• 5 years ago
Beyond the Moon (1954)
1h 16min | Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 5 April 1954

This outer space adventure marked the debut of Rocky Jones and his Space Rangers. Two of Rocky's allies are captured by aliens and brain washed.

Director: Hollingsworth Morse
Writer: Warren Wilson
Stars: Richard Crane, Scotty Beckett, Sally Mansfield
00:01:20Let's take a look, huh?
00:01:21We've walked millions of miles this trip,
00:01:23and that calls for time off.
00:01:25X-V2 calling Office of Space Affairs.
00:01:28Come in, please.
00:01:29This is the X-V2 calling Office of Space Affairs.
00:01:32Come in.
00:01:33Come in, X-V2, State Celestial position.
00:01:35This is Rocky Jones of the Space Rangers reporting.
00:01:38Celestial meridian 58 degrees.
00:01:41Parallel 146 degrees.
00:01:43We're now in second breaking ellipse of Earth,
00:01:45requesting landing clearance at approximately 1600.
00:01:48You're dead center on Baker flight path, Rocky.
00:01:50Ride her in.
00:01:51We're all clear and waiting for you.
00:01:53Hold it.
00:01:54Here's Secretary Drake, sir.
00:01:56Welcome home, Rocky.
00:01:58Thank you, sir.
00:01:59I'm certainly glad to be back.
00:02:01Was it a rough trip?
00:02:02More or less routine, sir.
00:02:04Uh, much more more than less less, Mr. Secretary.
00:02:07Believe me.
00:02:09I can believe you, Winky.
00:02:11Come in the office when you land, boys.
00:02:13I'll have your leave papers ready.
00:02:15Oh, thank you, Mr. Secretary.
00:02:18Thank you, sir.
00:02:21Alert to ground crew.
00:02:23Alert to ground crew.
00:02:25Now learn this.
00:02:27X-V2 on Baker flight path.
00:02:31Now at 85,000.
00:02:34Prepare for landing.
00:02:37All clear.
00:03:04Pardon me, sir,
00:03:05X-V2 must go through number three gate without stopping for identification.
00:03:19Okay, lock her up in the barn, boys.
00:03:25Hey, what about the seashore, Rocky?
00:03:27I know a place called Paradise Isle.
00:03:30Balmy nights and soft music
00:03:33under a big tropical moon.
00:03:35White sands washed by an emerald sea.
00:03:39How's the sun?
00:03:41Let's see what Drake has to say about that.
00:03:43But he's already said it. Leave papers.
00:03:47Look out, Winky.
00:03:53Hey, you know something? It's safer up there.
00:03:56But, uh, who wants to be up there?
00:03:59Come on, Skipper.
00:04:01Do you know you're a trespasser?
00:04:03On any foot of that mountain road, you could have been destroyed.
00:04:06Yes, yes, Mr. Secretary, but I had to take the chance.
00:04:09What's your name?
00:04:10Veena Ray.
00:04:11And your reason for being here?
00:04:12Professor Newton.
00:04:13I have no interest in anything that concerns the professor.
00:04:16I know, I know.
00:04:17You believe he's a traitor to the United Worlds of the solar system.
00:04:20Yes, his own words.
00:04:22But, Mr. Secretary,
00:04:23during our exchange of scientists with the Ophiuchus group,
00:04:26I was an interpreter.
00:04:28When the rest of us left, I shook hands with the professor.
00:04:31His eyes tried to tell me something.
00:04:34He gave me this.
00:04:38To Professor Newton from Secretary Drake,
00:04:40with profound gratitude and eternal friendship.
00:04:43But, Mr. Secretary, why did he leave the medal in my hand?
00:04:47He must have wanted me to prove it.
00:04:49Mr. Secretary, why did he leave the medal in my hand?
00:04:51He must have wanted me to bring it to you.
00:04:53I don't know.
00:04:54Professor Newton recorded his decision on film.
00:04:57The Ophiuchians left it at our outpost on Sassinus to be delivered to me.
00:05:01It is proof positive.
00:05:04Griff, project the Newton declaration.
00:05:06Yes, sir.
00:05:10One moment, please.
00:05:13Mission complete and job well done, boys.
00:05:16Thank you, sir.
00:05:17And now I have new orders.
00:05:20Here are your leave papers.
00:05:24Stretch out and watch the stars as something beautiful and mysterious,
00:05:27not as places you've been to make friends or to fight our enemies.
00:05:31Report back on the 20th.
00:05:33Hey, Rocky, two months leave, how about that?
00:05:36Ready with the Newton declaration, Mr. Secretary.
00:05:39Thank you, Griff.
00:05:40Enjoy your time off, boys.
00:05:42You've earned it.
00:05:43Thank you, sir.
00:05:45Come on, Skipper, let's not waste a second of that two months.
00:05:48Paradise Island, here we come.
00:05:50Wait a minute, Winky.
00:05:51As long as we're here, let's see the Newton declaration too, huh?
00:05:59When ready, Griff.
00:06:03Mind if we join you, Mr. Secretary?
00:06:05Please do, Rocky.
00:06:15Secretary Drake,
00:06:17may I first say this?
00:06:20The decision to remain on Ophiuchus is mine and mine alone.
00:06:26I have been influenced by neither word nor act.
00:06:31These people are my friends.
00:06:36Perhaps, thinking singularly,
00:06:39I would not have made such a drastic move and severed the ties of a lifetime.
00:06:45But I must consider my young ward, Bobby.
00:06:51A long life stands before him.
00:06:55And not through heritage, but by my choice,
00:06:59he can now share in the triumph and the glory of Ophiuchus.
00:07:08Come here, Bobby.
00:07:10Newton wanted Bobby to become a space ranger.
00:07:12He said it a thousand times.
00:07:16Mr. Secretary, you have heard my wish, my declaration.
00:07:23Now, Bobby, say goodbye to our friends.
00:07:27Goodbye, Mr. Secretary.
00:07:29And please, sir, say hello to Rocky Jones, to Winky,
00:07:33and to the rest of the space rangers.
00:07:38A detailed letter made his breach complete.
00:07:40He surrendered all his property, even the Newton observatory.
00:07:43I'm sorry, sir, but I just can't believe it.
00:07:45Professor Newton was either drugged or forced to make that declaration
00:07:48by a threat on Bobby's life.
00:07:50That's true, Mr. Secretary.
00:07:51He's their prisoner.
