Texas Trail (1937)
Passed | 58min | Action, Adventure, Romance | 26 November 1937 (USA)
Hopalong Cassidy (William Boyd) and gang battle sabotaging crooks as they gather more horses for the Spanish-American war.
Director: David Selman
Writers: Jack O'Donnell (screenplay), Clarence E. Mulford (story "Tex")
Stars: William Boyd, Russell Hayden, George 'Gabby' Hayes
Passed | 58min | Action, Adventure, Romance | 26 November 1937 (USA)
Hopalong Cassidy (William Boyd) and gang battle sabotaging crooks as they gather more horses for the Spanish-American war.
Director: David Selman
Writers: Jack O'Donnell (screenplay), Clarence E. Mulford (story "Tex")
Stars: William Boyd, Russell Hayden, George 'Gabby' Hayes
Short filmTranscript
08:30Aren't they splendid? Let's watch them a minute.
08:35I'm not very interested in watching a lot of cowboys playing soldier.
08:38Oh, I think it's an excellent idea getting themselves ready.
08:41Why don't you organize the boys on your ranch into a volunteer troop?
08:45I'm afraid I have to leave the volunteering to those who can afford to go.
08:48Can't very well go off and leave my ranch to run itself.
09:02Come on, Barbara, let's go.
09:03No, they'll be through in a minute.
09:05I want to say hello to Lucky.
09:13Well, fellas, I think we'll take a little rest for a while.
09:16Rest for a while? What you want to do is go over and make calf eyes at the little schoolmarm.
09:24What this company needs is a little discipline.
09:36Hello, Miss Barbara.
09:37Hello, Lucky.
09:38Hello, Carson.
09:39Hiya, Jacko.
09:40How do you think we're doing?
09:43I'd rather hear you say that than the most anybody, except the general.
09:47Fooling yourself, ain't you, Jenkins?
09:49You don't believe you and Cassidy in that outfit's ever going to get a chance to fight, do you?
09:53I think we will.
09:54Cassidy's over the post right now getting our orders.
09:57When are you going to join up?
09:59Well, if I did join up, I'd want men behind me that could fight and ride.
10:02What are you trying to say, Carson?
10:04You know there isn't a better bunch of riders in this range than in our outfit.
10:07I noticed none of them ever tried to ride that thunderbolt horse of mine.
10:11Well, it's no use of taking any unnecessary chances.
10:14When a man's afraid, one alibi's as good as another.
10:18Come on, I'll have a try at that thunderbolt right now.
10:21Wendy, Smokey, come here.
10:35I'm going to ride thunderbolt.
10:37You know that horse's a killer, you darn fool.
10:39You're staying here.
10:40Come on, Carson.
10:44We've got to find Hoppy and get him to stop, you darn fool, before he gets his neck broke.
11:10That isn't fair, daring him to ride that horse.
11:39Too bad, Lucky.
11:43You'd better get your horse and get back to the range.
11:46Cassidy's given you a chance to back out, Lucky.
11:48You lost your nerve.
11:50What are you trying to do, Carson?
11:51Cripple my boys?
11:53Just giving them a chance to make good on some of that big talk they've been throwing around.
11:57I hate to spoil your fun, but that man-killer ain't going to trample none of my boys.
12:01I don't see why anybody has to ride that horse.
12:04Well, of course, if you're the little boy's nursemaid and you're afraid he'll get hurt or...
12:07Nobody's nursing me.
12:08Get a saddle on that bronc.
12:09Wait a minute.
12:10You heard what I said.
12:12You're going with me.
12:13Get your hands down.
12:14You're not riding hurt on me.
12:17Take it easy, Lucky.
12:21Well, if Mr. Cassidy won't let you uphold the riding honor of his ranch,
12:24any of us will.
12:26Take it easy, Lucky.
12:29Well, if Mr. Cassidy won't let you uphold the riding honor of his ranch,
12:32maybe he'd like to try riding Thunderbolt himself.
12:35Sure, Cassidy.
12:36Let's see whether you've got nerve enough to ride him or not.
12:46I ain't aiming to put on no show.
12:50Whether you're coming with me or am I going to have to drag you out.
