• 5 years ago
Approved | 4h 3min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 22 March 1934 (USA)

Animal trainer Clyde Beatty heads a rescue party in search of his girl, Ruth, and her father who get lost looking for an uncharted island. His dirigible crashes into the jungles of the island. When he locates Ruth, he learns that her father has disappeared. The ensuing search is hindered by greedy gold hunters and wild animals.

Directors: David Howard, Armand Schaefer

Writers: Sherman L. Lowe, Al Martin, David Howard, Barney A. Sarecky

Stars: Clyde Beatty, Syd Saylor, Cecilia Parker
01:00I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you
01:30No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No
02:00Who is he?
02:01Just the greatest animal trainer in the world, that's all.
02:30But I never met one as dumb as you.
02:46If you don't want to get the height.
02:47I don't think so much of him.
02:49You'll hurry up and do what I tell you.
02:50Oh, he couldn't even train animal crackers.
02:52Get up there.
02:54You hear me?
02:56Get up there, get up there or I'll break every bone in your body.
03:00You gonna do what I tell you?
03:02Get up there.
03:04You'll never get that cat to do that trick.
03:06You don't handle him right.
03:08I don't, eh?
03:09Open up that chute.
03:11I'll show this baby who's boss.
03:15Come on, come on, come on.
03:17Get in there.
03:18Come on, come on, come.
03:19Get in there.
03:36Don't you snarl at me or I'll knock every tooth out of your head.
03:39Get up, Sharky.
03:49If I ever catch you mistreating any of my animals again, you're through, understand?
03:56The cat went for me, honest it did, Mr. Beatty.
03:58I had to teach him a lesson.
04:00That's no excuse.
04:01I do all my training without beating the animals up, and you'll have to do the same.
04:05I'm sorry.
04:06It won't happen again.
04:08I guess I had it coming.
04:11It's all right.
04:12Let's forget it.
04:13Can you imagine that guy telling me how to train animals?
04:24I've forgotten more than he'll ever know.
04:27Just the same.
04:28You'd like to have a job, wouldn't you?
04:32How'd you like to have that one, huh?
04:38We'd better get that pup out of here, Sonny.
04:39One of my lions might chew him up.
04:40Don't worry.
04:41He ain't afraid of lions, are you, Spot?
04:44He looks like a fighter.
04:45Maybe it's a good thing my lions are safe in their cages.
04:49Look out, he'll bite you.
04:55Gosh, you're a swell animal trainer, Mr. Beatty.
04:58Hey, Clyde, your new lion Samson's here.
05:01I'll try him out right away.
05:02You better let him alone until he's had time to cool off.
05:05They're all bad at first.
05:06We might as well get acquainted now as any time.
05:08Can we watch you train him, Mr. Beatty?
05:10All right.
05:11Be sure you hang on to Spot.
05:12I don't want to take any chances.
05:13Don't worry.
05:14I won't let him get at your lions.
05:21He's all right.
05:22He's all right.
05:23Don't let out cat growl.
05:31Open the door.
05:40I think you'd better wait here.
05:48All right, Joe.
06:02Hold it, Joe.
06:03That's close enough.
06:08So you're Samson the lion killer.
06:10Just to show you I don't think you're so tough,
06:13All right, Joe.
06:14I'll call you Sammy.
06:15All right.
06:25Come here.
06:26Come here.
06:40All right, for the rope.
06:44All right, Joe.
06:45Give Sammy some more room.
06:46Take it easy, old boy.
06:47We're not going to hurt you.
06:48Start getting him down to the chute.
07:11And be sure you hang on to that rope.
07:12I'll take care of this.
07:18All right, open up that door.
07:28What you going to do?
07:30Shoot the lion?
07:31No, these are just planks.
07:33But the lion doesn't know it.
07:56All set, Clyde.
07:57Okay, start him down.
07:59Look out, Clyde.
08:00The lion's loose.
08:02Look out, Clyde.
08:13The lion's loop.
08:30We gotta get a hold of that rope!
08:33We got it!
08:34Hey, you kids! Get away from them!
08:37Give me that!
08:38Now, beat it!
08:59Now, Mr. Brady! Mr. Brady, there's a gun!
09:29That's enough for today, boys.
09:36Gee, that was a close call.
09:38Sure glad you got out of that, Clyde.
09:40I was shocked he stumbled. He couldn't help it.
09:43I sort of stumbled myself a minute ago.
09:45It's gonna take a lot of hard work to train Sammy for my new act.
09:48But he's worth it.
09:52Are you all right, Mr. Brady?
09:54Clyde, it hurts, did it?
09:55Gosh, I was scared.
09:57You haven't got nothing on me.
09:59Thanks, Sammy. I sure needed that gun.
10:01Oh, if my dog would have been here, you wouldn't have needed a gun or nothing.
10:05I'm gonna show you kids something.
10:08Come on.
10:11How'd you like that?
10:12Aren't they cute?
