• 5 years ago
Roaring Roads (1935)
Passed | 57min | Action, Crime, Romance | 13 April 1935 (USA)

Young David Morton, heir to millions, has been over-zealously restrained from normal youthful activities by his two old-maid Aunts, Harriet and Agatha. In an outburst from his confinement, he meets lovely Gertrude, and promises to race her injured-brothers car in the Big Race. Between the gangsters trying to win the race by disabling him, and his bungling bodyguards trying to bring him home safely, David has a battle to win the race and Gertrude's heart. He succeeds in winning the race, capturing the gangsters and gets his aunt's understanding release.

Directors: Ray Nazarro (as Raymond Nazarro), Charles E. Roberts (as C. Edward Roberts)
Writers: David Sharpe (story) (as D.H. Sharpe), Charles E. Roberts (adaptation) (as C.E. Roberts)
Stars: David Sharpe, Gertrude Messinger, Mary Kornman
01:09Who's calling?
01:11One moment.
01:12For you, sir.
01:19I can't get a word of that.
01:22Just a moment, please.
01:23Partners, turn it off.
01:24Yes, sir.
01:25Oh, no, not you.
01:34Oh, George, how are you?
01:36You did?
01:38What is it?
01:39A two-seater with a whirlwind?
01:42Oh, that's swell.
01:43I bet it's a beautiful job.
01:45Oh, no, George, I'd love to, but you know how my aunts are.
01:50Oh, but say, when you take it up, will you fly over the house?
01:54Oh, that's fine.
01:56So long.
02:00George bought an airplane.
02:05Harkins, I said George bought an airplane.
02:09Well, sir, I'm sorry to hear it.
02:11I hope the young man doesn't fall down with it.
02:13I know what you're really thinking.
02:15You're tickled to death that I haven't a plane
02:17because I'd fall down and hurt my dear little self.
02:19But please, sir...
02:20Wouldn't you rather die gloriously zipping through the air
02:23than bundle up in a rocking chair before the fireplace?
02:27Really, sir, I hadn't given it much thought.
02:29Well, I have.
02:31Yes, sir.
02:32As far back as I can remember,
02:34my two aunts, you, and those two guards
02:36have been in a conspiracy to prevent my doing anything I might accidentally enjoy.
02:40Please, sir.
02:41Anything I have done has been because I like you.
02:44And I'm sure the rest feel the same way.
02:46You are the only Morton left, sir.
02:48That is, a boy to carry on the name.
02:51I'm sorry to hurt your feelings, Harkins,
02:53but I've heard that a thousand times.
02:55I only wish I was playing Johnson,
02:57could play football, and even throw rocks.
03:00That's all right, sir.
03:02I know how...
03:03Shall we continue with the polo, sir?
03:06I'm never going to play polo again unless it's on a real horse.
03:12The fact still remains.
03:13He was arrested doing 70 miles an hour,
03:15and you were not with him.
03:17Well, it's like Flanagan was explaining, Mom.
03:20I was driving, and David was sitting between us.
03:23We stopped at a sandwich stand,
03:25and Flanagan and me got out to get some sandwiches.
03:28And when I turned around,
03:29the boy was going down the road like a comet.
03:32That's no excuse.
03:33You know how impetuous the boy is.
03:35Your job is to watch him.
03:37He might have been killed.
03:38If I might be so bold as to mention it, Miss Harriet,
03:41I think he's held down too much.
03:43At his age, that'll make a boy desperate.
03:46There's a great deal to that, Harriet.
03:48We've been rather severe with David.
03:50I remember when I was a girl.
03:52That is beyond the point, Agatha.
03:54When our brother died, he entrusted David to our care.
03:57We have a solemn duty to perform,
03:59and sentiment has no part in it.
04:02Well, I still think he's held down too much.
04:06Why, only the other day he told me
04:08that he might strangle Parkins for just a little excitement.
04:11But you don't think he would?