00:07:52With your permission, sir, I'd like to find out.
00:07:55Hey, Rocky.
00:07:59Oh, well.
00:08:00Another day, another moon, maybe.
00:08:06As you know, Rocky, they asked us to close our embassy.
00:08:09You won't be welcome either.
00:08:10Yes, I understand, sir.
00:08:11But it could happen that we were lost in space and forced to land, couldn't it?
00:08:15I'm sure they're not prepared to invite open warfare
00:08:17by imprisoning a couple of space rangers.
00:08:19Yeah, but they will be soon with Professor Newton on their side, huh, Rocky?
00:08:22It's a gamble, but worth the chance, sir.
00:08:41Griff to W-O-X.
00:08:46Griff to W-O-X.
00:08:48Come in.
00:08:49W-O-X to Griff.
00:08:50Come in, Griff.
00:08:51Beam urgent message to Ophiuchus.
00:08:54Drake now believes Professor Newton prisoner.
00:08:56Rocky Jones may attempt rescue flight.
00:08:59We'll get it through, Griff.
00:09:00Any further orders?
00:09:02Stand by.
00:09:04If rescue flight is attempted by Rocky Jones,
00:09:06we'll inform you of blast-off time in refuel station.
00:09:09We're to destroy his orbit jet before it reaches your zone.
00:09:12And the blame placed on you.
00:09:17This is the curtain which separates our League of Planets from the Ophiuchus group.
00:09:20From that point on, they are able to jam our missiles.
00:09:23If you pass that point, you'll be without a communication link.
00:09:25You'll be on your own, Rocky.
00:09:27It'll be dangerous.
00:09:28I understand, sir.
00:09:30We'll make it, though.
00:09:32Now, where will our refuel station be?
00:09:35That's up to you.
00:09:37May I suggest base station RV-5?
00:09:39That's stretching the first hop, and there's very little traffic there.
00:09:43And in the interest of secrecy, I'll declare the area out of bounds,
00:09:45except to commercial craft.
00:09:47Now, for your crew.
00:09:49Well, so that those on the other planet can't claim invasion,
00:09:52Winky and I should go it alone.
00:09:54We'll disable our ship, land, search for Professor Newton and Bobby,
00:09:57and try to bring them back with us.
00:09:59Please, Mr. Secretary.
00:10:03Can't I go?
00:10:05It's out of the question.
00:10:07Would that make it an invasion?
00:10:09But it's not a picnic, either.
00:10:10I don't like picnics.
00:10:13What I mean is, a flight like this is no place for a girl.
00:10:16I'm not a girl.
00:10:17I mean, yes, I am, but I'm not a girl in the way you mean I'm a girl.
00:10:21I'll take care of myself, Rocky Jones.
00:10:23I can be of real help to you.
00:10:25Please, Mr. Secretary.
00:10:27I know these people.
00:10:28I speak their language, and I know their country.
00:10:31And for your information, Mr. Rocky Jones,
00:10:34I'm also licensed as a navigator.
00:10:37Miss Ray would be extremely valuable as an interpreter.
00:10:40We mustn't pass up any chance to make the mission a success.
00:10:43Planetary conditions will be ideal at 0230.
00:10:46If you'll state my crew, sir, I'll prepare for blast-off.
00:10:49Winky will go, and Veena Ray will be signed on as auxiliary space ranger.
00:10:55Very good, sir.
00:10:56Ranger Ray, prepare to stand inspection at 0200.
00:11:00Very good, sir.
00:11:15Take positions on platform.
00:11:18Do your best to bring back Professor Newton,
00:11:20but please, Rocky, no unnecessary chances.
00:11:23Yes, sir, I understand, sir.
00:11:25Oh, we wouldn't dare because we have a girl aboard.
00:11:28It isn't that.
00:11:29We don't want to lose any of you,
00:11:31any more than Professor Newton and Bobby.
00:11:33I'm sorry, sir.
00:11:36Move in boarding platform.
00:11:47Switch on blast-off synchronizer.
00:12:18Grip to WOX.
00:12:20Grip to WOX.
00:12:22Come in.
00:12:24WOX to Grip.
00:12:25Come in, Grip.
00:12:27Rocky Jones blasting off at 0230.
00:12:29Refuse space station as RV-5.
00:12:32Area declared out of bounds,
00:12:34making it ideal for attack without interference.
00:12:37We'll be waiting for him, Grip.
00:12:47Secure for blast-off, Vena.
00:12:50They turn off that noise.
00:12:52Gives me the creeps.
00:12:54Say, you've been aboard a spaceship before?
00:12:56Sure, on an interplanetary express.
00:12:59It's about as exciting as a streetcar.
00:13:02The orbit jet is different, believe me.
00:13:05Well, that noise.
00:13:07It's a lot of noise.
00:13:09It's a lot of noise.
00:13:11It's a lot of noise.
00:13:13It's a lot of noise.
00:13:15What do you mean?
00:13:16Well, that noise is our blast-off synchronizer,
00:13:19and when those two sounds get together,
00:13:21we'll be up there.
00:13:24There's your navigating table, Navigator.
00:13:26Have fun.
00:13:27Before this trip is over,
00:13:28you two will be mighty glad I came along.
00:13:39How's the new crew member?
00:13:40Our glamour girl, Navigator.
00:13:42Not a thing to worry about, Rock.
00:13:44I'll admit it, but she sure knows her stuff.
00:13:50All right, you ready, Winky?
00:13:52Ready, sir.
00:14:41Winky, you know I've never questioned an order from Drake before, but I just can't
00:14:46see where it helps having a girl aboard on a dangerous mission like this.
00:14:49Well, she speaks your fission's language, Rocky, and that's what we'll need if we
00:14:53make a successful landing there. I'd rather have an extra pair of fists.
00:14:56Anybody understands that language? Aw, give her a break, Rocky. She's a good kid.
00:15:03Oh, we're entering the exosphere. Switch on artificial gravity. Artificial gravity, sir.
00:15:09Go to work grabbing Gertie and don't lose your grip.
00:15:14Correct drift point one by point four. Point one by four, sir.
00:15:39Pardon, sir, but we've entered the exosphere. Oh, really?
00:15:45And may I suggest a drift correction? Point one by point four.
00:15:49Good charting, Vena. Thanks, Winky.
00:15:52Awaiting orders, sir. You're a little late.
00:15:57What should I do, sir? Return to quarters and knit me a sway.
