's got a good eye.
00:21:07He's got a good eye.
00:21:09He's got a good eye.
00:21:11He's got a good eye.
00:21:13Slade, he seems to know what he's doing.
00:21:16I guess he knows his job all right.
00:21:18Say uh...
00:21:20Was he the foreman down here when they was found on that rich vein of ore?
00:21:26Was he one of the men working for him?
00:21:28No, Slade had trouble with that bunch. Fired them all.
00:21:30Accused them of high grade.
00:21:43Come on, get a move on. We gotta get a load out.
00:22:43Come on.
00:23:14Hey, Slade.
00:23:20I figured we ought to have a night watchman around here.
00:23:22I'm going into town so I'll pick up somebody.
00:23:24Well, you needn't bother, Mr. Cassidy.
00:23:26If you think we need a night watchman, I got just the man for you.
00:23:28Think you can trust him?
00:23:30I wouldn't have him around if I didn't.
00:23:32He's got a good eye.
00:23:34I'm sure he does.
00:23:36He's got a good eye.
00:23:38He's got a good eye.
00:23:40He's got a good eye.
00:23:43Well, I wouldn't have him around here if I couldn't.
00:23:45All right, go ahead and hire him.
00:23:47In the meantime, keep the boys busy.
00:23:49See you later.
00:23:59Hiya, fellas.
00:24:01Hiya, Hoppy.
00:24:03Got a job for you two.
00:24:05Trouble brewing?
00:24:07We're ready.
00:24:09There's gonna be a watchman at the Freeze Out Mine tonight.
00:24:12You might have to invite him real hard.
00:24:14Meaning I'm supposed to ride herd on him?
00:24:16That's it, exactly.
00:24:18And you gotta keep him from talking.
00:24:20Well, how about me? You ain't gonna leave me out of this.
00:24:22Not on your life, old-timer.
00:24:24I'm saving you for the most important job.
00:24:26You're gonna take the night watchman's place.
00:24:30Oh, it's all right now.
00:24:32You'll be right in the middle of all the excitement.
00:24:34Well, whatever it is, you can depend on me.
00:24:36What's at play?
00:24:38Well, the first thing we got to do is get this guy out to the ranch.
00:24:41I'll meet a fella up there by the name of Slade.
00:24:45So you're sure Cassidy isn't wise to what we've been doing?
00:24:47Of course.
00:24:49He even let me put Martin on as night watchman.
00:24:51That was a smart idea.
00:24:53Well, I'm putting a night gang to work every night from now on
00:24:55instead of once a week.
00:24:57And it's up to you to see that nobody gets wise.
00:25:01How much we got in the kitty now, Perkins?
00:25:03Over 15,000.
00:25:05That's piker money.
00:25:07We're gonna have 50,000 in the pot this time next month.
00:25:12Hurry up. Get back to your job.
00:25:14Yes, sir.
00:25:40Hi, Joe.
00:25:42Hi, Jack.
00:26:02Hi, Slade.
00:26:04Hi, Pierce. Everything's clear.
00:26:09Say, would Cassidy like to lay his eyes on you?
00:26:11Ah, shut up.
00:26:29See you tomorrow night.
00:26:35Good night, Evans.
00:26:38You sure Martin knows about giving us a signal?
00:26:40Yeah, leave it to him.
00:26:42Good night.
00:26:52You got everything straight?
00:26:54Sure. If I see any strangers around,
00:26:56I wrap them in the water pipe.
00:26:58Right. Keep your eyes open.
00:27:00Good night.
00:27:02Good night.
00:27:08Stay where you are.
00:27:10I'll take charge of that little trinket.
00:27:12Never mind wrapping on that water pipe.
00:27:14Say, you look tired.
00:27:16I'll bet you're just aching to get out there on a ranch.
00:27:18You're crazy.
00:27:20I got a job here.
00:27:22Oh, no. You mean you did have a job here.
00:27:24See what'd I tell you, Wendy?
00:27:26He's just crazy to get out there.
00:27:30I'll bet you're just aching to go out there with me.
00:27:32Well, it looks like I got a job here.
00:27:34Well, it looks like since you're doing the inviting,
00:27:36I'll have to accept.