04:14Well, I think he might.
04:17You should not stop your exercise, sir,
04:19until you are ready for your shower.
04:21Or I might catch cold, I presume.
04:24Exercise, that's what I need, exercise.
04:27Please, sir.
04:29Master David, Master David.
04:31Please, you might hurt yourself.
04:36Why, what's that noise?
04:41It sounds like it's upstairs, ma'am.
04:44Go stop it.
04:45At once.
04:46At once.
04:47You too.
04:48Oh, yes, ma'am.
04:52You tire yourself out, Master David.
04:56You tire yourself out, Master David.
05:00Look out, Parkins, they're going to get you.
05:03Master David.
05:06Oh, Master David.
05:07They're going to get you, Parkins.
05:12Please, sir.
05:13Look out, Parkins.
05:16Master David.
05:20Look out, please.
05:22David, stop it.
05:25Master David.
05:27Stop it, David.
05:28Look out, they're going to get you.
05:32Oh, Master David, please, Master David.
05:35Master David, please.
05:36Oh, Master David, please.
05:39Come on.
05:40Mulligan, Mulligan.
05:42Stop them.
05:45Master David.
05:46Oh, please.
05:51Master David, please.
05:56They're going to get you.
06:03There you are, Parkins.
06:05A little workout in a nice cold tub.
06:07Oh, my word.
06:09The trouble with you, Parkins, is you have an athlete's heart.
06:12Yes, sir.
06:13No, sir.
06:14Go get the doctor, quickly.
06:15Yes, ma'am.
06:16Poor David.
06:17Parkins, don't forget the bicycle.
06:20Yes, ma'am.
06:22Hurry it up, poor darling.
06:36Here it is.
06:41David, put your feet down.
06:43It's too hot.
06:45Flanagan, put David's feet in the tub.
06:48Yes, ma'am.
06:54Oh, doctor, I thought you'd never get here.
06:57I got here as quickly as I could.
07:04Is he all right?
07:06I'm afraid so.
07:07We won't need that water.
07:13Well, what is it?
07:14What is the matter?
07:15Tell us, doctor.
07:16What brought this on?
07:17What happened before he fell into the lily pond?
07:20He was chasing Parkins down the stairway.
07:22On the bicycle?
07:23Yes, sir.
07:24All over the house.
07:25Oh, doctor, I was only playing.
07:27Parkins, what caused him to chase you downstairs?
07:30Well, sir, we were having our morning polo practice.
07:33On the mechanical horse?
07:34Yes, sir.
07:35Then Master David said he was not going to play polo anymore unless he had a real horse.
07:40Well, sir, from then on, he suddenly went a bit wild.
07:43If you know what I mean.
07:45He jumped up and down, rolled over on the floor.
07:47A fit.
07:49You didn't tell us that.
07:51No, ma'am.
07:52I forgot.
07:53But it wasn't exactly a fit.
07:55Doctor, I was merely taking a little exercise to let off some steam.
07:59Is it serious, doctor?
08:01Well, in a way.
08:02What is it?
08:03Tell us, doctor.
08:04Well, it's a rather difficult case.
08:06Rather hard to prescribe for.
08:08Tell us, doctor.
08:09We'll do everything we can.
08:11Well, here it is.
08:13David is as sound as a dollar.
08:15In fact, he's disgustingly healthy.
08:19But he's surrounded by a lot of well-meaning folks
08:22who know absolutely nothing about a young man's energy
08:25and try to suppress him at every turn.
08:29I'd been hoping for some time that he'd break loose.
08:35In fact, if he hadn't soon, I would have really been worried about him.
08:43We will see you downstairs, doctor.
08:46Yes, doctor.
08:48Very well.
08:49Come, Agatha.
09:00Can I get out of this tub now?
09:02I see no reason why you can't.
09:04But you're going to have to get out of more than that to make a man of yourself.
09:08Just what do you mean?