00:16:05Sorry, sir, I don't know how to knit. But if I did, I'd make you a muffler and maybe
00:16:10tie it real tight around your neck.
00:16:18See, now, I used to do this. Knit one, purl two.
00:16:48Rocky, I mean, sir, an object is approaching from two o'clock.
00:16:58Oh, are you positive or is this merely a woman's intuition?
00:17:01I said and I repeat, there's an object approaching us very rapidly.
00:17:05She was right before, Rocky.
00:17:14Quick, Winky, get Drake on astrophone. Yes, sir.
00:17:17What can I do, Rocky? Nothing, just stay out of the way.
00:17:20XB-2 calling Officer Space Affairs. Come in, Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:27XB-2 calling Officer Space Affairs. Come in, Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:31Acknowledge, please, we're under attack. Enemy unknown.
00:17:34XB-2 calling Officer Space Affairs. Come in, Officer Space Affairs.
00:17:38We're under attack. Mayday. Mayday. Mayday.
00:17:44It's a pole channel, Rocky. All right, we'll make a fight of it.
00:17:49Prepare to return fire. Aye, aye, sir.
00:17:51Please, Rocky, what can I do? Secure your blast chair.
00:17:54But I... That's an order and stay there.
00:18:14We took a hit aft, sir.
00:18:19I can't nail him if you don't hold course.
00:18:30Ready, Winky? Ready, sir.
00:18:32Approaching target. Steady. Steady, sir.
00:18:36On it, Winky. Fire away.
00:18:43Well, it takes care of them whoever it was.
00:18:48Level off for freefall, Winky, while I check the damage. Aye, aye, sir.
00:18:55You all right, Peter? Yes, but what happened, Rocky?
00:18:57What is it? I don't know, sir.
00:18:59I don't know, sir. I don't know.
00:19:01I don't know, sir. I don't know.
00:19:04You all right, Peter? Yes, but what happened, Rocky?
00:19:06What is it?
00:19:50C-section? Guess we were lucky at that.
00:19:52Yeah, I had to seal it off for a receptive oxygen.
00:20:04Oh, Winky, if our luck holds on, we can limp into the space station.
00:20:08Hey, call Vena for it.
00:20:11Let's see how she likes being a space ranger now.
00:20:17Hey, Vena, Rocky says you should...
00:20:35What is it? It's Vena. She's sealed in.
00:20:39I hope we're not too late.
00:20:44The door's jammed, Winky. I'll have to cut it open.
00:20:46Prepare for shock therapy. Set up the regeneration unit.
00:20:48And, Winky, get out the oxygen helmets.
00:20:50Once I cut through, the ship will be dry of air. Hurry! Aye, aye, sir.
00:22:22Take charge, Winky.
00:22:23I think she'll be all right. She helped save our lives. We've got to save hers.
00:22:26I'll get us to the space station as soon as possible.
00:22:34The XB-2, calling space station RV-5. Come in, RV-5.
00:22:38This is XB-2.
00:23:03This is XB-2, calling space station RV-5. Come in, RV-5.
00:23:09RV-5 to XB-2. Glad to hear from you.
00:23:13Rocky, this is Space Ranger Clark.
00:23:16Boy, am I glad to see you. I've got a crippled ship.
00:23:19If you were allowed in more than one piece, I'd certainly be surprised.
00:23:23Hold on. I'll see if the magnetic coupler will pick you up.
00:23:31We got you, Rocky. Relax, and we'll pull you in.
00:23:35Thanks, Clark. Out.
00:23:43Oh, Vena. Gee, I'm glad to see you.
00:23:46I'm glad to see you, too.
00:23:48I'm glad to see you, too.
00:23:50I'm glad to see you.
00:23:52I'm glad to see you.
00:23:54I'm glad to see you.
00:23:56I'm glad to see you.
00:23:58I'm glad to see you.
00:23:59Oh, Vena. Gee, I'm glad to see you up and around.
00:24:02Thank you, sir. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble.
00:24:06Oh, that's all right. It could happen to anyone.
00:24:09Thank you, sir. And I'm going to make up for it.
00:24:12And prove that I can be it.
00:24:14Well, that a girl can be it.
00:24:16Vena. Yes, sir?
00:24:18I've been thinking it over.
00:24:20There's an express that stops at the space station, and...
00:24:23Well, it might be best if...
00:24:25If I were on it?
00:24:27Yes, Vena.
00:24:29You see, what's happened so far could be called routine for a space ranger, so...
00:24:33It's really no place for...
00:24:36Well, what I mean is it's best if you go back to Earth.
00:24:39Say it. It's no place for a girl.
00:24:42Now, listen to me, Rocky Jones.
00:24:44In the first place, I was the one who spotted the enemy ship. Remember?
00:24:47Now, look, Vena, don't get...
00:24:49Go ahead. Be the referee. Don't count me out.
00:24:52I can say what I think about you in 37 different languages.
00:24:55I'll start with a Martian.
00:24:56You're nothing but a big bollock.
00:24:58Unless you may call your...
00:25:16And in conclusion, Rocky Jones,
00:25:19I meant every single word I said.
00:25:21You'll never get her on that express to Earth, Rocky.
00:25:24And you know, I've got a feeling that she's going to come in mighty handy
00:25:27when we make that forced landing on Ophiuchus.
00:25:51THE END
00:26:05Space Station RV-5 to Earth Headquarters.
00:26:08Office of Space Affairs.
00:26:10Station RV-5 to Earth Headquarters.
00:26:12Office of Space Affairs.
00:26:14Secretary Drake speaking. Come in, RV-5.
00:26:17This is Clark, Mr. Secretary.
00:26:18I'm ready with report on flight code name Haystack.
00:26:22Anxious to have it, Clark. Send it over the scrambler.
00:26:28Ready here, sir.
00:26:30Proceed, Clark.
00:26:48A late report on Rocky Jones' mission to Ophiuchus.
00:26:53That's it, sir.
00:26:55Thanks, Clark. Over and out.
00:26:59Damage to orbit ship repaired on Space Station.
00:27:02Area thoroughly searched,
00:27:04but no trace of attacking ship nor clue to identity.
00:27:06Who did it, sir? Any idea?
00:27:08Grif, I'd give our claim to Aquarius to find out who it was.
00:27:11A tough order, sir.
00:27:13A sudden attack out of space by an unidentified ship.
00:27:15Could it be space pirates, sir?