10:14How old are they, Mr. Brady?
10:16Just two weeks old.
10:17Hey, Pete!
10:18How'd you kids like a ride on an elephant?
10:20That is huge!
10:21Yes, Mr. Brady.
10:22Give my friends a good long ride on Jumbo.
10:24Will you, Pete?
10:26How'd Samson work out?
10:27Fine, Mr. Maitland.
10:28He's just what I needed to complete my mixed animal act.
10:31You can go ahead now and get out your advertising.
10:33Not so fast, young man.
10:34Good posters cost money.
10:36I gotta see that act first.
10:38I was right about my 20 lions and 20 tigers act, wasn't I?
10:41You sure were.
10:42But mixing lions, bears, and the Lord knows what, all in one cage is something else.
10:47You'll never do it, Clyde.
10:49The big animals will kill the smaller ones, sure as shooting.
10:53But I can keep them from fighting.
10:55We're moosin' together already.
10:56It'll be a great act, won't it?
10:58Yes, if you can do it.
11:00But you'll have to show me.
11:02All right.
11:03Best rehearsal next week.
11:14Ladies and gentlemen,
11:17Maitland's Mammoth Circus
11:21now presents the most sensational spectacle
11:26in the history of the world.
11:30The most vicious man killers
11:33ever assembled under one roof
11:36will now be worked together
11:40in the big cage
11:42for the first time in any circus
11:46by the world's greatest animal trainer
11:51Mr. Clyde Beatty.
12:05Boss, I got a swell idea for the poster.
12:07It's colossal.
12:08Now, up here in this corner,
12:09we'll have 10 lions coming out of a thick jungle.
12:12No, 30 lions.
12:13And over here...
12:14Just a minute, Henderson.
12:15Suppose we wait and see if Clyde's acting as good as he says.
12:19Here they come.
13:15Playful little fellas.
13:41What I'm worried about is what's going to happen
13:44when the tigers get in there.
15:25All right, let the lions in.
15:33Hey, come on.
15:34Come on, boys.
15:35Get in there.
15:36Come on.
15:39Just wait until Sammy gets in there.
15:42Clyde's sure going to have plenty of trouble with this baby.
15:44Come on, Sammy.
15:46Sammy, get in there.
17:34It's a success!
17:36Billet does the biggest thing Clyde's ever done!
17:39Boy, watch my smoke!
18:06What did I tell you?
18:15Sammy, Nellie!
18:53That boy sure knows his stuff.
18:55And it's a good thing for him that he does.
19:02Well, how'd you like the show?
19:04It's marvelous, Clyde.
19:06But I'm afraid you'll never be able to keep that tiger and Sammy in the same cage.
19:10Don't worry, Mr. Maitland.
19:12By the time this season's over, they'll be kissing each other.
19:41It's season, Clyde.
19:42In fact, we've had several great seasons.
19:44And every year, you've come through with an act more sensational than the one before.
19:49Thank you, Mr. Maitland. It's nice of you to say that.
19:52Yeah, but the public will expect an even bigger thrill next year.
19:55And I don't see how you're going to give it to them.
19:59Well, I guess I'll have to let you know a little secret.
20:02I'm going to the jungle and get some wild animals in their native haunts.
20:05You mean shoot them?
20:07No! Bring them back alive!
20:09Boy, what an idea!
20:11It's a wonder I didn't think of it myself.
20:14Imagine the publicity!
20:16Clyde Beattie, he traps them and trains them.
20:18Boy, it's colossal! It's stupendous! It's mammoth! It's...
20:22Oh, I said that.
20:23But where are you going, Clyde?
20:24To India, first for tigers.
20:26Then to Africa for lions.
20:27There's a boat sailing...
20:28Boat? What do you mean, boat?
20:30You'll do nothing of the kind.
20:31Not while I'm handling the publicity for the greatest show on earth.
20:34What are you driving at, Larry?
20:35I've got the biggest publicity stunt that was ever pulled.
20:38They're starting a new trans-Pacific airline next week.
20:40The dirigible victory is making her maiden voyage.
20:42Can't you see the story?
20:43Queen of the Sky transports Clyde Beattie on the first leg of his journey to bring him back alive.
20:47Why, man, we'll crash the front page of every newspaper in the world.
21:14It must take a lot of nerve for a man to go into a cage with wild animals.
21:17It sure does, Doctor.
21:19And, uh, I've had many, and they'll escape.
21:23You work in Mr. Beattie's act?
21:25Well, not exactly, but I'm always standing by in case anything happens.
21:29Beattie never makes a move without me.
21:31Why, I taught him everything he knows.
21:34Well, that's a good thing.
21:36I'm sure he'll be all right.
21:38Beattie never makes a move without me.
21:40Why, I taught him everything he knows.
21:43There's that guy Sharky running off at the mouth again.
21:46I can't understand why you brought him along on this trip.
21:49Will you hold the other end of the rope while I'm taking a live tiger out of a trap?