12:53I'll be right, Lucky.
12:54You can't afford to get all broke up.
12:56We got work to do.
12:57Hoppy's got orders.
12:58Round up some wild horses.
13:03Come on.
13:06Keep that saddle handy.
13:07I'll be back and ride that bronc if it's the last thing I do.
13:11Say, Windy,
13:13I won't need more than ten of the boys to help round up them horses.
13:16Let's leave at sunup in the morning.
13:17All right.
13:18I guess you won't be needing me.
13:21What's the matter with you?
13:22You want to quit the outfit?
13:24Of course not.
13:25Well, then you're riding with us.
13:27You mean you're not going to hold it against me?
13:28Me getting out of line back there?
13:32All right.
13:33I'll be back in a minute.
13:34All right.
13:35I'll be back in a minute.
13:36All right.
13:37I'll be back in a minute.
13:39Ah, forget it.
13:59Looks like the army's going to get those horses.
14:01Round up Shorty and Pete.
14:02Meet me at the canteen in a half an hour.
14:09I don't know where Cassidy figures on rounding up that many horses.
14:12Well, that's his lookout.
14:14Anyway, the rest of you fellas go with Hawks.
14:16Trailing Cassidy ain't going to be none too easy.
14:19You do just like I tell you.
14:20Now, if it looks like Cassidy's going to get enough horses to fill that order,
14:23send Brad in with the word.
14:25We'll have enough men here to hijack the herd and run them across the border.
14:28Hey, do you remember that fella Jordan we sold that shipment of rifles to?
14:31Well, get ahold of him and bring him here.
14:33Tell him I might have some horses for him.
14:35Now, the rest of you fellas know what to do.
14:50What's bothering you there, fella?
14:55Oh, yes, there is.
14:57You're not going to hold that on your pal, are you?
14:59Puppy, you ain't afraid to ride Thunderbolt, are you?
15:03What do you think?
15:05Well, I didn't think that you was afraid of anything and walked on four legs,
15:08but over there at Carson's Ranch today...
15:12Still got your doubts, huh?
15:14Well, it seems a-bleavin', ain't it?
15:17I never knew that you had to prove things, especially to your friend.
15:22You don't have to prove anything to me.
15:24I'll punch a guy in the nose just as you can.
15:26You don't have to prove anything to me.
15:27I'll punch a guy in the nose just as you can ride Thunderbolt.
15:31I ain't so sure I can ride him myself.
15:34Maybe I better have a try.
15:36Well, there's no time like the present.
15:38Hey, Wendy!
15:40Get the horses. We're going over to Carson's.
15:42Jump on your horse there.
15:48Ride him, Harvey!
15:49Ride him! Ride him!
15:52Chubby in the steel, cowboy!
15:53You got him, boy!
15:57Come on! Get it to him!
15:59Here's his back, Hoppy!
16:03You got him!
16:04That's scratchin' him, Hoppy!
16:06That's right, Hoppy.
16:07Thanks, Smokey.
16:08I guess he's cool off enough now.
16:10Let him loose and let him bark.
16:14I didn't know you'd ride him, Hoppy.
16:16I'd have done it myself if you hadn't.
16:18I wish Carson could have seen that.
16:20Why'd you let him make you look like a tenner foot?
16:23Well, if I'd have done it today, I'd have been showin' off.
16:25You and me don't do things like that, do we?
16:28Not us.
16:34What are you doing here?
16:36I just came to ride a ridge with you.
16:38You can go as far as the bridge with us.
16:40Hey, Wendy.
16:41Do you have to take that thing along?
16:43Oh, Hoppy, I got a great idea.
16:45I figured we can kill two birds with one stone.
16:48What he means is kill two birds with one bugle.
16:51That's what I mean.
16:52Not only will I get some good practice,
16:54but the wild horses will get used to bugling.
16:56What he means is if they can stand for his bugling,
16:58they can stand for anything.
17:04Come on, boys. We're on our way.
17:19Hop along and his men are on their way.
17:21All right, boys, get going and watch yourselves.
17:24All right.
17:51Well, this is where you leave us, son.
17:53How far are you going?