00:27:18The blast-off from Space Island was successful at 0814.
00:27:21Rocky Jones, Winky, and Veena Ray aboard.
00:27:25In daily communication, Rocky Jones reports flight without incident.
00:27:29Yesterday's message gobbled, and now out of contact.
00:27:32Must assume that Rocky is through the curtain
00:27:35and flying in the Ophiuchus formation.
00:27:49Winky, we've just entered the Ophiuchus formation.
00:27:54They should be spotting us any minute.
00:27:56Well, then we'd better be on the alert, Rocky.
00:27:59Right you are, Winky.
00:28:43Good to see you.
00:28:45Professor Newberry.
00:28:48The results of your experiment.
00:28:50Well, I haven't got them yet.
00:28:53Why not? You've had more than enough time.
00:28:55Yes, I know, but activating chemicals and alloys,
00:29:01it's a long and tedious task.
00:29:03It's like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
00:29:08But don't worry, Doc Antle.
00:29:10I'm not one to give up.
00:29:12Professor Newton, you're using the same formula as on Earth?
00:29:16Exactly. Oh, but tomorrow, tomorrow...
00:29:19And the same material!
00:29:21Do it, Professor Newton, and I find you won't cooperate.
00:29:25You know what that means!
00:29:27Let go of him! Leave him alone!
00:29:29Oh, Bobby!
00:29:34Professor Newton, you've been granted extraordinary privilege.
00:29:38Bobby has been near you and allowed a weekly visit.
00:29:41Proudly, I say, my own son does not know my face,
00:29:44as Bobby will not long remember yours.
00:29:53No, I won't go!
00:29:55Professor Newton!
00:30:00Doc Antle!
00:30:02Yes, Professor Newton?
00:30:04I pledge my complete cooperation.
00:30:07I thought you'd finally see it my way.
00:30:15How's she going, Rock?
00:30:18Look, Winky.
00:30:23Ah, the officiant beams picked us up, huh?
00:30:26But still no challenge?
00:30:28Not a word. I don't like it.
00:30:30Well, this is spook land for sure.
00:30:33Chokov, take the head.
00:30:35Yes, sir.
00:30:37I'll take the head.
00:30:39I'll take the head.
00:30:41I'll take the head.
00:30:42Spook land for sure.
00:30:44Chokovik and Sparkano. Chokovik.
00:30:47Sparkano and Officiant.
00:30:49Ah, that must be their challenge now.
00:30:52Space Ranger Ray, forward please.
00:30:57Translate the incoming message.
00:30:59Chokovik and Sparkano.
00:31:01It's a repeat to identify and state destination.
00:31:04Shall I answer an officiant, sir?
00:31:06No, not yet.
00:31:08They'll know the universal distress signal, Helipso.
00:31:10That's all I want them to know at the moment.
00:31:14Rocky Jones of the airship XV-2 in distress.
00:31:23Come in, XV-2, and declare nature of emergency.
00:31:27Starboard control rockets conked out.
00:31:29Request permission to land and repair.
00:31:32Do you know you've transgressed the officiant boundary?
00:31:36We could disintegrate you with no questions asked.
00:31:39My apologies. It was unavoidable.
00:31:42I now ask that you recognize Article 7 of our treaty.
00:31:46Rocky Jones.
00:31:48May I speak to someone in an authority?
00:31:51I am Cleolanta, the suzerain of Officius.
00:31:56Yes, I will respect the treaty.
00:31:59You have my permission to land.
00:32:02Ellipse our planet.
00:32:04We will then assign approach path and clearance.
00:32:06Vintendo untold.
00:32:08Vintendo untold.
00:32:10I guess that means roger and out.
00:32:13Catch on fast, Winky, it does.
00:32:15Winky, go aft to knock out one of the starboard rockets.
00:32:19Do enough damage so we'll have at least a week
00:32:21to find Professor Newton and Bobby while you make repairs.
00:32:24Oh, Rocky, all that work. Couldn't we just pretend?
00:32:27Order's orders. We've got to stay there a week.
00:32:29Go on now. Beat it.
00:32:36Fortunately, Griff prepared us for Rocky Jones' arrival.
00:32:39Now to prepare Professor Newton and the boy.
00:32:57Sit down, Bobby.
00:32:59Please, Cleolanta, I'd rather stand.
00:33:01Why'd you send for me?
00:33:03I said sit down.
00:33:07Are you enjoying your visit on Ophiuchus?
00:33:10It's not a visit. You're keeping us by force.
00:33:13You'll never let us leave.
00:33:15Professor Newton is very valuable to our cause.
00:33:18And to Bobby, if you study and prepare yourself.
00:33:22And cooperate.
00:33:24I don't like what you teach.
00:33:26And if you think you'll ever lick Earth
00:33:28and the united worlds of the solar system,
00:33:30you've got another thing coming.
00:33:33You may change your mind, Bobby.
00:33:36I don't think so.
00:34:36He's under our influence.
00:34:39From now on, little Bobby will be cooperating.
00:34:42Now, Professor Newton is next.
00:34:45Cleolanta, the professor has just pledged his complete cooperation.
00:34:48The work can't continue with the distortion of thoughts.
00:34:51We don't dare risk confusing his brain.
00:34:53That will be my decision, D'Argato.
00:34:55Right now, the report Rocky Jones will send back to Earth
00:34:59is more important.
00:35:07This is the XV-2, awaiting further landing instructions.
00:35:12This is Cleolanta, the suzerain of Ophiuchus.
00:35:16Come in, XV-2, and identify.
00:35:19This is Rocky Jones in the XV-2.
00:35:21We have ellipsed your planet.
00:35:23Now request landing instructions.
00:35:25Set controls for free fall.
00:35:27We will bring you in.
00:35:29When you land, I shall personally extend a welcome to Ophiuchus.
00:35:32Fintendo and Tov.
00:35:34Fintendo and Tov.
00:35:36Set for free fall?
00:35:38What a system.
00:35:40Say, maybe we got our word Ophiuchus from their name Ophiuchus, huh?
00:35:44I'm afraid you're right, Winky.
00:35:46Well, let's take a look before we land, huh?
00:35:52Free fall, sir.
00:35:57If that's not the biggest surprise of my life,
00:36:01If that's not the biggest building yet, I'll scramble Scorpio.
00:36:04What is it, Vena?
00:36:06An alcavary to Governor Knox.
00:36:08What's that in English?
