• 5 年前
In Early 2018, Apple partially finished construction on their new massive office building, called Apple Campus 2, Also known as Apple Park & the Spaceship.

The land cost an estimated $160 million dollars In 2011, the original planned budget for Apple Campus, was about $3 billion dollars, however in 2013 the total cost was estimated to be closer to $5 billion dollars.

The company’s new 175-acre campus, is one mile in circumference, with a diameter of 461 meters , and can house 12,000 employees.

The main building was ready for employees to begin partial occupancy in January 2018, as the building was still not finished, the process of moving more than 12,000 people, was estimated to take over six months.

Special thanks for Oxysasha for all his help in supplying the footage.

Thanks for watching