17:54We might have to go as far as the range north of Ghost Canyon.
17:57When do you figure you'll be back?
17:59If we get the horses, we ought to be back by Monday.
18:01I hope you get a million of them.
18:03I'll be watching for you.
18:04All right, Boots. Goodbye.
18:09Come on, boys.
18:23Come on.
18:53Come on.
19:24Well, there's Ghost Creek Canyon.
19:27Yeah, and on the ridge the other side of there,
19:29we ought to find all the wild horses we want.
19:32Think we'll make it tonight?
19:36If we keep moving, we'll make it by sun now.
19:53Come on.
20:24Well, if this is Box Canyon, it'll be all right.
20:26Hold all the horses we can get.
20:29Spread some ropes across here.
20:32Across there on the other side,
20:33there's a nice little pocket where we can camp.
20:35Bobby, I wonder if this place is haunted.
20:44Well, I guess it isn't.
20:48That's all right, Wendy. We'll take care of you.
20:50Oh, close your eyes.
20:52Oh, close your... Come on. Come on.
21:04It's my guess that he's going to make this place his headquarters.
21:10He figures I'll round up 500 horses on this range.
21:13He knows something I don't.
21:15I don't remember any wild horses being in this section for two years.
21:18Neither do I.
21:23Come on.
21:36Hey, Wendy, will you quit fooling with that bugle and bring us something to eat?
21:41Oh, hold your horses.
21:44Here, hubby.
21:46Finest mess of bees you ever throwed your lip over.
21:53There, these beans sour?
21:55They ought to be all right.
22:01Tastes like bugle to me.
22:03Ah, that's the trouble with you young fellas.
22:05You've been spoiled.
22:06What are you hollering about?
22:08If beans like them is good enough for T.R. himself,
22:11well, they ought to be good enough for the likes of you.
22:14T.R.? Who's T.R.? I never even heard of him.
22:18You never heard of Teddy Roosevelt?
22:20Well, who in Sam Hill do you think I've been talking about for the last five years?
22:24Oh, that's right. I plumb forgot.
22:26Come on. Tell us some more about hunting with Teddy.
22:28Now you're talking about a man.
22:31Come on. Come and get it, you fellas.
22:33You're starved to death.
22:35Speaking of T.R.,
22:37there's one of the finest hunters that ever showed her the gun.
22:41Knows all about wild animals and horses.
22:44Yes, sir.
22:46And who do you suppose it was that learned him all he knows about the plains?
22:50Why, I did. Who do you think?
22:54Him and me was bunkies once up in the Badlands.
22:56We was hunting bighorn.
22:59Why, Teddy and me, ya big lunkhead.
23:03Well, sir,
23:05we started out one morning. It was on a Thursday.
23:08No, no, it was on a Wednesday.
23:10Or a Friday.
23:12I'm wrong about that. It was Sunday.
23:14And Teddy says to me,
23:16says, hey, Wendy, can you ride that horse?
23:19Say, Teddy, I can ride any horse on four legs.
23:25Well, I got aboard him.
23:28And he bucked.
23:29And he bucked and he bucked.
23:31Why, that horse done everything a horse knows how to do.
23:35Well, after I finally rode him to a standstill,
23:39after I finally rode him to a standstill,
23:43who do you suppose the first one was to come up and pat me on the back and say,
23:47Wendy, I know you can do her?
23:52Why, T.R. himself, ya big string bean.
23:57What's the matter? Can't you understand good English?
24:09Well, I'll be.
24:34Come on, up and at'em.
24:37Come on, Wendy.
24:39Got your coffee on here.
24:41Get some bacon out.
24:47After you have breakfast, I want you to go over and look around the meadow on the other side of the range here.
24:51Ain't you afraid to let him go without me, Hoppy?
24:54Ah, he's kind of grown up now.
24:57Now, Wendy, you take two or three of the boys and go over around Crooked Creek.
25:00That's about five miles east of here.
25:02I'll take the rest of them and go over to the other side of the Buttes.
25:05Don't worry, none of us ain't back for a couple of days.
25:10I know you was trailing Cassie today, is there, Horace?