00:36:10It means government headquarters.
00:36:12We'll be taken there.
00:36:14I hope we'll come back out.
00:36:16People have been known not to.
00:36:29I'm anxious to meet this fabulous Rocky Jones.
00:36:33This will be an unexpected pleasure.
00:36:36In more ways than one.
00:36:44You and your friends are free to come and go as you wish.
00:36:47See our country.
00:36:49Look into corners.
00:36:51Search our minds.
00:36:53We have nothing to hide.
00:36:55I only ask for a fair report when you return to Earth.
00:36:59Don't believe a word of it.
00:37:02How long will it take to repair your spaceship?
00:37:07A week, perhaps.
00:37:09We'll do the job as soon as possible.
00:37:11Why not enjoy your stay here, Mr. Jones,
00:37:14and let my technicians do the work?
00:37:16I insist.
00:37:18We can do a much better job, I assure you.
00:37:23Letting the rest of the universe know the truth about Ophiuchus
00:37:26is difficult, Mr. Jones.
00:37:27People who don't understand us go back with lurid tales.
00:37:31While those that do elect to remain and share our life with us
00:37:35in happiness here.
00:37:38Perhaps you know Professor Newton.
00:37:41I, uh...
00:37:43Why, yes, I do.
00:37:45John Ward, Bobby.
00:37:47Yes, I know them both very well.
00:37:49Then you must see them at once.
00:37:51I'd like to, Cleolanta.
00:37:58We're proud of our observatory, Rocky.
00:38:01I'll have Professor Newton show you around.
00:38:04The professor likes it here very much.
00:38:07As you know.
00:38:09Ah, so now it's Rocky, huh?
00:38:12And he's about to crack out with...
00:38:14You're some kid, Cleo.
00:38:16Oh, he's just playing around.
00:38:18I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:38:20I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:38:22I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:38:24I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:38:25You're some kid, Cleo.
00:38:27Oh, he's just playing it her way, stringing her along.
00:38:29Women always fall for that, you know.
00:38:42Professor Newton.
00:38:46Here are some friends.
00:38:48Hello, Professor.
00:38:50Hi, Professor.
00:38:53Of course, Rocky Jones and Winky.
00:38:58Well, well, this is indeed a pleasure and a surprise.
00:39:03Welcome, welcome to Ophiuchus.
00:39:06We'll leave you alone to enjoy the reunion.
00:39:09Oh, but there's no reason for you to leave, Cleolanta.
00:39:23This is like old times, isn't it, Rocky?
00:39:27Oh, Professor, you remember Veena Ray?
00:39:29Veena Ray?
00:39:31Well, it seems I should.
00:39:33It was during the exchange of scientists back on Earth
00:39:35that you gave me a medal given you by Secretary Drake, remember?
00:39:39I gave you a medal?
00:39:41Yes, don't you remember?
00:39:43Well, perhaps.
00:39:45But that's of no matter.
00:39:47Rocky, Rocky, isn't this a wonderful country?
00:39:50So exciting, so stimulating.
00:39:51And look, these instruments,
00:39:53things to work with beyond my wildest dreams.
00:39:57And where's Bobby, Professor?
00:40:02Why, of course, Bobby.
00:40:04I'll get him.
00:40:07Hey, maybe they got a bug planted in here
00:40:10so they can overhear our conversations.
00:40:12Maybe the Professor knows about it
00:40:14and he's putting on an act.
00:40:16Maybe, but that look in his eyes...
00:40:18He's not the same, Rocky.
00:40:19I know.
00:40:21Hi there, Bobby.
00:40:23The Space Ranger service hasn't been the same
00:40:25without you around under our heels.
00:40:27We sure miss you.
00:40:29Nice of you to say that, Winky.
00:40:31Welcome to Ophiuchus, Rocky.
00:40:33Oh, come on, Bobby.
00:40:35Let's see how much you've grown.
00:40:37You used to come up to here, you know.
00:40:39Height alone isn't the measurement of a man.
00:40:49Hello, Bobby.
00:40:51Do you see any changes?
00:40:53Nothing appreciable.
00:40:55Remember, you were going to Captain One
00:40:57just like her when you grew up.
00:40:59And none of that newfangled stuff, boys.
00:41:01She's got to be just like the orbit jet.
00:41:03I'll captain a spaceship someday
00:41:05and she'll run rings around the orbit jet.
00:41:08Maybe we'll meet up in space against each other.
00:41:11And I'll like that.
00:41:15I'd like to go back to the observatory
00:41:17All right, Bobby.
00:41:32Vena, take Bobby back to the observatory, please.
00:41:36Goodbye, Bobby.
00:41:40So long, Robbie.
00:41:42Nothing, huh?
00:41:43And I thought going through the orbit jet
00:41:45would bring him back to his senses.
00:41:47Boy, if we could get him back on Earth for a while,
00:41:49they'd come to their senses quick enough.
00:41:51Hey, maybe we could figure out a way to...
00:41:54We go by the rule of freedom
00:41:56and a man's right to make his own decisions.
00:41:58Professor Newton and Bobby
00:42:00want to stay here on Ophiuchus,
00:42:02so there's nothing we can do about it.
00:42:14We used to be friends.
00:42:16I'm sorry it's different now.
00:42:18Goodbye, Bobby.
00:42:40Bobby, what's the matter?
00:42:41I don't know.
00:42:43I feel sort of dizzy, as if I wasn't myself.
00:42:45Here, I'll help you up the stairs.
00:42:49It's cold, it's a prison,
00:42:51just like the rest of Ophiuchus.
00:42:53Say that again, Bobby.
00:42:55No, no, I don't know what I'm saying.
00:42:57Vena, I was just on the orbit jet
00:42:59with Rocky, wasn't I?
00:43:01Yes, Bobby, you were.
00:43:03Please, Vena, go get Rocky for me.
00:43:05I want to talk to him right away.
00:43:07Of course, Bobby.
00:43:09Hurry, Vena!
00:43:11There's a mission we'd like to blast off at O-300.
00:43:14So soon?
00:43:16Does this mean you don't like it here?
00:43:18I would like to prolong your visit, Rocky.
00:43:21And I would rather you didn't.
00:43:25Hey, Vena!
00:43:27Looking for me?
00:43:29Where's Rocky?
00:43:31I got a call from Cleolanta.
00:43:33What's reverse English for the government building?
00:43:35That's what the man said, that's where Rocky is.
