• 5 years ago
New Mexico (1951)
Approved | 1h 16min | Western | 18 May 1951 (USA)

A cavalry captain has great difficulty keeping the peace between his tyrannical colonel and an Indian chief bent on revenge.

Director: Irving Reis
Writer: Max Trell (original screenplay)
Stars: Lew Ayres, Marilyn Maxwell, Andy Devine
00:02:53Mr President.
00:03:06Thank you, Major.
00:03:07Rough riding, Mr President.
00:03:09Oh, I'm used to it.
00:03:10Cavalry horses ride smoother than an
00:03:12armchair in the White House.
00:03:14Ms Lincoln used to be in the cavalry, Major.
00:03:15The Illinois Volunteers.
00:03:17Captain Abe Lincoln.
00:03:19Where is your Lieutenant Hunt, Major?
00:03:23Mr Hunt.
00:03:28I'm glad to meet you, Lieutenant.
00:03:30I want to thank you for the excellence of your reports on the Indian situation here in the New Mexico territory.
00:03:36I thank you, sir. I'd like to share that honor with our Indian scout, Corporal Coyote.
00:03:43At any rate, I'm here because of the fine work of you men. Thank you.
00:03:49Judge Wilcox, I'd like to meet Ackerman now.
00:03:52Certainly, Mr. Preston, if you'll just step this way.
00:04:01Okay, how's that?
00:04:10All right there, come on. Step forward.
00:04:13Come along, come along.
00:04:17Mr. Hunt, take over.
00:04:18Yes, sir.
00:04:24Mr. Preston, allow me to present Ackerman,
00:04:27War Chief of the Indian Nations of the New Mexico Territory.
00:04:34I'm delighted.
00:04:39I cannot speak the language of your people, Ackerman,
00:04:41but I have learned to say we meet as friends.
00:04:49Mr. Preston, Ackerman speaks English.
00:04:52Well, I should think he would, Judge.
00:04:54His family's been in the country longer than any of ours.
00:04:57The great white father honors his red children in coming.
00:05:02As our hands were just linked in friendship,
00:05:05so may we and all our people, both red and white, be linked in peace.
00:05:11I wish it with all my heart.
00:05:13Only evil men, red skin or white, can break this friendship.
00:05:20Then let each of us deal with evil men among us, Ackerman,
00:05:23you as chief of your people and I as president of mine.
00:05:27So may we live and work together, many people, but one nation.
00:05:33Judge Wilcox, will you be good enough to hand me the presentation for Ackerman?
00:05:42I present this to you in the name and with the goodwill
00:05:46of the people of the United States of America.
00:05:54And now, farewell.
00:06:04Free bird!
00:07:48Get out! Get out!
00:07:52Don't want Indians around here!
00:08:11What's going on here, sergeant? Where are you taking these men?
00:08:13They're under arrest, captain.
00:08:15For what?
00:08:16Stealing rations, sir.
00:08:18Won't belong to them, Harrison. Let them go.
00:08:21Colonel McComb's orders, captain.
00:08:24All right, go ahead. I'll speak to the colonel.
00:08:27Yes, sir.
00:08:28Jim, you go ahead.
00:08:36Yes, sir.
00:08:54Hi, birdie.
00:08:55Howdy, captain.
00:08:56Got some mail there for you.
00:08:58Drawer over.
00:08:59Sorry, captain. I ain't the shooter I used to was.
00:09:07Good morning, major.
00:09:12Captain, ma'am. Good morning.
00:09:15Are we near Fort Lewis?
00:09:17You'll be there in a few minutes, ma'am.
00:09:20We know every bump in this road between here and Kansas City.
00:09:23And we're only halfway to where we're going.
00:09:25Bound for Las Vegas, ma'am?
00:09:26Yes. We have an engagement there.
00:09:29This is my niece, Cherry, the well-known entertainer.
00:09:31In the theater.
00:09:33Captain Hunt, ma'am.
00:09:34How do you do?
00:09:35I'm Mrs. Benway, her manager.
00:09:37You've heard of Cherry, I'm sure.
00:09:39Well, I...
00:09:40I'm afraid we're holding up the coach, captain.
00:09:43Are there any accommodations at Fort Union?
00:09:45Oh, you'd be most welcome, I'm sure.
00:09:47Will we be seeing you there?
00:09:49Oh, I'd be honored to show you around, ma'am.
00:09:53I'll be looking forward to seeing you.
00:09:54The Indians!
00:09:59You better go ahead, birdie.