25:12Nah, he'll herd whatever horses he gets into the canyon.
25:15This is going to be easier than I thought.
25:17Yeah? I don't think it's going to be so easy.
25:35Hey, come on.
26:05Looks like Cassidy knows he's stuck.
26:07There's about 30 hemp there.
26:13Look, there's the old windbag with 30 or 40 more.
26:46Now, boys, the trail's getting hotter.
26:48Them horses passed here since the last rain less than a week ago.
26:50Any good grazing in that direction?
26:52Yeah, and there's water, too. Looks to me like that's where they're headed.
27:06There they are, boys.
27:08Let's round them up and head them for Ghost Canyon.
27:10There they are, boys. Let's round them up and head them for Ghost Canyon.
27:41Take it easy, boys.
27:51Yeah, it's all right for you to say don't worry, but Hoppy's been gone four days.
27:54Now listen here, young squirt, you don't have to worry nothing about Hoppy.
27:58Why, he knows every waterhole in this neck of the woods.
28:01Look at the dust kicking up out there.
28:03Must be a windstorm.
28:08It's a windstorm every time you open your mouth.
28:21It's Hoppy. Say, has he got a bunch of horses?
28:24Come on, you bronc beaters. Help him pull them in here.
28:32They sure are making it easy for us.
28:37Let's go.
28:57Must be near 200 in that herd.
29:00Sneak down to the edge of that camp and keep your ears open.
29:08Come on, Hoppy.
29:20Hey, Hoppy.
29:22Good work. You've got a couple of hundred head there, haven't you?
29:25Yeah, but some of them ain't worth grazing space.
29:27We brought in about 200.
29:29We'll need another hundred then.
29:31Well, we'll get them tomorrow.
29:33And if we drive them hard, we'll get them back to the fort in time.
29:36I don't think we'll ever make it, Hoppy.
29:38Sure we'll make it. Don't worry about it, Lucky.
29:40Saw a good-sized herd over around Willow Basin today.
29:43We'll round them up first thing in the morning.
29:58Cassidy's figured on starting back to the fort day after tomorrow.
30:02All right, Brads. Start out and tell Clawson.
30:17You ain't got nothing to worry about, Jordan.
30:19The men might have had some trouble rounding up the horses.
30:21But I expect to hear from them any time now.
30:26Maybe this is one of my men now.
30:33Well, they have a full herd together by sundown.
30:35And they're ready to leave early tomorrow morning.
30:37There you are.
30:38They'll be delivered in your corral tomorrow night.
30:41Well, let's see. That's 500 head at $20 a head.
30:43That's $10,000.
30:45That's right.
30:46Well, what about the money?
30:48Oh, you know. Same place. The corral.
30:50All right.
30:57What's your plan?
30:59Get the men together and take along 10 horses with our brand on them.
31:02Why the 10 extra horses?
31:04Never mind. I've got an idea.
31:22Any word, Dad?
31:23What do you mean?
31:24About Hoppy.
31:25No, not yet.
31:26Gee, something must be up.
31:28Gee, something must have happened.
31:29He said he'd be back by this time.
31:31Now, you run along to school, son, and don't worry.
31:33Hoppy will be here all right.
31:34I know something happened.
31:45Why ain't you to school today, Boots?
31:47I was gone, but I got too worried about Hoppy.
31:50They haven't heard a thing from him.
31:52He must have run into some trouble up there.
31:54That's what I was thinking.
31:56I'm going to ride up towards the pass and see if I can find him.
31:59If I'm not back early, you tell Dad not to worry.
32:02If you're not back by sundown, you'll get a darn good tannin.
32:05You tell Dad not to worry!
32:26According to our count, Hoppy,
32:51there's over 500 head of horses in that herd.
32:54Yeah, but we'll have to thin out some of them.
32:56Too small to be any good.
32:59Well, we'd better turn in so we can get an early start in the morning.
33:02All right, boys, bed down.
33:04Lucky you keep your eye on the herd.
33:06I'll relieve you about midnight.
33:08If you get nervous, just wake me up.
33:10All right, but don't forget when midnight comes around, I get tired.
33:13Ah, you're always tired.