09:10I've prescribed enough already.
09:13Now I must go downstairs and hear your aunt tell me
09:16that I'm no longer the family physician.
09:19So, good luck.
09:20Thanks, doctor.
09:21I'll think over what you've said.
09:23No, no, no, no.
09:24Remember, I didn't suggest anything.
09:27Oh, I understand perfectly.
09:33Yes, sir.
09:37I want you to lay out my brown tweed.
09:39But sir, don't you think...
09:40No, and I don't want you to either.
09:42You don't want me to do what, sir?
09:43Well, doctor, he's still downstairs.
09:45I've had enough doctors for one day.
09:47However, you run downstairs and tender my compliments to Mulligan and Flanagan.
09:51Tell them that as soon as I finish dressing, I'd like to go for a stroll.
09:55With their permission and their company.
09:59Yes, sir.
10:04Don't forget, sir, to wear your topcoat and muffler.
10:12Yes, sir.
10:23Miss Harris said the boy was to stay in his room the rest of the day and wear to watch him.
10:27Ain't it? Now, didn't she?
10:29Master David!
10:36What on earth's the matter here?
10:38Oh, the lad won't open the door.
10:43David, open the door interestingly.
11:01Oh, dear. He said he was going to do something desperate.
11:04Why didn't you say that before?
11:06I forgot.
11:07Quick, Flanagan! Break down that door!
11:10Break down the door!
11:11Break it down!
11:46What's that?
11:48A burglar alarm on the garage.
11:51Mulligan, see what it is at once.
11:53Yeah, well, come on, Flanagan, let's see.
11:56Yes, you, Mulligan, go on.
11:59I will.
12:28Close on that gate, quick!
12:41Where's that car?
12:43Hey, open that gate!
12:45Somebody told me to close it.
12:47Well, I said to open it. Hurry up!
13:36Need any help?
13:38No, I'm just fixing the tire.
13:40Thank you very much, boss.
13:47Say, mister, when I first buy this automobile,
13:50there's only Josephine, Manuel, Rosa, and myself.
13:54And then we get a little surprise.
13:56There's come quintuplets.
13:59And then there's a plenty crowd.
14:01And there's a little bambino.
14:03And next month, there's come the mother-in-law.
14:07What you need is a larger car.
14:09You tell me, eh?
14:11I'll tell you.
14:13How would you like to trade your roadster for my delivery truck?
14:16What's the big idea?
14:18Well, I want a smaller car, and you need my truck.
14:23Say, you tell me the truth.
14:25You don't steal this car, eh?
14:27No, it belongs to my estate. I'm David Morton.
14:30Oh, you live by the big estate near Fairview?
14:32Yeah, that's right.
14:34I can prove my identity right now.
14:36And we make a deal right here.
14:38All right. What do you say, mama?
14:40Si, papa. Take the bigger car.
14:42All right. This should go.
14:44Right on.
14:45Thank you, boss. Goodbye, boss.
14:47Goodbye, Tony. Good luck.
14:48Come on. We got a bigger car now. Come on.
14:51That's a ticket.
14:53Come on, Tony.
15:00Hey, mama.
15:02Antonio, where is he?
15:05Hey, Mr. Police.
15:07Come on back, eh, mister. Come back, eh.
15:10I forgot something, please. Come on back, eh.
15:18One of those, please. I forgot something.
15:21One of those.
15:23Ah, si, Antonio. Come here.
15:26Come on, baby.
15:28What's the matter? You don't like your papa no more, eh?
15:30All right. What would you like, si?
15:32Come on, Tony.
16:02What's that?
16:32Say, what kind of a game are you playing?
16:34That truck just passed me up.
16:36It looked to me like it passed you over.
16:39Nope. Just trying to catch a ride.
16:41Well, get in.
16:43Fine, thanks. Here, take care of Gladys, will you?
16:57You seem to be traveling kind of light.
16:59Yeah, I had a truck, too, but the landlady got that.