00:10:01Get up! Pancho! Cricket!
00:10:20All right, Acoma, I know what this is all about.
00:10:23My braves must be released.
00:10:25There'll be trouble if you come busting into the fort like this.
00:10:28You better let me handle it. There's some mistake.
00:10:30First two times, maybe.
00:10:32Third time, not, captain.
00:10:34All right, follow me. I'll get it fixed.
00:11:01Let's go see who's in the coach, Sarge.
00:11:03You expecting somebody?
00:11:05Get busy.
00:11:07Wahoo! It's Gary!
00:11:12Oh, what?
00:11:14Gary! Gary!
00:11:16Gary! Gary!
00:11:18Gary! Gary!
00:11:20Gary! Gary!
00:11:22Gary! Gary!
00:11:24Gary! Gary!
00:11:29Hey, Chuck!
00:11:31Make way for Ray!
00:11:55Put me down, boy.
00:11:57Put me down, I said.
00:12:00Getting fancy, huh, Cherry?
00:12:02You didn't act so fancy in Kansas City when the boys...
00:12:12Wait here, Acoma.
00:12:15Captain Hunt!
00:12:22Ready to be shown around.
00:12:24Sorry, I'll be busy.
00:12:36I'd like to request the release of Acoma's three men, Colonel McComb.
00:12:39Request denied.
00:12:41Anything else?
00:12:42May I respectfully remind you, sir, that this is a violation of treaty?
00:12:46I'll rule on that, Captain Hunt.
00:12:48They were arrested for stealing. They're a pack of thieves and beggars.
00:12:51I'm sorry, sir. I can't agree with that.
00:12:53The Indians were taking supplies that belonged to them.
00:12:56That are being withheld illegally.
00:12:58They're getting their supplies as the law provides.
00:13:00If they claim otherwise, lie.
00:13:02I claim otherwise, Mr. Commissioner.
00:13:04I claim they're being cheated and robbed, and it's bound to lead to trouble.
00:13:07I yearn to suggest that...
00:13:08Captain Hunt!
00:13:09If you or the Indians have any accusations to make against the Commissioner,
00:13:12they'll be made through channels.
00:13:14Some of those channels are clogged, sir.
00:13:16Hungry men get impatient.
00:13:17There are ways of dealing with impatience, Hunt.
00:13:20If you'll follow me, I'll show you how we treated smart Indians in the old army.
00:13:26That's an order.
00:13:27Yes, sir.
00:13:36Get out of this fort, Acoma.
00:13:37Now take those braids with you.
00:13:46You will release my men first, Colonel.
00:13:48If they have done wrong, I will have them punished.
00:13:50You'll have them punished!
00:13:52We have our own laws.
00:13:54Ancient, tribal laws.
00:13:56Your president gave us the authority to judge our own people.
00:14:00I don't recognize your authority.
00:14:02When you or any of your people break the laws, we'll do the punishing.
00:14:05Now get!
00:14:08Arrest them!
00:14:11Stop those Indians!
00:14:14Don't shoot! You heard my orders! Fire!
00:14:25The great white father is dead.
00:14:28But his heart could live.
00:14:30You have stopped it again.
00:14:35Lock him up.
00:14:37I owe you a debt, Colonel McComb.
00:14:40Judge Wilcox.
00:14:44I will pay it.
00:14:52Colonel McComb.
00:14:53Bill, what do you want, Hunt?
00:14:54Sir, I request permission to file charges with the Secretary of War
00:14:57concerning the killings that have just taken place.
00:14:59Request denied.
00:15:01You're under arrest for attempting to counterman the superior officer's orders.
00:15:04As such, you have no legal rights unless cleared by courts martial.
00:15:08You will confine yourself to quarters.
00:15:10Yes, sir.
00:15:24Back to work.
00:15:37A long time ago, you said that no matter what happened,
00:15:39these words would remind us that we are friends.
00:15:43Will you say them?
00:15:45The friendship is broken.
00:15:47The friendship is broken.
00:15:49The friendship is broken.
00:15:50Will you say them?
00:15:52The friendship is broken.
00:15:54The earth has tasted the blood of my warriors.
00:15:57It cries out for vengeance.
00:15:59I understand how you feel.
00:16:01Anyway, take this back.
00:16:03Belongs to you.
00:16:06If you're planning to raise the hatchet, Akim,
00:16:08a don't would be a big mistake.
00:16:11Indians are not afraid to die, Captain Hunt.
00:16:13I know that.
