• 5 years ago
Passed | 20min | Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror | 1 March 1931 (USA)

American adventurer Richard Grant is falsely accused of murdering an Indian noble and escapes to Africa in search of diamond field and the real culprit.

Director: Richard Thorpe

Writers: Wyndham Gittens, Ford Beebe

Stars: Walter Miller, Nora Lane, Tom Santschi
00:30A tiger which he was hunting slew the Raja of Rampur, and the stroke of its paw has changed
00:59the destiny of Robert Grant, a young American. To save the Raja's kingdom from a pretender,
01:05Grant assumed the dying ruler's identity and was accused of having murdered the Raja. Proof
01:11of Grant's innocence exists in the form of a letter written by the Raja before his death.
01:17A hunter named Harris has the letter in his possession. Grant has escaped from prison,
01:24disguised as an Arab. His real identity is known only to Muriel Armitage, a girl who has befriended
01:32him. Muriel's brother Tom has been accidentally wounded by a woman known as Mrs. LaSalle,
01:38who had plotted with Harris and an Arab named Mustafa to make Tom reveal the location of a
01:44rich diamond deposit. Suddenly, Harris's ferocious ape man, Deming, seizes Tom in his terrible flesh.
02:44Holly, take him to our camp. I will follow later. Are you leaving? I thought my brother was with you. I haven't seen him for half an hour.
03:14Tom? Tom? Oh, Harry. Well, what's the news? You were right about women selling you out. What do you mean? Mrs. LaSalle is on the boat now, running away with the boy. What? You let her double-cross us like that? You fool. You bungled everything. From now on, I'll look after it myself.
04:14Deming! Come out of there!
05:14I am servant to Mr. Harris. All right, go ahead.
05:44Who's there? Oh, isn't this delightful? I didn't know you were sailing. You know what I'm here for. Where's my brother? I told you, I don't know anything about him. What about this?
06:13Stop writing. They found me after all these years. Who's writing? What do you mean? You're not going to put me off again. Don't stop me. This is a matter of life and death. It will be a matter of life and death if you don't tell me where my brother is.
06:27Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope I haven't hurt you. My goodness, what is the world coming to? Young girls rushing around like mad fools. Oh, I do hope you'll forgive me. Well, don't stand there yapping like a parrot. Help me to my seat. Tickets, please, ladies. Oh, I'm not a passenger. I'm going ashore.
06:53Sure, well, we're away at sea. At sea? Oh. You can't go ashore now, miss. But I haven't any money for my passage. Well, how about the friends who came aboard to see? Can't they pay your passage? I haven't any friends on board. What makes you think you have no friends on board? The idea of you pestering a poor, innocent girl like this. They got a ticket for her as my companion.
07:16No, no, no, not a word, my dear. It's all settled. You'll read to me every morning for two hours and wake me every morning at nine o'clock. Oh, thank you.
07:25Well, number 84 is vacant next door, miss. Seems like it's just made to your order. Oh, fine. The captain is giving a party for the passengers down in the saloon, miss, if you care to come down. Oh, thank you.
07:56How old was this man on God? Thank you. Helen! Mrs. Anthony, that's Ben Olock-Peterson. We're going to have a showdown right now. Beg your pardon, sir, but that lady is not Mrs. Anthony. She ain't, huh? Well, I know better. Just a minute. You can't go in there. Captain's orders.
08:20Never mind. She can't get off that boat. They'll see her.
08:24Oh, it's you. I thought you'd be expecting me. Well, where's the boy? I don't know. I swear I don't. There's no use lying.
08:53Mustafa put me wise. True, I didn't bring that boy on board. Then why did you sail? Because I'm in terror of my life. You saw that guard outside? If you don't produce the boy, that guard won't save you.
09:14There was a man at that porthole. Did you see an Arab running his way? No.
09:44No, it was you. Why, you don't think I shot her, do you? Then why were you running down the passageway as I came around the corner?
10:13You didn't come around the corner, Harris. They saw you running down the passageway yourself. Oh, yeah? Where were you to see so much? What's the matter here?
10:24Take it easy. He can't get off the ship. Don't risk the panic by robbing the passengers.
10:54What are you doing in this room? What do you suppose I'm doing? Covering the evidence of the crime? Madam, you must realize we have found you engaged in a highly suspicious action. I hope you can explain your presence here.
11:12And what if I can't explain? I will have no alternative but to put you under arrest for the murder of Mrs. LaSalle. Send him out and I'll talk to you. Stand on guard.
11:32Secret service agent, eh? Well, you needn't shout it loud enough for the whole ship to hear. This is indeed a surprise, Mrs. uh... Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Colby is the name on the ship's registry, if you please.
11:47You must understand, officer, that we agents must hide our real identity. This is no ordinary murder, but one directly connected with a case I am working on. A case of such importance that I must ask you to keep it as quiet as possible. By all means, Mrs. Colby.
12:17He's getting into the forward hold.
12:47He's getting into the forward hold.
13:12He's getting into the forward hold.
13:25Get back! The animals are loose!
13:47Help! Help! Help me! Help!
13:53Phoebe! Help!
14:25Phoebe! Come back here!
15:14Jump on him and...
15:39Searching other people's baggage seems to be a habit of yours. If I didn't know something about you, I would raise an alarm.
15:47That would be fatal to you.
15:49Fatal to me?
15:50Yes, to you.
15:52What do you mean?
15:53I might be forced to explain how I came into possession of this.
15:58My revolver? Where did you get it?
16:00On the deck outside the window where you threw it after you shot Mrs. LaSalle.
16:04Why should I shoot Mrs. LaSalle?
16:06Because you knew she shot your brother.
16:08My brother shot? When? Where?
16:11Tonight, in Harris' room at the hotel.
16:14Are you sure?
16:15I was there when it happened.
16:20Where are you going?
16:21To the captain to have him question Mr. Harris.
16:24That wouldn't get you anything. Harris is crafty. I know him. He'll stop at nothing and always has a perfect alibi.
16:30Well, that's all the more reason why you should go with me and prove what you say.
16:33Prove? That's why I was in his room at the hotel.
16:36That's why I'm here, searching for proof.
16:40I understand now why you warned me about Mr. Harris.
16:43If my brother has made an enemy of such a man...
16:45Don't worry.
16:47Together we'll find a way to run into her.
16:56Look! There's a wreck dead ahead.
16:59Turn it over!
17:28What was that?
17:42It was the jet!
17:51Turn the light on!
17:54Turn the light on!
18:24Oh, God!
18:48Oh, God!