17:02Oh, I see. Where are you going?
17:04Oh, no place in particular, but I'm looking for a job.
17:07I'll put Gladys up there.
17:09Now we've got to find a place for you.
17:11Oh, that's all right. I'll hop right on back here.
17:16You all set?
17:17Okay, let her go.
17:19Now watch yourself. This thing doesn't know its own strength.
17:25Hey, I'm not with you. Wait for me.
17:29Come on.
18:00Oh, you're a girl.
18:02Anything strange about that?
18:06Well, what are you trying to do, keep people off the highway?
18:09I didn't mean to hit you.
18:11You see, I'm just learning to drive.
18:13Oh, so you pick a racing car to take lessons in.
18:18Well, I'm glad you like it.
18:20I'm glad you like it, too.
18:22I'm glad you like it, too.
18:24I'm glad you like it, too.
18:26Oh, so you pick a racing car to take lessons in.
18:29Weren't there any airplanes handy?
18:31You see, the car belongs to my brother,
18:33but he got hurt in an accident, so I thought I'd drive it myself.
18:36Well, let's see if it'll run.
18:38Can you drive a racer?
18:41Would you like to drive this one?
18:43You mean to drive it in the race?
18:46It's a deal.
18:49Say, help me take this down the road,
18:51and I'll follow you into town.
18:53All right.
18:56All right.
19:17I got you to drive the car.
19:19Oh, fine.
19:20Uh, Mr., um...
19:22This is Alan Chambers, Mr. Smith.
19:23How do you do?
19:25How do you do?
19:27What do you think of the car?
19:28It's a swell job.
19:29I think you have the valve set up too tight, though.
19:31You're absolutely right.
19:33I haven't been able to do much work since I turned over.
19:35I think I can fix her up all right.
19:37Say, that's swell.
19:38You must have had a lot of experience on racers.
19:41We had a chauffeur once who used to be a driver.
19:43He taught me a lot about motors.
19:45That is, uh, I was in a garage.
19:47Uh, if you'll excuse me, I'll take the car back to your garage
19:50and wash up a bit.
19:51I'll be down later and show you the layout.
19:54It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
19:58You sure picked good-looking pilots, Gertie.
20:00I didn't pick him.
20:01I ran into him.
20:03Didn't I tell you you shouldn't try to drive the racer?
20:06It's a good thing I did.
20:08I made a good deal with him to drive our car.
20:10Don't you think, Gertie, you're taking chances with someone you don't know a thing about?
20:13We've got to take chances.
20:14There's only a few days before the race.
20:16But I'd be glad to get you a driver.
20:18I couldn't let you get me a driver, Alan,
20:20when you're entered in the race, too.
20:22Oh, nonsense.
20:23It's only sport with me.
20:24I'd be happy if your car won.
20:26It means so much to you and Donald.
20:28And you know how I feel about you, dear.
20:30Well, this is my own deal, Alan.
20:32I think Mr. Smith's a good driver,
20:34and I hired him for the job.
20:36Well, I hope it turns out all right.
20:43I've made a deal to race this car for a percentage of the winnings.
20:46That is, if I win, what are you going to do, Mickey?
20:49Well, I got nothing in mind.
20:51However, if you need a mechanic, well, I think I'll stick around.
20:55I know a few things about cars.
20:57Good, I'll split whatever I get with you.
20:59Say, Smith, I just told Gertie I'd get a driver for her.
21:03You see, we're old friends,
21:05and there's no use of her to obligate herself to strangers.
21:08You're driving in the race, too, aren't you?
21:10Sure, I have a knuckle centered.
21:12But that's none of your business.
21:13Well, it probably will be on the track.
21:16Perhaps you don't know who I am.
21:19Well, my father's president of First National here in Meadowvale.
21:23And we're not inclined to have strangers come in
21:25and take advantage of our friends.
21:27Now, the best thing you can do,
21:29you and your friend, is to be on your way.