00:16:14But you're letting a few evil men make you forget all the good that's been done.
00:16:17Souls of my dead warriors will not rest until their murderers lie beside them.
00:16:22We have laws too, Akim.
00:16:23They take a little time.
00:16:25But the man who ordered your men shot will be punished.
00:16:28That I promise.
00:16:31The promises of white men are like dust in the wind.
00:16:35Listen to me, Akim. I'm your friend.
00:16:37But if you take the law into your own hands,
00:16:38there'll be war and you'll make me your enemy.
00:16:41Don't do that.
00:16:42Give me some sign to your braves not to raise the hatchet.
00:16:47The hatchet is already raised.
00:17:47The hatchet is already raised.
00:18:18The first of my debts has been paid, Captain Hunt.
00:18:21Do not come after me.
00:18:22Or there will be more.
00:18:30Alarm the post!
00:18:48Come on!
00:18:59On the double! On the double!
00:19:01I warned you about a double attack!
00:19:06Hunt and Vermont went after him.
00:19:07No chance to catch Akim in the night.
00:19:10Is that what you're hoping, you doggy?
00:19:12All right! Break it up as you were, Anderson!
00:19:17You've got Captain Hunt to thank for this, you know that?
00:19:20Indian attack! Colonel McComb's been murdered!
00:19:23No, no, no, no. It'll be all right. It'll be all right.
00:19:27Take it easy, fellas.
00:19:30Here comes Captain Hunt!
00:19:38Any luck, Captain?
00:19:39Too dark. Not a chance.
00:19:40Double the guard, Sergeant.
00:19:41Order all troops out. Full field equipment.
00:19:43Yes, sir.
00:19:45Mr. Vermont.
00:19:46Yes, sir.
00:19:47Troops A and D will remain to guard the fort.
00:19:49All civilians to be evacuated to Fort Reed.
00:19:51Two platoons to escort them.
00:19:52All transportation west is suspended until further notice.
00:19:55Yes, sir.
00:19:56I want volunteers for a small patrol to leave it gone.
00:19:59There's a chance to settle this thing without war if we don't go out and strike.
00:20:02Before you decide, I want to warn you that it's a dangerous chance.
00:20:05But I think it'll work.
00:20:07All right, who's coming?
00:20:09Sergeant Garrity, sir.
00:20:10Sergeant Garrity, sir.
00:20:13Van Vechten.
00:20:18We'll travel light, Sergeant. Five days rationing.
00:20:20Better see that these men get some sleep. There won't be much from here on.
00:20:23Yes, sir.
00:20:24All right, get your tag together and hit the sack on the double.
00:20:27Captain Hunt.
00:20:29We don't wish to go east.
00:20:31Well, there's a stage leaving tomorrow. You better take it.
00:20:33We happen to want to go west. Is that any of your business?
00:20:37Yes, it's my business.
00:20:38Hakim and his Indians are moving that way. I've stopped all traffic west.
00:20:43The judge offered to take us to Santa Fe.
00:20:45No dice. Not Santa Fe or Albuquerque or Tucson either.
00:20:49He asked us to leave.
00:20:51Stop being fancy. They run us out.
00:20:57Couldn't you make that Las Vegas, Judge?
00:21:00Captain Hunt wouldn't like that, would he?
00:21:06Mr. Vermont!
00:21:08I think that you should insist that Captain Hunt turn the command over to you.
00:21:11You do?
00:21:12Yes, because I doubt his fitness or his desire to catch Hakim.
00:21:15And furthermore, he's under arrest. I myself heard the colonel ordered.
00:21:20I didn't hear a thing, Judge.
00:21:24Come in.
00:21:32Yes, Mr. Vermont?
00:21:33Captain, mightn't it be better if I took this patrol out alone?
00:21:39What do you mean by that?
00:21:41Just a suggestion, sir.
00:21:46We leave at dawn, Mr. Vermont. Under my command.
00:21:52Yes, sir.
00:23:09Which way the tracks go, Coyote?
00:23:11All ways. All time. Move. Take everyone.
00:23:15Squaws, little ones, dogs.
00:23:18Feel war, Captain.
00:23:20Don't you think it'd be wise to go back for reinforcements?
00:23:22I know Hakim, he's going to try and take the five nations in the warpath with him.
00:23:25That's what we're trying to prevent, Mr. Vermont.
00:23:27Track the horses, Coyote.
00:23:38Track the horses.
00:24:08Track the horses.
00:25:05You thinking of climbing that, Captain?
