Intermezzo with Trussty-Jasmine:
Sundanese song
Singer: Figury Cozarino
Titled: Pileuleuyan (Mus K. Wirya)
Song lyrics:
Hayu batur hayu batur.
Urang kumpul sarerea.
Hayu batur hayu batur.
Urang sosonoan heula.
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan.
Sapu nyere pegat simpay.
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan.
Paturay pateupang deui.
Amit mundur amit mundur.
Amit kajalma nu rea.
Amit mundur amit mundur.
Da kuring arek ngumbara.
Note: All brand and product names and associated logos contained within this channel belong to their respective owners and are protected by copyright.
Sundanese song
Singer: Figury Cozarino
Titled: Pileuleuyan (Mus K. Wirya)
Song lyrics:
Hayu batur hayu batur.
Urang kumpul sarerea.
Hayu batur hayu batur.
Urang sosonoan heula.
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan.
Sapu nyere pegat simpay.
Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan.
Paturay pateupang deui.
Amit mundur amit mundur.
Amit kajalma nu rea.
Amit mundur amit mundur.
Da kuring arek ngumbara.
Note: All brand and product names and associated logos contained within this channel belong to their respective owners and are protected by copyright.