Ohio Protesters Defy COVID-19 Quarantine Orders

  • 4 years ago
Nearly 100 protesters descended Thursday on the Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio in defiance of Gov. Mike DeWine's coronavirus stay-at-home order, claiming it violates their constitutional rights of freedom of assembly and freedom of religion during the Holy Week that precedes the Easter holiday.

Activists demanded the government reopen Ohio's economy and public spaces, despite warnings from public health experts that deadly COVID-19 remains highly contagious.

Most of the protesters stayed six feet away from each other, following the government's social distancing guidelines.

The stay-at-home order, recently extended to May 1, is intended to curb the disease’s spread. But Ben Shuler, a masked political activist carrying a semi-automatic rifle, told Zenger News that the restrictions infringe on his rights.

“The Democrats have come out saying the boogeyman is out to get you and, ‘If you give us your freedom we’ll protect you,’” said Shuler.