00:25:09That's the idea, Mr. Vermont.
00:25:12Coyote, Garrity.
00:25:15Yes, sir?
00:25:16I want you, Harriton, Anderson, Daniels and Lindley.
00:25:19With rifles and one canteen of water on the double.
00:25:21Yes, sir.
00:25:22Have the rest of the men cover us as we climb.
00:25:24We run into trouble, don't come up. Just get the men back to the fort.
00:25:28You'll find a waterhole if you go back by way of Temple Dome.
00:25:32Lead the way, Coyote.
00:25:55Let's go.
00:25:57Let's go.
00:26:21Coyote, Garrity, Daniels, come with me.
00:26:23The rest of you go with Harriton.
00:26:25And watch it.
00:26:55Let's go.
00:27:25Let's go.
00:27:56I had a hunch we'd find something here.
00:27:59Guess I was wrong.
00:28:06Come on.
00:28:25Come on.
00:29:29I thought we was after engines, Captain.
00:29:31Couldn't you see there were kids?
00:29:32They grow up.
00:29:33Take his guns, Daniels.
00:29:42He's dead, Captain.
00:29:55I'm sorry about this, but why did you ring that bell?
00:30:01Who were you trying to signal?
00:30:06All right, son.
00:30:08I'm not your son.
00:30:10Your soldier killed my brother.
00:30:13Someday I kill him.
00:30:17I could make him talk if you'd let me.
00:30:20I'll bet you could.
00:30:22Get out of my sight!
00:30:25Let's go.
00:30:33Ackerman's boy, aren't you?
00:30:37We'll have to get down to the bottom as fast as we can
00:30:38and warn the men to be on the alert for an attack.
00:30:40Yes, sir.
00:30:41Lindley, you stay here and keep your eyes open.
00:30:42Fire a shot if you see anything on the horizon.
00:30:44Yes, sir.
00:30:45Garrity, take care of the boy.
00:30:46Come on, Coyote.
00:30:48Come on, Charlie.
00:30:50What is it, Coyote?
00:30:51I hear many horses coming.
00:30:53Hold it!
00:30:56Are you sure, Coyote?
00:30:57I can see for miles, not a trace.
00:30:59Maybe it's our own horses below.
00:31:01Yes, maybe so.
00:31:19Come on down, quick!
00:31:38Don't fall back!
00:31:40Don't fall back!
00:31:43Don't fall back!
00:31:50Don't fall back!
00:32:03Don't fall back!
00:32:05Don't fall back!
00:32:09Don't fall back!
00:32:19Don't fall back!
00:32:49Don't fall back!
00:32:50Don't fall back!
00:32:51Don't fall back!
00:32:52Don't fall back!
00:32:53Don't fall back!
00:32:54Don't fall back!
00:32:55Don't fall back!
00:32:56Don't fall back!
00:32:57Don't fall back!
00:32:58Don't fall back!
00:32:59Don't fall back!
00:33:00Don't fall back!
00:33:01Don't fall back!
00:33:02Don't fall back!
00:33:03Don't fall back!
00:33:04Don't fall back!
00:33:05Don't fall back!
00:33:06Don't fall back!
00:33:07Don't fall back!
00:33:08Don't fall back!
00:33:09Don't fall back!
00:33:10Don't fall back!
00:33:11Don't fall back!
00:33:12Don't fall back!
00:33:13Don't fall back!
00:33:14Don't fall back!
00:33:15Don't fall back!
00:33:16Don't fall back!
00:33:17Don't fall back!
00:33:18Don't fall back!
00:33:19Don't fall back!
00:33:20Don't fall back!
00:33:21Don't fall back!
00:33:22Don't fall back!
00:33:23Don't fall back!
00:33:24Don't fall back!
00:33:25Don't fall back!
00:33:26Don't fall back!
00:33:27Don't fall back!
00:33:28Don't fall back!
00:33:29Don't fall back!
00:33:30Don't fall back!
00:33:31Don't fall back!
00:33:32Don't fall back!
00:33:33Don't fall back!
00:33:34Don't fall back!
00:33:35Don't fall back!
00:33:36Don't fall back!
00:33:37Don't fall back!
00:33:38Don't fall back!
00:33:39Don't fall back!
00:33:40Don't fall back!
00:33:41Don't fall back!
00:33:42Don't fall back!
00:33:43Don't fall back!
00:33:44Don't fall back!
00:33:45Don't fall back!
00:33:46Don't fall back!
00:33:47Don't kill me!