33:16You make me tired.
33:19You've even got the horses tired.
33:21Aw, go to bed.
33:40I wonder what's keeping Brad.
33:41I don't know.
33:46It's going to be easy, boss. There's only one riding herd.
33:48Your friend, Lucky Jenkins.
33:49Where's Cassidy and the rest of his men?
33:50She's sleeping camp over on the other side.
33:52Shorty, you take care of Jenkins.
34:20Come on.
34:50Swift, when you hear a shot, run those horses into the herd.
35:20Come on.
35:50You know what to do.
36:20All right, Cassidy, get on.
36:29Come on, get up.
36:35Help, boys, don't, you're all covered.
36:37All right, boys, get the guns.
36:38Get over there.
36:39Go on.
36:40Come on.
36:49All right, Lucky.
36:53What's this all about, Carson?
36:54Just rounding up a few horse thieves.
36:56It looks more like murder to me.
36:58If it is, we'll charge it up to you.
37:00What are you driving at?
37:01I see how you made that grand ranch into a valuable piece of property.
37:05You ain't fooling nobody, Cassidy.
37:07You got that ranch stocked with stolen cattle.
37:09You wouldn't say that if you didn't have that gun in your hand.
37:12You know the law, the range, and how it works.
37:14You're going to stand trial right here.
37:16And if the evidence is against you, you know what to expect.
37:20What's this all about, Carson?
37:22You're bucking the government in that serious business.
37:24A horse thief's a horse thief.
37:26There ain't a jury in the West that won't hold with me.
37:28But don't worry, you'll get a square deal.
37:30Tie him up, boys.
37:31Let's get started with this trial.
37:34This isn't a trial, it's murder.
37:35Take it easy, Lucky.
37:36Since when is it murder to kill a horse thief?
37:39And there's no mistake in the XXX brand.
37:41These horses and seven more were in your herd, Cassidy.
37:44And you can't deny that that's my brand.
37:47I'm not denying it.
37:48Well, they didn't get there by themselves.
37:50Of course they didn't.
37:51You put them in there.
37:52Is that all you got to say in your own defense?
37:54There's no use for me to talk.
37:55Anything I'd say wouldn't matter.
37:57Finding my horses in your herd is evidence enough for me.
38:00And we find them gilly.
38:01That's right, ain't it, men?
38:04There's a nice grove of trees on our way back.
38:07Just made to order.
38:09That's a good idea.
38:10When you get the herd ready to start, take them along with you.
38:14I'm going back to the ranch.
38:16Come here a minute, Hawks.
38:22I'm leaving it up to you to finish the work, including Cassidy.
38:25And get that herd delivered to Jordan by tomorrow night.
38:38You two boys saddle up Cassidy's horses.
38:40Rand, take the boys and round up the strays in the neck of the canyon.
38:44I'll take care of this side.
39:07Get going, boys.
39:17I thought you were too smart to be caught the way you were tonight, Cassidy.
39:20Wasn't Cassidy's fault, it was mine.
39:22Oh, don't go blaming yourself, Lucky.
39:24Ain't no need to be moaning what's already happened.
39:27Big question is, how are we going to get out of this fix?
39:29You ain't going to get out of it.
39:32You're sure a cheerful guy.
39:33That's funny.
39:34My boys think the same thing.
39:37Let's go.
39:45Tooting that thing ain't going to get you no help.
39:47I don't expect it will.
39:49I'm trying to find out if you pole cats busted it up for me.
39:53I'll be back directly.
39:56Hey, Wendy, ain't things bad enough with her having to listen to that thing too?
40:10There's somebody moving around up there on the ridge.
40:19What looks like boots.
40:21Which is him.
40:22I know that pony interplay.
40:32He's heard it, Hobby.
40:34He's heard it, Hobby.
40:36He's trying to find out where it comes from.
40:38Give him another one.
40:47He's coming down.
41:05You know, Hobby, that boy reminds me of T.R. himself.
41:08Now, there's the fella.
41:42How'd you ever find this, Boots?
41:43Just by using my head.
41:45What do you think of my bugling now?
41:47Come on.
41:48Let's get out of here.
41:49We haven't got much time.