21:32Thanks for the advice,
21:33but I've been hired to drive by Miss McDowell,
21:35and I'll be staying here.
21:37Well, use your own judgment.
21:49What was he saying to you?
21:51Oh, he thinks I shouldn't be here, I guess.
21:53Don't pay any attention to him.
21:55He thinks he owns the town.
21:57We've got to be nice to him
21:58because his old man has a plaster on the house.
22:01But if we win that race,
22:02we'll tell him to jump in the creek.
22:04Oh, we'll sure try to win it.
22:05That's the stuff.
22:06As I told you, Mr. Smith,
22:07you can have the room over the garage.
22:08It's already picked up.
22:10Oh, that's fine.
22:11Oh, uh, this is Mickey Daniels, my mechanic.
22:16Oh, hello.
22:18My name's Mary.
22:21How are you?
22:22We've been seeing a lot of each other
22:24now that I'm going to live here.
22:26Yes, I know.
22:27I'll show you the rooms if you like.
22:41Is Jake in?
22:42He's right back there.
22:48Well, I've tried my best to get Gurney to fire that fella,
22:51but she won't listen.
22:52But I'll win the race, don't worry.
22:54I'm not worried.
22:55You've had six days to get that Smith guy out of the race.
22:58But I tell you, I've done all I can.
23:00Now you listen to me.
23:01I've got a lot of money up on that race tomorrow,
23:04and you know and I know
23:05that's the only car that's liable to beat you.
23:07Now Pete's got to drive that car.
23:09But I tell you, she won't get rid of Smith.
23:11Well, I will.
23:13No, you nearly killed Don.
23:15I won't have any more accidents.
23:16Oh, you won't.
23:17You want the money to get out of the jam in your father's bank, don't you?
23:20Yes, but you can't...
23:22I'll deal with you in the race,
23:23and I'll give you the dough to keep out of jail.
23:25You know what to do, Jerry.
23:26Okay, boss.
23:33I call her Gladys.
23:34I named her after a girl I used to go with.
23:37Why? Because she was so slow?
23:39No, because she was bowlegged.
23:48Now let me have that little screwdriver.
23:55That's got it.
23:57Can the mechanical department do with the cookie?
23:59I just made them.
24:00Boy, is that something.
24:01Thanks, sis.
24:02One more workout down the old post road,
24:04and we'll let her rest until the race.
24:06I get so nervous thinking about tomorrow.
24:08Well, I'm not.
24:10Dave's got this old machine running just like a clock.
24:13Dave's got this old machine running just like a clock.
24:16Where's Mickey?
24:18I'll start it for you.
24:19Oh, no, you don't.
24:23All right.
24:27Woman, there comes a time in every man's life when he must depart.
24:31Take good care of Gladys for me, will you?
24:34I'll have turtle soup ready when you get back.
24:38All right.
24:40You wouldn't hurt Gladys, would you?
24:42I don't know.
24:43It's the first time I was ever jealous of a turtle.
24:47I'll tell you what I'll do.
24:49I'll change her name to Mary.
24:51Well, I'm not bowlegged.
25:00Mick, give her the porch, will you?
25:13All set?
25:14All set.
25:16Good luck.
25:43That was a close one.
25:45You're telling me.
25:46I thought the man with the little green hat had us that time.
25:52That's funny.
25:53A new tire, too.
25:57It's a good thing it didn't hurt the car.
26:02You stay here while I go down the road and phone Gertie to bring out a new tire.
26:06And while you're gone, I'll be changing this one.
26:08So long.
26:09So long.
26:11No, nothing serious at all.
26:15I'm at the highway coffee shop.
26:16Will you pick me up here?
26:29Take it easy, Mulligan.
26:30There's David.
26:32Come on.
26:41Give me a cup of coffee.
26:42Make it three.
26:52Hey, I'm Mulligan.
26:54And I'm Flanagan.