00:33:48Don't kill me!
00:33:49You're all right, little one.
00:34:02It's all right.
00:34:03It's expected, isn't it?
00:34:17Those are yours, those bullets, like honeydew or bees.
00:34:19Take it off.
00:34:20No, no, no.
00:34:21That there green, good luck.
00:34:22Very high honor for an Indian.
00:34:24Always must wear it.
00:34:48They've got them!
00:34:55Get that refreshment.
00:34:56We'll get three bucks.
00:34:57Situation's changed.
00:34:58Six bucks.
00:34:59Six bucks.
00:35:00Six bucks.
00:35:01Take it or don't.
00:35:02I'll take it.
00:35:03I'll tell you later.
00:35:04One swig, any more and it comes out through your neck.
00:35:07I'll take it.
00:35:08I'll take it.
00:35:09I'll take it.
00:35:10I'll take it.
00:35:11I'll take it.
00:35:12I'll take it.
00:35:13I'll take it.
00:35:14I'll take it.
00:35:15One swig, any more and it comes out through your neck.
00:35:24Hold your fire!
00:35:39He wants a truce.
00:35:41Captain Hunt!
00:35:49Stay down and be quiet, Charlie.
00:35:55I warn you not to come after me, Captain.
00:35:57We can kill you all now.
00:35:59But that is still not my wish.
00:36:01We will allow you and your men to return to the fort safely.
00:36:05We'll be glad to.
00:36:08We'll be glad to.
00:36:10We want you to come with us.
00:36:12I always know you are a brave man, Captain.
00:36:15But I did not think you were a fool.
00:36:17You're right, Ackam.
00:36:18I'm not.
00:36:20You killed four of my men trying to lead us away from this rock.
00:36:22We're here.
00:36:23You tried to ambush us and failed.
00:36:25You attacked us and were beaten off.
00:36:27The attack made you use bullets, Captain.
00:36:29A lot of them found their mark.
00:36:31But you have not many more left.
00:36:34Not bullets, not food.
00:36:37Not water.
00:36:47Take this water and go.
00:36:50Why are you so anxious to get us away from rock with wings, Ackam?
00:36:55Live while you can, Captain.
00:37:00I want my son!
00:37:03I want my son!
00:37:07I want my son.
00:37:09I also want the man who killed my oldest son.
00:37:12Your son will be safer with us.
00:37:14The man who killed your other son will be punished.
00:37:16You must return to face your punishment too, Ackam.
00:37:19Or else we will fight.
00:37:21Each of us must do what he believes is right, Captain.
00:37:26I have a thousand well-armed men.
00:37:28Many more tribes will join me.
00:37:31We let you think a while.
00:37:33Then we fight.
00:37:35No, wait!
00:37:36He's offering a truce!
00:37:38You can't turn down a truce!
00:37:42Look here, Hunter.
00:37:43How dare you turn down Ackam's truce?
00:37:45What right have you got to expose us to certain death?
00:37:48No, we're not your soldiers!
00:37:50I accept, Ackam!
00:37:53I did not know the judge was in the coach.
00:37:55The times have changed.
00:37:57I want him too.
00:37:58You ask for the truce, we'll make the terms.
00:38:01Then prepare to die, Captain.
00:38:05You will need this.
00:38:52Gather all canteens, remaining supplies and ammunition.
00:38:54Link the horses.
00:38:55We're going to the top.
00:38:57Everyone, go to the top!
00:38:58We're going to the top!
00:39:23I just can't go another step.
00:39:26Captain, Hunter.
00:39:27You don't expect us to climb any further, do you?
00:39:30I don't see that you have any alternative.
00:39:32These women are exhausted.
00:39:34They've been through torture.
00:39:35They were given orders not to come this way.
00:39:37They disregarded them.
00:39:39You can stay down here if you like.
00:39:40We're going to the top.
00:39:41You mean you desert us here?
00:39:42Never mind, Judge.
00:39:44We'll go on.
00:39:50Help the ladies.
00:39:55Easy now, fellas.
00:39:56Take a few deep breaths.
00:39:58Up the daisy.
00:40:15I don't remember you turning in your canteen, Trooper.
00:40:17It was empty.
00:40:18I left it below.
00:40:20All right.
00:40:22I'll trade with you.
00:40:23That ain't water.
00:40:25I'll talk to you on time.
00:40:50More brave joined Acoma while you were climbing, sir.
00:40:52Just keep watching them, Lindley.
00:40:53Yes, sir.