41:53Let's get the other boys.
42:04Did they round up all the strays?
42:05Shorty and his boys are doing that now.
42:07As soon as he comes back, get the herd started.
42:16Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
42:17It's Hawks.
42:18Everybody get back where you was and act like you're still tied up.
42:20Boots, get back on that rock.
42:29Leave Hawks to me.
42:35All right, Lucky, tie him up.
42:39We won't have to tie him, Hobby.
42:40His own knife got him.
42:44Smokey, Lucky, Windy, come here.
42:49Smokey, get that gun off the horse there.
42:51Now, listen, boys, there's no sense in trying to fight our way out of here.
42:54We only got two guns.
42:55The only thing we can do is to start a fire back here in the canyon
42:57and stampede the horses out.
42:59I'm going with you.
43:00The only thing we can do is to start a fire back here in the canyon
43:02and stampede the horses out.
43:03I've got a gun.
43:05Here, you take this one.
43:06Lucky, you take two or three of the boys and go back in the canyon
43:08and start the fire.
43:09But wait till you get a signal from Windy.
43:11Smokey, you take the rest of the boys and go out the neck of the canyon
43:13and wait for the horses to come out and herd them right into the fort.
43:17Jimmy, can you get on your horse all around from here?
43:20Go around it.
43:21Hurry up.
43:31All right, fellas, get the rest of it.
43:37We got all the strays bunched in the neck of the canyon.
43:39You can move the herd any time you want to.
43:41Where's Ed?
43:42He's back there.
43:43All right, you two join Ed and start the herd of moving.
44:00All right, fellas, light it.
44:30All right.
45:00Miss Cassidy, let's get away.
45:30All right.
45:31Let's go.
46:00Come on.
46:16Never mind him.
46:17Get the horses into that puck.
46:20Come on.
46:33Ho, ho, ho!
46:38Ho, ho, ho!
46:42Ho, ho, ho!
46:44Ho, ho, ho!
46:45Ho, ho, ho!
46:46Ho, ho, ho!
46:47Ho, ho, ho!
46:49Ho, ho, ho!
46:50Ho, ho, ho!
46:51Ho, ho, ho!
46:52Ho, ho, ho!
46:53Ho, ho, ho!
46:54Ho, ho, ho!
46:55Ho, ho, ho!
46:56Ho, ho, ho!
46:57Ho, ho, ho!
46:58Ho, ho, ho!
46:59Well, keep going.
47:00Keep going.
47:24Here we go.
47:25Here we go.
47:26Here we go.
47:27Have you seen it?
47:28Yeah, you boys better get some rest then we'll start out again. I want to get to the fort by tomorrow night
47:34That's the case. I'm gonna get a little shot. I
48:09It's all the racket for everything's busted wide open
48:11Cassidy and his men got loose and ghost Canyon stampede at the herd. What happened to man sure he got killed
48:16I don't know about the rest
48:18We gotta stop Cassidy and get that herd back before he gets the pass
48:21Wake up the rest of the boys. Let's get started before daylight
48:28Roll out, the boss wants you right away, quick!
48:59All right, boys, saddle your horses.
49:02All right, come on!
49:28Oh, Miss Barbara, what's the trouble?
49:38Carson headed for Ghost Canyon to stop Mr. Cassidy from bringing your horses in.
49:42Orderly, call the bugler.
49:44I'll ride ahead and warn Mr. Cassidy.
49:45Very good, Miss Barbara, we won't be far behind you.
49:48Sound boots and saddles.
49:58Forward, front, ho!
50:28Ho, ho, ho!
50:56Ho, ho, ho!
51:27Ho, ho, ho!
51:39Carson coming with his men out to the herd.
51:42We can stand him off, can't we, Hoppy?
51:43No, we haven't got enough ammunition.
51:45I told him, Major, he's sending help.
51:47Well, that's good, but we can't take any chances.
51:48We'll have to swim these horses across the river.
51:50Lucky, give me your gun.
51:52You take care of Barbara and Boots.
51:53Hey, Windy, start him across, and when you get him over there, herd him into that bluff, and don't worry about me.