00:27:38Oh, you'll love it out there.
00:27:40Nice soft beds and good eats.
00:27:42Shall I take your arm or will you come along?
00:27:44No, you'll get yours for this.
00:27:46You don't need to go thanking us here.
00:27:48You can thank me when I get back to the ranch.
00:27:56Poppy, I'm worried.
00:27:58What about?
00:28:00I wish I hadn't gotten you into this.
00:28:03But there's going to be any gunplay.
00:28:05Why don't you let me do the worrying?
00:28:07I can't help it, Hoppy.
00:28:09If anything were to happen to you, I'd feel I was to blame.
00:28:15You might as well know the truth, Ann.
00:28:19This town's liable to be a mighty unhealthy place for a while.
00:28:23Why don't you go out to the ranch and stay?
00:28:25At least until this is straightened out.
00:28:27I'm going to stay right here.
00:28:29Maybe I can be of some help.
00:28:32You can't tell what's liable to happen.
00:28:34You might even be in danger yourself.
00:28:37Why don't you go away for a while?
00:28:41I'm staying.
00:28:43All right.
00:28:45Have it your own way.
00:28:49Morning, Murphy.
00:28:59Good morning, Mr. Cassidy.
00:29:02Oh, good morning, Slade.
00:29:04You're up early.
00:29:06Yeah, waking the sun up.
00:29:08Thought I'd take a run up here first thing.
00:29:10Say, uh, Slade.
00:29:12I thought you were going to hire a watchman.
00:29:14I did hire one.
00:29:16Les Martin came to work last night.
00:29:18Nobody on the job when I come up here this morning.
00:29:20There wasn't?
00:29:23Maybe he went to sleep in the tool shed.
00:29:26Hey, which one of you fellas is the foreman?
00:29:28He is.
00:29:32I say he is.
00:29:34What say?
00:29:36He's the foreman, you deaf old idiot.
00:29:38What do you want?
00:29:40I'm the foreman.
00:29:42I'm looking for that night watchman's job.
00:29:44I met the fella that had it.
00:29:46He said he was quitting to go up to the county seat
00:29:48to see a doctor.
00:29:50He's ailing.
00:29:52Something wrong with his penicillin.
00:29:55I think we better get somebody else for a watchman.
00:29:57This old good-for-nothing's a blank
00:29:59unless you yell at him.
00:30:01You say something to me, mister?
00:30:03Well, how about his job?
00:30:05If I don't get it, I don't eat.
00:30:07I hate to turn down a hungry man.
00:30:09Well, it's up to you
00:30:11if you think he can earn his keep.
00:30:13I think he can.
00:30:15What's your name, you old battleaxe?
00:30:17Your name.
00:30:19Name. N-A-M-E.
00:30:21I ain't a name.
00:30:24What's your name?
00:30:26Oh, name, yeah.
00:30:28Harry the... Harry Wishy-Sweeney.
00:30:30Anything else?
00:30:38Never had the age of another.
00:30:40How old are you?
00:30:44What's all the yelling about here, huh?
00:30:46If that guy's 32, I'm a hyena.
00:30:48What's that?
00:30:50Let it go.
00:30:53Tell him you'll take the job.
00:30:55Tell him what?
00:30:57Say you'll take the job!
00:30:59You're dirt tootin' I'll take the job.
00:31:01What are you supposed to come up here for?
00:31:03Take daisies?
00:31:05Afford to work at 8 tonight.
00:31:07Hey, 8 it is, and I'd like to see somebody stop me.
00:31:09He'll sleep in the tool shack.
00:31:11You better show him where he's gonna sleep.
00:31:13If you try explaining anything to him,
00:31:15you'll have to yell your lungs out.
00:31:23Little early for work, Mr. Slade.
00:31:25I make an inspection every night.
00:31:29Oh, shut up.
00:31:31Oh, lost your pup, huh?
00:31:33Too bad.
00:31:52Hiya, Piers.
00:31:56Got a new watchman.
00:32:00Yeah, and you won't have to kill him unless you want to.
00:32:02He's deaf and dumb.
00:32:04He'll be dead if he makes any phony moves.