26:58Say, man, use your phone again, please.
27:02Pardon me.
27:03He don't know us.
27:05I think he does.
27:11He does!
27:13He does!
27:41There's no damage as far as I can see.
27:44Did you ever see a blowout that looked like this?
27:46Looks like somebody punched a hole through it.
27:50Nice now, Mickey.
27:51What do you mean?
27:53Somebody shot a hole through that tire.
27:55Well, I'll be.
27:56I wonder if...
27:58Where did you have the blowout?
28:00Oh, about 20 miles down the post road.
28:03By the old haunted house?
28:04Old two-story abandoned place with weeds all around?
28:07That's it?
28:09We were about a quarter of a mile from there.
28:11I can remember it while I was waiting.
28:14That's where I turned over.
28:15There wasn't enough left of my tire.
28:17To see what caused the puncture.
28:20Boy, this is serious.
28:21Say, I wonder where Dave is.
28:24I'm a bit worried, but don't say anything to Gertrude.
28:35Oh, hello, Alan.
28:37May I see you a minute?
28:38What is it?
28:40I do wish to let Pete drive your car tomorrow.
28:42We've been all through that, Alan.
28:44Why do you dislike me so, Gertrude?
28:48I don't dislike you, Alan.
28:50But you take things this way.
28:51Suppose your car doesn't win tomorrow?
28:53It will win.
28:54Well, I hope it does for your sake, dear.
28:59What happened to you?
29:00Oh, I got to talking to a fellow I used to know.
29:02He drove me to town.
29:05Well, I must be going, Gertrude.
29:06May I call and take you to the dance tonight?
29:09I promised to go with David.
29:12Oh, I see.
29:14Well, I hope your luck holds up in the race tomorrow.
29:18Say, it's as if he's in this town somewhere.
29:23Is this your car?
29:25The constable wanted to see you about it.
29:28We didn't park it here.
29:29Somebody took it from us this afternoon.
29:31Well, you can explain that to the constable.
29:36Come on.
29:55Oh, I'm sorry.
29:57You must be a toe dancer.
30:03If your ears were a little longer, there'd be no doubt.
30:07Oh, let's dance some more.
30:09Well, we might as well.
30:10I can't feel anything in my feet now.
30:12Okay, Toots.
30:13Don't call me Toots.
30:16All right.
30:37Pardon me.
30:38May I have a dance with you?
30:42I guess so.
30:55The owners of that car are anxious to get the young man you saw in it.
30:58Yeah, he's right here now.
31:03I'll be right back.
31:06I'll be here, too.
31:09Your man's over at the Bond dance.
31:10I'll send someone over with you.
31:13Dance with these men.
31:27One moment, folks.
31:29One moment, please.
31:30Before going into the amateur contest, I have a surprise for you.
31:33Let me introduce Miss June Marlowe, who will entertain you with a song and dance.
31:37All right, June.
32:03Watch me, the new day
32:05You make living worthwhile
32:07So put some rouge on my dress
32:11Hang a rainbow around me
32:14New days are over now
32:17Oh, in the air, everywhere
32:21Bluebirds singing around me
32:23New days are over now
32:28You made each blue note a true note
32:32Wrote in a new note somehow
32:35That's why I'm singing these melodies
32:38Ever since I found you
32:41Blue days are over now
32:44Baby, blue days are over now
33:02Blue days are over now
33:05Blue days are over now
33:08Blue days are over now
33:11Blue days are over now
33:14Blue days are over now
33:17Blue days are over now
33:20Blue days are over now
33:23Blue days are over now
33:26Blue days are over now
33:30Now for the amateur contest.
33:33The best dancer will be determined by the applause he receives.
33:36Well, who's going to start it off?
33:38Well, I guess I might as well be the first.
33:41Well, Lem Jones will start it off, folks.
33:44Come on. Let's hear it for Lem.
33:59Hey, you know, I can do better than that.