51:58Come on, Barbara, come on, Boots.
51:59All right, boys, put him across!
52:00All right, boys, put him across!
52:31Ho, ho, ho!
52:33Ho, ho, ho!
52:35Ho, ho, ho!
52:37Ho, ho, ho!
52:39Ho, ho, ho!
52:41Ho, ho, ho!
52:43Ho, ho, ho!
52:45Ho, ho, ho!
52:47Ho, ho, ho!
52:49Ho, ho, ho!
52:51Ho, ho, ho!
52:52Ho, ho, ho!
52:54Ho, ho, ho!
52:56Ho, ho, ho!
52:58Ho, ho, ho!
53:00Ho, ho, ho!
53:02Ho, ho, ho!
53:04Ho, ho, ho!
53:06Ho, ho, ho!
53:08Ho, ho, ho!
53:10Ho, ho, ho!
53:12Ho, ho, ho!
53:14Ho, ho, ho!
53:16Ho, ho, ho!
53:18Ho, ho, ho!
53:20Ho, ho, ho!
53:22Ho, ho, ho!
53:24Ho, ho, ho!
53:26Ho, ho, ho!
53:28Ho, ho, ho!
53:30Ho, ho, ho!
53:32Ho, ho, ho!
53:34Ho, ho, ho!
53:36Ho, ho, ho!
53:38Ho, ho, ho!
53:40Ho, ho, ho!
53:42Ho, ho, ho!
53:44Ho, ho, ho!
53:46Ho, ho, ho!
53:48Ho, ho, ho!
53:50Ho, ho, ho!
53:52Ho, ho, ho!
54:22Ho, ho, ho!
54:24Ho, ho, ho!
54:26Ho, ho, ho!
54:28Ho, ho, ho!
54:30Ho, ho, ho!
54:32Ho, ho, ho!
54:34Ho, ho, ho!
54:36Ho, ho, ho!
54:38Ho, ho, ho!
54:40Ho, ho, ho!
54:42Ho, ho, ho!
54:44Ho, ho, ho!
54:46Ho, ho, ho!
54:48Ho, ho, ho!
54:50Ho, ho, ho!
54:53Stay where you are, Carsten! I got you covered!
55:00Right there, boy!
55:22Ho, ho, ho!
55:24Ho, ho, ho!
55:26Ho, ho, ho!
55:28Ho, ho, ho!
55:30Ho, ho, ho!
55:32Ho, ho, ho!
55:34Ho, ho, ho!
55:36Ho, ho, ho!
55:38Ho, ho, ho!
55:40Ho, ho, ho!
55:42Ho, ho, ho!
55:44Ho, ho, ho!
55:46Ho, ho, ho!
55:48Ho, ho, ho!
55:50Ho, ho, ho!
55:52Ho, ho, ho!
55:54Ho, ho, ho!
55:56Ho, ho, ho!
55:58Ho, ho, ho!
56:00Ho, ho, ho!
56:02Ho, ho, ho!
56:04Ho, ho, ho!
56:06Ho, ho, ho!
56:08Ho, ho, ho!
56:10Ho, ho, ho!
56:12Move it, boys, move!
56:16Sergeant! Get those on. Form a president's escort!
56:19When you got here just in time, Lieutenant.
56:23Glad we did.
56:24We heard you shootin', Hoppy, thought we'd better get here.
56:28Well, if it hadn't been for the cavalry here, I sure coulda used ya, but we can thank Miss
56:32Barbara for that.
56:33All right, Lieutenant, you take the prisoners, we'll get the horses started for the fort.
56:37Come on, Wendy.
56:38Hey, wait for me, will ya, Hoppy?
56:41Hey, wait for me, will ya, Hoppy?
57:00Goodbye, Lucky.
57:01I hope you are lucky.
57:06Goodbye, Cassidy.
57:07Wish we were going with you.
57:08So do I, Major.
57:10Goodbye, Hop.
57:11Lieutenant Cassidy.
57:12Goodbye, Boots.
57:15All right, Wendy.
57:16Forward, trot.
57:21Never mind the bugle.
57:25Forward, trot.
57:39Forward, trot.
58:09Forward, trot.