00:32:22There's some watchman, old fella.
00:32:24Cassidy sure did me a favor
00:32:26and let me dig you out of your grave.
00:32:28Why should I save you?
00:32:30There ain't no society folks around here.
00:32:32Good night.
00:32:52Good night.
00:33:22Hold it, fellas.
00:34:22All right, men.
00:34:24Back to work.
00:34:26It was just that old white cat.
00:34:28Yes, sir.
00:34:30There they were, big as life,
00:34:32working away in our mine.
00:34:34Were they working on both tunnels?
00:34:38There was only one.
00:34:40The tunnel on the right as you faced them?
00:34:42Yeah. How'd you know?
00:34:44Of course, that's the one we don't work.
00:34:46I believe there's something fishy about this.
00:34:48My guess is that there's a tunnel
00:34:50that goes into the mine and connects with ours
00:34:52and that slaves in with Frazier.
00:34:54Are we rounding them up tonight?
00:34:56No, not till we find out who got Denny.
00:34:58You better get back to mine now before they miss you.
00:35:00Blow the light out, will you?
00:35:20All right.
00:35:42Hey, Slade.
00:35:46Take a couple of men out to mount the tunnel.
00:35:48You better put some new timber up out there.
00:35:50It looks kind of weak.
00:35:52Looks all right to me.
00:35:54Maybe it does, but I want to make sure.
00:35:56All right, as you say.
00:35:58Boss, Williams, come on with me.
00:36:18Come on.
00:36:48Come on.
00:37:18What are you trying to do?
00:37:20Sure, if I'll ask that question.
00:37:22Well, I ain't talking.
00:37:30Well, what's the meaning of this?
00:37:32It means there's no more mystery
00:37:34about the freeze-out mine.
00:37:38Our neighbor here lets himself in
00:37:40through the side door there.
00:37:42Helps himself to our gold
00:37:46kills anybody that happens to get in his way.
00:37:48Nice work, Cassidy.
00:37:50Well, take your prisoner down to the assay office
00:37:52and explain things to Perkins.
00:37:54If the gold from the Devil May Care
00:37:56matches the gold in the vein we lost,
00:37:58we'll trap the whole outfit.
00:38:00Thanks for the idea, Slade.
00:38:02Hey, you, get up.
00:38:04Walk between us and watch your step.
00:38:06Don't make any phony moves.
00:38:12Mr. Cassidy,
00:38:14Mr. Cassidy wants to know
00:38:16if the ore they're shipping from the Devil May Care mine
00:38:18matches this piece we took out of the freeze-out
00:38:20when we first hit that rich vein.
00:38:22I'll take a note.
00:38:24Those two rocks are from the same place.
00:38:26And you'll testify that the Devil May Care gold
00:38:28is out of the freeze-out mine?
00:38:32Good. Now we can...
00:38:34Just a minute.
00:38:36I'd like to have that statement in writing.
00:38:38Oh, you can trust me, Cassidy.
00:38:40But I don't blame you for taking no chances.
00:38:42Oh, I trust you, all right.
00:38:44Just that I like to see things on paper.
00:38:46There'd be less lying
00:38:48if there were more men like you.
00:38:50What are you gonna do with him?
00:38:52Figure on turning him over
00:38:54to the sheriff for safekeeping
00:38:56till we round up the others.
00:38:58You got any better ideas?
00:39:00If you do that, we're as liable to get out.
00:39:04Well, if the men who've been
00:39:06high-grading your gold find out that you're onto them,
00:39:08they'll stay away from the freeze-out.
00:39:10And you'll never catch them.
00:39:12I never thought of that.
00:39:14What do you suggest?
00:39:16We ought to hide him someplace he can't do any talking
00:39:18till we round up the rest of the gang.
00:39:20Do you know of a place?
00:39:22There's a deserted prospector's shack out in Sandstone Gulch.
00:39:24We could hold him there.
00:39:26That sounds all right to me.
00:39:28Here's your statement, Mr. Cassidy.
00:39:30I'll take this little piece of paper.
00:39:32Come on, let's go back to the mine.
00:39:34I want to get my horse.
00:39:40Stand still, you jughead.