00:40:54Issue one ration of water all around.
00:40:56Only one.
00:40:57We certainly could have used the water Acoma offered us, sir.
00:41:00That was another decoy, Mr. Vermont,
00:41:02to keep us from looking around up here.
00:41:03Now, you organize a search detail.
00:41:05I think you'll find water.
00:41:07Maybe something more.
00:41:08Yes, sir.
00:41:09Let's go, Coyote.
00:41:25I don't think he's going to find water under these rocks.
00:41:29Hard enough to hit an Indian with a bullet.
00:41:31Now we're going to throw rocks at him.
00:41:39What's the matter, Sarge?
00:41:41I wonder if it's too late to join the Navy.
00:42:22Fire not good.
00:42:23Indian make better.
00:42:24What's the matter with it?
00:42:26White men make big fire.
00:42:28Sit back.
00:42:30Indian make small fire.
00:42:32Sit near.
00:42:34Oh, they're just too lazy to get wood, Charlie.
00:42:42Should have gone to West Point.
00:42:46All you do is carry two bars and give orders.
00:42:49I don't know what to do with all my spare time now.
00:42:52Well, Acoma ain't going to give you as much spare time as you think.
00:42:59Can't you get him out of here?
00:43:01Haven't earned a few minutes rest without an Indian drilling me with his eyes.
00:43:06Go on! Get out of here!
00:43:09Come on, Charlie.
00:43:11You're scaring the big soldiers. Come on.
00:43:22We'll stay over here, Charlie.
00:43:25You like to be Charlie's friend?
00:43:27Why, I am your friend.
00:43:29I give you present.
00:43:31Old Indian arrowhead.
00:43:34Well, thanks, Charlie.
00:43:36We friends?
00:43:39Now you give Charlie present.
00:43:41Anything you want, Charlie.
00:43:43I want gun.
00:43:45I kill him.
00:43:46Oh, now, Charlie, you can't do that.
00:43:48No more friends.
00:43:51Indian giver.
00:43:57Captain Hunt was right.
00:43:59We shouldn't have come.
00:44:01I'll never get off the top of this rock alive.
00:44:04Don't you believe it, Feathers.
00:44:06To show you my faith in the future, I'm hereby proposing to you.
00:44:10We'll get married in San Francisco with all the trimmings.
00:44:16It'll be just like St. Louis.
00:44:19Remember the night I freezed that steamboat, ma'am?
00:44:22Oh, the way the champagne closed.
00:44:25The drinks I passed up in my time.
00:44:28Oh, I wouldn't give for one right now.
00:44:32A little extra ration on private parcels.
00:44:38I thought it was water.
00:44:41Where did you get this?
00:44:48I'm real obliged to you.
00:44:52To show you my gratitude.
00:44:54How about a little game?
00:44:56Oh, Andrew, you'll never change.
00:44:59How can you think of gambling when we may be murdered any minute?
00:45:03You mean them Indians?
00:45:05Let them come.
00:45:06They got wampum.
00:45:08I'll play them.
00:45:10You got wampum?
00:45:11I'll play them.
00:45:13All right, gentlemen.
00:45:14Gather round.
00:45:16Keep your mind off your troubles and get rich at the same time.
00:45:22And little Joe.
00:45:24What never got his face washed.
00:45:28Stay where you are.
00:45:30All right.
00:45:35Back of Mr. Ring, sir?
00:45:37Not yet, Sergeant.
00:45:38But he will be.
00:45:39If I know him, he's determined to get up here at all costs.
00:45:42Those rocks will hold him.
00:45:44We can stop most of them, but some will get through.
00:45:47We gotta get word back to Port Union.
00:45:49I'll go, sir.
00:45:50I'd like to try it.
00:45:51I can make it, Captain.
00:45:53We'll draw for this one.
00:45:54It's a long chance.
00:45:55I want it equal.
00:45:57How about high cards, sir?
00:45:59All right, Sergeant.
00:46:01Just for luck.
00:46:02Suppose you let someone else deal.
00:46:04Certainly, sir.
00:46:05I'll just stir them a bit.
00:46:10You cut them, Feathers.
00:46:39Just a minute, Sergeant.
00:46:43Let's give you another cut.
00:46:47Anyone off the top?
00:46:51Little Joe.
00:46:58Feathers, my love.
00:46:59There's my dowry.
00:47:03See you in Frisco.
00:47:07Good hunting, troopers.
00:47:13I didn't help him much.
00:47:23He always liked his odds long, Lieutenant.