34:22Why don't you get out there and do it?
34:25Well, I don't like to show off.
34:29Sam and Tony are on their way.
34:31I hope they do a good job.
34:33Hey, when they get through with that car, nobody will drive it.
34:36You sure nobody's at home?
34:38No, they're all out to dance except that fellow in the wheelchair.
34:41Boys can take care of him.
34:43Okay, let's go out to the house.
34:47And now who's next?
34:48Come on, folks, don't be bashful.
34:50Remember, it's all in fun.
34:52Here he is, Mickey Daniels.
34:54Who's next?
34:55Well, Mickey Daniels is next, folks.
34:57Come on, Mickey.
35:02Hello, Mickey.
35:04Well, give him some music, boys.
35:06Go ahead, Tootsie.
35:11Well, what can you play?
35:13Go ahead. We'll follow you.
35:15All right.
36:15Well, folks, I guess there's no doubt about what Mickey leads so far.
36:32Now, who's next?
36:34Come on, someone else.
36:36We have another stranger here.
36:37Maybe he's a dancer.
36:40Well, where is he?
36:41Send him out.
36:49Well, what kind of music do you like?
36:52Oh, I'm not particular.
36:54Anything you have left.
37:05I need a little more room.
37:06Maybe we better all go home.
37:41Let's go.
37:54You see that fella in the car?
37:55Oh, sure.
37:56That's him in there.
37:58Too many crickets.
37:59He's got another one of those spells.
38:07That's my pal.
38:08He's good too.
38:11You're going with us.
38:12Who are these men?
38:14Why, you know us.
38:15I'm Mulligan.
38:16And I'm Flanagan.
38:18Well, how do you do?
38:21How do you do?
38:22No, I said you're coming with us.
38:25Hey, Dave, what's up?
38:27We want this fella.
38:28You're coming with us and we have to take you by force.
38:32Well, you're coming with us.
38:36Well, there goes your driver.
38:37But, but, but, but...
38:39Those men are detectives.
38:40He stole their car.
38:43I don't believe it.
38:50You thought you'd get away with something, you dirty crook.
38:52Here, you stop that.
38:54Let him alone, Flanagan.
38:56Put up your fist.
38:57Grab that criminal.
38:58Stay out of this, Flanagan.
38:59Why, you...
39:04Goodbye, Andy.
39:05Good dog.
39:14Now you're going with us.
39:16Oh, now listen, fellas.
39:18You don't need me at home.
39:20Oh, yeah, but your aunt wants you.
39:22No, you don't.
39:24Put that aside.
39:25You two fellas are well together.
39:39You're out!
40:07What are you doing in there?
40:27Let's get out of here.
40:28Come on.
40:57He's coming, too.
41:02Take it easy now.
41:04What's the meaning of this?
41:06Don't start anything.
41:07You're liable to get hurt.
41:08You can't do this.
41:09I want out of here.
41:12Now, that's fine.
41:14You're going to stay until Jake arrives.
41:16If we have to, plug you.
41:18You mean you'd shoot me?
41:20You wouldn't dare.
41:22Well, just try and leave it.
41:27That's Jake.
41:33What's up?
41:34We got Smith, the driver.
41:42Why bring him here?
41:43Well, he showed up and started to put up a fight.
41:47We found this on him.
41:49I don't spell Smith either.
41:52Well, this is something.
41:55Do you know who this kid is?
41:58This is a piece of luck.
41:59My name's Smith.
42:00And if you don't let me out of here, you're going to get in a lot of trouble.
42:04Okay, Mr. Smith.
42:06You'll be out of here tomorrow as soon as I contact your family.
42:10You must be worth a nice little piece of change to take care of you.
42:14Listen, I'll give you anything you want.
42:16But let me out of here so I can drive that race.
42:18You're not going to drive any race.
42:20You're worth too much money to me.
42:21You might be killed.
42:23You'll regret it.