00:39:42Say, Slade,
00:39:44how much of a ride is it
00:39:46out to that deserted shack in Sandstone Gulch?
00:39:48About half an hour.
00:39:50That's fine. I got to be back here within the hour.
00:39:52We ought to make it easy in that time
00:39:54if we don't have any more trouble.
00:39:56Come on.
00:40:10Come on.
00:40:36Get inside.
00:40:40Sit down.
00:40:46Now, if you was to talk,
00:40:48we might get a court to go a little easier on you
00:40:50for turning the state's evidence.
00:40:52Evidence against who?
00:40:54He knows who I'm talking about.
00:40:56The boss.
00:40:58The one that planned this whole thing.
00:41:04I got a pretty good idea who he is, too.
00:41:06But have at your best.
00:41:08I was just trying to save all of us a little trouble.
00:41:10Better tie him up, Cassidy.
00:41:12We wouldn't want him to get back to town
00:41:14in time to warn the others.
00:41:16I'm going to let you tie him up, Slade.
00:41:18What do you mean?
00:41:20Unless I'm mighty mistaken,
00:41:22you're in this as deep as anyone.
00:41:26Drop it, Cassidy.
00:41:28You'll cover it.
00:41:32I had an idea I might be needed,
00:41:34but probably not.
00:41:36I had an idea I might be needed,
00:41:38but Perkins told me what was up.
00:41:40Here, tie him up.
00:42:07Give me that gun, and I'll finish him.
00:42:09No, if he was found with lead in,
00:42:11his friends wouldn't rest till they tracked us down.
00:42:15Here's a much better way.
00:42:36Let's go.
00:44:03We'll get him for this, Hoppy.
00:44:05We'll get that dirty pole, Cass.
00:44:11Hoppy, come on.
00:44:17Are you all right, Hoppy?
00:44:19Yeah, outside of being sinful.
00:44:25Got here just in time, partner.
00:44:27Oh, why do you take those darn fool chances?
00:44:30Well, it was worth it, wasn't it?
00:44:32Found out who the whole gang is.
00:44:34You did?
00:44:36Well, what's the next move?
00:44:37From now on, it's gonna be easy.
00:44:39See that Buck and the boys are ready tonight.
00:44:41When the men go into the mine, you give the signal.
00:44:43What's the signal?
00:44:45Well, light your pipe.
00:44:47The match will be a signal.
00:44:53Well, I guess they got my horse.
00:44:55Have Lucky come by here and pick me up.
00:44:57I gotta play dead here till sundown.
00:44:59I'll meet you at the shindig.
00:45:00That ain't gonna be no party.
00:45:04Come on.
00:45:32Where are your men?
00:45:33Speak up, young fella.
00:45:34Where have you been?
00:45:35Oh, I didn't find anything.
00:45:37I said, where?
00:45:38Where have you been?
00:45:41Yes, what?
00:45:42Yes, where have you been?
00:45:44That's what I asked you.
00:45:45Somebody passed me.
00:45:47Oh, get back to the mine where you belong.
00:45:50Get back to the mine and stay there!
00:45:52Oh, well, why didn't you say so in the first place?
00:45:56Goodbye, Mr. Slade.
00:45:57Get up there.
00:45:58Yes, sir.
00:46:01Coming into town and running to Slade.
00:46:03You know, I got an idea he's suspicious of me.
00:46:06But everything's all set for tonight.
00:46:08I'm supposed to ride out now and tell Buck Peters.
00:46:10But I'm scared of him being watched.
00:46:12I'll go, Windy.
00:46:13I want to do something to help.
00:46:15I don't like the idea.
00:46:17If anything ever happened to you, Hoppy'd never forgive me.
00:46:19Oh, I wouldn't even forgive myself.
00:46:21I've got to take the same chances as everyone else.
00:46:24Well, all right.
00:46:26Tell Lucky to pick up Hoppy in Sandstone Gulch.
00:46:29And remember the signal.
00:46:31They're supposed to close in on the mine when I light my pipe.
00:46:34And Mindy, come right back.
00:46:36One, pick up Hoppy.
00:46:37Pick up Hoppy.