00:43:37Thanks, Winky.
00:43:41Do I have permission to blast off at O-300?
00:43:43You have no right to detain us, you know.
00:43:45Please, Rocky, sit down.
00:43:48Perhaps you'd rather blast off earlier.
00:43:52The time you left Earth?
00:43:54How did you learn that?
00:43:57I also knew of the attack by an unknown spaceship.
00:44:01And a great many other things.
00:44:04Shall I go on?
00:44:08This is very interesting.
00:44:09Please do.
00:44:11For instance,
00:44:13your mission to bring back Professor Newton.
00:44:16And the boy.
00:44:20But they don't want to go back, do they, Rocky?
00:44:25And maybe you won't want to go back either.
00:44:28Any more than they do.
00:45:27D'Arganto! D'Arganto! See me at once!
00:45:33You've got to come with us, Professor. I want to go back.
00:45:36No. I refuse. I refuse to leave Ophiuchus.
00:45:40This is my adopted land, and I prefer to remain here.
00:45:44He doesn't mean it, Crocky. He doesn't know what he's saying.
00:45:47Oh, Bobby.
00:45:49Please, Crocky, get us out of here. Right away.
00:46:00Me and Unwinky are standing by at the spaceship.
00:46:02Now, we've been allowed to come and go as we wish.
00:46:04If we're lucky, we can make it for a fast blast-off.
00:46:06Oh, no! Ah, D'Arganto, my good friend!
00:46:12The professor and Bobby, the condomando.
00:46:15Come along, Bobby. Come along.
00:46:17I've already told them we prefer to remain here.
00:46:22No, I won't go.
00:46:24I want to stay with Crocky.
00:46:34Yes, D'Arganto?
00:46:36Rocky Jones was trying to force Professor Newton to leave Ophiuchus.
00:46:39And the boy?
00:46:41He's been... He's been influenced, Cleolanta.
00:46:44Have Rocky Jones step forward.
00:46:54So this is the way you repay the freedom I have granted you.
00:47:00Yes, Cleolanta?
00:47:02It will be his decision to remain on Ophiuchus.
00:47:18D'Arganto! D'Arganto!
00:48:01Who told you about my flight to Ophiuchus?
00:48:04Who's your man on Earth?
00:48:07Tell me! Who's your spy on our planet?
00:48:09Griff. Griff from the Space Ranger Service.
00:48:12Did you say Griff?
00:48:55You can't lick a couple of space rangers, can you, Bobby?
00:49:05Quick, Bobby, open the ladder.
00:49:15Hey, Vena, here comes Rocky with the professor and Bobby.
00:49:18It looks like trouble. We'd better prepare for blast-off.
00:49:21I'm the double, Vena.
00:49:23Secure blast-off harness and ascend ladder.
00:49:26I'll take care of it.
00:49:28I'll take care of it.
00:49:30I'll take care of it.
00:49:32Secure blast-off harness and ascend ladder.
00:49:34What was that last thing, Winky? Do what you want?
00:49:37Never mind, I'll get it.
00:49:42Secure for blast-off.
00:49:46Rocky, we're blasting off.
00:50:03Good work, Vena.
00:50:05I wonder how our passengers are.
00:50:07Rocky Jones, for instance.
00:50:10Griff. Traitor, right in headquarters.
00:50:17What are you frowning about, Rocky?
00:50:19You've won. The adventure's about over.
00:50:21You're right, Vena.
00:50:23It's all over.
00:50:25It's all over.
00:50:27It's all over.
00:50:29It's all over, Rocky.
00:50:31You've won. The adventure's about over.
00:50:33That's what you think.
00:50:35Just wait and see.
00:50:52Congratulations for a fine blast-off.
00:50:54Thanks, Rocky.
00:50:56Thank you, sir.
00:50:58Now I'm talking to you,
00:51:00even though you are my commanding officer.
00:51:02Rocky, why don't you get that serious look off your face once in a while?
00:51:06I'll take over, Vena.
00:51:08You better go back with Professor Newton and Bobby.
00:51:10They may need some attention.
00:51:12They've had a rough time.
00:51:13Yes, sir.
00:51:19Ah, the woman's touch.
00:51:21But who's going to say anything against it?
00:51:23Hey, how's the professor, Rocky?
00:51:25Fairly confused at the moment.
00:51:28Keeps saying, why are you taking me away from Lopecious?
00:51:31And he rubs his head and can't understand why he said a thing like that.
00:51:34Gosh, that must have been some powerful treatment he got up there.
00:51:37Yes, he still acts as if his brain had been paralyzed.
00:51:40But he's coming around.
00:51:58This is weakness, Cleolanta.
00:52:00The ship must be destroyed.
00:52:02Or is it because Rocky Jones is aboard?
00:52:05Your great mistake was in trying to keep him here.
00:52:07I'm going to give the orders to...
00:52:08I give the orders, D'Arganto.
00:52:10Not you or anyone.
00:52:12Cleolanta, if they even reach our communication zone,
00:52:14we lose our best ally on Earth.
00:52:16Our own man and their headquarters.
00:52:18You mean Griff?
00:52:20Rocky knows we have an ally on Earth.
00:52:22But Rocky can't possibly know that.
00:52:25But he can, Cleolanta.
00:52:26He knows I...
00:52:29You told him?
00:52:31I was forced to.
00:52:33And you are the strong one.
00:52:35You're a weakling and a traitor.
00:52:37I had no intention of allowing them to go beyond our reach.
00:52:41But neither am I prepared to invite a war just now.
00:52:46In a moment, we'll falsely magnetize their instruments.
00:52:49If the orbit jet crashes into the ship,
00:52:52it's not our responsibility.
00:52:56That will help correct your mistake.
00:53:06What do you bet they're just pretending to let us get away?
00:53:12Heads, they blast us.
00:53:14Tails, they don't, huh?
00:53:16The odds aren't that good.
00:53:18If they can't hurt us, they can't hurt us.
00:53:20The odds aren't that good.
00:53:22If they can't have Professor Newton on their side,
00:53:24they certainly don't want him on ours.
00:53:27Well, it's clear sailing ahead.
00:53:29That is, unless they decide to blast us.
00:53:32Is it manual control, Rocky?
00:53:34No, we'll go by instruments.
00:53:36Conserve all power for this long hop, Winky.
00:53:41You know, Winky,
00:53:43it's hard to understand how a man raised on our Earth
00:53:45could fall in line with the Ophiuchians
00:53:47and become a spy for them against us.