42:24If you're smart, you'll be a good kid.
42:28The boys will take care of you.
42:30Keep your eye on them, boys, and I'll see you after the race.
42:39Shall we play cards?
42:43Here, Jake won't stand for this.
42:53Don't you like cards?
42:56Come on, make it snappy.
42:59Get your shirt off.
43:15Hello, Gertie.
43:16Hello, Alan.
43:18I tried to tell you that fellow was a criminal, didn't I?
43:20I still can't believe it.
43:22Oh, I know how you feel.
43:23But after all, Pete's a good driver.
43:25You've got a much better chance to win now.
43:27You know, as far as I'm concerned, why, it's just sportsmanship.
43:31I'll try to beat your car, but if I don't, I'll certainly be glad you've won.
43:34I do owe you some thanks, Alan.
43:36Oh, that's all right, honey.
43:37You forget it.
43:38And if anything happens, don't you worry.
43:40See you after the race.
43:46Don't play with those shades, buddy.
43:48Oh, I just wanted to see if it was raining.
43:50What time is it?
43:53Tony will be here with lunch in a minute.
43:56Sam, would you like to make a little money?
43:59Now, listen.
44:01I'll see that you're well repaid if you let me out of here.
44:05No dice, sonny.
44:10Ah, lunch!
44:26Come on, Pete.
44:35No excuse for you not winning now.
44:37All right, I'll win.
44:39Come on, boys, let's take her out.
44:41I'll see you after the race.
45:06Don't be afraid to give it to Workson and keep your foot on the gas all the time.
45:09She's got a lot of soup.
45:10Never mind, I'll do the driving.
45:32Here he comes.
45:40I'm Smith.
45:41Listen, fella, that guy's got to get in there.
45:42You're not going anywhere but home this time.
45:45Get out of my way!
45:56You're pushing the wrong way!
45:59Quit pushing!
46:05Hey, wait!
46:11Come on, boys.
46:12Get him on the track.
46:21Stop him!
46:22He's not supposed to drive!
46:26Give me that helmet.
46:27I'm going to drive this car.
46:28Says you!
46:31Nice work, Mick.
46:32He's got him!
47:03Come on, boys, let's go.
47:25Isn't it a shame Donald can't be here?
47:35Yes, this race meant so much to him.
48:24Get back deliberately!
48:52What's Pete up to?
49:01Come on, Pete, at him, boy, come on!
49:03That's the way to go!
49:04Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
49:06Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
49:27That's the way to go!
49:55Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:23Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:24Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:25Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:26Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:27Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:28Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:29Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:30Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:31Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:32Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:33Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:34Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:35Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:36Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:37Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:38Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:39Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:40Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:41Come on, Pete, at him, boy!
50:42Boy, what a draw, Ray, James!
50:49Gee, that was great!
50:58Somebody just shot the treasurer and stole all the prize money!
51:04The prize money?
51:05Mickey, get some policemen quick, and follow me out to the old house on Port Road!
51:10And give me a shove!
51:11Kevin follow me OK. Come on follow.
52:52OK I'll take that back keep your hands in the air and sit over there until.
53:10Please don't be here any minute. I told you to get away the Jake.
53:26I thought it was
53:29a play.
53:49Wait wait. You thought I just showed up in time I was wondering how I could watch
53:56you and keep an eye on these fellows keep your eyes on them I promise you I won't
54:00run away all right get going you'll probably want to.
54:08Let me make you for the weekend I think it's awfully nice you to ask him. I think
54:15a sweet child and I'm very happy to say that met you. I'm already.
54:21As good as agreed to come the whole McDowell family will be there.
54:26Goodbye dear. Oh David I got to tell you. We thought you were
54:32a polo pony why and Harry.
54:40I'll be expecting you next week then goodbye and I want to thank you again for all
54:45you've done for us say that there's
54:47a swellest moonlight in our garden you can thank me then all right come to David.
54:57Wait a minute.
55:07Come on Mickey. Well belong to.