21:53Or putting a snared lion into a cage?
21:56Who, me?
21:57Ha! Not on your life.
21:59Well, that's why I'm taking Sharky along.
22:03Hey, X-ray, here you are, mister.
22:06All about the victory.
22:07Giant airship sighted far at sea.
22:11After several hours of beautiful, clear weather,
22:14a radio dispatch from the victory reports
22:16that the dirigible is heading into a severe storm.
22:19However, no alarm is felt for the safety of the ship and her passengers
22:23as every precaution is being taken by Captain Bannister and his crew.
22:27I don't think this idea is so hot after all.
22:30Oh, there's nothing to worry about.
22:32That's merely your personal opinion.
22:34For goodness' sake, let's have some music.
22:37Come on.
22:38Come on.
22:39Come on.
22:40Come on.
22:41Come on.
22:42Come on.
22:43Come on.
22:44Come on.
22:45Come on.
22:46Come on.
22:47Come on.
22:48Come on.
22:49Come on.
22:50Come on.
22:51Come on.
22:52Come on.
22:53Come on.
22:54Come on.
22:55Come on.
22:56Let's have some music.
23:00Something's happened to the radio.
23:02The lightning struck it.
23:10The radio's gone dead, sir.
23:12Check your antenna.
23:18We're being blown off our course, sir.
23:20Dump the rest to the ballast.
23:27Captain, the ship's breaking up.
23:29Where is it?
23:30Where is it?
23:31I don't see it.
23:32I don't see it.
23:37Check the other sections and report back to me.
23:44We're falling.
23:48We're falling.
23:49We're falling.
23:50We're falling.
23:51We're falling.
23:52We're falling.
23:53We're falling.
23:54We're falling.
23:55We're falling.
23:56We're falling.
23:57We're falling.
23:58We're falling.
23:59We're falling.
24:00We're falling.
24:01We're falling.
24:02We're falling.
24:03We're falling.
24:04We're falling.
24:05We're falling.
24:06We're falling.
24:07We're falling.
24:08We're falling.
24:09We're falling.
24:10We're falling.
24:11We're falling.
24:12We're falling.
24:13We're falling.
24:14We're falling.
24:15We're falling.
24:16We're falling.
24:17We're falling.
24:18We're falling.
24:19We're falling.
24:20We're falling.
24:21We're falling.
24:22We're falling.
24:23We're falling.
24:24We're falling.
24:25We're falling.
24:26We're falling.
24:27We're falling.
24:28We're falling.
24:29We're falling.
24:30We're falling.
24:31We're falling.
24:32We're falling.
24:33We're falling.
24:34We're falling.
24:35We're falling.
24:36We're falling.
24:37We're falling.
24:38We're falling.
24:39We're falling.
24:40We're falling.
24:41We're falling.
24:42We're falling.
24:43We're falling.
24:44We're falling.
24:45We're falling.
24:46We're falling.
24:47We're falling.
24:48We're falling.
24:49We're falling.
24:50We're falling.
24:51We're falling.
24:52We're falling.
24:53Half the ship sank at the point where she crashed.
24:56What happened to the other half?
24:58The victory was built of successive layers of gas cells, Admiral.
25:02Only half of it has been found.
25:04I am of the opinion that the other half may still be floating through the air.
25:09Free ballooning.
25:10Could it be possible?
25:11Oh, yes.
25:12Like the acorn?
25:13We started eating before we ever went into the banquet room.
25:22They served delicious appetizers of caviar on golden brown toast.
25:28I passed up the soup and the fish and a lot of other things because I wanted to save my
25:32appetite for the roast turkey.
25:34You never saw such a turkey in all your life.
25:39It was stuffed with chestnuts and served with cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, plenty of
25:46giblet gravy.
25:48And for a side dish, they had barbecued ham with raisin sauce.
25:54You'll pardon me if I don't save this for dessert, but after 10 days of crackers, I'm
25:58sure that blackberry pie would give me a stomach ache.
26:07How did he guess we had blackberry pie?
26:09He didn't have to guess.
26:11You've told us about that banquet at least 20 times.
26:15Look out there!
26:19The land!
26:26Why is it an island?
26:27The wind is scaring us toward it.
26:29According to my calculations, there shouldn't be any land in this part of the ocean.
26:32Why, it's all covered with jungle.
26:45At the rate we're traveling, we'll be over the island in no time.
26:52Can't we bail out in parachutes?
26:54There aren't any.
26:55They were lost to the other part of the ship.
26:57Isn't there any way we can land?
26:59Well, we can let the gas out, but there's no way of controlling the ship.
27:03You mean we might crash?
27:06Well, anything is better than staying up here and starving to death.
27:10Let's take a chance.
27:14Let's go.
27:33The valve's broken. The gas is escaping too fast.
27:37We're heading straight for the island.
27:39We're bound to crash.
28:06We need to get out of here.
29:36We need to get out of here.