00:53:50They got one of those things crawling around?
00:53:54And in the Space Ranger's surface.
00:53:58Oh, you must be kidding. Galloping galaxies.
00:54:00I can't believe it. Do you know who it is?
00:54:10Hey, Griff's at headquarters.
00:54:12That's right.
00:54:14I don't understand it, but looking back,
00:54:16I can believe it.
00:54:18Griff had a lot of time piled up,
00:54:20including a hop to Ophiuchus.
00:54:22That's when the bug bit him.
00:54:24That's when he fell for their phony philosophy.
00:54:26Yeah, go on.
00:54:28Then he took advantage of off-Earth time
00:54:30to ask us for an office assignment
00:54:32so he could spy for them.
00:54:34Knife and comets. The guy must have got moon fever.
00:54:36He must be nuts to do a thing like that.
00:54:38Well, it's hard to explain a traitor, Winky, but...
00:54:40Well, his main purpose
00:54:42was to infiltrate the heart of our operations.
00:54:44That explains why the Ophiuchians
00:54:46didn't seem to know what we were going to do
00:54:48before we did it. Griff tipped them off.
00:54:54Gosh, Rocky,
00:54:56wait till Secretary Drake hears this
00:54:58and realizes that his own assistant...
00:55:00Yes, I know.
00:55:02Well, we'd better bring the log up to date
00:55:04and seal it.
00:55:08And so I...
00:55:10I was forced to make my declaration
00:55:12as I did.
00:55:14Oh, but I hoped you wouldn't believe it,
00:55:16that you'd understand that I was being
00:55:20Please, Professor, calm yourself.
00:55:22We understand.
00:55:24Mina, please, come forward to make an entry in the log.
00:55:26Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
00:55:28At your service, sir.
00:55:30Don't worry, Professor.
00:55:32I said things just as bad,
00:55:34if not worse.
00:55:36I told Rocky I wanted to go up against him
00:55:38in a space fight,
00:55:40and I was going to lick him.
00:55:42Oh, you little
00:55:44Bobby said that?
00:55:50And also during this mission,
00:55:54a power in the Ophiuchus Formation,
00:55:56admitted under stress that their agent
00:55:58on Earth is Griff.
00:56:00Yes, Mr. Secretary,
00:56:04The time is now 1535,
00:56:06and we're still within the boundaries of the Ophiuchus Formation.
00:56:08You got that?
00:56:10Mr. Secretary,
00:56:12as an integral part
00:56:14of the log of this flight of the XV-2,
00:56:16I wish
00:56:18to make the following entry.
00:56:20I have never had
00:56:22so fine a crew.
00:56:24As an integral part
00:56:26of the log of this flight.
00:56:32this includes me.
00:56:34Go on, Mina, there's more.
00:56:40Sorry, sir.
00:56:42There's only one T
00:56:44in integral.
00:56:50Wait a minute.
00:57:04Southern satellites.
00:57:06That was too close for comfort.
00:57:08So Rocky Jones
00:57:10wasn't going to get beyond our reach, hmm?
00:57:14I have another plan.
00:57:24You know, Winky,
00:57:26I'm sure glad there's only one T in integral.
00:57:34Hey, listen, Rocky.
00:57:36We're finally in clear contact with Space Station RV-5.
00:57:38Now to relay the message to Earth.
00:57:40Ah, hoppin' Hercules.
00:57:42Won't Secretary Drake be glad to hear we have the Professor
00:57:44and Bobby aboard?
00:57:46Yes, he will, but our first report has to be unfavorable.
00:57:50Oh, because Griff might intercept it, huh?
00:57:54Our first report has to be aimed at Griff, not at Drake.
00:57:56You see, the spaceship we destroyed
00:57:58must have been their communication link
00:58:00between Earth and Ophiuchus.
00:58:02Now, that leaves Griff in the dark as to late developments.
00:58:04We've got to keep him that way.
00:58:06Hmm, I getcha.
00:58:08So until we land back at headquarters,
00:58:10it's safer to let Griff think our flight was a failure.
00:58:16The XV-2 calling Space Station RV-5.
00:58:18Reporting on Operation Haystack.
00:58:22Mission unsuccessful.
00:58:26All right, Rocky.
00:58:28I'll relay the message to Drake.
00:58:30Over and out.
00:58:34I guess you can't win all the time.
00:58:36Clark to Secretary Drake.
00:58:40Operation Haystack.
00:58:42Come in. Headquarters of Space Affairs.
00:58:44Hold on, Clark. I'll call Secretary Drake.
00:58:54Mr. Secretary. Yes, Griff.
00:58:56Space Station RV-5 reporting, sir, on Operation Haystack.
00:58:58So Rocky made it back.
00:59:04Mr. Secretary Drake,
00:59:06send a message over to the Scrambler, Clark.
00:59:10Ready here, sir.
00:59:12Proceed, Clark.
00:59:18Mission unsuccessful.
00:59:20Professor Newton and Bobby,
00:59:22without apparent influence,
00:59:24seem sincere and determined in their desire
00:59:26to remain on the alien planet.
00:59:28This is a blow to our country, Griff.
00:59:30A staggering blow to the United States.
00:59:32A staggering blow to the United Worlds of the solar system.
00:59:34Yes, sir.
00:59:36Sorry, I had to send this kind of a message, Mr. Secretary.
00:59:38Over and out.
00:59:40Over and out.
01:00:00Space Station RV-5.
01:00:02Space Rangership XV-2.
01:00:04Come in, XV-2.
01:00:06XV-2 reporting.
01:00:08Pickup by magnetic coupler complete.
01:00:10We'll put you in.
01:00:12Well, how about it, Rocky?
01:00:14You all in one piece this time,
01:00:16or should I alert the patch crew?
01:00:18All in one piece, Clark.
01:00:20See you soon. Out.
01:00:22Ah, the defeated warriors returneth home.
01:00:24What a surprise this is going to be.
01:00:30How are we coming, Rocky?
01:00:32Everything super stellar?
01:00:34Super stellar, Bobby.
01:00:36How do you feel with Space Station RV-5?
01:00:38Oh, boy. Now to get out and run the hundred.
01:00:40Rocky, I'll bet that way up here
01:00:42on the space island...
01:00:44Sorry, Bobby.
01:00:46I know we all want to get out and stretch our legs a bit,
01:00:48but right now, Professor Newton,
01:00:50it's best if you and Bobby stay out of sight in the ship.