00:46:38Two, the signal's when you light your pipe.
00:46:40Light your pipe.
00:46:41And three...
00:46:42Come right back.
00:46:43Come right back.
00:46:44You better hurry back to the mine before they miss you.
00:46:46I'll start for the ranch right away.
00:46:57So that's the way the land lies, eh?
00:47:01Well, you can tell Hoppy that we'll be there, ready to back him up.
00:47:05Thanks, Mr. Peters.
00:47:07It's fine of you to help.
00:47:08If there's any thanks due, you give them to Cassidy.
00:47:13He's the one who talked me into this.
00:47:16Well, make yourself comfortable.
00:47:18I'll go get a horse for Hoppy.
00:47:20I'll go get a horse for Hoppy.
00:47:22Well, make yourself comfortable.
00:47:24I'll go get a horse for Hoppy.
00:47:31Boys, get saddles on your horses.
00:47:38What's up, Mr. Peters?
00:47:40Well, Hoppy's all set to start moving in tonight.
00:47:43Oh, then we're riding.
00:47:45Yeah, we'll cut over north of the Devil May Care mine.
00:47:48Well, there we can see Wendy's signal that all's clear, and we close in.
00:47:53What's the signal?
00:47:54Wendy will light his pipe.
00:47:57Well, I think maybe you better stay here and look out for your guest.
00:48:01And miss all that fun?
00:48:03I should say not.
00:48:04Say, I owe a couple of them miners a black eye, and I aim to pay them back.
00:48:07I reckon I'll find a way to keep them here until we get back.
00:48:10Come on.
00:48:11Fred, saddle my horse.
00:48:19Well, here you are.
00:48:21You can tell Hoppy that we'll meet him just north of the Devil May Care mine.
00:48:25Thanks, Mr. Peters.
00:48:26Someday I'll try to tell you how really grateful I am.
00:48:30Just having you smile at me that way is thanks a plenty.
00:48:40There you are.
00:48:43So long.
00:48:49What's the idea, Lucky?
00:48:51I'm going along.
00:48:53What about Martin?
00:48:55Oh, he'll keep until we get back.
00:48:57Hey, let me out of here.
00:48:59Don't go off and leave me like this.
00:49:03Let me out of here, will you?
00:49:06Well, suppose he gets out of there.
00:49:08Well, he won't go very far without any clothes on.
00:49:12Already, man?
00:49:14Yep, we're all set.
00:49:15All ready, boss.
00:49:20All right, let's go.
00:49:22Let me out of here!
00:49:24Don't go off and leave me like this.
00:49:26Let me out of here!
00:49:44Let me out of here!
00:50:15Well, Ann, what are you doing here?
00:50:17I brought your horse, but I see you have yours.
00:50:20Yeah, he came back as soon as they turned him loose.
00:50:22Buck and the boys are waiting for you, just north of the Devil May Care mines.
00:50:26That's fine, Ann.
00:50:28But you shouldn't have come out here.
00:50:30Well, I had to do something.
00:50:32I couldn't do it on my own.
00:50:34I'm sorry.
00:50:36I'm sorry.
00:50:38I'm sorry.
00:50:40I'm sorry.
00:50:42I had to do something.
00:50:44I couldn't just sit by.
00:50:46Sometimes it's better to play safe.
00:50:48But I feel it's up to me to see that the men who killed Denny are punished.
00:50:54That'll probably be done before morning, Ann.
00:50:56Hoppy, don't let anything happen to you.
00:51:01Don't worry, nothing's gonna happen.
00:51:03Everything works out right, you'll be heading east before long.
00:51:07I hope I can do something to show my appreciation for all you've done for me.
00:51:11Forget it. I'll see you later.
00:51:13Good luck.
00:51:16Hal, you stay here.
00:51:37When you get the signal from Frosty, relay it back to Red.
00:51:49We're all ready, Cassidy.
00:51:52Lucky's getting set for Windy's signal.
00:51:57Mighty, why do you need to be here, Buck?
00:52:01They couldn't keep me away.
00:52:10Windy's on the job, all right.
00:52:12Now keep your eyes peeled on him.
00:52:14When he lights his pipe, give the signal.