00:47:38You still acting fancy, Cherry?
00:47:40Let her go.
00:47:42How about a song, Cherry?
00:47:44Yeah, Cherry.
00:47:46I don't feel much like singing, boys.
00:47:48Oh, go ahead, Cherry.
00:47:49It'll perk everybody up and make you feel better, too.
00:47:54Okay, Sarge.
00:47:55Just for you.
00:48:02Soldiers, soldiers.
00:48:05Soldiers, soldiers, won't you marry me now?
00:48:08With your rifle, fife, and drum.
00:48:11How can I marry such a pretty girl as you
00:48:14When I've got no hat to put on?
00:48:17When I've got no hat to put on?
00:48:23So off to the hat shop she did go
00:48:26Hard as she could run
00:48:29Brought him back the finest hat there was
00:48:32And the soldier put it on
00:48:35And the soldier put it on
00:48:38Soldiers, soldiers, won't you marry me now?
00:48:41With your rifle, fife, and drum
00:48:44How can I marry such a pretty girl as you
00:48:47When I've got no coat to put on?
00:48:50When I've got no coat to put on?
00:48:53So off to the tailor she did go
00:48:56As hard as she could run
00:48:59Brought him back the finest hat there was
00:49:01And the soldier put it on
00:49:04And the soldier put it on
00:49:07Soldiers, soldiers, won't you marry me now?
00:49:10With your rifle, fife, and drum
00:49:13How can I marry such a pretty girl as you
00:49:16When I've got no shoes to put on?
00:49:19When I've got no shoes to put on?
00:49:22So off to the shoe shop she did go
00:49:25As hard as she could run
00:49:28Brought him back the finest hat there was
00:49:30And the soldier put it on
00:49:33And the soldier put it on
00:49:39Soldiers, soldiers, won't you marry me now?
00:49:42With your rifle, fife, and drum
00:49:45How can I marry such a pretty girl as you
00:49:49With a wife and baby at home?
00:49:54With a wife and baby at home
00:49:59Come on, Jerry! Do it like you used to do in Kansas City!
00:50:03Come on, Jerry!
00:50:05All right, boys!
00:50:28Come on!
00:50:36I'm in luck. I'm paying for it now.
00:50:50There he goes!
00:50:51Let him go. He asked for it.
00:50:53You've been asking for it.
00:50:59Go! Go!
00:51:04Let her alone!
00:51:14She's going with me.
00:51:16Are there any votes against it?
00:51:23I happen to need even you.
00:51:25Or my aim would be better.
00:51:27I suppose you could be soldiers
00:51:30If we weren't weighed down with parasites.
00:51:35I can't give orders to them, but I can give them to you.
00:51:38From now on, if I catch any man even talking to one of the civilians
00:51:42He's going down off this rock on his own
00:51:45So the rest of us can stay here and fight.
00:51:57I'd be your friend.
00:52:01Oh, thanks, Charlie.
00:52:04You thirsty?
00:52:06Yes, very.
00:52:10You come with me.
00:52:13You know where there's water?
00:52:15It's a secret.
00:52:27Is this what water is?
00:53:21Oh, I can't tell you how good it is.
00:53:25Do not tell anyone.
00:53:27This secret.
00:53:29Or you, me.
00:53:34Please listen to me, Charlie.
00:53:37Try to understand.
00:53:39We can't let anybody die.
00:53:41Even when we hate them.
00:53:42You break promises.
00:53:47I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
00:54:00I know how you feel.
00:54:02But I've got to tell them about this too.
00:54:05Don't you see it might keep a lot of people from being killed?
00:54:08Yours and mine.
00:54:11Come with me.
00:54:25Where have you been?
00:54:27None of your business.
00:54:28Where have you...
00:54:30Water. You found water.
00:54:32Where's the water?
00:54:33Let go of me.
00:54:55Come on.
00:54:57Come on.
00:55:17You've got to tell them about these guns.
00:55:19That won't be good for Acoma.
00:55:21It won't be good for me either.
00:55:23Charlie, listen.
00:55:24You know the way down the trail in the dark, don't you?
00:55:26Oh, I don't mean that you should go alone.
00:55:28I'll go along with you, and I'll help you.
00:55:30Oh, it'd be a fine, brave thing for you to do.
00:55:33And your father would be so proud of you.
00:55:35And he'd be so happy. He'd let me go free.
00:55:37Oh, show me the way to the trail, will you, Charlie?
00:55:40Soldiers stop you.