01:00:52Oh, don't worry about us, Rocky.
01:00:54We'll do our stretching on Earth, huh?
01:00:56Thanks, Professor.
01:00:58Oh, Rocky,
01:01:00don't lose your faith in people.
01:01:02Remember, it's the exception
01:01:04that proves the rule.
01:01:34W-O-A to Griff. Come in, Griff.
01:01:42W-O-A to Griff.
01:01:44Come in, Griff.
01:01:46Griff to W-O-A.
01:01:48Come in and identify.
01:01:50This is Dark Ganto.
01:01:52Dark Ganto?
01:01:54Everything going as planned. Why chance a call at this time?
01:01:56Working as planned.
01:01:58What report have you received on the Rocky Jones flight?
01:02:00Mission unsuccessful.
01:02:02Professor Newton remaining unofficious.
01:02:04That's a lie, Griff. A scheme to trap you.
01:02:06One moment.
01:02:32Trap me, Dark Ganto?
01:02:34Yes, you. Rocky has proof of your being our agent on Earth.
01:02:36The professor and the boy are with him in the orbit jet.
01:02:38They've told him.
01:02:40Get me off of here before they get back.
01:02:42Listen, Griff.
01:02:44One man strategically placed for sabotage
01:02:46has greater power than an army.
01:02:48I've done your work, Dark Ganto. Now get me off of here.
01:02:50Use your power, Griff.
01:02:52Wait for the orbit jet to land,
01:02:54and then destroy the headquarters of Space Affairs.
01:02:56What about me? Am I so expendable?
01:02:58I didn't say that, but your duty comes first.
01:03:00You may need help.
01:03:02So call in Ramez.
01:03:04The job is important, Griff. You are important.
01:03:06Ramez is expendable.
01:03:08Over and out.
01:03:10A traitor in that uniform.
01:03:12Space Rangers and traitors.
01:03:14They don't go together.
01:03:40Yes, Griff?
01:04:06Ramez, report to headquarters of Space Affairs
01:04:08immediately for special assignment.
01:04:10I'll clear you through the gates.
01:04:12You have a confidential report for Secretary Drake.
01:04:28Secure for blast-off.
01:04:32Home again. Home again.
01:04:34Jiggity Jupiter.
01:04:36It'll be super stellar when we get back on Earth once more.
01:04:56Clear Space Station. We're in free fall.
01:04:58Firing rockets in two seconds.
01:05:06The XV-2 calling Office of Space Affairs.
01:05:08Come in, please.
01:05:12Office of Space Affairs to XV-2. Come in.
01:05:14We're out of Space Station RV-5
01:05:16and about to start primary breaking ellipse of Earth.
01:05:18Glad to have you back, Rocky.
01:05:20What's your landing time?
01:05:22Approximately 0800.
01:05:24Where's Secretary Drake?
01:05:26He's out of the zone. Any message?
01:05:28No. Just hello.
01:05:30See you in the morning, Griff.
01:05:48Rocky Jones says to say hello.
01:05:50Behave yourself. I'm going to need you.
01:05:56Come on.
01:06:06All right.
01:06:18Haul us down to the first section.
01:06:36Take her down to the second section
01:06:38while I plant and wire this one.
01:07:06Welcome home, Rocky.
01:07:28XV-2 calling Office of Space Affairs.
01:07:30Come in, please.
01:07:32Office of Space Affairs to the XV-2.
01:07:34Office of Space Affairs to the XV-2. Come in.
01:07:36I wonder where Drake is.
01:07:40Completing final breaking ellipse.
01:07:42Landing time now determined 0814.
01:07:44Requesting clearance.
01:07:46We'll be ready for you, Rocky.
01:07:54Landing is 0814.
01:07:56Would you set your timer for 0830?
01:07:58That'll make an error of 16 minutes,
01:08:00which will give us time to blast off.
01:08:02We'll find it.
01:08:12Come in.
01:08:14You're coming with me, Drake,
01:08:16just in case Rocky has some ideas
01:08:18that don't go along with mine.
01:08:32Come on.
01:09:02Come on.
01:09:32Stay where you are.
01:09:34I'll go out alone.
01:10:02So you left crew and passengers aboard, eh?
01:10:04Well, that's all right with me.
01:10:12Now, Rocky, switch on blast-off synchronizer.
01:10:16Go ahead.
01:10:32Start climbing.
01:10:52Ramos, take charge of the ship.
01:11:02Hold it.
01:11:04Stay right there.
01:11:06Griff will be here to take the ship off.
01:11:24You better be glad you're going along with us.
01:11:26Now move.
01:11:32Griff, don't turn around.
01:11:34Don't make one false move.
01:11:36Toss your weapon over the side.
01:12:02Take her off, Winky.
01:12:04But, Rocky.
01:12:06Yeah, come on, quick, quick, take her off.
01:12:08Go with the synchronizer.
01:12:10That's an order.
01:12:12Rocky, stop him.
01:12:14Get us aboard.
01:12:16We don't know what you're doing.
01:12:32What am I doing, Griff?
01:12:34I've got the whole headquarters planted.
01:12:36Any minute now, any second, we're going up in smoke.
01:12:38Then you better go pull some switches
01:12:40if you want to live.
01:12:42I'll try it.
01:12:44Come on.
01:13:02Come on, Griff.
01:13:32No Space Ranger's going to put anything over on me.
01:14:02Come on, Griff.
01:14:32XB-2 to Office of Space Affairs.
01:14:34Come in, Office of Space Affairs.
01:14:36Office of Space Affairs to the XB-2.
01:14:38Come in, Office of Space Affairs.
01:14:40Well, Mr. Secretary,
01:14:42I must say this is quite a twist
01:14:44by being the first to say
01:14:46that I'm the XB-2.
01:14:48You're a little bit more than a XB-2.
01:14:50You're a little bit more than a XB-2.
01:14:52I'm not a XB-2.
01:14:54I'm a XB-3.
01:14:56I'm a XB-3.
01:14:58I'm a XB-3.
01:15:00I must say this is quite a twist
01:15:02by being on the receiving end here.
01:15:04But everything's under control.
01:15:06You can return to base.
01:15:08State landing time.
01:15:10We're all clear for you.
01:15:12We'll come in now, Rocky, and congratulations.
01:15:14Mission successful, thanks to you.
01:15:30The End