00:52:16I got you, Hoppy.
00:52:25Everything's all set, Hoppy.
00:52:28I guess you might need it.
00:52:29Probably will.
00:52:33There they go.
00:52:39They got the freeze-out spy today.
00:52:41I can guess what happened to him.
00:52:50We ought to be getting that signal soon.
00:52:52Who's on the lookout?
00:52:53Frosty and Hal.
00:52:55I hope Windy's on the job.
00:52:57How gambly he is.
00:53:04Evening, Mr. Slade.
00:53:05Been inspecting again?
00:53:06What do you think I've been doing?
00:53:09Someday you're going to hire me once too often.
00:53:12Yeah, I believe you're right about that.
00:53:44I wonder if something's wrong.
00:53:46If we don't get the signal in ten minutes, let's charge anyway.
00:53:49No, we'll handle a run right into a trap.
00:53:57What are you trying to do?
00:53:59My pipe.
00:54:00I ain't got no mattress.
00:54:02Yeah, see if these will work, you mattress-faced old jackrabbit.
00:54:05Thank you very much, Mr. Slade.
00:54:07You're very welcome.
00:54:26You fellas get all set, and I'll give you a whistle.
00:54:55All right.
00:55:16Buck, you and two other men come with me.
00:55:43Lucky, you and the rest of the boys stay here and guard the entrance to the mine until we get back.
00:55:47Peace, Jim.
00:55:48Come on.
00:55:52Well, with Cassidy out of the way, we ought to have clear sailing from now on.
00:55:57Here's to success.
00:55:59Maybe I should let you two finish them drinks.
00:56:02Probably the last ones you'll have for a long time.
00:56:11Put your hands on the table and keep them there.
00:56:14All right, Buck, keep them here until we finish this round up.
00:56:24Everything all right?
00:56:25No trouble yet.
00:56:26Fred, you stay right where you are.
00:56:28Lucky, you and the rest of the boys come with me.
00:56:58Anywhere found out, let's get out of here.
00:57:27Now, you fellas get out to the surface.
00:57:29Me and Evans will hold them until they get clear.
00:57:49You boys stay here and draw their fire.
00:57:51Come on, Buck.
00:58:20Back to your holes, you gophers.
00:58:35Stay out of this, Lucky.
00:58:36This one's mine.
00:58:43Hey, Lucky, you and Wendy take the prisoners into town.
00:58:45I'll meet you there.
00:58:57I'm dying for a smoke, Peters.
00:58:59I haven't had one all night.
00:59:01You mind if I light a cigar?
00:59:03Well, I guess it's all right.
00:59:33What happened?
00:59:47Frazier got away.
00:59:48Which way did he go?
00:59:49Went that-a-way.
00:59:50Wait a minute, Cassidy, I'm riding with him.
00:59:52No, you're not. This is a personal matter.
01:00:21Don't let him get away.
01:00:50Don't let him get away.
01:01:18Don't let him get away.
01:01:46Don't let him get away.
01:02:15Don't let him get away.
01:02:33Don't let him get away.
01:03:00I don't know whether you're right or not, Hoppy,
01:03:02but it's the best thing for me to take a trip east.
01:03:04I know I'm right.
01:03:05You need a rest, Ann.
01:03:07Go ahead now and have a good time,
01:03:09and don't be worrying about the mine.
01:03:11You don't need to worry none about that mine, Miss Ann,
01:03:13with me keeping my eye on it.
01:03:15He means with us keeping our eyes on it.
01:03:17Oh, well, Ann, with us keeping our eyes on it.
01:03:20Them fellas you got working for you,
01:03:22they sure are trying their best to make you a millionaire.
01:03:25I know that, Wendy,
01:03:27but I don't want to be rich
01:03:29unless I can share it with someone.
01:03:31Well, the men at the mine are not complaining
01:03:33about the way you're sharing your profits with them.
01:03:35You know very well what I'm trying to say, don't you?
01:03:38Oh, I know, Ann, but I...
01:03:40Then if you don't come east to say it,
01:03:42I suppose I've got to come back here.
01:03:45You're a darn tootie.
01:04:15THE END
01:04:45© transcript Emily Beynon