00:55:42Oh, don't worry about that.
00:55:44I'll get you by the soldiers.
00:55:45I'll sneak you by. Just you and me.
00:55:47We'll sneak by.
00:55:48Charlie, just think.
00:55:49You could save your father.
00:55:51Will you, Charlie?
00:55:57That's the way.
00:55:59That's the way.
00:56:01We'll get out of here.
00:56:05Captain Hunt.
00:56:06Captain Hunt.
00:56:08Guns. I found them.
00:56:10What are you talking about?
00:56:11The Indian boy.
00:56:12He showed me where the water is.
00:56:14Guns and ammunition are hidden there too.
00:56:17I'll show you.
00:56:22So this is what Acoma was after.
00:56:31Brand new repeating rifles.
00:56:33Enough ammunition to supply the five nations.
00:56:36We can use some of this and we can stop them from getting the rest.
00:56:43Better get going.
00:56:51Let's go.
00:57:09Call off the search for the judge and the Indian boy.
00:57:12He'll know we found the guns now.
00:57:14Wait, wait, Charlie.
00:57:18Look, there's your father.
00:57:20Now you tell him I brought you down, won't you?
00:57:22You tell him I did it for you, won't you?
00:57:24Not two for me.
00:57:25Two for you.
00:57:27Wait, Charlie.
00:57:28No, wait, Charlie.
00:57:29Tell him I'm your friend.
00:57:33They'll do the same.
00:57:34They'll do the same.
00:57:36I brought your son down.
00:57:37I brought you, didn't I?
00:57:38Didn't I?
00:57:39I saved him for you.
00:57:41I don't want any reward for it.
00:57:43I just want you to let me go, that's all.
00:57:45Acoma, I know that you Indians have been misfeeding.
00:57:48And when you do let me go, I'm going to Washington.
00:57:50And I'll do something about it.
00:57:52I'll get them to do something about it.
00:57:54And I'll get a full pardon for you.
00:57:56Because I'm your friend.
00:57:58Do you remember?
00:57:59I was with President Lincoln when he met you.
00:58:01Do you remember?
00:58:03Acoma remembers.
00:58:05Well, he would want you to let me go.
00:58:09The government will be very mad if you don't let me go, Acoma.
00:58:15What are you going to do, Acoma?
00:58:17Acoma, look.
00:58:18I've got a beautiful present for you.
00:58:20It's pure gold.
00:58:21Gold just for you.
00:58:22Absolutely pure gold.
00:58:24And it's all for you.
00:58:26All gold.
00:58:27Just to let me go.
00:58:33No, wait!
00:58:36I brought my son back!
00:58:37I'm your friend!
00:58:47I gave you milk, you remember?
00:58:50I gave you gums.
00:58:52Lichen gums, you recognize?
00:58:54Oh, oh!
00:58:55Oh, get out!
00:58:57Get out!
00:59:10Oh, Acoma!
00:59:12We can expect the attack any minute.
00:59:26I wonder how you'd get transferred out of this outfit.
00:59:31It's an attack now, Captain.
00:59:36Better let me go for help.
00:59:38Only Indians can get through.
00:59:40You will let the coyote go, not lose more men.
00:59:43All right, coyote, go ahead.
00:59:45Good luck.
00:59:46Alert the men, sergeants.
00:59:47Oh, yes.
00:59:48I'm going to get you out of here.
01:00:46All right, boys, let's go, boys, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
01:01:15go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
01:01:43go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
01:02:10go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
01:02:39go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
01:03:08go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
01:03:37go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
01:04:37You're hurt Captain, let me help you.
01:04:59You've got to get to the boardwalk.
01:05:08Put your arm around me.
01:05:30Get me that candle.
01:05:51Hold the end.
01:05:58Get the blanket.
01:06:22Get on the ladder.
01:06:42You better go on up now.
01:06:44I'm not going without you.
01:06:47Go on up, I told you.
01:07:15Thanks for helping me.
01:07:17Oh, that's all right.
01:07:20Good to be needed in life.
01:07:23I haven't had much of that in my life.
01:07:26I'm sorry I didn't see that part of you before.
01:07:30Maybe if we'd have met sooner.
01:07:40Go down.
01:07:41Let's see.
01:07:48The gun.
01:07:49Yeah, a little.
01:08:08Back of us.
01:08:20Take the boy and go.
01:08:24It's your life and his and others now.
01:08:27All right.
01:08:47All right.
01:09:07All right.
01:09:27All right.
